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14162854 No.14162854 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys feel when reading relationship stories? They absolutely kill me. I'm in my mid-20s and I've never had a girlfriend. I've never even talked about anything but schoolwork with a girl outside of my family. I read about couples who love each other, see couples on vlogs, couples holding hands in public, etc. It's so tiresome. My youth is fading to never return, and I will never experience love with a female. Every male in my family is married or has a girlfriend, and here I am. I don't even know what went wrong. Maybe I'm just destined to be a hermit. I have a hard time accepting this destiny though. Just one girlfriend, that's all I ask. Please God, if you exist. Any recs for romantic novels so I can be even more depressed?

>> No.14162877

Pitiful that you don't know why it is you wake up every morning, even more pitiful that you think a girl will answer that question for you.

>> No.14162891

have you ever tried, say, asking a girl out

>> No.14162905

>wake up
>come home
I have so much free time because I only work 25-30 hours per week. I could dedicate many hours a day to a girlfriend. Please give me one.

How do you do that?

>> No.14162952

work on yourself, anon. And be leery of ideologues who will claim to have the answers to alleviate your suffering.

>> No.14162960

How do I work on myself? What does that even mean?

>> No.14162972
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>> No.14162984

You find a girl you like and you talk to her about things you like and ask her about things she likes and then you ask her if she wants to get food and then you go eat food together and then you have an intimate moment and kiss each other and you do this a few times and then eventually you stick your penis in her and spend all your time with them until you die or get bored.

>> No.14162993

>You just get a job, save money, invest money, become rich, retire early, keep investing, keep making money
So it's that simpke, huh? What could go wrong?

>> No.14163012

Dating a girl and becoming rich are two different things with different skill sets and different levels of difficulty. Getting some 6/10 girl to settle with you is far easier than getting a 10/10 to fall in love with you, just as working at burgerland is easier than getting a 6 figure income. Are you fucking retarded? You literally just talk to a bunch of girls and eventually one likes your weirdness.

>> No.14163014

Read The Game by Neil Strauss

>> No.14163021

Getting any girl to settle with you is like winning the lottery in my case.

>> No.14163025

Learning to develop healthy relationships is the most important thing he has to learn
How do you do that? Well, there's always online dating, you could try that, I've never bothered with it but it's popular for a reason. Meet some girl and ask her questions. What do you do? See any movies lately? What did you think of it/them? What are your hobbies? Laugh when appropriate. Answer questions she asks but always try to turn things back into questions to ask her. Ask for her number. Text her and ask if she wants to get dinner on Friday.

>> No.14163032

I tried online dating and nobody ever responds to me.

>> No.14163042

How? Every girl I've been with never had any aspirations and wanted to just continue living comfortably. If I had given even a little bit of empathy to them they would have trapped me.

>> No.14163048

I'd also add that you should start getting /fit/ while you're trying to ask women out, OP. Don't need to get ripped or anything. Just run and lift shit till you feel satisfied. You'll feel better, think better, have greater self-esteem, and a more profound sense of achievement and progress.

Keep this in mind: getting in shape is strictly not for the women, it's for your mind and perspection of yourself. You'll become better in every conceivable manner. Trust me, OP.

>> No.14163053

juts b urself :)

>> No.14163062

epicly based.

>> No.14163066

I played basketball and soccer in middle and high school. I still play in rec leagues so I am pretty healthy and fit. I've been meaning to exercise outside of those, but I've never gotten around to doing it consistently. Thanks for the reminder. I'll definitely try.

>> No.14163093

>thinks whamen want your "dedicated hours"
>thinks whamen dont already have their own steady rotation of orbiters showering them with "hours of attention"

>i would never cheat on my gf
>doesnt point out that its because he would never be able to seduce another whamen
is it virtue and compassion because you have never killed someone?
or is it virtue and compassion to be someone in the position to kill another, and then choosing not to because of your compassion

become a better you. increase your value.
whamen are human beings. men are human doings.
you are an island. you build shit on your island. interested whamen will dock your island to interact with you. whamen will not dock a shitty island

read the Book of Pook

>> No.14163098

Such a funny image. Laughed

>> No.14163117

>>i would never cheat on my gf
>>doesnt point out that its because he would never be able to seduce another whamen
Why would you assume I would do such a thing even if I was in the situation to do so?

