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File: 7 KB, 290x174, heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14173134 No.14173134 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who thinks Heidegger is the most overrated and obscurantist philosopher of all time?

>> No.14173138

Nah bro its literally just you, this hasn't been a meme among analytics for the last 80 years or anything. You, OP, are the only one to feel this way. Congratulations on your clear thinking and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.14173141

No, based Panagiotis Kondylis thought so as well.
Don't be such a cunt.

>> No.14173153

very reddit post

>> No.14173172

jo you are only stupid

>> No.14173192

He's got quite the competition for that spot for sure

>> No.14173302

nope, biggest autist that ever lived

>> No.14173323

I'll give a better response to a better thread, this is literally a meme.

There is nothing more reddit than "muh logic and reason" espoused by analytics.

>> No.14173332

>most overrated and obscurantist philosopher of all time
That would be Hegel

>> No.14173341

Never as overrated as Kant and Hegel.

>> No.14173344

Arnold Gehlen > Heidegger

>> No.14173352

Not since Derrida clarified him in a way that has since not been resolved in Western philosophy.

>> No.14173627

Derrida clarifying something is like water making something drier

>> No.14173661

what happened to your obscurantist pomo neomarxists /lit/?

>> No.14173667

I used to really think this. I'm much nicer to him now. For a while I shifted over to thinking Derrida was this but now I'm not even that mean to Derrida. Eventually you stop hating philosophers for being obscure. You start hating them for being fundamentally annoyingly wrong AND being massively overrated. There are worse candidates for this than Heidegger. He doesn't bother me anymore.

>> No.14173705

Just admit that you’re not willing to put in the time and effort to understand him anon

>> No.14173724

Why would anyone put in the time and effort to understand a literal Nazi

>> No.14173725
File: 6 KB, 210x240, 1515441215510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would anyone put in the time and effort to understand a literal Nazi

>> No.14174331

t. Nazi

>> No.14174336

you're a nazi too bud, you're posting on infamous Dark Web nazi hacker site 4channel

>> No.14174635

actually a chick in my philosophy department

>> No.14174639

he tried to be nu-hegel. but people got too dumb by the 1960s to bother trying to pretend to understand.

>> No.14174644
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>> No.14175365

I don't care about his politics, he did suck balls, though.

>> No.14176819

I’m so sorry that you all can’t patiently hearken to the voice of Being.

>> No.14176929

No, there's quite a few people who share your misguided, idiotic, uneducated, opinion.

>> No.14176946
File: 61 KB, 1065x799, shutterstock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
