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14165331 No.14165331[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14165343

Subjectivity proves there is, but not in the way you're thinking of it.

>> No.14165348

Literally nothing else

>> No.14165356

But why isn't A an S?

So A = S

>> No.14165365

Because there is objective truth of quantity, there also must be objective truth of the subject/object quality, hence everything is its own value and so you are me because you are your value and I am you because you are my value and without us there is not quantity with which to measure.

>> No.14165366

"A" stands in for anything which is not unlike itself, not something particular.

>> No.14165369

There is objective truth in mathematics, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to build things.

>> No.14165381

Yes, and it's whatever I say.

>> No.14165384

I didn't even establish quantities exist, you dumb fuck. Alike, equal, and unlike are qualities, not quantities.
Accepting quantities would imply accepting that there can be sets of things that are equal to one another.

>> No.14165397

Will you ever experience it? No.

>> No.14165404

Speak for yourself.

>> No.14165430

A=A? Bro, things can only be defined in n-1 dimensions

>> No.14165439

Yes. Consciousness is objective truth. Objective simply means "mind-independent", which consciousness is. Your mind can deny or doubt the existence or status of many items, but it cannot doubt the consciousness containing it. That's because the mind is sustained within consciousness, not the other way, and that consciousness itself can be likened to a "field of objectivity", whereby everything existing in it exists regardless of what the mind thinks of it. Your mind can deny, but it can't deny that it denied - that is because consciousness objectively encases your mental acts inside of itself, without ability for said mind to simply make any kind of statement it likes.

What is the absolute truth? Pure Consciousness, the most fundamental level of consciousness, which sustains all shallower levels of consciousness. This moment, prior to any conceptualization, is truth. The direct experience of reality. Any act of thought you engender simply exists within that non-conceptual, direct reality. So absolute truth simply means that you can't proceed deeper than it, hence why it's Pure Consciousness. But every layer of consciousness, including our shallow waking state, is still "absolute", in the sense that it cannot be changed, existing as it does immutably.

I can't explain myself very well, but these are my basic thoughts. It feels so obvious to me personally, that consciousness is the necessary, objective, eternal, immutable, unchanging reality which people had labelled "God" for so long. And that all you need to do to realize your truer nature, is to learn meditation and thereby reach those deeper states within your own consciousness.

>> No.14165494

the universe is expanding

>> No.14165535

I'm gonna eat your ass out, ideoloboy

>> No.14165569

Only the Lord knows. Don't be so arrogant as to think that if there were, we could know it.

>> No.14165571
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>consciousness is the necessary, objective, eternal, immutable, unchanging reality which people had labelled "God" for so long

This guy knows.

>> No.14165581
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No it's getting smaller, conforming into a single coin for me to use in the coffee machine – you absolute bumbling retard.

>> No.14165605

There is, and we can. Speaking from experience, here.

>> No.14165609
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Yes, within a given frame of reference you may speak of objective truth.
Conversely, when you blow apart the frame, all points of view are seen as subjective.
However, as soon as you try to say or do something, you're back into a frame of reference.
So what do you take from it? Obviously not to see everything as subjective, but simply to allow for multiple differing points of view.

>> No.14165688

Get thee hence, vile tempter!

>> No.14165691

This >>14165688 was directed at you>>14165605

>> No.14166159

Thank you anonfren.

>> No.14166199

I don’t know

>> No.14167169

How do I know I have access to A in itself, and not just a subjective representation of A?

>> No.14167604

It doesn't matter. We can only know things subjectively. But truth/reality isn't a thing, or it is the *only* thing.

>> No.14167716

It would be impossible for there to not be an objective truth

>> No.14167743

there is none, but it will never matter because the universe is entirely arbitrary. we cannot be sure that the view we perceive A is actually A but because it wouldn't matter either way we can disregard that and assume A = A. otherwise life begins to lose meaning. it is important to always remember that objectivity isn't so objective but never to fall into the pitfall of doubting it to hinder your mentality

>> No.14167762

>there is none
Is this true?

>> No.14168003

If I step off the edge of a cliff, I'm going to fall. It doesnt matter if I believe I can fly or I believe I wont fall, no matter what I will fall and most likely die. It's all objective anybody that says truth is subjective is trying to please their own ego.

>> No.14168014

Any answer to the question of objective truth must necessarily be an objective truth, so the only answer can be yes. It is an anti-question.

>> No.14168269

It’s entirely possible to form such sets of single elements, supposing that some elements can be equal to themselves.

>> No.14168568

Not if my feelings say otherwise. :^)

>> No.14168575

It's called Math

>> No.14168577

Truth doesn't care about your feelings.

>> No.14168589

>implying you will fall just because lots of other things have fallen in the past

>> No.14168591