>become a better you. increase your value.
What does this even mean? Money? I can't fix my ugly face.

>> No.14163129

You can sleep more to remove the bags under your eyes
You can use face creams to make your skin look healthier
you can get a haircut to not look like a fucking dweeb
you can go to the gym to get muscles
you can go running and diet to lose all the fat
you can read books to enhance critical thinking and communication abilities
you can watch mainstream media to participate in conversations with normies
you can learn a trade to make money
you can learn a hobby to find joy and have something to show off
you can purchase clothes that fit and look nice to improve your look
you can get an education to get a better job
you can travel to become more worldly
you can make friends to... well to have friends.

>> No.14163143

>you can travel to become more worldly
You ruined your post with this.

>> No.14163144

I have no bags under my eyes
My skin is fine, I get told I look younger all the time
I can't get any haircut besides a buzzcut since I'm balding hard
I have a nice body, not jacked or anything but good enough
I'm 6'1 165 not fat
I read but can't communicate well due to autism
Most conversations with normies are forced and awkward
That is what I do
I have hobbies, but not to show off
My clothes are fine, mostly darker colors, no clown shit
I have a few friends

>> No.14163152

I'm sorry I like leaving the house and experiencing new things. I don't even mean going to durk druk stan like you are presuming. Even a nationalist neo nazi fuck should explore his own country.
I'm so glad you systematically went through the entire point to defend yourself and argue that there is nothing wrong with you instead of determining that the post was about the ideas of improvement. I'm sorry your perfect life has yet to get you a girlfriend. Jesus christ, why is there not a book called "context for autists." Every autistic friend I've had I have had to teach them on a case by case basis what the social norm for a given situation is. They never see the big picture or the way to react to other situations. Learn to think critically about your interactions with others man. Go read some communication theory books or the rhetoric or something for fuck sake.

>> No.14163154

>"surely i would be able to withstand the temptations of sin! of course!"
>"yeah, i would totally be a badass and rise against the nazis, instead of being the average complacent German"

ask anyone (or preferably, yourself) this:
>if you could cheat, knowing that the affair will never see the light of day, knowing that it wont come back to bite you in the ass, would you do it?
>right now, you can steal $1 million from your neighbor. your tracks will be untraceable, your neighbor will never know its you, in fact, due to unfortunate circumstances, your neighbor will erroneously suspect (but not witch hunt) another person. would you do it?

anyone who so easily claims a higher ground of virtue and morality merely based on low-standard defaults
>ive never murdered. ive never committed arson. ive never engaged in theft.
>i am a good person.
needs to take a hard look at themselves. anyone who can so easily hand-wave the notion that they have no "shadow" is someone who hasnt looked hard and long enough at themselves

become a better you and increasing your value is a wide ranging topic.
attraction, for whamen, is composed of many moving parts.
>better facial hygiene. facial moisturizer, changing pillow sheets.
>increased social status, which usually means higher income.
>strong, unwavering sense of self. this ties into the idea of "frame" and not shaping your life to serve your whamen, beckoning her every text and call immediately
>dependable, reliable. whamen are looking for a rock to lean on in hard times. men often make the mistake of trying to roll everything they want into one person, their whamen. they want a best friend, a wife, a lover, a mother, a <insert whatever> all to be in their partner. whamen arent there to be your mother. you can display some vulnerability. you cannot satisfy the eternal yearning to return to the womb via your whamen.

you need to understand that while whamen and men are both humans, there are still stark differences between the gender.
its important to keep in mind that whamen are there to have fun. dont take it too seriously.
whamen will shit test you. you need to learn how to address shit testing.
part of this is because humans are aggressive and moody and shit. men will manifest that through violence or threat of violence. as the physically weaker gender, and as the gender that tends to communicate through subtle + non-verbal means, what other avenue do they have other than shit testing, verbal attacks, gossip, and reputation destruction?

being successful with whamen and obtaining a better understanding of whamen doesn't mean you'll be able to pick up/engage a relationship with any whamen you pick.
it just means that, given a certain sampling size, you are much more likely to be successful.
there are no unicorns. throw your fishing rod out 100 times, and one fish is bound to bite.

>> No.14163159

>"own country"

>> No.14163168
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lmao, nothing I say is right. Oh well. Enjoy being alone I guess?

