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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 200 KB, 771x927, dessen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14170970 No.14170970 [Reply] [Original]

>criticize YA author
>YA author puts out a hit on you
You've been warned, /lit/

>> No.14170992

Women genuinely believe not liking them is a criminal offense.

>> No.14170997

I'm so tired of reading this clipped staccato sassy "And let me tell you something, mister. I'm typing in short sentences. Authors are people. Deal with it." tone these FUCKING FAGGOTS write in

WHY IS EVERYONE A FUCKING FAGGOT NOW? WHY does everyone radiate that they are 80IQ subhuman mongoloids but really self-important with personalities constructed out of fragments of TV characters they saw growing up? Why does nearly every human being I encounter have to be an uncanny valley fucking retard with the mind of a 12 year old and the self-awareness of a parody of a parody clueless self-important character in a comedy? It's like they learn how to do this "voice" first, they learn the social "type" that the voice represents, they decide they want to embody that type in some social context, and only then do they go about filling the embodiment with concrete content


>> No.14171236

>Criticize YA fiction for being substance less, power fantasy drivel
>People defend them as being written for teenagers
>Say YA is for teenagers
>Get upset

>> No.14171242


>> No.14171250

>Northern State University issued an apology for the alumna's comments
you can no longer openly express your dislike for an author in burgerland lmao

>> No.14171254

I don't think people understand that you can be yourself online and not a clickbait headline.

>> No.14171261

I hear you

>> No.14171268

it makes no sense

>> No.14171279

Twitter is so stupid
Stop looking for these things and stop posting them.

>> No.14171306

Well I'll take your word for it OP, I haven't read a word written by a woman in years.

>> No.14171376

its twatter. its a game of 'celebrityness' where its elevated to a professional setting. think of the office and tmz at the same time. i mean each social media site has its own version of this but twatter won them all out.

>> No.14171381 [DELETED] 

Stop the HRT and go back to being a man. It’s not too late, unless you’ve already chopped your cock off of course in which case you should KYS yourself.

>> No.14171395

Let's be real here, the 19th was a huge mistake

>> No.14171408
File: 84 KB, 960x879, 30698246_1631209903661707_6886569047945641984_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine wanting a penis

>> No.14171416

you've seen those horror stories about what happens to the trannies that cut their dicks off right m8. Don't go down that road

>> No.14171435

Always the weeb shit with you faggots. It’s rotted your brains.

>> No.14171437

I haven't.

>> No.14171442

You’re the only one going down that road. Stfu

>> No.14171451

Ok. Boomer.

>> No.14171454 [DELETED] 
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Just one of many such cases.

>> No.14171456


>> No.14171467

Im in very little danger of cutting off my dick and wasn't talking to you anyway. It's always been clear to me you're a woman(female) because of your complete lack of reasoning abilities and constant attention whoring

>> No.14171474

Shut the fuck up you boring cunt

>> No.14171481

fuck you faggots why here?

>> No.14171491
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>> No.14171514

Sounds like they just weren't prepared and got dealt a bad hand. But there are more options for a trans woman. One can get a simple penectomy or a shallow-depth vaginoplasty, which doesn't require dilation, although you won't be able to have penetrative sex.

>> No.14171525

disgusting cunt

>> No.14171594

All tripfags will go to the gas chamber

>> No.14171611 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.14171633

Ok zoomer. Go back and watch pewdiepie

>> No.14171647
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Just thinking about that makes me wince

Please just keep your dick attached I'll call you whatever pronouns you want

>> No.14171663

Not funny. Look up David Reimer.

>> No.14171669

of course it does, you're a nature fetishist

>> No.14171682

Pewds is unironically more /lit/ than most of /lit/

>> No.14172803

I hate this

Twitter, social media whatever .

I know it's my job to save them all, but seeing the extent of corruption on some of their souls.

I know they're not all that bad, I have to know this

>> No.14172813
File: 85 KB, 800x579, 3923938383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a published author of relative notoriety, at least among teenage banshees with no taste
>I've made money from writing books in 2019
>I'm having a real hard time right now

>> No.14172831

The world of YA is insane, as are the adults who write and read it (I'll exempt teenage readers of it, because no one expects a teenager to be well-balanced).

