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/lit/ - Literature

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14169462 No.14169462[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did he do it bros?

>> No.14169466

To save us

>> No.14169471
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To save us from our sins

>> No.14169477
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Because you have been brought up, conditioned by Christianity_. To me, Christianity is not Christianity, but Crossianity. Its symbol is the cross, not Christ. It is based on the crucifixion. If there had been no crucifixion there would have been no Christianity; nobody would have remembered even the name of Jesus. It was the foolishness of the Jews that they crucified him and created Christianity. If he had been simply ignored by his people_and there was nothing much in it. What he was saying were very simple truths which have been known for thousands of years. There was nothing new in it, there was nothing dangerous in it.

To crucify him was absolutely baseless. But it seems Jesus wanted it to happen, because before the crucifixion he was aware that he was going to be caught if he went to the festival; if he went into Jerusalem he was going to be caught and crucified. He was fully aware, it was known to everybody. There was no need to go there, but he was pulled toward Jerusalem as if pulled by a magnet, irresistibly. He was filled with this idea that "crucifixion will prove my messiahhood."

You have to understand the background. Jews have certain things that a messiah has to fulfill; one of them is crucifixion and resurrection. But resurrection is possible only if crucifixion happens. And Jesus was declaring himself to be the messiah, the awaited one, for whom the Jews have been waiting for centuries, who would redeem them from their suffering, their misery, and who would open the doors of heaven for them. They could not believe that this poor carpenter's son, utterly uneducated, was the messiah - that "he is going to redeem us, he is going to redeem the whole of humanity from suffering."

And that's why they were insisting that the only test would be the cross. Jews were insisting on the cross, because that would prove whether he is a messiah or not. And Jesus was hankering for the cross and crucifixion, because unless crucifixion happens, resurrection is impossible. It might happen, it might not happen, after crucifixion, but it could not happen without crucifixion - that much was certain. So when he heard the news that he was going to be crucified at that year's festival he started moving toward Jerusalem.

>> No.14169478

but I just masturbated to some qt korean trap porn.

Did he fail? Or did I not sin?

>> No.14169507

To save us from our sins and legally take back ownership of creation from Satan.

>> No.14169511

>qt korean trap porn.
You didn't sin

>> No.14169513


>> No.14169518
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To save wretches like you and me>>14169462

>> No.14169585

This reminded me of this poem I have saved, enjoy.

Jesus Walks in Belfast

when Jesus comes through Belfast
he spends his wisdom dear
And when his name is spoken
he makes as not to hear

He keeps well back in company
and shuts his fuckin mouth
and when he can he does his trade
a measure further south

When Jesus walks in Belfast
He keeps his cap pulled low
his step away he quickens
and those returning slow

He'd have a merry welcome
if he should take the whim
to ask the sods he suffered for
to suffer more of him.

>> No.14169595
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4 U

>> No.14169659

>Jesus wanted it to happen
>prayed so hard for it to not happen He started sweating blood
imagine actually typing all of this retarded blasphemy out

>> No.14169672

>>prayed so hard for it to not happen He started sweating blood
Jesus was taken down from the cross, put into a cave, with a big rock as a door so he could not escape - because the people who brought him down knew perfectly well that he was alive. Even in the Bible it is reported that one soldier poked his sword into Jesus' side and blood came out. Blood does not come out of a dead man; the soldier was just making sure that he was alive. And in the night he was removed from there. Now it would have been only on the Monday morning that the cave door would be opened - and the cave was found empty.

Jesus escaped from Jerusalem. At last something of sanity had come to his mind; he knew perfectly well that it was foolish - even his own disciples had escaped when he was being crucified. Nobody was there except one disciple. All were afraid they may be caught and thought to be part of Jesus' conspiracy against Judaism and the Roman Empire.

At the last supper, when Jesus took his departure from his apostles_. To me they were just foolish people. If they had any understanding they would have prevented Jesus: "What is the need to go to Jerusalem when you know that they are going to crucify you there tomorrow?" It was known all over that if he came to this festival they were not going to leave him free: "He has done enough damage to the prestige of the priests, rabbis, and the established religion. Now to allow him more is dangerous, he will become more and more powerful. It is better to finish him right now. Right now he has no power, no following, nothing much to say about it."

