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File: 76 KB, 900x558, france-defections-of-the-leftist-intellectuals-color-e1497599681658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14160344 No.14160344 [Reply] [Original]

https://www.cia.gov docs CIA-RDP86S00588R000300380001-5


>> No.14160364

Didn't Marcuse work for the CIA? German, but still.

>> No.14160366

link doesnt work


>> No.14160376
File: 607 KB, 731x800, Screenshot_20190822-013805-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14160384

The French deserved the bombings.

>> No.14160386
File: 401 KB, 520x800, Screenshot_20190822-013350-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14160391

Jay Dyer says the CIA is everywhere and I always laugh at him. I think he might have a point though.

>> No.14160408

Are we permitted to discuss the Paris Review or is that a no-go?

>> No.14160440


>> No.14160477

If Stein had started a career in an earlier era, if he was then burn noticed, he'd have simply been fired or filed for bankruptcy and left town or something discrete like that. The sexual impropriety stuff of today is so sordid. I wonder why it seems part of protocol and tradecraft now. The rabble must love it, ala SVU

>> No.14160486
File: 245 KB, 536x800, Screenshot_20191112-230328-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops forgot my pic. Once I learned pic related, statecraft and international relations type thinking seems much more important, because it seems almost everything important is a move on that board.

>> No.14160500

>pg. 14
>Against these critics, the New Right can point to kudos from Michel Foucault, France's most profound and influential thinker. Foucault has praised the upstarts for, among other things, reminding philosophers of the "bloody" consequences that have followed from the rationalist social theory of the 18-century Enlightenment and the Revolutionary era.
Michel Foucault confirmed as a crypto-rightist.

>> No.14160752

Honestly there was a parallel story in the US. The American left also failed to support the student revolutions, which were smaller but still violent (Kent State) and lost the labor unions. Chomsky's role resembles Foucault, being the most prominent leftist intellectual, but too at odds with the failures of the leftist movement and its mainstream representatives to contribute to policy (his political writings are mainly critical). And just like in France, most students pursue careers in business, tech, or science, and there's a severe lack of intellectuals independent of academia.

Fuck, I should have pursued business, tech, or science.

>> No.14160772

Chomsky's a faggot that continually downplayed the CIA's influence on the left and political conspiracies like 9/11 and JFK. He's probably a court historian on payrole of the CIA.

>> No.14160778
File: 230 KB, 316x480, 9780691134130_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book on Marcuse and other Frankfurt school members working for OSS and CIA.

>> No.14160804

Postcolonial theorist Frantz Fanon and the CIA: https://academic.oup.com/ahr/article/124/3/983/5509740

>French continentals are CIA
>Critical Theory and Frankfurt school is CIA
>Postcolonialism is CIA
>Feminism is CIA
>20th Century art is CIA

Imagine still being leftist and pushing this stuff.

>why yes, my mind is parasitized by my enemy, but that's a good thing

>> No.14160826
File: 22 KB, 512x512, D3CB9DBC-65DF-4AF8-9C7E-2ED0E4EAA45B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, the CIA pushes for postcolonial critical theory while subverting third world socialist movements. Retard. The CIA is nothing but a right wing institution that has sabotaged and infiltrated any sort of rebellion from the American empire (see COINTELPRO). Do you honestly think /pol/ isn’t a giant PSYOP and honeypot?

Pic related is a good example of military intel’s true intents (occult fascism)

>> No.14160831

Dyer is a Christian simpleton who steals all of his credible research from the much better Dave McGowan and perverts it to be reactionary.

>> No.14160835

>The 20th century is just one big CIA psyop

>> No.14160842

He’s correct though, but he forgot to add the 21st century is an even bigger one

>> No.14160860

>The CIA is nothing but a right wing institution
retard detected. learn some history.

>> No.14160861


These pages do not derive from the OP's (attempted) link, but are instead passages from "Now", the latest book from anarchist finks The Invisible Committee. If I had to make a guess as to why these images were posted, and their relationship to the actual CIA article (indicated in the SP >>14160366), I would say that it's meant to indicate the Committee's conception of "destituent" as issuing from the leftist inter-nicene "bickering" (great word) indicated in the CIA article itself. But the "Everybody hates the Police" chapter of Now, from which the passages derives, isn't so directly involved with this idea as such, which is central to the rest of the book, so it's an odd choice.

OTOH the authors of Now lifted the historical conceptions of the police directly from a Foucault lecture (both works cite the exact same three thinkers and their old theories of how the police "ought to be"), and Foucault is pictured in the OP so maybe that's significant as well, but I don't see it on a cursory look through the CIA article.

>> No.14160867
File: 30 KB, 335x499, cointelpro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the CIA pushes for postcolonial critical theory while subverting third world socialist movements
That's right, it's right there in the peer reviewed article. Why don't you have a read or do you prefer your safe little Chomsky stories from CIA academia? The CIA nailed you stupid little redditors into pushing their psyops, and you gobble it down like a pack of retards to this day.
>The CIA is nothing but a right wing institution
It's liberal and always has been.
They also targeted right wing groups. See pic related.

>> No.14160873

>Pic related is a good example of military intel’s true intents (occult fascism)

Unironically based.

