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File: 199 KB, 700x1057, serveimage (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14165174 No.14165174 [Reply] [Original]

This guy didn't go far enough. Technology isn't the problem; humans are.

>> No.14165178

>being a biological life apologist
Life is a blight on our planet

>> No.14165189
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You can thank christianity for that.

>> No.14165235

If humans are the problem, and you're a human, then what's the problem?

>> No.14165297

i feel like he wouldve written better stuff if he didnt get ratted out too early.

>> No.14165320

based Mainlander

>> No.14165322
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The animated carbon refuses to grasp the immorality of its stasis. We must show it, such that all may know that life is a violation of a sacred natural canon.

>> No.14165546

Ah, back to Christianity I see. Good choice.

>> No.14165557

>christianity supports the eradication of human life

>> No.14165565

He didn’t smash technology though. He blew some humans up.

The problem is systemic. People can and have lived better.

It does. They think they’re bringing god back for Armageddon. They like climate change

>> No.14165574

Butterfly, you're the worst person to ever post on this board. I hope you take that personally.

No, read Ellul.

>> No.14165584

Your the problem Anon. The world is perfect. We all just need to realise it and give thanks.

>> No.14165592

You realize he's published like two or three books from prison right?

>> No.14165604

>The world is perfect.
[citation needed]
>We all just need to realise it and give thanks.
Thank who or what?

>> No.14165622

its not the same. he lost when he got caught

>> No.14165678

I like how you don't question the fact that your the problem.
>[citation needed]
I'm not going to do your thinking for you, as much as you might want me to.
>Thank who or what?
You already know.
>Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.
-Proverbs 21:2

Every person believes after their own manner anon. Keep seeking and you will find. Be honest and you will know peace.

>> No.14165696

I'm the one who should be questioning myself, and not you?

>> No.14165790

he's just really big fucking brained and delusional

>> No.14165796


>> No.14165840


>> No.14165953
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Can life prevail?

>> No.14165959

> wah, I'm mentally ill
> no, wait, it is the WORLD that is wrong!
Many a pseud have traveled this path, though few so spectacularly

>> No.14166318

You are a literal baby-head. Get well soon.

He isn’t any more mentally ill than the sociopaths fucking the environment over for some spooky cash.

>> No.14167212

Why do you care so much about the environment?

>> No.14167249

Ahhhhhh muh dick

>> No.14167288

Ted was socially inept until he ran away from everyone and did it. You really think his philosophy preceded what made him avoid people his whole life anyway?
Obviously the guy had issues with communicating his feefees.

>> No.14167840


>> No.14167847

>Technology isn't the problem; humans are.
He did target humans did he not?

>> No.14167952

Of course, but I don’t think that makes him insane.

What the fuck?

>> No.14167964

we lived in harmony with nature and still some are (savage tribes/nomads and others trying like varg) until Technology and civilization came and fucked shit up so much and in a fast scale but maybe you are right because humans now are dependent on technology

>> No.14167972

Life is literally a technology lol. The demarcation between AI and brain is completely arbitrary.

>> No.14167985

check the mail

>> No.14167989

The real problem is the existence of carbon

>> No.14167996
File: 36 KB, 328x500, 51hylzZ85KL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone want to read his stuff start with this one, its short and gets to the point

>> No.14168001

We did not live in 'harmony' with nature, we lived in all out constant warfare with it until we suddenly got a lot more powerful and it became more of a massacre

>> No.14168008

we did and we still do, old humans had very respect for nature and even didn't pick all the berries and fruits to give for nature

>> No.14168019



>> No.14168025

im not going to read about some poop they found so you win

>> No.14168026

No, it's the carbon group. Not just carbon.

>> No.14168279

Humans aren’t the problem;
Consciousness is

>> No.14168286

False. Language is the problem. If we didn't have language we would have no problems.

>> No.14168292

Abolish causality

>> No.14168555

You've never post anything that wouldn't be at home on the Reddit front page. Your presence immediately ruins any thread you post in. No one has ever read a single thing you've posted and been better off for it. You will never be a girl and your parents will never not be ashamed of your existence.

>> No.14168915

>listens to Ildjarn once

>> No.14168954
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Based and Linkolapilled

>> No.14168959

heard about this band is it good or generic no riffs black metal?

>> No.14168960

boring philosophy.

>> No.14169463

Wow. If I ned to know anything about Re**it, I’ll be sure to ask you, chief. You’re the expert.

>> No.14170344
File: 57 KB, 500x84, 1562281598855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh turns out humans were the monsters all along

>> No.14170596

Woah. Deep

>> No.14170605

>humans are the problem
For whom?