>> No.14163171

I'm not defending myself, I just fail to see how I can improve. At some point you have just throw your hands up and admit you might be too ugly.

>> No.14163173

In any field you get to a point in learning and improving that you are unaware of the ways you can improve. How can you get better if you do not know how to improve? It isn't a max level cap, it's simply a need for next level awareness.

>> No.14163175

Not OP.
>being alone
Tell that to my wife, children and grandchildren, you "worldly" piece of shit.

>> No.14163179

ok boomer

>> No.14163183

>hey guys, im looking for group validation as to my shortcomings.
>scratch that, they arent shortcomings. they are the fault of THE WORLD <or insert something you cannot change>
nigga there's ugly, and there's UGLY.
there are cunts crying about 5'6, and there are people crying about legally being a midget

even if you just take a look at it through a superficial level, you can find some issues with your line of thinking. what is more preferable:
>the world is fucked. the system is fucked. nothing i do matters.
>plenty of the problems and issues in my life are due to my own shortcomings. but the good news is i can address and change that. there is a possibility of better days.

>> No.14163189

Any grandfather posting on 4chan has no room to talk down to anybody at all

>> No.14163194

don't talk to me or my son or my son's son or my son's son's son ever again.

>> No.14163202

People uglier than you lead happy, fulfilling lives and get girlfriends.
Your problem is not that you're ugly, your problem is that you're a faggot.
What autists fail to understand is that everybody around them can see into them and sense this. They don't reject you because you're ugly or short or too smart for them. The people around you don't dislike you because they don't understand you, they dislike you because they DO understand you, and you're shitty.

>> No.14163219
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>Your problem is not that you're ugly, your problem is that you're a faggot.

>> No.14163224

>you're just a shit person bro
My God. I have never had issues with anyone. I am courteous and respectful to everyone I meet. People talk to me about their issues every time I come across them because I am a nice person in general. But yeah, I guess I'm just a massive faggot and people sense this.

>> No.14163232

>if you have trouble socializing you're shitty
I think you're the shitty person here

>> No.14163234

Ugly males routinely get fleeced by females and have to achieve tons of wealth or a very high status to get with them. Even then, it is not enough because you are always living in fear. If a woman is just around you because you are wealthy, does she love you or your wealth?

>> No.14163250

Found out that my gf of 5 years was texting a guy and they went over the limit in february. She said she did it because i denied her a lot times and made her feel like garbage. What i will miss her about the most is that she was a woman that would wake up every day thinking about me and texting me if im ok. She thought i was the one that we would make lot of children and build a house together. I was overconfident even though im lean and make good salary and have okish social status last year she told me i drifted i way and became a different person, i didn't give her the smile when i did when the relationship started. She came at my doorbell 3 times last night she wanted a last hug. I couldn't give it to her but after showing up 6 in the morning again i did because she was having a nervous brakedown about what she just lost. We haven't talked in 24hours now and this is the longest we ever did in the last 4 years. I will have no one to kiss when i leave for work i will never have babies, i will never have a trad gf looking out for me again. I should stop defending her though because she cheated on me.
The thing is my family new her, my friends knew her, my employees knew her. Everyone i meet asks me how is going with my femamnon.

Only my close friends know the truth but i regret it telling them why i left. I will say to people i left because she is leaving the country. You are right anon she is not worth it. I had fun with her it's hard not to think about her but i will try very hard.

I gave her the hug so she could gtfo out of my house. She came 3 in the morning by walking! She went insane, she begged me at my knees saying is the worse mistake she did in her life. So i hugged her.

Sorry for the rant but im really fucked up

>> No.14163255

>OkCupid data about rated physical attractiveness between men and whamen
>whamen rated 80% of men as below average

clearly, attraction to whamen, is more than just physical attraction or wealth. as previously stated, its a combination of many moving parts

high income or wealth, alone, is not enough to warrant high status. see my previous discussion speaking about a few of the things whamen find attractive.

also its important to realize that a man's conception of love, and a whamen's conception of love, are two very different things

>> No.14163258

>Any recs for romantic novels so I can be even more depressed?
Don't do this man. No good comes of it. No, neither can I read or watch romantic relationship stories. They are utterly alien to me and the whole thing just makes me feel bitter.