Social media was a mistake though. In the past someone would have had time to chew things over, discuss it with some people. They may have even sent and received some letters, which would take days or weeks. Now people can broadcast their ill-thought-out first impressions to the world, committing themselves to positions without any thought of the ramifications.

>> No.14172844

>Stop them from ever choosing Sarah
That got a kek from me

>> No.14172852
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Do they really?

>> No.14172930
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>> No.14173002

It's just slave morality, it's all so tiresome.
>I sacrificed X to make Y so you have to accept that it is good!
The world is full of Mozarts and Salieris (inb4 thats not true I am using the Pushkin literary version of it)

>> No.14173004

>nature fetishist
You're right, I'm also a justice fetishist, an intelligence fetishist, a not-eating-poop fetishist, a not-cannibal fetishist. There's probably more.

>> No.14173077

I wonder when public perception of universities as pristine institutes of disinterested enquiry will actually catch up to the truth of their being pedagogically useless real estate ventures willing to throw their students under the bus whenever the slightest controversy threatens their flow of income.

Maybe it never will, but I hope to see the collapse of the university as an institution within my lifetime

>> No.14173154

“We’re sorry one of our alumn would have the audacity to say they didn’t care for your books”

>> No.14173164

What is the point in censoring the name when you can just google the rest of the article?

>> No.14173555

I haven't heard of any of her books, how did she get so much clout?

>> No.14173620

>were sorry that we forgot literary criticism is now unofficially a crime that can prevent you from making a living

>> No.14173821

Ooooooo you heard Tranny and it hit too close to home huh.

>> No.14173864

>finding mutilating genitals distasteful is strange
Join the 40%

>> No.14173885

Can we get just one more book (clap) review (clap)?

>> No.14173887

> I hope it made you feel good.
At first it did. But then I saw this tweet, and felt GREAT.

>> No.14173929
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Best answer, and very much true.

>> No.14174645
File: 3.38 MB, 2452x3324, Albion Rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely correct, but keep in mind that every identity is established based on some external influence, especially those which define themselves in opposition to the normies and NPCs, distinguish themselves with certain stylistic markers, but still pretend they are more deeply authentic
The ultimate redpill, nay, the ultimate truth is that authenticity is a lie and that identity must be cast off like a chrysalis for the Self to attain to true freedom

>> No.14174654

I feel that social media and in specific twitter select for that sort of writing. Perhaps its a reflection of the mask we put up online and the sort of moral posturing we do to please our followers. I suppose that's what I like about forums is that the vast majority of people on here present a truer version of themselves even if it is a brutish and guttural reaction like "fuck you." At the very least it feels more real.

>> No.14174699

Sadly this is nothing new.
Oscar Wilde:
>Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.

>> No.14174720

ok boomer is perfect- because boomers also 'raged impotently' against society and in the end they made things way worse. im going to enjoy standing in the rubble of 2050 and point to some idiot walking by- is this what you wanted zoomer? we speak chinese now and get water from a well filled with dead pigeons, good job idiot.

>> No.14174729

I agree.
/lit/ needs to be a safe space from social media retardation

>> No.14174789

Unbelievably salient, perennial rant.

>> No.14175143

I know where you're from
you don't belong and you aren't welcome
go away

>> No.14175358

You put her in her place.

>> No.14175413

trans rights

>> No.14175609
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This whole story has made me surprisingly angry. What a cunt move. A random student said something mildly critical (as is her fucking job) and this pathetic "author" uses her Twitter following to extort an apology that she laps up like a thirsty dog? My fucking god. How the hell do people write books in 2019 and still have a difficult time with the idea that not everyone will like what they produce. Especially in the goddamn YA genre. What a retarded woman.

>> No.14175655
File: 45 KB, 640x451, Queen-Elizabeth-title-640x451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine typing something you do not understand to impress people on an anonymous image board and then proceding to post such nonsense.