>> No.14170694


>> No.14171335

heat death when

>> No.14172753


>> No.14172758

The rational brain is a parasite on the ecosystem is it not?

>> No.14172797

He'd never agree with that. He's a neochristian obsessed with free will, rights etc all. In fact I'd argue his thought process is barely seperatable from liberalism. If you're interested in anti people deep ecology then look into Pentti Linkola.

>> No.14172880
File: 165 KB, 1242x512, EF854A4E-0D1C-478D-BDA2-593129FE706F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14172888

*She's* right here though. The Christian mindset only makes sense if you see that they don't care if they fuck the Earth, because they believe that if they did it would all be part of God's plan. This absolutely has to be plainly called out.

>> No.14173291

Consciousness isn't the problem. Existence is

>> No.14173369

(I thought butterfly was a tranny)

>> No.14173428

That's what I was implying.

>> No.14173532
File: 31 KB, 500x485, 1549378540631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dur the book does the thinkin' for me! Sinner.

>> No.14173544

> you will never be a girl

That's just cruel maine

>> No.14173554

> whom


>> No.14173793


>> No.14174111
File: 556 KB, 1392x2748, Osho_HD_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy didn't go far enough. Technology isn't the problem; humans are.
no. humans and technology aren't the problem. You guys need to go further.

the mind is the problem. This guy went deep.

>> No.14174195

t. demonic entity

>> No.14174564
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>> No.14174572

Extrapolate this.

>> No.14174592
File: 1.08 MB, 2592x1944, cern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technological progress is just the demon summoning itself, a la Nick Land's AI.

>> No.14174601

Sure but why? Or is this your axiom?

>> No.14174629

Take it as my axiom, I'm not learned or eloquent enough to defend it. But I've come to believe it over the past few months, seeing the recklessness of AI researchers that treat their object of study as a silly toy, and the influence that technology has which can be described as demonic insofar it completely destroys any established order.

>> No.14174655

>over the past few months
Don't fall for the media buzzwords or corporate hype. AI has been stagnant for over 30 years now.

>> No.14174670

I know that, and I do not believe we will be capable of actually reaching the point of having what people generally consider as "true AI", or sentient, or however you wanna call it, so I'm not afraid about that. I don't really watch media about it either. I've just gotten more interested in deep eco and all that stuff.
Advances in automation will start causing serious social upheaveal though, not the same thing but related.

>> No.14174681
File: 28 KB, 220x293, The_wheel_of_life,_Trongsa_dzong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is the fact humans are interconnected and cannot survive without other humans, so they need to conform to technological advance.

>> No.14174683

I’m finna prevail my dick in that thot

>> No.14174691

as if any breakthroughs will be made public instantly. we will be too old to care once it gets declassified

>> No.14174721
File: 891 KB, 847x2086, narrative accelerationism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this?

>> No.14174737

you are a human kill yourself and fix the prblem

>> No.14174756

That's not really how software evolves, unfortunately. Things are pushed forwards by novel approaches attained from decades old research papers that are barely related to the new application.

Governments and big corporations keep hardware secrets, but are notoriously bad at software.

The amount of talented people who program as a hobby is astronomical. Private entities can barely compete in terms of quality. Compare Linux to Windows/MacOS. Linux may have a smaller market share, but it blows the other two out of the water.

>> No.14175036

yeah but it only talks about the model that existed since wwII. the world wars were lower tech but defines what that picture is describing even before mass tv. only made obvious because the common man now has his own market monitor in his home. which means it is safe to do so. the metadata scandal was just a minor slip, that guy would be dead if he knew anything more. no one knows in what ways data is being used now other than recreating human faculties. the same way boomers cant grasp memes, there is surely something that exists now that will boomer us in a few decades.
thats all still consumer end knowledge. everything we are free to buy is just leftover tech. and even with highspeed trading theres no way to track the market 100%. its not insane to say today that governments, big corporations or banks are not the only authority. i wouldnt know what of course. but its important to not be so self assured if we want to learn about what boomers are going through now. because it will happen to us.
im convinced ted knows way more than he let off in his books at that time. possible he is still being hushed

>> No.14175382

This. We need to find a way to destroy all creation, but I fear that's impossible.

>> No.14176730

Ted because he was a total loser and had no friends

>> No.14177461

Please somebody tell me how to live without other humans

>> No.14177467

That's only possible in death

>> No.14177484
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based master asia

>> No.14178273

the only way is to get hardcore into stem, become an uber hacker, steal and sell credit cards, throw around fuck you money for a few years and off yourself when the feds come knocking. /lit/ only hates stemchads because they get paid for being smart, and when they don't, they can partake in the primal chad act of taking