>> No.14163266

Do I have to beat people up then? I can name a few local women I know in abusive relationships off the top of my head. What is this complex formula you speak of?

>> No.14163279

Plenty of people have trouble socializing without repelling everyone and being alone their entire lives.

>> No.14163284

i already gave you somewhere to start: the Book of Pook
its less of a complex formula and more of a complex paradigm
there is no magic bullet. there is no "eureka" formula.
there are only general guidelines that you mold to fit your specific circumstances and situation.

and i think, for most people, you wouldnt want to date someone in an abusive relationship. theres always more nuance than implied in such over-sweeping general statements, but it's there to articulate the gist of it
>perpetually single mother with multiple children from multiple fathers
>yeah im going to take a wild guess and say that theres something inherent about that whamen herself leading to this
>something something dumb retarded life choices

>> No.14163302

Alright man, I'll read it. Hopefully it's not just more generic PUA stuff.

>> No.14163311

stop being a whiny little bitch posting on the internet and actually get out and do something, talk to some girl at a coffee shop, at the mall or a bus stop, doesn't fucking matter. It can be literally about anything. The more time you waste not taking action the more miserable you will become. Progress requires action and no one that has ever achieved anything has been sitting at home and doing nothing. Also, start focusing on something other than your own problems and lack of shit, get some interesting job, go to the gym, run a marathon or something else, as long as it's something.
Also getting a girlfriend is not like a requirement for life that every person must have or do, it's like with anything - some people have sports cars or bikes, some people don't, some people have huge families, some don't, it's as easy as that. You can literally do whatever the fuck you want in life and there are no requirements at all.

>> No.14163324

Opt 3: Everything’s fucked, perhaps with great effort we can effect some change, but more likely not despite efforts because of the former, but alas, I shall continue to rot whether I change or not, tis with great sadness we reconcile ourselves to the final tautology: the stars care for us not, nor we for them. To know where thy heart lies, seek the void, where our suns shine, however far it lie.

>> No.14163326

>getting a gf or not is like getting a bike or not
We have a built in drive for pedaling bicycles?

>> No.14163327


>> No.14163346

>talk to some girl at a coffee shop, at the mall or a bus stop

Nice way to get convicted for assault.

>> No.14163353

Would you be willing to erase the last 4 years of your life without her memory? Would you rather re-live those years alone, as if she was a non-entity in your life?

Or would you rather continue on, knowing that you had a good 4 years with this woman, had truly respected and appreciated each for this brief period in your lives, as a sort of relic, perhaps haunting memory to reflect upon sometime in futurity?

>> No.14163361

I would rather continue, but i can't anon i feel betrayed.

>> No.14163369

Imagine doing all that work just to impress a creature that will never love you, and will only just attach herself to an image of power and dominance you created, as long as you are abla to maintain it, and will desert you the moment you show any weakness, any crack in the surface.

Women are just not worth it unless you are a natural Chad for whom such aggressive and dominant behavior as required to attract woman come as natural. For everyone else it is better to become a volcel.

>but I want my loyal gf like in my novels and films

Popular culture has destroyed young men's mind with visions of romantic relationships that don't exist in reality. Women will never be able to give you what you want because they have better options all the time.

>> No.14163377


>> No.14163391

>just to
thats where you fucked up bucko. I did those things for my own sense of self and relations with those around me for social and economic gain. The girls came after.

>> No.14163399

and even nicer way to cope

>> No.14163405

fuck that ill just stay a virgin

>> No.14163409

and even nicer nicer way to cope with coping

>> No.14163428

I would have rejected any creature that only approached me after I did the hard work of improving myself but never even considered me human while I was down or helped in any way.

>> No.14163435

so everyone?

>> No.14163437

But doing those things improves a vast number of things about ones life beyond getting laid. Ah well, continue on my friend.

>> No.14163607

You don't work out?

>> No.14163621

its an understandable phase people commonly go through. it is initially hard to wrap your head around how "improving yourself through all of this hard work and effort" is not contradictory with "your purpose shouldnt solely revolve around whamen"

but like you said, you come to learn that all those things improve many facets of your life, with one being your success in sex and dating.

