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File: 107 KB, 1080x1350, 06DF75D1-AC6B-4FDC-A101-96D26E999EFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14162118 No.14162118[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any philosophers who make the argument for the permissiveness of hebephilia?

Being a hebephile myself I’ve thought about this a lot and I can’t seem to get past the Kantian/rule utilitarian objection which states that, although individual hebephilic relationships can be fine, one has to consider the general impact on society if we permit hebephilia. Yes, it would allow true love and passion to flourish between those fettered souls in whom it sleeps; but it would also open up the possibility of manipulation and abuse of power in the more nefarious cases. So, just as we say it’s immoral for a teacher to bang his of-age student, not because this is immoral in itself, but because allowing these sorts of relationships would open the door to bribery, rape, manipulation, or biased grading—we also say it’s immoral for an adult to bang a pubescent teenager because of the reasons laid out above.

The only response I can conjure up to this is to say that we can make it law so that parental approval, contraception, and other failsafes are implemented, preventing abuse and ensuring that hebephilic relationships are as safe as any other, but this seems unlikely upon reflection.

So, which books would you recommend for me? plus points if they respond to the objection above.

>> No.14162131

take the pedo pill

>> No.14162143
File: 34 KB, 400x449, 4ADFB47B-2F21-4DDC-8233-97FBC527BB9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepubescents don’t attract me. I believe god ordained puberty to be the marker for when we can have sex and marry.

>> No.14162149

fuck books, just be yourself
>mc melody
pleb normalfag taste anyway

>> No.14162169

I am myself, in that I acknowledge that I am attracted to pubescent girls and am not ashamed of this desire. Only I am interested in the ethics behind actually engaging in a hebephilic relationship.
As to MC melody being ugly, she has the perfect ratio between a childlike countenance and a teenagers body. She will be a very fair woman, that’s clear.

>> No.14162174

take the Ephebophilia pill
>old enough to bleed, old enough to breed
>so much of human history gave serious consideration to marriage starting around the age of 15
>no one can deny they havent seen some IG thot thinking "i would plunder the booty" only to click her profile to see: "17 - Pisces - West Coast best coast! - DM for promotions"

>> No.14162191

why? fuck ethics, fuck reason, fuck all of that. stop trying to use reason to justify your carnal desires, just own it like a man. no one outside this autistic forum cares about that. If you want to have a sexual/romantic relationship with a 12-14 year old just go for it you turbo autist, stop reading books and start talking to girls

>> No.14162200

I am a lover of god and an honourable man, at least I try to be. I can’t just abandon ethics.

>> No.14162210

so what you fucking faggot? christianity has nothing against hebephilia, just ask for her father's permission and you're good to go. jesus i hate christians so much you're a bunch of cowards

>> No.14162304

I understand teenagers may be too old for lovers of god, but don’t be too hard on yourself.

>> No.14162314

Hebephilia is the highest form of philia

Any man who looks at OP and says he is not attracted to that is gay

Let’s make hebephilia socially acceptable

We can do it. Together

Angry, used up, wrinkling roasties are not welcome

>> No.14162334


>> No.14162769

Psued faggot bitch. Just be a chad and admire teen pussy without overthinking it

>> No.14163693

This man gets it

>> No.14163748

based thread

>> No.14163760

Sage this garbage thread

>> No.14163763

Women are in their prime from 26-34. Fuck you, degenerates.

