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14180910 No.14180910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Christcucks BTFO

>> No.14180927
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>> No.14180930
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Based. How will they ever recover?

>> No.14180934
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>science and religion are opposites

>> No.14180944

both cannot ever claim to actually arrive at truth. Yet, they are both practical, and that is why we use them.

>> No.14180946
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>> No.14180949

Science it's politicized these days and it's not to be trusted. Example: there is only two sexes but some faggot in the 50s came up with this "gender" term and now in 2019 identity disorders like men believing they're women have been reclassified as normal without any scientific reason but rather purely for political reasons.

>> No.14180951
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I don't like christcucks either but everyone needs to get redpilled on Whitehead

>> No.14180957
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>> No.14180958
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>Science it's politicized these days and it's not to be trusted.

>> No.14180959

>Ignore contradicting evidence
Remind me what the evidence for atheism is?

>> No.14180960

Anon what am I looking at here?

>> No.14180964
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>let me oversimplify it so it looks like I won

>> No.14180965

>Flat earth
>Great Flood
>Earth 6000 years old

>> No.14180966

You are the one that is politicizing science. The findings are that sex is on a spectrum.

>> No.14180978

Big Bang
Problem of Evil
Divine Hiddeness
All arguments for God failing
Omnipotence paradox
The creator of time can't have free will
A being needs to be temporal to create the world

>> No.14180985

Big Bang and Evolution were proposed by Christians, though. Religion and science can go hand in hand if you think about it.

>> No.14180989

why would social roles and identification have 'scientific reasons'? what would that even look like?

>> No.14180998
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>> No.14181000

>Nobel Laureate James Peebles Dislikes The 'Big Bang' Theory


>> No.14181015

>Big Bang
What caused it?
Doesn't conflict with Christian worldview
>Problem of Evil
How does "evil" exist without an objective moral standard?
>Divine Hiddeness
How is God hidden when He has revealed Himself to humanity through nature, through his Word, and through Jesus Christ, and when most of the population of the world believes in Him?
>All arguments for God failing
Like the ones that you listed above that have already been refuted?
>Omnipotence paradox
How is omnipotence a paradox?
>The creator of time can't have free will
God by his very nature is the embodiment of free will. I don't understand what you mean by this.
>A being needs to be temporal to create the world
A being needs to be constrained by time to create time? Nonsensical.

>> No.14181024

Women are weak. Men are strong. Women have babies. Men provide for them. It's pretty straightforward and universal across all cultures. It's not even a hint by Nature. It IS Nature.
Anomalies and abnormalities should be treated, not accepted as normal.

>> No.14181026


>> No.14181045


>> No.14181090


perform experiment>does the evidence support the idea?>no>perform experiment such that it does>i'm pickle rick

>> No.14181093
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You ask me: What is the most fundamental error of all these religions? There are many errors and they are all fundamental, but first I would like to talk about the most fundamental. The most fundamental error of all the religions is that none of them was courageous enough to accept that there are things which we don't know. They all pretended to know everything, they all pretended to know all, that they were all omniscient.

Why did this happen? - because if you accept that you are ignorant about something then doubt arises in the minds of your followers. If you are ignorant about something, who knows? - you may be ignorant about other things also. What is the guarantee? To make it foolproof, they have all pretended, without exception, that they are omniscient.

The most beautiful thing about science is that it does not pretend to be omniscient.

Science does not pretend to be omniscient; it accepts its human limits. It knows how much it knows, and it knows that there is much more to know. And the greatest scientists know of something even deeper. The known, they know the boundaries of; the knowable they will know sooner or later - they are on the way.

>> No.14181096

Bible doesn't actually say how old the Earth is, the 6,000 year figure is arrived at by adding up all the dates mentioned in the Bible in the 20th century when American proddie laity started rejecting the understanding of evolution and other scientific concepts.
Legitimately, the first book that argues for a young Earth was published in 1923 by a Seventh Day Adventist.
Meanwhile, Catholic scientists (Gregory Mendel) did a lot of the groundwork that would prove evolution, and the Church itself basically didn't comment on it until 1950 when they said it was entirely compatible with the Bible.
The Great Flood, yeah that's kind of dumb, but of course it's a pretty common myth in the Near East.

>> No.14181109
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>The most beautiful thing about science is that it does not pretend to be omniscient.
Except when you disagree with Global Warming, then Greta calls you a bigot.

>> No.14181111
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>religion is retarded because they rely on faith!!!
>no wait, religion is retarded because they claim to know everything!!!

>> No.14181114

Oh, and the Bible doesn't comment on the shape of the Earth either, and flat Earth was never a common theory after the Classical Period.

>> No.14181130

kys dumb niggers

>> No.14181131

>and flat Earth was never a common theory after the Classical Period.
In Europe, surprisingly the Chinese kept believing it up until the 16th century.

>> No.14181133
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i wonder how greta feels about india and china...

>> No.14181144
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go suck bill nye's wrinkly cock you faggot

>> No.14181148

Treat additional chromosomes by..? Or you could stop being so fragile that divergent chromosomes shakes you to your core.

>> No.14181151

Osho fag is seething

>> No.14181158

How dare you!

>> No.14181172

More like:
>Get research grant
>Structure experiment to get result funders want
>Does the evidence support the idea?
>If not, change alpha value on your statistical analysis so that it does

>> No.14181197

>have idea
>check if its in the desert manual
>if it isn't, make up your own interpretation about some obscure passage
>countries with over a billion people produce more
Great finding. Now go search CO2 per capita.

>> No.14181298

Science side
> ignore current replication crisis and believe every social study without question

>> No.14181312

based and redpilled

>> No.14181313

>CO2 per capita.
China will reach and surpass America in the next few decades.
Also, the climate doesn't give a shit about per capita.
You're the kind of fag that clapped his baboon hands at the stories in the 90s where Chinese rode bicycles everywhere, only for them to get rich and buy cars by the hundreds of millions.

>> No.14181315

Nope, it doesn't co2 per capita doesn't justify the massive population growth along with massive increase in co2, no matter how small co2 per capita is.

>> No.14181322

Only social scientists do this. Other scientists in other fields ignore them and only get news about these fields through mainstream media just like everyone else.