>> No.14163678

>Women are a commodity like cars or bikes
This is--dare I say--actual misogyny? and this coming from someone who thinks women's suffrage was a mistake

>> No.14163687

t. incel

>> No.14163756

You are deluded if you think all of has have not been reduced to mere commodities.

>> No.14163779

Of course we have, that's the problem. Don't go around reinforcing it.

>> No.14164763

That part about pop culture is absolutely true. I have just recently realized that the things I have been longing for never existed to begin with.

>> No.14164946

I’ve being monitoring this thread and I’ve seen some people give you advice and you making excuses not to improve yourself. It sounds like you don’t want a gf bad enough. Sure, you “want” a gf to fall on your lap, but that’s not how it works. You’re being a little complacent there. Just my two cents.

>> No.14165324

how does one obtain a strong sense of self? I feel like Im constantly shaping my life to fit the opinions of others or new facts i discover, which is sometimes good but leaves me feeling like an impermanent being

>> No.14165452

gonna keep it real here:
>the fuck do i know. im just a whiny little faggot posting on 4chan

it really depends on what you are having struggles with
did you use to be the dude that would immediately return texts and requests from a whamen? perhaps you used to drop whatever it was you were doing because your whamen friend needed an extra person to queue up with.
>anon, stop narrating your life story ffs and move on with it
place more priority on yourself. dont be do desperate that youre willing to drastically alter your life, behavior, schedules/plans in order to get a mere whiff of the pussy.

a strong sense of self, for me at least, is an unrelenting ideal to stand your ground, but be open-minded enough to allow yourself to grow
i used to believe all the crap about the gender pay gap. and then one day i took off my pussy blinders, stopped worrying about being in the in-group or out-group, and just took a long hard look.
i used to be a self-identified atheist. now, if you put a gun to my head, ill probably say im still an atheist. but now i also realize the massive positives and utility religion has, and can, bring. whether that be a sense of community, fostering of shared ideals and values, a "spiritual" connection, and the myriad of stories and lessons that can be learned.

being a man is less: "im right. youre wrong."
being a man is also being able to say: "i was wrong. and in light of the new information and my changed perspective, i am willing to change"
part of being a man is being man enough to recognize and acknowledge your own faults and shortcomings
part of being a man is, pardon my bastardized attempt at interpreting Nietzsche, becoming the overman who carves out his own values

its fine to change your opinions and views on things, if its because you have genuinely been convinced. for me that usually comes down to some sort of rationalist perspective.
it can be helpful to ask yourself: am i swaying to these sets of opinions because i have been convinced? or am i secretly just trying to fit into the in-group i wish to be a part of?

for all my shit talking about whamen, i genuinely do disagree with plenty of people going through the anger phase where, clouded by understandable anger and frustration, start making these harsh and over-sweeping claims about all whamen being the reincarnation of the devil itself, yada yada

part of having a strong sense of self is being able to poke fun of yourself.
>haha, i fucked up, thats true. its worthy of a chuckle, but thats all. im not going to wallow in my embarrassment over a tiny little faux pass. im not going to seethe in anger because someone called me out. but im also not going to go all out and embark and a self-deprecating comedy special either.
its a movie but its kinda true
>why so serious?
part of the poking fun at yourself thing ties into one of the ways redpill deals with shit tests: amplify and agree

sorry for all the word vomit. i tried anon.

>> No.14165583
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The wahmen poster has good sentiment but don't engage with his actual points. He assumes everyone he's talking to is some poor NEET with no hygiene and gets pissed off when anyone who doesn't fit his preconceived notion of a virgin is a virgin. Like nigger, is it so hard to realize that there are tons of well-to-do, /fit/, groomed guys with hobbies and social lives who are getting fucked by the system?

>> No.14165606

God does not give anything to man without the price of labor.

>> No.14165613

I’m not that guy. Just curious. Which country do you live? I live in Brazil and to me I can’t even imagine that. Is sounds like a thing in developed countries (Japan included), where feminism is more prevalent. Man I can’t imagine the scenario you described, sounds so unfair. You checked all the boxes and still... women have really broken the social contract.