>> No.14176711

YA is the only acceptable genre now, get with the times.

>> No.14176734

Damn that's exactly how I feel. Your anger is like my own, anon.

>> No.14176740

this. look at the forced pseudo-friendliness in corporate settings post-wimminz. you may be qualified for this job and can do the work, but the important question is does HR think you would make a good friend to hang out with during work hours or not. they don't want to hire a qualified worker, they want to hire a new buddy. it's a pathological social obsession. being mean is worse than a holocaust, being straightforward is criminal, being blunt is unforgiveable. you have to sugarcoat and pander and fake a smile every fucking second or they start screaming and crying.

the issue is not with women, though. it's with extroverts, and 95% of women are extroverts. all extroverts should be lined against a wall and shot. there is no meritocracy possible when everything is still devolved into a popularity contest. extroverts are a human cancer.

i look forward to when all work possible to go remote, does, and karen's hold of tyrrany over the office as head HR cunt and totalitarian dictator of smily face headed egotism is arrested with a hard reset.

>> No.14176744
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is buttercunt a trans?
have i been rubbing my tiny, flacid cock to the thought of a man's feet?

>> No.14176863


Because the number of possible things which can possibly be said is finite and the things which are most popular at the moment are clichés written by people who you've never had any personal interaction with but whose ideas you've seen hundreds of times already. If someone posted ideas that were two hundred years old and long since dead or debunked, you'd think it's wise and insightful even if it's bullshit.

Everyone in this thread is reading this and every other post thinking the exact same thing as you because none of us know each other. It's extremely easy to see a strawman when you're looking through binoculars.

>> No.14176973

This post reeks of someone with clinically diagnosed Asperger. It doesn't matter if someone had all the work experience and qualifications in the world, if they are so socially retarded that it becomes painful to work with them then they are not worth hiring. You can't be properly productive with someone who is constantly saying mean or uncomfortable shit. No matter how much you focus on just "getting the job done" your relationship with your coworkers is what is what really determines your performance.
Social interactions can not just be ignored, they are the most important part of any professional environment, and if you are constantly running into issues with how you interact with co workers you probably are not as valuable as you think you are

>> No.14176995


Just go to trannyvideosxxx.com already.

>> No.14176999

I kind of agree with that guy though, in jobs where there are no women nobody really gives a shit if one guy is weird as long as he is good at the work. Men seem to automatically create little functional hierarchies to deal with these kinds of dynamics in a way that women honestly don't seem to understand.

I dont mind working with women but a certain sense of camaraderie is lost

>> No.14177009
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>> No.14177033
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>> No.14177034


I'm shocked, not even genuine 100% performative from her pic.

>> No.14177059

>You can't be properly productive with someone who is constantly saying mean or uncomfortable shit.
Nice straw man, you roastoid.

>> No.14177069

oh no i agree with that sentiment fully. the social environment of a group of mostly men is alot more laid back then one with a mix of men and women. It definitely feels like you can be yourself more in an all male job, the culture is completly different.
That all comes down to the differences in culture of those two groups though, even if your job is the ultimate "bro" gig you still need to get along with your co-workers. The only difference is it will probably be a lot easier, and also more fun.

>> No.14177080

The spectacle anon

>> No.14177086
File: 59 KB, 620x680, EJbzbsBX0AUHXpc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could be offensive about that?

>> No.14177096
File: 89 KB, 553x506, xw5s66dgcg7z[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do white men just not like the word "nigger"?
>Have they not reclaimed it?
>Black men use it in a lot of different ways. It's one of my favorite words. Legit top ten.
>Lawddd someone help explain.

>> No.14177110

>omg karen, sharon, that guy didn't laugh at my shitty jokes or think my pictures of my ugly kids were cute!
>he doesn't even watch the same tv shows as i do
>we can't work with him this is just too much omg omg omg

fuck off retard. i'm here to do a job, not be your friend. protip: if you can only get """friends""" by forcing your coworkers to interact with you, you don't have any friends at all and obviously are so unlikeable you can't get anyone else to put up with your boring shit. now kys.

