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14168257 No.14168257 [Reply] [Original]

For me is mail-bombing, Ted-shed building, Big iq haver, trombone playing, nature loving Ted kaczynski.

>> No.14168398

1. Read Industrial Society and It's Future
2. Read Technological Slavery
3. Read Anti Tech Revolution: Why and How

>> No.14168470

the autistic pill? okay.............................

>> No.14168580

I wish I could find a higher res of that image. I want to print it out and put it on my bulletin board.

>> No.14168592

I am trying to read 1 but i have this bigass philosophy book and i feel the need to end It before n1

>> No.14168893
File: 36 KB, 328x500, 51hylzZ85KL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"industial society and its future" is very short read and easy to read, worth reading desu if you didn't start with the philosophy book

>> No.14168945

ISAIF is more important. Same with his other writings.

>> No.14168956 [DELETED] 

>anarchist and environmentalist
>denounces racism
>advocates for class unity
>/pol/ worships him as a hero
How are right wingers this retarded?

>> No.14168980

Pol tards think he is on their side because he despises leftists. Also Ted doesn't advocate class unity, stop pulling shit out of your butt.

>> No.14169005

Is Anti Tech Revolution: Why and How worth reading if I don't share the same optimism as Ted regarding revolution? I think we are pass the point of no return

>> No.14169008

his worshipers are AnPrims, and its not weird at all that people against modernity respect this guy

>> No.14169014

/pol/ reads the first part of ISAIF where he criticises leftists, thinks "wow, this guy agrees with me, he seems pretty redpilled", and stop reading.
Occasionally you'll get someone who does read past that, but they take the fact he doesn't bother criticising conservative ideas as him supporting them, and end up with some sort of bizarre ecofash ideology.

Didn't you enjoy reading him, anon?
Surely you should want to read more for that alone.

>> No.14169015

(not him) i only read ISAIF, did you read technological slavery and is it worth reading it?

>> No.14169023 [DELETED] 

>It was Shadow Fox who came closest to interpreting correctly the meaning of ISIF. The struggle against the industrial system can possibly be understood as a class war, but, if so, it is not a class war of the traditional kind. In traditional class war the workers struggle against the bourgeoisie for control of the system, or to get a larger share of the material benefits that the system offers. Thus traditional class war is inconsistent with our goal, which is to destroy the system. Social classes in the traditional sense are irrelevant to our goal. From our point of view only two social classes are relevant: one class consists of the technocratic elite and the other class consists of everyone else. The struggle against the system could be viewed as a class war against the technocratic elite
Dumb nigger

>> No.14169027
File: 31 KB, 1080x296, 1572018274767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did some proper maffs as well, clever lad

>> No.14169037
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literal CIA tier garbage. netflix made a show to shill him to the masses and thus disarm them from faustian spirits of conquest. they want us to live in little cuck sheds without technology while they sit in their bastions of technocracy and rule over our worthless lives until we are culled, one by one, and we watch as husks of skeletal braindead androids as our masters escape into the heavens of the universe.

>> No.14169048

>Didn't you enjoy reading him, anon?
Good point
I can give you the same answer the anon above gave me, if you thought ISAIF was intriguing then yes

>> No.14169054

/pol/ is not a mono voice shill, there are many who browse the forum that oppose him.
>class unity
You just presented 2 concepts that are against one another.

I have never been in a single thread in which Ted's philosophy was not hotly debated. /pol/ is a wild ride but its the only thing left that is remotely free from the kinds of censorship you will experience elsewhere. shilling against it is highly suspect given that it has nothing to do with the current thread topic.

>> No.14169058

Ecofash actually makes some sense to me in that I can understand the direct link and connection. Giving up on the idea that this globalism is beneficial is the first important step humanity must make.

>> No.14169075

>if you thought ISAIF was intriguing then yes
yeah, it will be on my reading list, ISAIF was so perfect that i didn't had the need to read another book on the issue, he covered everything needed about industrialism and its consequences

>> No.14169092

Globalism isn't a choice anon, it's not some scheme consciously being imposed on us. It's a simply a natural result of the technology we're exposed to. It doesn't matter whether people think it's good for us - in fact, it doesn't matter what people think at all - if the technology present makes it possible for globalism to dominate, globalism will dominate.

>> No.14169098 [DELETED] 

>against one another
You’re a fucking moron. Kill yourself you stupid fucking retard.

