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/lit/ - Literature

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14172120 No.14172120 [Reply] [Original]

I see it everywhere now. Every time a coworker gets excited talking about some mundane thing. Every time someone talks about a new movie or game they want to purchase, or a new car they want to get, or some new electronic gadget. Every time someone speaks in corporate jargon at work, or gets upset at some flavor of the week political thing, or tries to feign outrage at something, I see the face. Every time they make some stupid comment about wanting to go get drinks after work, or try some new gay fucking restaurant that just opened up, or about needing more coffee, I see the face.

I see them as that face and ask myself "What the fuck are you so happy about?"

How can people be so fat, stupid, ugly, mediocre, and annoying, yet be so happy over completely trivial things? How in the fuck do they have ANY self esteem? Where does that excitement for life come from?

And more importantly, how can I stop seeing every normalnigger I work with as this face?

>> No.14172135

Southpark S15E07

>> No.14172142

get offa 4ch
the weird fascism and antisemitism is annoying but the worst thing about this place is its hatred for sincerity, enthusiasm, etc
learn to like things and be excited about shit--and then hopefully have empathy

>> No.14172159

you shouldn't be enthusiastic about gay things

>> No.14172162

You must be a very, very, very special and unique snowflake.

>> No.14172164

says who

>> No.14172165

says me

>> No.14172173

>the worst thing about this place is its hatred for sincerity,
This place worships sincerity. That's the reason we hate preformed plastic pseudoemotions.
We see society deliberately degenerated to a state akin to the fucking emoji movie, and we aren't supposed to Rage against the dying of the light?

>> No.14172184

No. This place worships irony and contrarianism.

>> No.14172216

Reddit does, Feel free to go back there.

>> No.14172229


>> No.14172230

How? How? Because you're a fag, and the solutions to kill yourself like the basedjack you are.

>> No.14172231

agree with what you wrote.

but im not gonna lie, sometimes i come across people who are genuinely sincere and enthusiastic about whatever thing it is they are hooked on at the moment, and it irks me, because its usually "dumb" shit
>be me, 5+ years ago
>some girl on FB worships Bill Nye and Neil Degrasse Tyson.
>always posting stupid photos of their face + some quote
>one day she unironically posts the following misquote to some other pop sci guy:
>"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence."
>my irrational "that shit irks me" finally boils over and i post a comment "pretty sure he didnt say that"
>she does research. "oh haha i just love posting these inaccurate quotes for fun. sarcasm!"
>starts to chain post deliberate misquotes to bolster the authenticity of her claim
>i then proceed to jam out to Nicki Minaj's Superbass without realizing i too am sincerely enjoying some "stupid" thing

>> No.14172243
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>Just be sincere towards the Culture Industry, the Spectacle, the hyperreal, and the inauthentic, bro!

>> No.14172285

>ow can people be so fat, stupid, ugly, mediocre, and annoying, yet be so happy over completely trivial things? How in the fuck do they have ANY self esteem? Where does that excitement for life come from?
You sound like a very happy person, what is there to compain about?
Also what does that have to do with /lit/?

>> No.14172296

>trivial things
this is true happiness in this cursed world, one day you will realize it too

>> No.14172312

if you can take one look at what goes on in these threads and really say that then you've got your head in the sand

>> No.14172323

>muh too bitter to enjoy anything in life
go outside

>> No.14172346

amen. /lit/ doesn't speak with one tongue, yet the better posts go beyond empty irony, and are to be seen as an anonymous plead for sincerity.

>> No.14172358

based and frankfurtpilled

>> No.14172376
File: 9 KB, 169x198, 1573263444643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP what you need is to pity them. Is the child, the idiot, the unenlightened, the weak minded that won't even engage with difficult or saddening ideas, and prefers to fool themselves really better off than you? Where the world be without the men who were always unsatisfied, always thinking so deeply about how wrong the world is and endeavoring to explain it to others, forcing them to see the world for what it is? We would live in a pile of filth. Forgive me for being a fucking epic evolutionary-rationalist here, but, we would still be living in caves. What you need to do is make them see the world for the trash heap it is. Not with autistic, incoherent, furious ranting, but, charismatic and interesting conversation, compassionate, and good-hearted, but ultimately poison to happiness.

"The use of philosophy is to sadden. A philosophy that saddens no one, that annoys no one, is not a philosophy. It is useful for harming stupidity, for turning stupidity into something shameful.”
― Gilles Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy

>> No.14172529

>being conditioned to consume trite shit and getting a dopamine hit over it is sincerity and enthusiasm
No, not even the people doing it completely thoughtlessly believe it's sincere.

>> No.14172630

Taking pride and joy in anything else but Jesus or receiving communion is a sin and you will burn in hell for it.

>> No.14172794

/lit/ - literally anything