>> No.14177125

Lots of accurate shit here, my dude. I agree.

>> No.14177141
File: 128 KB, 1228x974, mild kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the author getting assmad is funny enough but the school apologising makes the whole thing absolutely hilarious (yet worrying)

>> No.14177156

So are you. Unfortunately, we have to see your tranny ramblings everyday.

I wait every day for you to stop posting.

>> No.14177160

Who the fuck is this faggot now?

>> No.14177180

Law boy is being ironic, right? I don’t even know anymore

>> No.14177189

butterfly has been posting for a long time here, so don't get your hopes up newfag

>> No.14177204

Been here too long, friend.

Still doesn't stop me from hoping she joins the 40% every goddamn day.

>> No.14177222

nature doesn't care
animals are retarded
>not eating poop
a perfectly natural thing to do
>not cannibal
a perfectly natural thing to be

>> No.14177257

>say YA is for a YA audience
>get attacked by the author for it
These retards don't deserve to get to write for a living.

>> No.14177275
File: 231 KB, 485x645, leave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally this boards version of twitter posting. You even spam retard twitter gifs like the massive tranny boomer you are. I look forward to the day you stop posting because I know that the only reason behind it would have to be your death. Be it through the coin flip chance of suicide or your butter filled brain clogs and you stroke out at your computer surrounded by filth, alone.

>> No.14177403

yea, I'm thinking he's based

>> No.14177455

Vased Schizoposter

>> No.14178355

I really enjoyed the unavoidable irony of this.

>> No.14178483

Look up "neovagina disasters"

>> No.14178502

What's a Turing test?

>> No.14178610
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>I hope it made you feel good

I don't know about the dude, but is sure made me feel good. She's shit and her reply just furthers the point. Authors used to have grit and spit she sounds like a pathetic whiner. I can't imagine Virginia Woolf or Hemingway laying still and twitting over this.

>> No.14178650

Leftists are without a doubt some of the most miserable people that I have ever interacted with, either online of off. I'm pretty sure there's even studies that confirm it. You don't want these people in your life.

>> No.14178656

Twitter. Character limit becomes mental limit. Something.

>> No.14178705

>It took him this long to realize that all of humanity is literally hairless apes who've been doing absolutely nothing but mimesis for the last 50,000 years

God you must really be a brainlet. We reproduce those forms we already know. TV and Twitter isn't just a reflection of social life, it literally prescribes how we act in the future. There is no differentiation anymore between the real and the simulacrum. Social media was a dangerous idea and we're all more or less lab rats.

>> No.14178711

t. roast beef

>> No.14178713


You are the exact same thing as twitter. Please fucking kill yourself you obnoxious fucking faggot

>> No.14178714


>> No.14178718


>> No.14178719

because you're low IQ, he's clearly making a joke

>> No.14178721


>it doesn't matter that I have no valuable skills because I am popular

>> No.14178730

>universities having their students read YA
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.14178770

>We don't want to read dead white males
>Dead white males make up 95% of the western canon
>We want PoC and Women
>PoC and women mostly write YA
>YA is the new western canon
Harry Potter is essentially the Iliad now, which is why it's constantly referenced by modern university educated activists.

>> No.14178792

Most things ruinous to society for the last few decades (if not centuries) has come out of the universities or some collective of intellectuals. Only other institution that comes close is the media. Even military institutions are less worse, because much of their actions are usually at some point determined by ideas from intellectuals (fighting wars for political or economic ideas) or the press (lying about casus belli that forces an invasion).

>> No.14178802
File: 90 KB, 480x320, kant-children-disclaimer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm sweetie, dead white males are problematic. It's /currentyear/ bigot.

>> No.14178843

I like how whoever wrote that directs the warning at parents of children. You can almost feel the publishers contempt.

>> No.14179294


>> No.14179424

Angie Thomas had more integrity than everyone involved in this.