>> No.14169119
File: 740 KB, 1000x1489, 1538690007342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply disagree with your statement that denies that it is not "consciously imposed on us" when we can directly observe this in every single facet of modern Occidental experiences. We are constantly bombarded with propaganda demanding a necessity for a global culture and we have seen the effects of said global culture in most Occidental cities (for people living in the West there is no real reason to visit any other Western nation for all of them are now beginning to resemble the same singular mono-entity).

Technology is only a tool like anything else and technology has existed since humans banged rocks together to make arrowheads. Yet, we have seen that even with such technology humans are still capable of radically different experience models (e.g. I simply do not believe that contemporary China, with the same technological access as the Occident is experiencing the same cultural shift that the West is undergoing forcibly).

Another wonderfully illustrated point from a worthless mutt android who will sit and watch while his masters ascend into the heavenly bodies while he gropes on the ground as a machine-flesh worthless lump of cells and pulsates into oblivion.

>> No.14169133

Then what's NAFTA?

>> No.14169138 [DELETED] 

What an embarrassing post. It’s also plain as day that you have not read a single anarchist author.

>> No.14169153

>more absolute nothingposting
What I saw from my studies in the Spanish Civil War on the Anarchist Question was the same will to subconsciously deny power while going through the will to power process. This is fundamentally why Anarchism as an ideology is routinely self-defeating. This hybrid idea of "anarcho-syndaclism" is perhaps one of the more absurdist ideologies to ever be produced during that mad rush of ideocrafting of the last three centuries. Studying their complete inability to ever mount serious opposition to even Guardia Civil outfits underlies its total inability to manage its own existence.

>> No.14169161

As they say "Smash the State" while creating their own bordered land. It's all so tiresome that we are still having to deal with people holding on these worthless ideologies that only wasted time and life.

>> No.14169168

One of the greatest presentations of the lack of ability for anarchism to succeed could arguably even be traced back to the Polish Szlachta and their direct contribution to the Partition of the Polish State.

>> No.14169177

I think of all those college aged rejects waving their red and black banners in unison trying to convince me they aren't forming a new state.

>> No.14169178 [DELETED] 

>might is right
I will never understand how you illiterates square this with the fact that Nietzsche lived a horrible life plagued by illness and physical malformation and died poor, alone, and crippled. I love how you still refuse to google the name of a single anarchist author to namedrop in defense of your stunning misunderstanding of anarchism.

>> No.14169188

Look I just don't see a point in denying a will to power when it always exists. Even those Zapitista's in Mexico are all armed with signs marking their territory and for awhile had that Marco fellow as their "not leader". At some point isn't dropping pretenses just better for everybody?

>> No.14169193

The propaganda is just justifying it, from the people it happened to benefit. They didn't plan it.

How different is the life of a typical chinese city dweller from that of a typical westerner from a city?
In practical terms, not meaningless nonsense like "democracy" or "free speech"

>> No.14169194

this but unironically

>> No.14169199 [DELETED] 

Absolutely brainlet tier replies. First of all, read Lenin. Secondly, Franco and company were backed by imperialist powers all across Europe to rape and kill those that had formed independent communes on unused land and as a result the revolutionaries had to coalesce under a banner with a top down government.

>> No.14169212

>as a result the revolutionaries had to coalesce under a banner with a top down government.
because maybe....top down governments work better? Is that what you're admitting here lmao

>> No.14169213

The Netflix show was fucking garbage and misrepresented his whole argument by making goyim believe that he was just against stoplights.
Ted advocates for the complete destruction of the technoindustrial system, not for people to allow technology to thrive while living in a cabin.

>> No.14169220

I was not even referring to man made laws but more simplistic concepts like cuisine, language, custom, and culture. Even your average Beijingite at least has a cultural awareness unlike those in the Occident that routinely preach a "mass culture" that seemingly just resembles a surface level gray mass of going to cultural themed restaurants and professing they have a metaphysical understanding of culture. I just see it all how it is. Globalism and technology are not one in the same, Globalism is just an ideological standpoint that is being pushed on people. Technology can easily be made as a counter-current to globalism (e.g. why have mass immigration for "labor" when one could simply invent machines that work at the rate of 100 men?). My point is simple: The "Tedpill" is a degenerated waste of time that only leads to your own enslavement (my references to the anarchists in the Spanish Civil War is now made relevant here) while others make off into space.

