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14175027 No.14175027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I reconcile my misogyny with my Christianity. I can't wrap my head around God creating women. I see women as manipulative Apes by men as fallen angels. How do I solve this? (inb4 have sex I am married and have sex fairly regularly)

>> No.14175034

God didn't create woman. Evolution did.

>> No.14175038

The absolute state of /lit/ Catholics

>> No.14175040

I’m curious as to what kind of women you surround yourself with.

>> No.14175045

Have you even read the bible? It shits on women all the time

>> No.14175056


>> No.14175084

You can't. If you truly wanted to emulate Jesus, you'd work on being more like him. Sadly for you, that involves not hating women.

Who cares what the Old Testament and the Apostles do? And don't get me started on fucking Paul, that pretender. I swear, most Christians nowadays forget that there is ONE man we must emulate at all costs and that is Jesus.

>> No.14175106
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Cringe and kosherpilled

+++Gen 2+++
18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. 19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. 20And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
+++Gen 3+++
16Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

>> No.14175114
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>these are the people larping as catholics on 4chan(nel)

>> No.14175115

>Cringe and kosherpilled
I am christian. But I guess I'm kosher.

>> No.14175133

You don't, You're sinning by believing yourself above another sinner while you're just as despicable as them even If perhaps in different ways. Confess and pray for guidance.

>> No.14175140

god made woman imperfect in order to test man (because man refused god's initial offer at asexuality). she failed him because she herself had too much curiosity, which stemmed from the obvious differences between herself and the man she was created from, and her desire to create which is linked to her understanding of her own creation - of another living creature like adam and not of god.

in return god punishes man and woman to coexist on the earth forever, and depend on each other in order to keep existing by making the act of creation joyful and painful, a great desire and happiness but also a miserable tragedy and failure, as a lot of the early babies and pregnancies would have ended in death and complications.

it is illogical inside the christian faith to see women and men as anything other than sinners. women always sin against men, who sin against god, and a man must keep order of a woman lest she also sin against god, and she must keep a man so that she can create and fullfill her deepest desire to be a mother.

a father is a father twice, once when he takes a woman as a wife, and then again when she blesses him with children. whereas a mother is a mother three times, the first when she bleeds, the second when she marries, then the third when she cares for her husband in old age and watches him die and her life is now alone and rudderless, punished for the last time in this living world before she enters the judgement of the afterlife and is measured accordingly.

>> No.14175141

An actually good and Christian answer.

>> No.14175145

That's a lot of non-Canon assumptions, brother

>> No.14175146
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Every woman knows Mary in her heart, the protector of home and children. But woman also has a serpent whispering in her ear, deceiving her. Just as Adam was created to mediate Heaven and Earth, interacting with women is often a balance between these two forces. You must gently but firmly cut out the serpent from her heart, just like you would do with yourself. It takes a lifetime, and you will need to be armed to the teeth with mercy and forgiveness.

>> No.14175150

catholicism is heretical

>> No.14175152


>> No.14175154
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>catholicism is heretical

>> No.14175156

Making up interpretations of the Bible and not just following Jesus is heretical

>> No.14175158
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repent or burn faggot

>> No.14175161

>thou shall commit adultery
Seriously stop.

>> No.14175162

Butthurt Protestant detected

>> No.14175164

Following Jesus in any way is making interpretations. There's no way around.

>> No.14175172

take your spilled sphaghetti-os back to rome and prep the papal bull

>> No.14175175
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>> No.14175182
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>> No.14175183
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something something sophia/the holy spirit refusing any incarnation/instantiation so all women are byproducts of men so not really women and the fact that you observe this and want the real woman actually makes you not misogynistic

>> No.14175184

Tell that to St.Peter

>> No.14175191

This is why being gay is the apex of moral correctness

>> No.14175192

Not good ones by the tone of his post.

>> No.14175193

Enjoy your female """" pastor""" and fag marriages.

>> No.14175242

>female pastors
Oh good, more men are free for me to fuck and marry

>> No.14175245

Enjoy your gay ((priests)) and child rape

>> No.14175292
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give pic related a shot. I haven't gotten to it yet but my brother says it is good.

>> No.14175301

Repent lest Jesus cometh like unto a thief in the night and buttrapeth thee with his circumcised SHLONG

>> No.14175309

You telling me you wouldn't consent to Jesus? That's wack bro

>> No.14175439


And a great clap of thunder will come out of a great force that is above all the forces of chaos, where the firmament of the woman is situated. Having created the first product, she will put away the wise fire of intelligence and clothe herself with witless wrath. Then she will pursue the gods of chaos, whom she created along with the prime parent. She will cast them down into the abyss. They will be obliterated because of their wickedness. For they will come to be like volcanoes and consume one another until they perish at the hand of the prime parent. When he has destroyed them, he will turn against himself and destroy himself until he ceases to exist.

And their heavens will fall one upon the next and their forces will be consumed by fire. Their eternal realms, too, will be overturned. And his heaven will fall and break in two. His [...] will fall down upon the [...] support them; they will fall into the abyss, and the abyss will be overturned.

The light will [...] the darkness and obliterate it: it will be like something that has never been. And the product to which the darkness had been posterior will dissolve. And the deficiency will be plucked out by the root (and thrown) down into the darkness. And the light will withdraw up to its root. And the glory of the unbegotten will appear. And it will fill all the eternal realm.

When the prophecy and the account of those that are king becomes known and is fulfilled by those who are called perfect, those who - in contrast - have not become perfect in the unbegotten father will receive their glory in their realms and in the kingdoms of the immortals: but they will never enter the kingless realm. For everyone must go to the place from which he has come. Indeed, by his acts and his knowledge, each person will make his (own) nature known.

>> No.14176329

Christianity is a cucked women-hating religion so you'd have to abandon your Jewish prophet first to start working on your misogyny

>> No.14176378

All women are byproducts of men? This is an extremely vague claim. So, you are telling me that all women walking around are simply lightless flesh vessels?

>> No.14176389
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