>> No.14165633

actually ive made many posts lamenting about the ramifications of an increasingly gynocentric society and the negatives of unrestrained hypergamy
the so called "system" you speak of

ive also taken shits on posters claiming "im 6 foot, good job, moderately fit, still a virgin, woe is me"
after exhausting the low-hanging fruits
>is the computer on? because youll be astonished to find out how often these retards didnt even turn on their computer
ive then went on to
>have you tried learning and practicing your social skills as it pertains to whamen? because whamen and men dont communicate in the same way. whamen and men play different roles in courting.
>men make take overt actions to display interest. whamen display interest through subtle means, like making themselves available or more easily approached (closer physical proximity, etc)
>have you tried going out there? because a lot of sex and dating is like sales. make 100 phone calls, and one is bound to be receptive to your pitch.
>has it occurred to you that, barring some highly unlikely scenario where you're Brad Pitt, being better with whamen just means increased success in sex and dating, and not: "Yes, her, I pick her, and I will definitely succeed with her"

>> No.14165653

to add a post script
i have a feeling this may be the anon that got all pissy when me, and other posts, suggested he "escalate" (the term they use in the redpill) aka make a move
this was his response
>make move. get accused of rape.
>thanks anon.
its like no, retard. no one is telling you to rape someone. escalating is done through subtle little steps.
and yeah, as an autistic cunt, your "gauge subtle non-verbal undertones and communications" meter will not always be accurate, and sometimes your escalations will be met with "ew"
but reaching out to touch her hand, playfully "hitting" her after a corny joke, is not the same as "forcefully open her legs and insert your penis despite her tears"
shifting the logistics of the situation to make sex and physical intimacy much more likely (move/suggest/guide her to a more secluded place so its just you and her) is not the same as "knock her out with chloroform"

>> No.14165658

>but reaching out to touch her hand, playfully "hitting" her after a corny joke, is not the same as "forcefully open her legs and insert your penis despite her tears"
yes but then she tells everyone around her about how you're a creep and you're perma b& from their holes

>> No.14165661

>but but but

>> No.14165664


approaches like the ones you speak of are social suicide for incels

>> No.14165665

East Coast of the US. From all of the guys my age I know from high school, college, and my last job, the only ones I know in relationships are dating girls they've known since high school or freshman year of college. I know a few guys who get hits on Tinder every few weeks but by and large most guys I know my age are pretty much chronically single. There's generally just not really any good places to meet women I think. Most guys I know work in finance or STEM so they're not really working around a lot of women and bars are terrible for meeting people unless you meet through a common friend. I don't know what the future of this country is but I don't think it's good because most guys I know are either jaded or angry about how things are going just on a social level, let alone actual politics and shit.

I mean yeah you can sit there and say it's a numbers game, but most guys who work in 'successful' jobs aren't working in jobs where there are a lot of women their age. Past college there's no real places to actually meet women if you don't already know any or know men who know any.

I got pissy at you because you didn't read any of my previous posts where I was talking about how I have success hooking up with girls but never get past that. What the fuck is more escalating than hooking up and feeling up her ass?

>> No.14165680

>chad problems

>> No.14165693
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Take the volcel pill and become Chad or go pick breadcrumbs off the floor and remain miserable.

>> No.14165701

There’s only so much that can be communicated by writing anonymously on a site. A real coach, as it were, who wanted to advise you would have to see and hear you speaking, your voice tone, posture, body language, attitude...

>> No.14165710
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Never ever.

>> No.14165712
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>> No.14165713
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Why yes, take $100 off me per hour to get me with some roastie that will be attached to the image I project for a while but eventually fuck me over.

>> No.14165720

>haha ohmygod anon was such a creep. he touched my hand. ewww
yeah. its like the story of lending out $20 and the cunt never pays you back
>you got off lucky, you just paid a meager $20 to find out this dude is a cunt who shouldnt be trusted

i dont know why youre so caught up with this notion that there needs to be minor differentials between ages. even if youre a 30 something dude not out to talk to dumb teenage whores, thats still like a whole range of 23-30 something.
>oh no, hes 33 and shes 24, theres a 9 year difference!
>oh, who cares

i dont know. maybe its a generational thing, maybe its a cultural thing. but what happened to just approaching whamen like, anywhere.
>oh, i see random whamen while getting some coffee. why not approach.
>oh, i see random whamen while im at <insert your clothing brand store of choice>, why not approach.
>oh, literally random whamen waiting at the bus stop, why not approach.
>oh, i dunno, maybe join social groups youre interested in another avenue. bars, book clubs, shitty "star wars" groups, cunty vegans.
>woe is me, my social circle is no longer thrust upon me by the logistical configurations of classrooms and schools. the system is fucked i tell ya!

