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File: 49 KB, 496x744, camus-13118-portrait-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14170286 No.14170286 [Reply] [Original]

>talking to my new european gf about philosophy
>she asks if I've ever read "cam-oo"
>tell her I haven't and I have no idea who that is
>she tells me hes an existential philosopher and I need to look into him
>be trying to find "cam-oo" online later
>finally realize she's talking about camus, who I've read a lot of
>always pronounced him "cam-us"
>have to go back and explain to her that I just didn't know how to properly pronounce his name
>she calls me a dumb American and laughs at me

>> No.14170301

I hope you beat the shit out of her. Never let a femoid disrespect you bro....

>> No.14170307

I know this american feel anon, same thing happened with bod rill lard (baudrillard for you gaijins)

>> No.14170313

this op, kill her and her entire family

>> No.14170322

Without the girlfriend I meant to add it was just a girl haha

>> No.14170593

Imagine caring about what Europoor thinks about you mispronouncing one of their faggot names

>> No.14170642

That you went back and told her why you were wrong is pretty lame, no wonder she laughed at you

>> No.14170687

It is something like camm-yoos, actually, the s isnt mute

>> No.14170691

Tell her you don't speak Arabic.

>> No.14170795

Don't forget to eat them.

>> No.14170800

If you eat them you can't rape them bro, think before you post

>> No.14170812

You must respect her European customs and throw acid in her face to punish her for disrespecting a man.

>> No.14170817

Order of operations, you can rape before eating, alternatively you can eat and then rape the fecal matter. Sticking your dick in your ass when you're about to shit them out might also count, don't quote me on that.

>> No.14170822

>Sticking your dick in your ass
Leaving aside considerations of length, how does one achieve the necessary tumescence to penetrate the anus without becoming too rigid to contort in such a manner?

>> No.14170856

It really is a balancing act, and in most of my attempts the insertion goes well, but then expansion tends toward restoring the "forward facing" aspect of the penis. Learning to achieve a consistent dick within the anus is all about control of the sexual energies, mantak chia, taoist sages, and tantra all can help achieve it. You did touch on the essential tension, but if you keep trying I'm sure you can reach your goal.

>> No.14170874

Do you mean achieving anal relaxation? Lots of lube and lots of foreplay. With taken care of, remember to go slow and not to move your dick a lot, apparently it feels like taking a shit in a bad way. Short, gentle moves do the trick to start with. After that makes sure to listen to her (or his) directions and stop if there's pain or too much discomfort.

>> No.14170879

Oh, you meant keeping your dick hard. Do what the yoga fag said or stop eating meat. Both work.

>> No.14170889

Nah, this is autosodomization we're referring to, lube would help, but the issue still remains control over the erection

>> No.14170922

Reverse problem: I visit Edinburgh from time to time to see my granny, She lives near Camus Road. I pronounced it camoo, this made my cabbie mutter 'pretentious cunt' under his breath. It is cam us there. So, cheers for your story-I have a smirk rolling now.

>> No.14170926

tell her that french pronounciation is dumb and then steal her oil

>> No.14171092

>he thought it was pronounced "cam-us"
LOL never gonna make it. You do know camus is french right?

>> No.14171101

I have this problem with a lot of words. I don't do podcasts or jewtubes or any other faggotshit so I have never actually heard many words spoken, but I've read them a number of times. I had a literal autist cousin who corrected my pronunciation of Diogenes once and I wanted to punch his teeth in.

canoe-camus is retarded anyway. Fuck the french, it sounds literally less gay to call it cam-mus. we're doing them a favor.

>> No.14171105

cam-mus sounds Latin. The second syllable in the actual French pronunciation of Camus has always kind of annoyed me. Sort of guttural sound

>> No.14171117

I like the pronunciation caymus, like a rhyme with seamus

>> No.14171141
File: 1016 KB, 320x240, 1395792159875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>always pronounced him "cam-us"

>> No.14171151

Camoo will do, but Sartre is smartre.

>> No.14171159

Sartre rhymes with tartar (sauce)

>> No.14171166
File: 606 KB, 400x300, savetweetvid_EJNNkGfWoAA-vsv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14171171

I thought you pronounced Camih.

>> No.14171178

Cow moo

>> No.14171214

I always thought camih was the correct pronunciation till now

>> No.14171235
File: 301 KB, 296x262, ebin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's take this chance to remind ourselves of the evils of American education, in particular (in this case) their refusal to adopt the International Phonetic Language (IPA) in their most popular dictionaries, opting for anglo-centric "respelling systems" instead, which leads to their unfamiliarity with the sounds of any language other than English.

>> No.14171311

Maybe this is a bait thread.

>> No.14171809

Söh-en Ob-ü Kih-keh-go

>> No.14171826

You’re retarded, if you studied linguistics at all you’d learn how to pronounce tings without ever hearing them, you don’t need to listen to faggotshit as you put it you room temperature IQ niggermonkey

>> No.14172425

Wait then why the fuck there is an s

>> No.14172444

Isn't there a cringe quote in the lines of "don't mock someone for not knowing the right way to pronounce a word, maybe they read it in a book"?
you should had rekt her with it

>> No.14172447

Bro if their name is French just pronounce the first have and go ooooouuuuu at the end, no consonants.

>> No.14172450

pretty sure only a mutt could believe something like that

>> No.14173032

Phonetics are not hard to understand without ever hearing them

>> No.14173049


Imagine being so American you don't realize the OP is a joke and the 's' isn't actually silent

>> No.14173073

Don’t let it get to you, captain, it’s happened to some many more before you as well. Just remember proper French pronunciation for other authors as well and you’ll be cool

>> No.14173157

Dumb Americans who americanizes evrything even name sounds..

>> No.14173657

>she calls me a dumb American and laughs at me
Should've laughed and agreed and then fucked her to assert dominance

>> No.14173666

Just Camu the s is silent.

>> No.14173772

My professor pronounced it as "cam-ee" wtf

>> No.14173780


>> No.14173947

>being so uncultured that you don't know basic french pronounciation
>get corrected
Americans really is a cancer

>> No.14174002


>> No.14174026

what a retarded american post

>> No.14174032
File: 367 KB, 3000x3000, 20191020_175726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show her this graph.

>> No.14174040
File: 26 KB, 474x474, Crying dunce pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know and I'm Australian!