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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 298x450, 9781400079988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14172167 No.14172167 [Reply] [Original]

Is this shit worth reading?

>> No.14172170

Please, I humbly beseech you, end your life and do it soon.

>> No.14172177

Yes, it's in my top three, not that that means anything to you.

>> No.14172188

Do you have a preferred translation?

>> No.14172215

I'm about to start on it and was wondering the same.

>> No.14172783

I just finished it this week. 3 months it took.

I really liked it, but I found the secondary characters hard to track and needed a cheat-sheet bookmark to remind me who was who.

Its excellent if you like historical drama and philosphy, and while its long, its very character driven and not super dense like Dusty’s books.

Go for it anon!

>> No.14172840
File: 73 KB, 1024x651, ze2e9jq383731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Tolstoy was the best writer that lived. Dostoyevsky is bullshit compared to him.

>> No.14172858

>Yes, Tolstoy was the best writer that lived.
>implying anything beats Goethe's Faust: Part II

>> No.14172877

>that pic
Vidya pseud, same thing in MGS2.

>> No.14173260

Dostoevsky is the best writer, pleb.
The image you posted doesn't have neither atheistic nor theistic implications, it is criticizing the modern usage of technology and how certain things related to it has replaced God (doesn't matter if he exists or not).
Just stop posting, brainlet.

>> No.14173316

>Dostoevsky is the best writer, pleb.
it's ok i anon i was 16 once too

>> No.14173903

It's only one of the greatest books ever written, but you have to have above a double-digit IQ in order to read it, so looks like you're out of luck.

>> No.14174324

One couldn't understand Dosto properly below age ~18

>> No.14174335

Dostoevsky writes Tolstoy under the table

>> No.14174337


>> No.14174580

War and Peace, more like Bore and Sleep

>> No.14174605

while tolstoy is perfect from a technical perspective, dostoyevsky has more life and spirit.

>> No.14174636

maybe him read before making a retarded post like this, pseud

>> No.14174656

Every great writer is great in his own way, all bad writers are alike

>> No.14174662
File: 249 KB, 900x1203, Tolstoj_1873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go to /lit/ until you finished it unless you want to insult this community

>> No.14174754
File: 1005 KB, 1920x1080, s35timlcwol21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dostoevsky is a boring rundown on outdated philosophical ideas for people too stupid to read actual philosophy. Tolstoy perfected the novel.

>> No.14174761


>> No.14174773

>Just stop posting, brainlet

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.14174860

My favorite novel of all time. For comparison in tastes, my other top literary works in no particular order are:

Brothers Karamazov
Madame Bovary
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Borges -(short stories)
Kafka - (short stories)
The Inferno
The Illiad (not the Odessy so much)
Catch 22
Brave New World
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Name of the Rose

I prefer it to Anna Karenina

>> No.14174876

You know nothing. Your lives are hollow and meaningless. Your mother would laugh were she not weeping.

>> No.14174915

Of course you did, that's at the very end of the post, you fucking retard.

>> No.14175130

What is the best translation/version of pic related in english?

>> No.14175717


Goethe tried to do many things at the same time and wasn’t very good in any of them. His poetic drama is nothing compared to Shakespeare or Aeschylus, and his lyrical poetry is extremely boring (mostly constructed with worn-out imagery and neoclassical moldy verbal furniture); there is nothing of a fiery imagination like the one we see on Blake or Dickinson. His novels don’t have the same real-life exactness one sees in the works of Tolstoy or Chekhov, not are they vast poetic monuments like Moby Dick. Above all: Goethe wasn’t a good creator of remarkable characters. Faust is mostly a voice for Goethes own ideas and philosophies, not an actual dramatic character. Büchner was a far greater dramatist than Goethe.

As for his scientific work, the only thing he achieved was the discovery of - human bone. His theory of colors insisted on a wrong view and it’s more art than science. His paintings and drawings don’t have anything remarkable and are similar to hundreds of other works from hundreds of other artists.

The real great German artist from the period was Beethoven. Is funny to think that he somehow saw himself as inferior, when he was one of the few human beings who truly deserved the title of genius in all of history (nowadays people call the likes of Bob Dylan, Hemingway, Steven Spielberg, Steve Jobs, Pollock, Picasso, Michael Jackson and others “geniuses” - it’s painful to see).

As for the Tolstoy and Dostoevsky controversy, is obvious to anyone who writes that to achieve what Tolstoy achieved demands a far greater knowledge of how people really are, a greater effort of imagination to place oneself inside the skin of all sorts of different characters (Dostoevsky was terrible at writing women, for example: it was always the same prototypes), an enormous capacity to organize a mass of information and weave it into narrative, a great sense of balance and control to sculpt the scenes of the novel, a great deal of self-restriction to prevent oneself to write enormous monologues through the mouths of the characters and deform conversation as conversation really is, and several other difficulties. Tolstoy is by far the greatest writer.

>> No.14175772

>to achieve what Tolstoy achieved demands a far greater knowledge of how people really are
My sides
Dostoevsky is the one who encapsulates the human psyche perfectly, you pseud.
You have to go back.

>> No.14175786

>brings Dostoevsky for no reason


>> No.14175879

the reason it's confusing anon is that tolstoy had 3 ghost writers while he would go on drunk orgy benders and they had an internal feud over the direction to take the story.