>what the fuck is more escalating than hooking up and feeling up her ass?
i dunno, maybe putting your penis in her vagina? seems like a pretty logical next step for escalation
okay, that could be one of many things
>you didnt try hard enough to escalate. you gave up the moment you encountered last minute resistance.
anyone who has done sales has had a manager at one point tell you
>im glad you got them on the phone and talking, and theyre probably going to reject you right away, but i want you to pitch them 3 times, each time trying to diffuse whatever barrier/reason they put up
>logistical issues. she has to attend her father's funeral. she didnt have time because she needs to be at XYZ
well color me surprised, sometimes you get shit you just cant deal with. on the other hand, if youre in-the-go, a future interaction where the issue of logistics has been dealt with probably means "i put my peepee in her veevee." so really, your inability to follow up on that is also just on you
>she really just wasnt into you and while willing to let you go as far as putting your finger up her bumhole, thats where she draws the line
well you got far, but unfortunately not as far as you hoped for
the race has concluded. go enter a new race and try to hit the finish line you envisioned this time.

successfully finger banging a few whamen a couple times, and then not being able to escalate that to sex doesnt mean "THE SYSTEM IS FUCKED MENZ"

>> No.14165721

there was a 5/10 autist uni student who got expelled for touching a girls arm when trying to ask her out recently. i don't agree with the other guy totally but the world is certainly fucking insane. for the past 10000 years a woman's options were usually like a dozen men at most. now they get to choose from thousands, female evolutionary instincts are insanely mismatched with modern dating and its causing problems. "just become Chad" is one option try to pursue, sure, but lets not pretend quitting the broken game isn't also valid

>> No.14165724

>i dont know. maybe its a generational thing, maybe its a cultural thing. but what happened to just approaching whamen like, anywhere.
holy boomer
this shit only works for good looking males
or do you really believe those staged yt videos? lmao

>> No.14165729

>for the past 10000 years a woman's options were usually like a dozen men at most. now they get to choose from thousands
This x1000. Joining the Amish might be a good choice.

>> No.14165732

>most guys I know are either jaded or angry about how things are going just on a social level, let alone actual politics and shit.
This post.
And this.

The backlash once men realize that the system is geared against them is gonna be beautiful. Like, Islam tier. The betrayal of men is the great issue of our age, like class warfare was in the early 20 to century.

>> No.14165742

What’s that picture supposed to mean?

I’m not saying an actual coach, just a anyone who would advice you. It’s not going anywhere here. It has reached the limit.

>> No.14165744

actually i saw that story too. its very unfortunate, and it is a serious manner.
but so is the dude who gets struck by lightning.

truth is, the majority of people out there are either in a relationship, or occasionally getting laid.

if youre honestly that afraid of receiving such a fucked up thing happening to you, then approach whamen that arent at school or work. as fucked as the legal system is, such as divorce rape, no judge will ever move forward with a case that starts with:
>he approached her, asked her out, at one point made minor physical contact which left no harm, and then left when rejected

im kinda happy in a weird sort of way. ive finally become old enough on the internet to warrant a
>ok boomer
i kinda feel like the autistic king digibro
>digibro: im 29, which on the internet means "old as shit"

>> No.14165749

>just become Chad" is one option try to pursue, sure, but lets not pretend quitting the broken game isn't also valid
I'd recommend the first one, definitely. What good is it to just quit?

>> No.14165750

>most guys i know my age are pretty much chronically single
in a grad program right now, here's a breakdown of my friends
>30, 4 year gf
>26, 1 year gf
>26, 2 year gf
>22, 1 year wife
>27, 2 year gf
>26, 1.5 year gf
literally every guy in my program has a partner. except me lol

>> No.14165759

>truth is, the majority of people out there are either in a relationship, or occasionally getting laid.
yes, and it always will be the majority getting laid in some way or another but is it the same for everyone? is some simp settling for a landwhale that pulled him into her orbit the same as a chad banging whatever puss he wants that night? is the below average ugly male stuck in a dead bedroom the same as the guy struggling to not cheat on his beautiful wife because he has 3 other girls lusting after him?
see >>14165583 graph

>> No.14165765

>majority of people...
In Japan like 30% of 30 year olds are virgins. Same trend will happen here to a lesser extent. Will probably get even worse as VR becomes amazing in a few decades. all is not well

>> No.14165767
File: 491 KB, 1276x1306, wahmen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't become Chad. One is born a Chad.