>> No.14163766

lmfao cope
women are at their physical peak between 18-27

>> No.14163772

to add: some start as early as 14, some from 16, depends on when they develop bobs and vagene

>> No.14163888

Verifiably false you dumb faggot. Polls reveal pretty consistently that men prefer women ages 18-22. Myself, I'd say 17-21 is peak

>> No.14163899

the cure for hebephilia

actually spending time and talking with those teenage girls

>> No.14163904

it's depends, most peak 18-20 but there's girls that become hotter in their 20s

>> No.14163927

Sure, maybe their early 20s. My Chinese teacher in college used to call unmarried girls in their late 20s Christmas cookies.
>nobody wants them after the 25th

>> No.14163939

Your solution is inane. It suggests parents--the type of dumb hicks that would let a guy like you bang their daughter (oh, you're an ethical/religious paedophile... You sound like a prime candidate to be an antiseptic serial killer, certainly a rapist) wouldn't be looking out for the interest of their daughter. It's not even the age thing, it's that anyone who would suggest (and accept) the contravention of the taboo is already beyond the pale of healthy sociability. And to paraphrase Adorno, just because our society's strictures make people mentally ill it doesn't follow the mentally ill are healthy.

>> No.14163957

>chad rapes girl
>nobody gives a shit besides the roastie maybe having a bit of regret
>incel rapes girl
>omg creep wtf paedo wow what a disgusting human being #LOCK HIM UP

>> No.14163976

That's entirely rational though. Being raped by an incel is like evolutionary death for a girl. It's the female equivalent of being cucked

>> No.14163979
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1572123715712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are implying that a large swath of anons have the emotional depth required to even notice the gaping difference of psychological development between themselves and a young girl.

Consider that many excuses posted on this site assert that a 30 year old dating a 15 year old is equatable to a 65 year old dating a 50 year old. Lacking the fundamental insight and social competency of a healthy human being, these anons just see it as a number game, failing to account for timelines of development that influence the appropriateness of a relationship.

Then again, most of these anons also aren't interested in a relationship at all, but merely are just thirsty for sex. Their pedophilic tendencies are put in combination with their lack of romantic depth, and in the end they simply have a desire to fuck underage girls.

There is very little to do to appeal to these wretched souls, they have no eyes to see and no ears to hear the harm they do.

>> No.14163988

>Being raped by an incel is like evolutionary death for a girl
This just makes me want to rape one even more. Are incels the harbingers of death?

>It's the female equivalent of being cucked
There is no other competing individual when it comes to rape though. Being cucked means another man is stealing your goods. It would only be valid if the girl had a Chad bf/husband at the time of the incel rape.

>> No.14163989

That’s what I like the most. I rejoice at the thought of raising a young lady from her pubescent years, making her submissive to me, and teaching her to love God. When people talk of our household I want the object of their praise to be her, and I mentioned only in her light. “She’s a virtuous damsel. Fair, biblical, and complete. What a good job he’s done of raising her, that godfearing man!” And, just as the righteous man’s virtuous deeds and unwavering deportment redound not to his own glory but to God’s, so she will bring me glory, and my name will be venerated through her (and, of course, our children).
Ay, ay! I tingle at the thought!

>> No.14163991

THAT’S where that comes from. I feel so stupid for not figuring it out now. I finally understand those /v/ memes about milf characters now.

>> No.14163997

>romantic depth
why yes the 99% of women who are interested in hot chads and are willing to fuck them even if said chads have the IQ of a squirrel have complex romantic depth

>> No.14164001

It's not exactly like being cucked obviously, the sexes are asymmetrical. But it's removing her agency in reproductive matters

>> No.14164015

Hebes are life, and the substance of it

>> No.14164025

Fuck her agency. Women are quite literally flesh slaves. They are made of this earth for this earth. Eve was the first woman and we all know how that went.

>> No.14164028

Obviously nobody is suggesting that this is an immediate process. Just as the gays gradually got accepted for their perversions (and *they* offend against God) the hebephiles will also, and your problem will no longer exist.
Of course this is subject to whether hebephilic relationships can be proved to be morally permissible, and alas nobody has yet recommended me a book about it.

>> No.14164030

There was a Greek or Roman philoospher who said girls should be married 4-5 years after puberty, and men around 25. The name escapes me.
I agree with Aristotle though, 21 is the objectively correct age.

