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File: 103 KB, 480x599, 480px-Immanuel_Kant_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14167421 No.14167421 [Reply] [Original]

>German philosopher Immanuel Kant devised an argument from morality based on practical reason. Kant argued that the goal of humanity is to achieve perfect happiness and virtue (the summum bonum) and believed that an afterlife must exist in order for this to be possible, and that God must exist to provide this.
How could one man be so autistically coherent in his Critique of Pure Reason while holding retarded beliefs like this?

>> No.14167425

Those beliefs were only regulative for Kant. All we know is that we do innately believe those things, in the immortality and unity of our soul, in the ultimate goodness of nature, and in the moral duty to help one another create the best world possible for ourselves. Those are implanted in us as the natural conclusions of our reason, which tends toward unity, harmony, and goodness as regulative principles guiding our judgments.

>> No.14167427

You are mentally handicapped

>> No.14167430

>autistically coherent
Cope harder bitch or sumbit

>> No.14167440

Could a friendly nigger translate this post?

>> No.14167562

>Goal of humanity to achieve perfect happiness
isnt this just what Atheist Utilitariantards believe?

>> No.14167567

Oh, do we know that?
Guess philosophy is solved.

>> No.14167575

Ben Stiller has joined the chatroom

>> No.14167580

Kant would be totally opposed to that. If anything the opposite critique is the pertinent one, which is that he's a crypto-Platonist and crypto-Christian. He's saying that Christian and platonic values are self-evident and built into our souls.

>> No.14167583

And Gnostics.
The links are calvinism and sabbateanism.
Another branch of the tree argues for the simple perfectioning of society through the malleability of human nature.
Marx derives from there, telling marxists that they're basically calvinists is the perfect way to make them seethe.
If only human nature really was "malleable"

>> No.14167600

I am Gnostic (Though closer to Neoplatonic) and I dont believe that. The meaning of life for me is to escape from the Samsara.
And morality to me boils down to doing to others as you would have them do to you

debating "objective" morality is ultimately pointless

>> No.14167601

>Those beliefs were only regulative for Kant. All we know is that we do innately believe those things, in the immortality and unity of our soul, in the ultimate goodness of nature, and in the moral duty to help one another create the best world possible for ourselves. Those are implanted in us as the natural conclusions of our reason, which tends toward unity, harmony, and goodness as regulative principles guiding our judgments.

I couldn't use better words. This is the point.

>> No.14167676
File: 39 KB, 720x540, 4c609f069c5e6792fad2bd1e3aa8d69aff30fbb899276a13954adb0c6bf93594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14167696

Whats the point of giving my comment if i dont get a (you)

>> No.14167772

I'll give you a (you) my brother <3

>> No.14167781


>> No.14167922

Lots of geniuses have irrational beliefs. Nothing wrong with that. You put yourself as an arrogant pseud when you think there must be something wrong with an intelligent man for having beliefs different to yours

>> No.14167928

Speak for yourself buddy

>> No.14167936
File: 55 KB, 710x398, cover_truedetective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14169157

this but unironically.
>Kant is pretty hard on pushing this point though; almsot dogmatically though