>read Lenin
>Franco and company were backed by imperialist powers

You're just laying down more and more excuses. For example, there was a lot of Soviet influence on the "Republican" side of things and the Communist militia's were always heralded as the "best" of the Republican militia's because they were outfitted with the best equipment and were drilled and trained. I am not a Communist by any stretch of the imagination but the Communists at least had the sense of understanding that one must have organizational skills with command structure. The Anarchist militia's suffered serious set backs simply due to the fact that their "not leaders" took hardline stances against not leading and thus achieved nothing of any signifiance beyond some holding actions until they were mopped up and routed.

>read Lenin
I don't see the relevance here at all. These guys that came from the Marxist world view are all pretty useless especially when we can just make a direct observation of their own actions in life. Lenin's armies were stopped by Poland, for example, his own ability was mostly in riling up uneducated masses into mass killing academics and land owners not really about nation leading. Stalin was far more practical in that regard.

Yeah I agree with you here actually but still, if Netflix is shilling this to the masses you know its just all apart of that MKULTRA shit Teddy was subjected to.

>> No.14169223 [DELETED] 

When faced with mass rape and murder this has always been the case.

>> No.14169228

Yes he is but it's the usual run around to get anywhere. This is why these Anarchist and Communist viewpoints are grossly outdated and a total waste of time. Even the Fascists were at least based in Futurism which has some kind of (highly destructive, like Communism) vague notions of technological ascendancy.

>> No.14169238

As if mass rape is some new concept. This is a routine part of destroying your opposition. Even the Red Army engaged in this behavior wholesale. Let us not pretend that the Anarchists were free of so called "war crimes" and we can only assume had they defeated Franco there would have been a wave of executions following the usual tribunal procedure we saw when the Bolshevik's took power and cleansed Russia of its academics and leadership.

>> No.14169243 [DELETED] 

>I don't see the relevance here at all
Lenin advocated for strict party discipline during the bloody transition to a communist society that tools of capital like Franco and CIA would ensure in Spain and the USSR respectively.

>> No.14169251

Of course he advocated for strict party discipline because it is a necessary component of leadership and structure. When put to the test, these theorizing is a waste of time and resources that could be spent elsewhere. It has also wasted a tremendous amount of human life in experimenting. I see no logical reason why contemporary Westerners are even bothering with continuing to try and play with these misfit toys.

>> No.14169260

>cuisine, language, custom, and culture.
I'm not seeing their importance, anon.
but as for (e.g. why have mass immigration for "labor" when one could simply invent machines that work at the rate of 100 men?), why not do both?
Besides, the reality is that automation doesn't matter, as most jobs aren't doing anything useful to begin with.
Parkinson's law is worth reading here.

>> No.14169272

>I'm not seeing their importance, anon.
Then we simply diverge in what we view as integral to the make up of a constructive existence.

>why not do both?
Why would we encourage mass immigration while subsequently restricting opportunity and also creating high dense population centers? This is just breeding grounds for techno-feudalism.

>most jobs aren't doing anything useful to begin with
Humans don't exist solely to fulfill utilitarian destinies. It has use to the human condition otherwise it would not exist as a role to be fulfilled.

>> No.14169278

I think of places like San Francisco and LA as the future under your idea. Highly political centers of alleged Marxist belief but the reality is the majority are mixed herd muddled masses without identity, belief, or chance ruled over by a small clique of unified technocrats who will ascend and then presumably exterminate the unnecessary herd they spawned to occupy the positions that fulfilled basic necessities (e.g. farming, banking, etc) until they simply are not needed. Thus, mass immigration particularly of randomized ethnic and culture groups is just a way to displace a people and weaken them as a whole as we have seen in the gradual collapse of the American Experiment.

>> No.14169282

To be true the USSR experienced this as well and then made stern attempts to keep its conquered populations from overly immigrating and often displaced and/or exterminated entire cultural groups (e.g. Cossacks, Lemkos, and some Eurasian peoples) in order to consildate the ideology and remove any nasty identity issues that would get in the way of their mass culture.

>> No.14169295

>San Francisco and LA
You couldn't have picked two places outside the US, let alone California?
And this is beside the point, but american liberals aren't "marxist" any more than american conservatives are "fascist" - they're both buzzwords that both sides throw around so much as to be effectively meaningless.

What makes you think the technocrats have any more power or control here?