But these twelve apostles simply allowed him to go. Not a single apostle told him, "There is no need. We need you alive, and we would like you to live as long as possible so that what you want to happen can happen." No, they were just dumb guys.

I feel sorry for Jesus. Buddha was far more fortunate; he had really great giants as his disciples. Lao Tzu was fortunate. Jesus is the most unfortunate in this whole company of messiahs, avataras, tirthankaras - most unfortunate. Fishermen - what could they do and what did they understand?

Do you know what they asked him at the last supper? They accepted the fact that he was going to be crucified. They asked him the question, "In the kingdom of God, of course you will be on the right hand side of God; what will be the position of us twelve fellows who have followed you?" In fact, a very Jewish question: one wants to make sure of one's position, where one is going to be, who will be second, third, fourth. And they were very ignorant people.

Jesus said, "At least tonight, when I am going to be caught, don't fall asleep. At least tonight, remain awake!" And hour after hour he went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane; he went into a corner to pray. What was he praying? He was praying: "God give me strength, that I can pass through this fire test that is ahead of me."

>> No.14169673
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He couldn't think of any other way to save humanity, every other previous attempt had failed, this was his last chance.

>> No.14169686

Ritual sacrifice magnified by a million. The last great sacrifice akin to the Mayans or whatever.

>> No.14169720

Jesus Christ is God

>> No.14169729

Same reason Socrates did it.

>> No.14169786

This is a theory I support, too. The Mesopotamian deities, called the Annunaki by Sumerians, seemed to create a culture of sacrifice wherever they went. The Old Testament sees Yahweh receiving animal sacrifices, and the New Testament transitions to a human one. Not sure what purpose it served, however. Or who Jesus really was.

>> No.14169798

Yeah Rene Girard is a good person to read if anyone else is interested in this. He talks a lot about scapegoating and other stuff

>> No.14169847

The teaching of Jesus was that we are all sons of God. The church perverted his message because if they could convince the people that Jesus was the only son of God and he died a long time ago then they would be easier to control. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

>> No.14169854

Yeshua was God. When Adam and Eve sinned, creation fell under the corruption of sin. As Satan was the king of sin, he now had the jurisdiction over creation. The punishment of sin was death, so they needed to sacrifice animals to pay for their sins. Yeshua had to come from David’s line so that He would be of Adam’s bloodline—since Yeshua was meant to be the ultimate sacrifice, this allowed for YHWH to legally retake ownership of His creation. By not sinning and sacrificing himself as the ultimate payment for sin, never again would man have to shed blood to atone for sin. Through Yeshua, the spiritual bond between man and God was mended, but only through Yeshua could man be saved. The Holy Spirit was allowed to abide in those who would build a relationship with YHWH, and He also acts as the one who prays for us to YHWH. So, in short, through Yeshua’s name and sacrifice, we can speak with YHWH. The Holy Spirit takes our prayers that are authorized by Yeshua’s name and sacrifice up to YHWH, and the Holy Spirit prays on our behalf to YHWH. That’s why Yeshua had to die.

>> No.14169859

Daddy issues

>> No.14169860

This is probably why so many people have messianic episodes: they're right, but they usually ignore or forget the fact that everyone is a child of God.

>> No.14169874
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just shut the fuck up already.

>> No.14169882


>> No.14169932
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>> No.14169987

idk what /lit/ thinks about this, but i'm not really a fan of the catholic/protestant "redemptive theology" to which they adhere; i don't read the Bible as Jesus taking on the punishment of mankind so we don't have to pay the price.
i see it more as humans chose death over God. God doesn't want to punish us, death is simply the consequence of rejecting Him/Life. Jesus was an example. He taught us how to live a life for God, he provided a path. Salvation didn't occur on the cross––Jesus' resurrection is the path that God has set out for us. It is up to us to decide to take it on or reject it.

>> No.14169994

>Because the people who brought him down knew perfectly well that he was alive. Even in the Bible it is reported that one soldier poked his sword into Jesus' side and blood came out. Blood does not come out of a dead man
Except the text specifies blood and water, any doctor knows is from the collection of water around the pericardium, which occurs immediately after death. Nice try Oshofag.

>> No.14170000

You're having a conniption. Take your meds