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14174254 No.14174254 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me that reality exists

>> No.14174270

It doesn’t. However, cogito ergo sum.

>> No.14174276

*beats you up
Heh, is that pain real enough for you?

>> No.14174281

inb4 "if reality doesn't exist just kys"

>> No.14174285

if reality doesn't exist just kys

>> No.14174296

Brahman exists

>> No.14174306

Go outside, remove shoe, kick nearest brick wall.

>> No.14174321
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it doesn't

>> No.14174330

Define "exists" and "reality."

>> No.14174363

*Punches you*

Oh was that not real? It didnt exist? Guess ill do it again

>> No.14174382

This. Please do this OP. Dumb stupid anime iphone nigger
Reality cannot be known through thinking, but it can be known through action. Thinking is just a dream phenomenon. The moment you act you have become part of reality. Reality is activity, action. Thinking is just a fragment. When you act you are total; whatsoever the action your whole being is involved in it. Thinking goes on in a part of the mind; your whole being is not involved. Without you, thinking can continue as an automatic process.

This has to be understood deeply. This is one of the most basic things for those who are in search of truth and not in search of any theory. Religion and philosophy are distinct in this sense: religion is action, philosophy is thinking.


>> No.14174383


>> No.14174440
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>> No.14174515

*rams your head into the wall*

Well that doesn't exist, so you can't be mad!

>> No.14174962

What is the Cogito ergo sum but for reality as a whole
Why can't I just tell people who say that reality isn't real or that nothing exists that they're full of shit

>> No.14176229

How is that liberal? OP hasn't fucking defined the terms. If you define them one way it's impossible to say reality doesn't exist. For it to make sense that reality doesn't exist you have to define either reality, existence, or both narrowly.

>> No.14176240

I will not. Now you are forced to justify the existence of reality in order for your argument to disappear into the void. Heh, nothing personell.

>> No.14176246

>Cogito Ergo Sum
Is there any less based argument? This statement is literally meaningless. Read Kierkegaard.

>> No.14176249

Reality exists.

That which exists, exists.

>> No.14176257

That’s where I stopped reading.

>> No.14176263
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that's good, because it was the end of the post

>> No.14177364

trick question


>> No.14177383

a bloo bloo

>> No.14177695

i can smell youre dumb nigger stink through my monitor, your metaphysics of action bullshit is retarded. kill yourself

>> No.14177701
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>> No.14177707

If you doubt that reality exists, then why did you bother using this nonreal computer (let's not kid ourselves, smartphone) to post a nonreal message on a nonreal activityless placeless image board?

>> No.14177931


>> No.14178052


>> No.14178059

Kick your wall barefoot as hard as you can.

>> No.14178074

it doesn't, OP
people think their perspective/perception is reality, or that ideology is reality

>> No.14178077

It doesn't.

Source: a YouTube video of Zizek

>> No.14178104

thinking is action too but few can do it properly

>> No.14178154

The fact you are asking this question, or that you even have a notion of "reality" shows both an innate and experiential understanding of reality. From this, it is fine to ponder the exact nature of reality. Many philosophers have even denied the ontological reality of the material world in favor of Being, for instance.

>> No.14178388

Define "define" and "and".

>> No.14178417

Zizek? I think you mean Khhli-khhleckhh
* wipes spit from eye *

>> No.14178436

Exists: that which is real.
Real: that which exists.

>> No.14178511

yup, that's what your fucking geek ass looks like now. I guess we've proven that reality exists.

>> No.14178753

Because he is imagining it all. Including me writing this post, because I definitively exist.

>> No.14178756

you're lookin at it kiddo

>> No.14178981
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It doesn’t matter if it exists or not, it’s still a nuisance you have to deal with.

>> No.14179144

Reality is self evident

>> No.14179167

*BUUUUUURRRPPPPPP* How real is that kiddo *BRRRRRAAAAAPPPPP* hehe sorry

>> No.14179500

walk around your room and bump into some shit

>> No.14179522

>Senses are proof that reality exists
Absolute brainlet

>> No.14179753

why does it matter bro just chill out life can be pretty chill if u be chillin and a) reality exists, that's chill or b) reality doesn't even exist so why worry?

>> No.14179757
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No matter where you go, there you are.

>> No.14180222

Exists: To be a priori there
Reality: The collective world/universe shared by all things

>> No.14180483

If you think "you" can be "convinced" then you already believe it.

>> No.14181642

>observing a basket weaving forum on his comp screen via the medium of consciousness
>CoNviNce mE TaT rEaLity ExiStS

>> No.14181683

Prove that consciousness exists

>> No.14181699

Something exists.
What exists is real.
Reality exists.

>> No.14181738

>Something exists
bold claim

>> No.14181742

Prove your first proposition is true
Being real /= reality

>> No.14181790

Based and danepilled.

>> No.14181807

Thinking is violence.

In all due essentiality, it doesnt. I think catagorizing things into theoretical and practical is useful. There is no theoreticl certanty for reality, but it SEEMS (Key word there, seems) like there is a causal trend. this will be called practicality. Work in the practical, but keep in mind the practical is a fancy, ultimately it comes down to the theoretical.

>> No.14181869

If you weren't already convinced of this you wouldn't be asking us

>> No.14181885

>*Jumps off window*
>"Gravity is a spook gravity is a spook gravity is aaaaaaAAAAAA"

>> No.14181896

>he skipped the period
How do you feel?

>> No.14181901
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You're not omniscient, so the unimagined (the real) must exist. You're welcome, now kys.

>> No.14181906

Not OP, but how can I increase my feelings of depersonalization to the point where I become detached from physicality entirely?

>> No.14181908

This is why Pol Pot was right.
You Intellectoid faggots must be forced into reality, real work, real pain, real senses, real moments in order to improve your thoughts with consistance.

You can't handwave the starving hobo i' your street as a figment of your imagination. He is real, his pain is real and there's millions like him. If you must be forced to suffer cold and hunger to understand this then so be it.

>> No.14181959

Reality is by definition that which exists.

>> No.14182558


>> No.14182596

thinking that nothing is real is the most redditesque philosophy, regardless of whether you actually exist or not, as your life would not change in any way

>> No.14182657

Start taking antidepressants.

>> No.14182676
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Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. Pic related.

>> No.14183332
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>> No.14183421

Even if it doesn't, it's irrelevant till you find out. Do you even Pragmatism?