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14163493 No.14163493[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Write what’s on your mind.

>> No.14163506

Before I came to this website I used to be open to other races. I still knew blacks and Muslims and South American’s as a group were inferior with their IQs and whatnot, but I hung firm to the belief that it is irrational to judge individuals by the average of their group, when they could be outliers. Just like I wouldn’t like to be presumed a 100IQ midwit because I’m white, I would also not presume individual blacks were 85IQ based solely on their skin colour.
It has only recently started to change. I was in college the other day when I espied an old black acquaintance sitting by a table in the library where I usually go to read. For some reason, though the table was large and I could easily have sat at the opposite end and gone about my reading in peace, I was filled with aversion and thought, “Fuck sitting next to that dirty nigger,” and I began wishing that he would go back to Africa. It was only after I had found another seat that the full gravity of what just happened pressed itself upon me. Such change in thinking! And all subconscious! How easily am I impressed upon by /lit/!
I did banish the thought eventually, arguing that he had done no wrong and, besides, had a greater claim to the country than me, having been born in the UK, while I am a European expatriate, and not even a citizen.
But this hatred ferments in me still. When I walk along through the Old Town in York I find myself increasingly annoyed by the presence of minorities. I imagine, somehow, that I am in a proud, ancient city, surrounded by relics from the past — unnoticed, unappreciated, yes, scorned, and somehow I lay it at the feet of the black security guard or the Chinese tourist. And while I stroll, the drumbeats of fascism sound gently in my stomach. A pile of rubbish on the floor — they beat louder! The church lawn untrimmed and neglected — they beat louder! The waxlike, gawping faces of the oriental tourists, taking pictures of St Helen’s while a troglodytic nigger in work clothes picks at the trash with his dastardly stick — my God, give my ears their peace!

And yet, who am I to feel such affinity for a land that is not my own? Did my ancestors die here? Are their headstones in that graveyard yonder, to be found by frolicking children who could not pronounce their names? Am I so wretched, so deterritorialized, that I become a sap for other men?

>> No.14163531


>> No.14164248

I'm a poser and a narcissist and I want to change that but I don't know how

>> No.14164260
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Just want to fish and drink beer all day.
Can't wait to get old and go on retirement.

>> No.14164264


>> No.14164393
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Hearing blood chilling screeches outside my window.
Third night in a row.
I know they're not human.
Maybe a cat? It almost sounds like a car stopping abruptly.

>> No.14164398
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>> No.14164404

Raccoons? I hear them a lot. Just a few weeks ago two raccoons were fighting across the street at around 2am. It sounded like something straight out of a horror film.

>> No.14164410

I don't think we have em where I live.
Live not to far from the woods/country.

Gotta check what the local fauna is

>> No.14164420

Wtf? Where do you live that doesn't have raccoons?

>> No.14164439

Oh god, I signed up for 6 classes next semester when I only need one to graduate. I'm going to have a stroke or at least ruin my GPA.

>> No.14164448

try harder to be edgy and don't blow your load that early.

>> No.14164459

Maybe there are some but definitely very rare. They Probably live north.

We have foxes, porcupines, various predatory birds, selvatic cats....

I'll just assume it's one of these and try to sleep

>> No.14164469

Italy is probably the most haunted place on the planet outside of Jeru Salem. Poor Venezia...

>> No.14164497

The very soil under your feet might swallow you if you're unlucky.

The road just outside my home failed some poor lad in his car last week.
They haven't even fixed it yet

>> No.14164525
File: 41 KB, 541x720, AE9F796F-1CA5-40C6-9EC4-B925B5D4CCD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I resist the urge to wack my dick off to BBW porn? I don't want to be a cumbrain anymore but I have a terribly hard time tuning out thoughts of arousal

>> No.14164532

I'm still unsure of what I want to do with my life. I'm almost 30 and in a sort of decent job (for me) but measuring it by what could be quantifiable as success I am not. For my needs it's good enough right now but I do have to look towards the future, I know. With that in mind I check the job postings board in the company looking for potential advancement. It's all out of state for me or in another country. I don't want to move right now and luckily there are no jobs I would die to have. I don't like change. I don't want to leave where I am. I barely like leaving my room.

My future is bleak.

>> No.14164539

I agree that the way the world is right now sucks in many a way.
But I find fascism and communism to be utterly gay.
What am I to support?

>> No.14164542

Hmm, I don't like how writing's underrated compared to music or visual art. People commission those two types of art all the time, but rarely you see people commissioning writing, it feels like being a visual artist or musician is way easier and more profitable than being a writer, when will people start commissioning writers more? Idk man, I've been thinking about that a lot. Currently having an art block and struggling with lack of motivation

>> No.14164564

Failed NNN, but it’s day 6 of my vow to God to never watch porn again. So far so good. Also, the thoughts of her never go away.