>> No.14164033

Humbert Humbert enters the thread

>> No.14164036

>Are there any philosophers who make the argument for the permissiveness of hebephilia?
let's rather get rid of that kind of word
everybody likes cute girls

>> No.14164043

you sound like a real nice guy, switched on, and balanced

>> No.14164108

21 is far too late. By 21, most women have destroyed themselves on the cock carousel in our society.

>> No.14164115
File: 26 KB, 400x525, Oedipus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck op? please, i beg you all, stop posting photos of hot girls online...
i'm trying to stop masturbating to porn, and i can't with you fucking doing this things to me. now i just want to coom again.

>> No.14164116
File: 9 KB, 247x204, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never ceases to amuse me when this rhetoric is brought out. It really was ingenious, to call an outlook that is simple wish-fulfillment a "red pill", as though some hidden truth had been arrived to.

It's a curiosity for me, as through my own anecdotes and those of my friends and family it can only be asserted as a strong stage 3 simulacra, nearly approaching stage 4. So I am left wondering how this can be reconciled with my own material experiences that paint such ideology as a bold faced lie of the internet, the lack of baudrillardian self-awareness would indicate an earnestness that truly there are a large volume of young men on the internet who believe this trite.

Some years ago, I came to the conclusion that this was a combination of coincidence and self-fulfilling prophecy. With these ideas informing the perspective of young men, it stands to reason that women of quality character and intellect would trend to avoid these men. This creates a skew where those who buy into this ideology are more likely to engage in endeavors with women of poor character and intellectual quality, which in turn reinforces the view. Additionally, I would posit that those who would take such views to heart are those who received poor socialization during their formative years, and use this ideology as a mortar for their own experiences. This poor socialization naturally creates a deficit in ability to navigate the complexities of social engagement, and a reliance on this "red pill" perspective as a quick-guide to help them gain easy, incorrect answers to silly questions.

To truly understand how people can take such a blatantly stupid ideology seriously, one has to change perspective. By simply getting rid of the figures as a statistical measure of a total population, and instead substituting them to be a self-selected sub-population, the ideology fulfills itself. It's self-referential, and it's solipsitically stable. What an absolutely curious ontological consequence.

>> No.14164126

experience is a good thing. as long as it's legal and with multiple forms of protection.

>> No.14164128

She was 11 in this pic. That makes it even better.

>> No.14164133
File: 29 KB, 678x382, 180424_rhodes_stevenpinker_018-5afc44ae6f94a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he ask them to call him ASS?

>> No.14164140

that... can't be true op... i'm going back to hell for sure

>> No.14164187

>complexities of social engagement
lmao keep coping dude

>> No.14164193

Do you want to buy my car with 300,000 miles on it?

>> No.14164432

In my opinion it is not ethical beacause you have to obey not only the laws of God, but your country's laws too ( or no if your country's laws goes against God's laws ).

>> No.14164458

w-what? proof

11... that developed..??

>> No.14164474

maybe i dont spend enough of my time being a degenerate that looks at young young girls
but surely that cant be 11?! thats like 6th grade
she looks at least 15-16, with a reasonable possibility of being a literal "just started fall semester" college freshman

>> No.14164488

Girls don't fully mature mentally until around thirty. This is why mommies are superior.

>> No.14164534
File: 52 KB, 850x400, quote-growing-old-is-not-all-sweetness-and-light-old-women-especially-are-invisible-ruth-rendell-105-12-49[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete waste of hitler dubs
30 is but a blink of an eye away from post-wall
whamen dont fully mature in the way men mature, period.
you can talk to a meno pause whamen and she'll still largely be the same dumb female she was before. its just that now her crying will shift from "how come none of the good men are paying me any attention" to "how come ZERO men are paying me attention"

>> No.14164544

>how come ZERO men are paying me attention
it's more like
>how come only average males are paying attention to me
go on online dating sites or go to a bar and you'll see that these old hags still get dick because of the sheer amount of simps and average betas willing to lick their greasy cunts

>> No.14164545

Imagine being this much of a bitter incel.