>> No.14175881


You are confusing bloated psychological traits with actual truth. To insert several feverish dreams, mind tremors, anxiety attacks, symbolic dreams and other “profound” gestures is just a lazy way of trying to make your characters really human. To actually tell the truth requires more patience, more little touches, a constant attention to detail. You build your characters slowly, scene by scene. Using great semi-“poetic” speeches thundered among frenetic gestures is far easier to do.

>> No.14175911

The simple truth is that Tolstoy's works are calm, cold and calculated and that Dostoevsky's are the most human exactly because of the way he writes. You are severely disconnected from your humanity and consider Dostoevsky's style bloated, you probably also think he's overdoing it on purpose and/or being cringy.
I can only pity people like you.

>> No.14175925

>Goethe bad
>Beethoven good
>Hemingway bad
>Picasso bad
>Tolstoy > Dostojevski
3.5/5 – decent bait

>> No.14175932

More than your life.

>> No.14175954

No. It's well written but the subject matter is fucking boring. No reason to give a fuck.

>> No.14175957

Do you have a goodreads I can follow?

>> No.14175978


I honestly think you are defending yourself. I think that the kind of literature you write is somewhat similar or inspired by Dostoevsky. You feel you would never be capable of writing something like War and Peace, but something like Crime and Punishment... “well, maybe, if I work hard”. So in the end you are defending the kind of art that you see yourself capable of producing.

>> No.14175980

imagine being baited into becoming a caricature.

imagine holding this much power of other human beings and being allowed to use it indiscriminately, shaping the entire world view of complete strangers with no accountability.

imagine a world where this isn't punishable by arduous torturous death because of the endless convolutions this type of hazardous action begets irrevocable social harm.

>> No.14176000


Same thing with this guy. Defends what’s far easier to achieve because it is as if he were defending his own mediocrity. He can see himself writing like Hemingway or Dostoevsky, but never like Tolstoy. In a world where Picasso is considered a genius he might one day be called a genius, but he wouldn’t even know where to begin if he were to go and challenge someone as great as Beethoven (or Mozart, Bach, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Newton, Einstein).

>> No.14176005

>this amount of strawmanning (and potentially projection)

>> No.14176011

I just want to see what books he reads so I can add some to my collection calm down

>> No.14176020


No, I don’t. But if you want to laugh at me and call me a pleb I can tell you what my favorite book and writers are.

>> No.14176032

I don't want to call you pleb I just want books you would recommend I read.

>> No.14176034

this isn't the fucking bible or the odyssey, read whichever translation you can find first and just read it as quickly as possible. Jesus gtfo of lit read a fucking book retard.

>> No.14176063


It was actually a compliment. That reason was more visceral and defensive, and not a simple failure to see how people really are and really behave.

A scene in his job, where Stiva Oblonsky, when he tells one of his employees that he is doing something wrong, and gently holds the forearm of the man, as if he was saying “look, I like you, there’s nothing wrong with you. Just correct this and all will be perfect. You are important to me” is far more telling (and hard to remember notice in real life, and hard to remember to use when you are on your table writing) than a feverish dream where you see the devil coming to talk to you.

>> No.14176404

there is absolutely no way you could describe Tolstoy's novels as
>calm, cold and calculated
when he's probably the single best writer at capturing human emotion. Every 10 pages of Tolstoy I feel like he describes something I've always felt but never could put into words

>> No.14176513
File: 27 KB, 369x496, 1547939556950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The simple truth is that Tolstoy's works are calm, cold and calculated and that Dostoevsky's are the most human exactly because of the way he writes.

>> No.14176518

tolstoy to me wrote majestically about beautiful things
dosto wrote beautiful things about the menacing and daunting

>> No.14176544

you've never read any tolstoy in your life, have you?

>> No.14177020

im almost fucking done. page 908 and im fucking dying. i want to finish soo badly lol.

>> No.14177185

>>14175130 >>14176034

>> No.14177196


>> No.14177259


>> No.14177285



>> No.14177289

Tolstoy makes death and suicide almost beautiful in AK. He made infidelity seem almost excusable (at first) in the same novel. He can make the grim seem rather pleasant
Dosto puts you in the trenches and when you think it's almost over he shines God's light on his characters

>> No.14177478

Do I read War and Peace or Anna Karenin first?

>> No.14178055

War and Peace

>> No.14178068

>im almost fucking done. page 908
idk about yours but my edition has like 1600 pages

>> No.14178261

>Ever comparing Beethoven and Mozart to Bach)
Please, never comment on classical music without an education in it.
T. the guy you’re replying to

>> No.14178962


There was a poll made on a book (I think the name of the book was Human Accomplishment) where several musicians and music historians were interviewed and Mozart and Beethoven ranked slightly above Bach. Not saying that one is better than the other, but there are a lot of important musicians that talk very highly of Beethoven. You can see from Bernstein classes that he seems to held Beethoven as the greatest composer of all time.

>> No.14179566
File: 37 KB, 807x380, 1D871B29-942F-4D50-8919-EAA5EFCDC14E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14180326

Retarded pseud detected

>> No.14180334

I'm a professional musician and it's perfectly acceptable to compare Beethoven to Mozart or Bach.

>> No.14180540

Not that fucking translation, fuck those two. Their Anna Karenina isn't awful, but if you want War and Peace, pick up the Maude translation. It's wonderful. Tolstoy is a god among men.

>> No.14182015

wtf, post image. my edition is OP's image and it's 1215.

>> No.14182166

I'm about 850 pages into the book. It's very good, albeit a little too long in parts. I can say it's worth the read.