>> No.14165770

if enough men dont commit to marriage, there may be a grassroots effect where society and whamen actually acknowledge, discuss, and hopefully address the myriad of issues that men face
although it may more likely be whamen bitching and moaning, and then trying to steer the issue back to "me me me"
>19% of journalist killed were whamen
>yes, that is unfortunate, but perhaps the more glaring issue is the the 81% of journalist killed that were men?

>> No.14165776

Attractiveness (and especially male attractiveness) isn't a binary thing

>> No.14165791

pain-chuckling throughout that entire read

>> No.14165797

no it isnt.
but the world was never meant to be a perfect utopia for men, whamen, whoever.
the state of nature is nasty, brutish, and short
we dealt a set of cards and then we have to play them to the best of our ability
there are always winners and losers
its fine to lament the chads, and everyone needs to bitch and moan once in a while. but its far better to find out how to improve yourself and become a "chad" (or "brad" if youre one of those genetics determines it all, youre fucked from the moment of conception people).

it can easily be flipped around. men dont like sleeping with landwhales, whamen dont like sleeping with spergy autists.

>> No.14165798

The West needs a fundamentalist religion that restrain women’s instincts like Islam.

>> No.14165802

the only time a woman is REALLY attracted to you is your looks. if she's attracted to you for money, your power, etc. she is not attracted to YOU, merely your items or the image you project to other. you remember those guys throughout school who would constantly get talked about by females? yeah, those are the good looking natural chads that elicit a primal desire in woman which sends tingles throughout their body. you can "make it" by becoming wealthy, building status, etc. but you will never match a naturally good looking male. chad can be homeless and when he walks down the street he will make those pussies wet. be around a group of females and listen to how they talk about male singers, actors, etc. you don't know what you're talking about or you're just being obtuse on purpose

>> No.14165819

Didn't you shoot yourself , Elliot? Is this /x/ pulling my leg and trying to make me believe you're still alive?

>> No.14165822

Unlucky fella but this is actually worthless without context. The only thing you could really conclude here is:
a) he isn't physically attractive
b) sad to say, but he isn't very smart if it never occured to him to pause and reflect on his actions after the first 20 or so rejections. He just kept bashing his head to a wall. I mean really, 500 women in 6 months?

>> No.14165823
File: 256 KB, 801x720, 1565931556991_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a form of revolt. Also easier, anime girls don't call you creepy(unless you're into that)

>> No.14165867

Come to terms with the fact that you don't actually want a girlfriend.

>> No.14165876

That almost made me cry

>> No.14165888

>i dont know why youre so caught up with this notion that there needs to be minor differentials between ages. even if youre a 30 something dude not out to talk to dumb teenage whores, thats still like a whole range of 23-30 something.
Idk what this is supposed to mean but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with what I said? I'm in my early 20s, not my 30s.

>i dont know. maybe its a generational thing, maybe its a cultural thing. but what happened to just approaching whamen like, anywhere.
I'm not in college anymore, I don't really see girls my age anywhere in my day-to-day life with any regularity. The only time I really see girls around my age is in bars and they're always with other people so they get pissy when you try to interject and talk to them.

>successfully finger banging a few whamen a couple times, and then not being able to escalate that to sex doesnt mean "THE SYSTEM IS FUCKED MENZ"
This isn't fucking normal, no other period in human history describes problems like this. I can't even ask for help with a problem like this to anyone I know, people will either ridicule you or say "well I don't know what to tell you". The only people who are even willing to acknowledge it are other people who have this problem and they obviously don't have the solution.

>What’s that picture supposed to mean?
>I try to tell people over the internet how to solve their women problems but then when they explain them to me I can't help because it's over the internet

Idk, the only people I personally know in grad programs are girls going for like masters in psychology or some useless shit like that and they're all single too.

>> No.14165903

first one is meant for >>14165720

>> No.14165932

This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/55334201