And hitler dubs? What are you on about?

>> No.14164567

>implying finkelsteins and fags aren’t the majority of diddlers
It’s a social norm my guy there’s no way he parent would consent because it’s viewed as creepy and rightfully so. Modern society has destroyed that.

>> No.14164572

as desperate as men are, i honestly rarely see men ever flock to whamen who no longer bleed
>hehe, i called him an incel. a bitter incel on top of that!
>"hitler dubs?"
lurk more fag

>> No.14164575

Sorry but the real peak is 14-20

>> No.14164581

All patricians agree that it is right and just

>> No.14164586

Women don't have a wall, incel.

>> No.14164597

Based HH

>> No.14164600

oh no no no

>> No.14164602

>as desperate as men are, i honestly rarely see men ever flock to whamen who no longer bleed
they get a fuck ton of attention from single or divorced males around their age at bars from my experience
obviously they're not going to get 20-30 year old men, but they're still worth more than males in their age range unless the males are very successful or good looking

>> No.14164621

they're not going to get 20-30 year old men at the same rate as when they were younger*

>> No.14164664
File: 601 KB, 4000x2600, chromozoned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incel cope

>> No.14164668


>> No.14164671

She’s called MC melody what I gotta spoonfeed you

>> No.14164677

Most of the high profile rape cases of the past decade, at least in America, involved Chads (i.e. football players, wealthy fratboys) having non consenual no no time with women and girls well below their status. When was the last some creepy nerd was in the news for rape?

>> No.14164678
File: 46 KB, 474x442, b9ef836e59d7f3c902a7f1c21740b78a--modern-romance-partner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14164679

why is this picture so funny

>> No.14164689

that guy with the olympic gymnast girls
besides, for every chad caught raping there are thousands that don't get caught
it's only wealthy chads that do because women want money from them

>> No.14164692

if all my shitposting about menopause whamen lead to this, i can only say i am both amazed and okay with it
this has been a valuable and entertaining picture


>> No.14164702


>> No.14164713
File: 21 KB, 300x490, A62BF7F3-26A6-493F-B714-4E09DFF61B1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she’s 11.

>> No.14164718
File: 58 KB, 888x500, 2302BF56-624C-43DE-9889-B7A77D6B9009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14164735

okay but the collage pics look way different than the sun glasses pic which just shouts "waaaaay too young"
i have a feeling that seeing her IRL would quickly dispel the illusions many anons are getting from the collage pics and the OP thread pic
>possibility of touch-ups
>also make up

>> No.14164756
File: 79 KB, 970x546, 1A6B51C5-32DA-4BAE-BB82-D9DC770A2BA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pictures with dark hair was when she was 8

>> No.14164771

just admit you're a hebe like the rest of us
it's NOT being a pedo, hebephilia is healthy and natural because if bleed breed

>> No.14164773

> allow true love and passion to flourish between those fettered souls in whom it sleeps
This is only found in wild nature as an excuse that people who fantasize about having a cute obedient sex toy make. Also, romantic relationships between people of any age are not prohibited.

I'm against sensationalism in handling underage sexuality, but I have spent too much time on the internet to take reasons such as those for granted.

>> No.14164787

> victim of a pop culture standards of “fabulous looks”

>> No.14164815

i will freely admit on this anonymous board of fellow degenerates that i didnt know angie was like 14/15 in her pics until after post-nut
some mature faster than others, such as angie
some dont, such as those who still look pre-puberty despite being like 16/17
but the truth is ive never found myself sexually attracted to someone young enough to be in elementary school

>> No.14164838

Every sane male knows what you say to be true. IF the girl in OP is 11, it is a one in a million case. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to young teens if they've begun bleeding though. That's literally the sign that they are fertile, ffs. I'm not saying you should break the law, because I'd never encourage having anything to do with girls that young in our society, but it's just the nature of the matter. It's hilarious how so many people are willing to deny this elementary fact. Just 100 years ago, men in their 20s and 30s were marrying teens.