>> No.14179446

>all extroverts should be lined against a wall and shot

>> No.14179481


>> No.14179492


>> No.14179552

Had me until
>your relationship with your coworkers is what is what REALLY determines your performance.

>> No.14179608

HR is too preocuppied with 'fitting in with the culture'. I know a guy who was walked out for that exact reason. Yet the 'culture' was a bunch of fat women sitting around gossiping all day or talking about their home renos or what they ate, and the guy in the neighboring cubicle was conducting an affair with one of them right in his cubicle.
No one is saying they can be ignored. But the reason the economy is a massive fake bubble, the reason why everything seems to be going to shit, is there is too much prioritizing nepotism and toadying social connections over competence. What you fail to realize is the degree of rampant corruption (both of you anons) going on at all levels of society. Most workplaces managers do not want competent staff because a smart person would realize quickly what crooked schemes they are up to. Supplier kickbacks and bribes particularly.
You also can't be productive if you're going up against a clique of lazy dumb people simply because you are an outsider or actually want to get the job done instead of sitting around yapping all day about whatever you watched on Netflix last night.

>> No.14179629

I can tell you never worked anywhere near an office in your life.

>> No.14179731

i can tell you he does because i have spent 3 years working in an office. the old boy managers go golfing (literally fucking golfing) constantly, there's an entire floor of the building decorated to look like a golf course and i'm pretty sure it actually is. they mosey around reading newspapers, fetching coffee, going on 90 minute lunchbreaks, water cooler talk, and maybe 2 hours a day of actual work, if that. but they all make 6 figures.

then you have the roasty patrol HR cunts where an assortment of goblins and cavetroll landwhales sit around gossipping all day or strutting around on smalltalk visits, giggling and laughing so no one who is actually doing work can concentrate. they'll gather somewhere and start a gossip circle, laugh loud enough to disrupt operations, tell the stories of their boring daily life, what kitchen rennovation they're doing or what new mattress they want to buy, and then they move on to the next disruption appointment. I have NEVER seen the cave-goblins doing anything that looks like work.

finally you have the ground forces, the cubicle slaves who actually do everything. they get paid absolute dogshit and grind 8 hours a day of constant work until they burn out from the stress, and then HR dumps them and hires a few new recent grad temps to repeat the process. use up, discard. use up, discard. it's the new slavery. you won't even get a decent reference from your months or years of slavery, either, because tey couldn't give less of a fuck about you.

>> No.14179746

you know what i felt reading pessoa? delight. he had a boss who appreciated him and actually eventually promoted him, he wasn't constantly struggling to keep his head above water, he had a comfy job for life that paid enough that he could eat out every single fucking day. imagine that. no one gave him shit at work, they let him chill and do his thing and then go home. they let him stroll around on lunchbreak as long as he wanted and didn't clock him to the MINUTE. they didn't micromanage him, ridicule him, or run weekly analytical reports to chart his performance to hammer into his head that he is a SLAVE and he is THEIR SLAVE and must WORK AS A SLAVE WITH THE HUMILITY OF A SLAVE TO EARN THE LIFESTYLE OF A SLAVE. crappy food, crappy shelter, no savings, no future--that's the modern employment compensation. what's that sound like to you? ding ding ding.

you have no idea how bad things really are.

>> No.14179791

Basically means GIVE ME MONEY for no work since im sure she has a patron account linked to her twitter profile like all these other beginning cunts.

>> No.14179819
File: 277 KB, 720x842, dessen-fake-apology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dessen girl apologized on twatter after her fans chased out the grad student off twatter. However, it backfired since she's getting called out.

>> No.14179823
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>it doesnt matter if you just want to put your head down and grind out all your work, someone has to listen to my shitty fucking stories!
There truly is nothing more worthless, more disgusting, than a woman

>> No.14179856

this whole episode is probably miles more literary and interesting than her book in question.

>> No.14179867

Based. Corinthians 3:16 "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" Ego conceals God

>> No.14179873

lol at how they're calling her behavior white fragility. It's just garden variety cuntiness

>> No.14179916
File: 249 KB, 720x754, f-bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike Twitter as much as the next person but even I must admit it's a haven for well-cooked drama. From the funny and clever remarks to the entitled comments, it's the new town square where all the drunk and mostly misinformed townspeople converge to share their stories.