>> No.14169317

>Yeah I agree with you here actually but still, if Netflix is shilling this to the masses you know its just all apart of that MKULTRA shit Teddy was subjected to.
They are not shilling Ted's ideas to the masses, they are slandering his name and work by feeling the viewers with watered down ideas and straight up lies about what Ted had in mind. I believe they do that do make his books obsolete by replacing them with their stupid tv show. Some might be interested in him but will rather than reading just watch the show and thus will be robbed out of the real material

>> No.14169319

Technology has always be wielded by the externally stronger group forces. I used California because it is the center of this American technological culture and thus is the most obvious selection, it is also the highest concentration of liberalized viewpoints as well as promotion of the kind of globalism that I Was referring too prior that will simply create the conditions I laid out earlier.

And yes I do agree but the undercurrent of the New Left is entirely Marxist. The same is in every Western country. The next generation of Western people will be Marxist. As a Pole it is rather amusing to watch the East grappling with escaping the legacy of Marxism while the West is stumbling right into the same mythology that exterminated the Russian people. Well I suppose we hijacked this thread well enough.

>> No.14169341

I honestly see no real difference between the western (I'll avoid saying "american") left and right - look at how quick both sides were to jump on China.

>As a Pole
ah that explains it

>> No.14169344

what's the ted pill? becoming a tranny serial killer and writing a gay manifesto that is totally divorced from reality?

>> No.14169352

American is only an aspect of the overarching Western culture that is predominantly before in line with Western Europe, but of course America has its influence in this.

>ah that explains it
It is simply a well documented failure here and every year more and more of that great ruin is uncovered and analyzed. Also, we have a history of being relatively anarchistic which has consistently led to our devastation. I just see no point in these rather outdated viewpoints that have really only achieved getting a lot of people killed needlessly and dragging heels forward rather than searching for the hard question on how to ascend.

>> No.14169648



>> No.14170715

FBI spotted.

>> No.14170734

Isnt isaif in the tech slavery book?

>> No.14170867
File: 232 KB, 1155x1280, photo5075597161785305219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go bro

>> No.14170902


>> No.14171224

I wonder if ted read about the teachings from the frankfurt school and critical theory developed from mainly jewish leftists that were hellbent about the deterioration of western civilization through the
"reflective assessment and critique of society and culture by applying knowledge from the social sciences and the humanities" later probably acknowledged as what we now know as political correctness and progressivism.

>> No.14171439

>take the ted pill anon........and continue using the computer with its internet

""""""""Big IQ haverer"""""""""""""

>> No.14171507

wow, turns out you can't escape technological slavery while living in technological slavery which needs to be completely destroyed to escape it! It's almost as if you became self-aware, anon, go on, I believe in you!

>> No.14171643

I hope a fucking neanderthal (read: a urban youth (i.e. a nigger)) ambushes you and crushes your skull with a rock

>> No.14171986
File: 2.41 MB, 3024x4032, Anti-Tech Revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true. but in many ways who cares. the tv show is for morons and let the show entertain the morons. it won't affect the formation of an anti-tech organization.

>> No.14171989

>totally divorced from reality

you're a complete idiot

>> No.14171993

Be force fed LSD while people shove wired in your face and yell NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE

>> No.14172008

never happened.

>> No.14172044


>> No.14172217

he hated leftists, even listed the “politically correct “ as part of those he vehemently opposed

>> No.14172403

Based and Techpilled.

>> No.14173383


>> No.14173407

Bone-dry academic footnote humour never fails to make me chortle.

>> No.14173430
File: 93 KB, 750x750, EDlkGSKVAAArc4t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Anti Tech Revolution: Why and How worth reading if I don't share the same optimism as Ted regarding revolution? I think we are pass the point of no return
I think so because he elaborates what is probably his most important insight: a deep, insurmountable pessimism about man's ability to guide the course of his own history. The 'How' portion of the book left me a little uninspired, mostly because of how strong his 'Why" is. You may think different after having read it. I found the book to be very disturbing in a stimulating sort of way. I recommend.

>> No.14173432

No idea what you are talking about.

>> No.14173442

project MKUltra

>> No.14173664

No I mean you have no idea what you (or he, if that isn't you) are talking about. Kaczynski has written about his interaction with MKUltra before and it had nothing to do with LSD or mind control. He literally filled out some questionnaires.

>> No.14173675

You forgot tranny-lover

>> No.14173892

smooth brain post