>> No.14164854

> That's literally the sign that they are fertile, ffs.
In that case, there is nothing wrong in that your penis is so tiny it can fit inside those “fertile” girls. It's NATURAL!

>> No.14164865

Tiny as a pencil, to be precise.

>> No.14164872
File: 56 KB, 1172x659, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In that case, there is nothing wrong in that your penis is so tiny it can fit inside those “fertile” girls. It's NATURAL!

>> No.14164942

I've had students 13 yrs old and 6 foot tall, willowy, beautiful. Girls mature earlier than boys in every way, probably to protect themselves from the powerful, stinking idiots that boys turn into a bit later.

A sexual relationship can smack you around mentally and emotionally, anyone who expects a kid to deal with that jsut so he can rub his gherkin into her is a selfish shitbag.

And that's completely forgetting childbirth, still the leading killer of young women worldwide, alongside their partners,neighbors and friends.

>> No.14164970

>starting around the age of 15
Women were very often married or at least promised by age 12-13 up to the early 20th century. Literally nothing wrong with that either.
Currently re-reading Augustine and the man was supposed to marry a girl of 12 (he was 21) but he preferred a side thot (herself quite young). Of course virginity is superior but for the majority of people taking girls when they are adolescent is the best course of action. But we can't have functional things with feminism.

>> No.14164990

More pics of delicious hebes

>> No.14165000

This. If every girl was safely married off to a suitable male during her early teens, there would be far less degeneracy. Look at what allowing women to make their own choices has done. Most of them are tinder and instagram cumdumpsters with family issues by the age of 20. Then they get stuck in unfulfilling careers and maybe end up with some cuck when they decide to settle down. Of course, there's a 50% chance they get divorced afterwards. It's a sad state of existence for both men and women and all of you defending it are mentally ill. You're just programmed NPCs.

>> No.14165024

ITT: idiots react to tits, then rationalize their reaction.
You would even fuck a man if he had tits.

>> No.14165091

Incredibly basado

>> No.14165116

Kill yourself pedo.

>> No.14165142

t. Hypocrite

Tell me you look at OP and you don’t want to smear that cute little face in coom

Also hebephilia is not pedo this has been explained a million times

>> No.14165190

Truth bomb for the copecels ITT: women don't mature with age, they only mature after having children
There's literally zero diference wrt emotional/intellectual maturity between a childless 14 year old woman and a childless 34 year old woman

>> No.14165203

what is a 'copecel'

>> No.14165212

Right, so they should have children as soon as they can in order to mature. Childless 30+ women start collecting cats and shrieking about every little thing.

>> No.14165413

Thanks for this post

>> No.14165586

hebephillia isnt even a thing technically its a product of physicality changing from the modern excess calorie diet, puberty in humans matures normally at the age of 17 to 18, whats considered the legal age of consent in most countries female estrus cycles are also lower and less prevalent, high body fat from shit modern diets induce puberty earlier to the point sexual maturity is peaked well before humans are mature physically and are as early as 13 and 14 along with extreme estrus cycles with higher prevalence and increased severity of side affects, youre supposed to be attracted to sexually mature people its just now artificially induced before people are suppose to, and its still gross to try to fuck a teenager even if they look like an adult

>> No.14165596

>and its still gross to try to fuck a teenager even if they look like an adult
Well that's just like your opinion, man.

>> No.14165611

this is one of those "you're right, i guess, but it still doesnt sit quite right with me"
i dont know. maybe it has something to do with the fact i remember seeing people i knew from high school a couple years later in college and thinking
>why do they now seem so much more sexually attractive than when they were a high school? i was under the impression puberty occurred earlier than the 17-19 range

i guess to elaborate a little. i have seen photos of whamen that are sexually attractive, only later to find out they would be in high school.
ive also seen photos of whamen in high school who still seemed "too young" and thus didnt find sexually attractive

>> No.14165617

a lot of spooked faggots on this thread