>> No.14179923
File: 97 KB, 1451x343, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people making it about race? I'm unironically perplexed, I can usually fit the pieces together at least

>> No.14179935

It's a haven of hate and emotionality. May God save us before it is too late

>> No.14180002

The author is one of those "rich white armchair feminist" types and she intentionally cropped out the part of the article where it said her book was cut in favor of some racial justice book.

>> No.14180018
File: 54 KB, 500x315, Anita-Sarkeesian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't try to comprehend it; there isn't any logic behind it.

>> No.14180026

>her book was cut in favor of some racial justice book.
I still don't understand why that brings race into this conversation. So, She gets shit on for her first tweet, shit on by the publishing company and now shit on again because people think she is going against the race book that hers got cut for?

>> No.14180132

do normalfags have self awareness?

i'm serious. i don't think these creatures are actually sentient. can daddy iran please gibs nuclear holocaust now? we fucked up somewhere, let's go back to the stone age and start again.

>> No.14180216
File: 152 KB, 866x1390, new-york-united-states-22nd-apr-2018-anita-sarkeesian-attends-premiere-of-netizens-during-tribeca-film-festival-at-sva-theater-credit-lev-radinpacific-pressalamy-live-news-MEYP8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Highness Anita has pointed out the logic behind it.
only subhuman chauvinistic tards cannot comprehend her highly nuanced and complex lectures and sermons penetrating through the the male erected barriers weighing us all down

>> No.14180278

>just be urself, bro
t. wilde

>> No.14180286

Weeeell, I tried to regress to one of my past lives to see what people were like in the 1890s but couldn't go back farther than 1917 because of the trauma sustained when I died a horrible death of mustard gas and shrapnel in some Belgian trench :)

>> No.14180299

I don't think I'd read Kant's Critiques to my kids anyway. I'd start them off with the greeks.

>> No.14180314
File: 1.09 MB, 828x828, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you expect from a Twatter normie? The rise of smartphones coincides with the rise of dumb people.

>> No.14180323

Her choosing a book about racial justice is massive currency in this little ouroboros kerfluffle, which the author needed to obscure

>> No.14180331

based af

>> No.14180369
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>> No.14180370
File: 272 KB, 640x360, ra-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> A woc on here already said this and I agree ...

>A nigger on here already said this and I agree ...

In her efforts to be as woke and anodyne as possible, she's managed to come off as a racist. Absolutely brilliant. Fucking mong.

>> No.14180371

The college girl is 80% based

>> No.14180444

In every single literature course I've ever taken, even at the graduate level, someone has brought up Harry Potter as though it were a meaningful point of reference. People trying to understand Artaud and Luca, semiotics and loose change, and the only way inside that they can conjure up is Harry Potter. I'm sure that you can correctly guess plenty of things about these people without my needing to tell you.

>> No.14180576


>> No.14180662

I can scarcely imagine what it would be like to have a specific collection of children's books as my primary point of reference for literature, ESPECIALLY if I were to study literature at university. What do you think led to this complete infantilisation? Lowered expectations socially and in education? The insane marketing (including the films)?

>> No.14180857

>What do you think led to this complete infantilisation?
Women. Not even joking.

>> No.14180869

Thanks for proving him right.

>> No.14180875

More like be original.

>> No.14180953

I can't stand it. I'm being fucked by this all the goddamn time.

>> No.14180981

Your entire argument could be used for introducing pussy into the workplace.

>> No.14181022

>You can't be properly productive with someone who is constantly saying mean or uncomfortable shit.
All my best work partners have great banter chemistry going on. This poster is confirmed roast beef / s o y.
BTW, you don't have to be a sperg to hate the fake friendliness, it's just so tiresome all the time if you're not that kind of person.