>> No.14164573


>> No.14164587

>I'm almost 30 and in a sort of decent job (for me) but measuring it by what could be quantifiable as success I am not
I'd recommend not comparing yourself to others. Everyone goes through different experiences which shape us so two people cannot ever be at exactly the same point.
I personally place greater value on how some is as a person rather than their status

>> No.14164662
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I can't resist. Porn has enlarged my lizard brain and I can no longer exercise any will over or against it. My hands would need to be removed before I could stop being a cumbrain

>> No.14164674

>urge to wack
same boat every single day just skinny brunettes instead of bbw
bbw is disgusting bro

>> No.14164760
File: 108 KB, 500x667, D77D9B69-12BA-4AB4-A46E-4D645E6029BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help it. There's something so sensually and sexually erotic and post-modern about watching a thin, athletic, fit girl eat her way into obesity under no influence but her own. Watching her toned middle fade into a giant squishy belly, the moans as she struggles to swallow another 6,000 calorie weight gain shake through a funnel, the belches and burps Why am I cursed with this attraction

>> No.14164778

Start fapping to "skinny brunette big cock" instead to break your porky conditioning. That's all I search every single time I fap. I fap at least once a day.

>> No.14164781

To be or not to be? That... is the question.

>> No.14164821

Wish I could have a supernatural experience that would convince me of Christianity. I cannot get over the resurrection or other supernatural parts of the Bible. JBP and the Jungian archetypical view made sense to me but that is as far as I can go.

Deep down I question why I want to believe this view. I feel that I only want this to be true because it would lead me to a happier, easier life. I could use religion to get women, raise children, etc. Religion shouldn't be about practicality in my eyes though. Also when I look at the moon and stars at night, it does seem to convince me there has to be something though.
Also even if I had a supernatural experience I wonder how much I would question the experience. What if it told me to follow something I believe to be morally wrong?

Thanks for reading anon.

>> No.14164853

It's already been a month since I started uni. I feel like I lost my chance at meeting new people by not socializing during the first few days. The idea of going there and starting a conversation now after so much time has passed seems unnatural and creepy.

Am I doomed for loneliness? Maybe but I'm still gonna approach each day with hope and low expectations.

>> No.14164888

everything is a psyop

>> No.14164891

No but you are reading too much into these situations. I'm always a slow starter to socialize because I would stay inside all summer so it would take sometime for me to get back into the rhythm of socializing.

Sign up for some club, start any conversation (I normally start up conversations about bitching about the teacher to try and find some common ground but do whatever works for you).
Start small and build yourself up if you think that sounds better to you. Talk to anyone, a teacher after class and just ask a question (even if it's something you already knew). Ask the kid next to you for a pencil. Ask someone after class about an assignment. Ask a girl after class about a paper. Talk to people before class about what there doing this weekend. Ask a girl what she is doing this weekend. ETC anon
Probably also lift some weights, don't over analyze every situation because you aren't being as objective about it as you think. Sometimes there are factors that you can't see. You'll get better overtime my friend.

I believe in you anon, you need to believe in you my friend.

>> No.14164893

Based Hammy poster

>> No.14164977
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Basically what the other guy said. I'm a junior now, relocated twice (once to another side of the world) and it always works itself out with some effort. Friends usually won't magically fall into your lap, and if they do, they're probably not worth having. I went my entire freshman semester an emotional wreck from being lonely and just playing video games all the time, and until I made a concentrated effort to get out and do things (not necessarily make friends per se) I was terribly lonely, just like I'm sure you are now. Go to the gym, talk to teachers, get involved in a club sport (boxing did the trick for me), and just talk to people. You don't have to go to a club meeting to make a friend in one night: just talk to some people and eventually the matches will filter through. Avoid excessive alcohol and any drugs. The types of events you attend will determine the people you befriend, which is why it always cracks me up when people bitch about their shitty friends they met at some nightclub that lets in 16 year olds.

Even if you're socially inept, there's going to be a place for you as long as you're interested in something. If you get along with the video game club guys who smell awful, then go for it. If you get along with the smarter than average frat guy, they can be fine too. I know how pervasive loneliness is-- it infects everything you do and makes it all seem worthless. Just hang in there. It may seem absurd that you should even try, but it will work eventually. Trust this stranger.

>> No.14165303
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I've managed to escape waging but now I don't know what to do with my time. My only real hobby (gardening) doesn't take much time on the average day. I can't hang out with my few friends because they're waging all day. I can only work out so long. If I spend too long watching anime or playing vidya I fall into an unpleasant stupor and have poor sleep.

My usual day now consists of getting up, drinking some coffee and checking 4chan and some chatrooms and other forums I use, then watching any seasonal anime that have aired. Then I'll go for a walk and listen to podcasts. Once I'm back I'll use the internet a bit more before having lunch. Then I go the gym or to a cafe if it's a rest day. The rest of the afternoon and evening is spent back at home either reading or playing games or occasionally going out with friends. Very little of worth is accomplished.

This is annoying and is making me depressed, I don't like how empty my life is without the compulsion to work. I would like to get into writing more but I find it hard to do it for any significant amount of time. I don't know how retired people, who don't even have shitposting and anime, do it.

Maybe I should study a language or something.

>> No.14165309

I would encourage you to do something about it. I was in a similar situation (depressed and homesick for the first couple months, didn't do much but go to lecture and hide in the library and read). I didn't do anything to correct it and graduated having made zero friends and done maybe two social events in the whole four years.

>> No.14165726

What about signing up for a dance class anon

>> No.14165809

You might find this interesting

>> No.14165829

How did you do it? We need to know.