>> No.14181038
File: 60 KB, 600x600, 1527634100492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, 90% of the accounts commenting have pronouns, rainbow flags, and use terms like 'woc' and 'yikes' nonstop. Do female authors just attract this kind of demographic or it shitter really this bad? Like I agree with the notion that the author was complete narcissistic cunt who and no right to attack someone for a very valid opinion, but God twitter makes me feel physically ill whenever I have the displeasure going on it.

>> No.14181087


>> No.14181124 [DELETED] 
File: 2.18 MB, 1408x5896, 1570330518730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go...

>> No.14181140

my first reaction upon seeing this was "this shit needs some censoring"
send it to Japan for mosaic censoring or something. no one should have to see this abomination.

>> No.14181282
File: 64 KB, 498x408, unc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14181330

I still can't believe people do this to themselves. It's akin to when people would drill holes in their heads because they thought it would alleviate mental illness. There are few things that make me squirm and it's images like that really get me. It just looks so unpleasant and unnatural. When you see a guys brains get blown out or getting is throat slit, you can at least comprehend the cause and affect, but seeing a bunch of skin stitched together where the genitals should be into an imitation vagina by a probably very skilled surgeon defies logic and reason. I don't want something so disgusting on my computer but this is valuable information.

>> No.14181351

A lot of people, especially on this site, seem to direct their hate towards the transexuals themselves. Personally, I just feel a deep pity for them.

Right, you don't see that many men rave about YA and Harry Potter, not comparatively anyhow. But why are 'women' so obsessed with Harry Potter in general? Why do these people NEED to elevate it to literature?

>> No.14181359

>It's akin to when people would drill holes in their heads because they thought it would alleviate mental illness.
Surely that's more respectable

>> No.14181398

>UNC hires a YA author as a professor

Is this worse than when they had their athletes take fake Swahili classes to boost their grades?

>> No.14181430
File: 981 KB, 500x348, bokusatsu-tenshi-dokuro-chan-gif-6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are mentally ill and the injustice is that people deny this idea as bigoted. Imagine if schizophrenia was deemed an LGBT identity and treating through rehabilitation, medication and therapy was considered barbaric and a modern version of conversion therapy so people begin allowing these mentally unwell individuals surgeries to have their eyes remove because their "neuro-atypical" identity feels oppressed by the government using their eyes to spy on them. Or support them having metal plates permanently welded onto their skull because it blocks out painful frequencies only an "LGBTSchizophrenic" can feel. I wouldn't blame the situation on the ill, rather the ones enabling them. If someone thinks cutting off their cock and having an open wound where it used to be is a good idea because they "don't feel right" in the body they were born with then there's something wrong with their head not their body.
Unironically would be better because at least they'd probably die or be so cognitively damaged they wouldn't be able to push lobotomite rights and tell kids having a hole in your head and parts of your brain remove was the best decision you'd ever made.

>> No.14181438

She's not a professor, probably just a hired lecturer. Though apparently both her parents were professors, teaching Classics and Shakespeare respectively. Talk about a downgrade in respectability.

>> No.14181444

That makes this interesting. She probably has no talent as a writer but thought because of her background she had to pursue it. Hell, maybe it was because her parents were both professors her work was even published in the first place.

>> No.14181449

Wouldn't be the first time someone is catapulted into a profession, and rank, they don't belong in.

>> No.14181490

>But why are 'women' so obsessed with Harry Potter in general? Why do these people NEED to elevate it to literature?
Because male normies with shit taste just watch movies and play video games. Not a lot of guys read fiction. But women love reading fiction, so there are tons of 95 IQ midwit women massively outnumbering anyone with good taste.
This is just the genderswapped version of basedboys calling Marvel "cinema"

>> No.14181529

I don't know, but I remember in one of these previous YA hate threads someone posted an article from a woman who equated hating YA with being sexist against women since most YA authors are women. In it she talks about how YA is actually really high brow and men are being dismissive it. She then talks about how she wrote her PHD thesis on Harry Potter and she actually got a fucking doctorate.

>> No.14181536

>This is just the genderswapped version of basedboys calling Marvel "cinema"
I reckon you're right about that. This hasn't made as much of a dent to academia as film is nowhere near as big of a subject as literature and languages.

>> No.14181543

Try it and find out

>> No.14181624

Fortunately, I had never heard of this whore before this thread. So I decided to look her up, just to find out that she's 49 years old. A full-grown woman thinks it's "mean and cruel" to say that her work is not up to the level of Common Read. It really unsettles me to know that this behaviour is not deemed acceptable nowadays, but even normalised. I don't even know what else to say about this

>> No.14181632

She looks pretty hot for a 50 year old then.

>> No.14181657

I'd hate fuck her

>> No.14181682
File: 2.55 MB, 1000x414, 1569496166574.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no insecure author mommy gf

>> No.14181788

>personalities constructed out of fragments of TV characters they saw growing up
Thank you for putting this into words

>> No.14181894
File: 1.70 MB, 1546x1222, npc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do normalfags have self awareness
I really wonder

See >>14170997
anon is right

>> No.14181910

>A full-grown woman thinks it's "mean and cruel" to say that her work is not up to the level of Common Read.
They certainly don't seem to have had particularly high standards in the past; they read Ready Player One in 2014, and The Hate U Give in 2018.

>> No.14181979


>> No.14181998


>> No.14182013

Most people don't ever get to the point where they use logic on a regular basis.

>> No.14182020

That was literally the point. The books were chosen by self selected participants.

>> No.14182032

Brilliant analysis from the anon in that screenshot.

>> No.14182102

tests if you're human or ai

>> No.14182148

I commend your bravery anon. Most would just google it knowing how autistic people on /lit/ get if you don't know something. Retard

>> No.14182209

Yeah but why the fuck not just google it and get an answer?

>> No.14182235

That's why I called him retard

>> No.14182249

yeah but why just not google it?

>> No.14182270

The internal machinations of the mentally retarded aren't something that can be so easily explained

>> No.14182281


>> No.14182396

>the hate u give
The absolute state of american literature

>> No.14182571
File: 120 KB, 442x269, bloom cannon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are American universities doing studying YA books anyway? Don't they at least want a semblance of respectability?

>> No.14182686

Seriously, like American's have enough good literature but their politics really are at the forefront for being retarded.

>> No.14182691

As someone who recently graduated from an American university I can tell you that our universities are a complete joke.

>> No.14182853

You must not know the stories about Hemingway. I love the guy, but he would undoubtedly have been on Twitter ranting like a faggot. Salman Rushdie is an exemplary writer and he's one of the biggest faggots on Twitter I've ever seen.

>> No.14182976

I loathe Twitter, but reading these comments on her page is pretty satisfying. Apparently quite a few big tit authors were involved in this whole thing and each of them is getting their asses chewed out. I hope it tanks at least one of their worthless fucking careers.

>> No.14183575

this anon understands

>> No.14183665

I always wonder how Joyce Carol Oates finds the time to pump out 1 or 2 books every year considering she's wasting time tweeting constantly. There's something about seeing a well-known person tweeting that just diminishes them.

>> No.14183713

The chad has arrived

>> No.14183741

yeah bro networking was invented by the jews to keep the common man (by which we mean 4chan user) down
I hate it too, but it's a basic reality that working well with the team is more important than being the best on-paper individual for the role.

>> No.14183746

It doesn't though. Nobody cares about your work. They care about you. That's what all these stupid fucking neotrad monarchists on this board don't understand: patronage is basically just formalised networking. You get rewarded by the powerful figure because you laugh at their jokes and because you're visible.

>> No.14183872

One thing that surprised my is that, despite all of the woke posturing, no one has bought up Dessen's
commercial interest in the matter. Her and other genre writers saying their detractors are snobbish or
misogynistic appears deeply cynical, given that they would likely profit from being selected for the
"Common Read" program.

>> No.14183878

just work on your social skills, lad, nothing to be ashamed of

>> No.14184964

>Joyce Carol Oates
I thought you were joking. I agree that posting inane shit on twitter cheapens the person