>> No.14160895

What is fascism?

>> No.14160911

reminder: gloria steinem is a CIA agent. feminism is just a distraction.

>> No.14160925
File: 94 KB, 600x308, literally has more soul than Chicom-CPSU realism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sabotaging and infiltrating any sort of rebellion from the American empire is a good thing.

What I'm not quite getting is the rhetoric which seems to be bubbling ITT, about how the CIA backs "left theory" to crypto-fascist ends, or whatever. Are you (any of you, in the thread) saying that the CIA props up certain leftists to eat the others, divide-and-conquer like? Or are you making some other specific claims?

OTOH the painting meme has been repeated many times, though admittedly I've never rigorously looked into its historical veracity (maybe the CIA reading room is a good place to look!). The story goes that AbEx art of the 50s and 60s was promoted by the CIA as a good example of American freedom of creativity, as opposed to doctrinaire Soviet realist art and similar. It's a very tall order to market abstract paintings (which most people naturally hate) in this way, but there's something to this: Look closely at any piece of socialist realist art, and you'll see a soullessness which isn't even present in a Pollock or a Rothko. For real soullessness in modern art, you have to to the 1970s and minimalism (Ellsworth Kelly, say). Of course classical Western art is much better than both of these.

>> No.14160930

why does he look like a homosexual

>> No.14160954

>CIA pushes for postcolonial critical theory while subverting third world socialist movements
Postcolonial theory has feminism, queerness, and other Liberal values baked in, which are intrinsically Western in origin. Postcolonialism is a Trojan Horse of Western Imperialism to keep third world shitholes under our thumb while keeping leftitsts happy and in the dark.

>> No.14160956

Seriously WTF is fascism? I don’t know what it is and whenever I ask someone what the tenets of fascism are or how it’d work they talk about murder which is not fascism cause it’s murder and the their distinct (I think?? WTF )

>> No.14160966

uhh nooo sweety, western values are wehn men are strong and make sex with women (who be in the kitchen makin food n babies!). Everything is post-neo modern marxist communists, which is 100% NOT WESTERN!

>> No.14160989
File: 142 KB, 1200x801, fedposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hmmm they are discussing things they shouldn't, better tell them that the American empire is good."

>> No.14161006


It is. I'm a private citizen and I delight at the image of Che's corpse. The thing about Bane? He lost, he died.

>> No.14161011


it comes down to "we (whom ever that is) come from a glorious civilization which has been subverted by "outsiders" whom we must go to war and destroy to reclaim our glory for the future."

Emphasis on cult or personality, authoritarianism/totalitarianism government, military strength, social conservatism and hiearchies and tradition and in a perpetually state of war against an enemy (which is constantly changing) who is both extremely powerful but is also sub-human and weak. Fascist ideology is built on contradiction, double think. It has no consistent ideology, there is no single fascist government, no fascist economy, or fascist culture. It is fairly hard to define, its more like "ill know it when I see it"

Nazi's believed Aryans to be the master race, but made the Japanese "honorary Aryans" because they needed allies for the war. Jews were greedy, selfish, sub-human rats, but also were incredible crafty and powerful creatures who are united to control the world and was destroying the Aryan race. So you can see how fascist ideology needs contradiction to exist.

>> No.14161016

cuba sure is a hell hole with 99% literacy rate, 0% homelessness, and being one the biggest exporters of doctors and medical professional to the developing world.

>> No.14161051


I cheerfully concede the high literacy rate as common not only to Cuba, but to the socialist experiments in general. Communism remains untenable.

Suddenly, I find myself fantasizing about stealing into Cuba late at night, grabbing Assata Shakur, and causing her the humiliation of being turned back over to white American pigs while still alive. A man can dream.

>> No.14161067
File: 789 KB, 2048x1536, qoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we must become the swamp to defeat the swamp, since there's no more village and all that
The absolute state of burgers.

>> No.14161098

Lol I love how commies do this gambit.. there are tons of doctors who spoke out about Cuba fudging numbers on things like infant mortality.

Would be funny to have this guy walk around Havana with a copy of Infinite Jest and have the Cubans read it to him (translated to Spanish it was..)

>> No.14161101

>Fascist ideology is built on contradiction, double think. It has no consistent ideology, there is no single fascist government, no fascist economy, or fascist culture. It is fairly hard to define, its more like "ill know it when I see it"
No shit, Sherlock. A political ideology that has only been around for 20 years wouldn't have the time to refine and solidify into something more coherent.

>> No.14161102

t. gusano

>> No.14161105

>cult or personality
>authoritarianism/totalitarianism government
>military strength
>in a perpetually state of war against an enemy (which is constantly changing) who is both extremely powerful but is also sub-human and weak
>contradiction, double think
So, USA?

>> No.14161109

>I'm a private citizen
imagine believing this when the empire you love is busy taking away your privacies

>> No.14161110

Not a gusano, not even Cuban

>> No.14161130


I've never been convinced of this Umberto Eco take about contradictions in fascism. It's retarded. It's basically denying things can be powerful in some areas, and can have weaknesses in other areas. For example saying this:

>Jews were greedy, selfish, sub-human rats, but also were incredible crafty and powerful creatures who are united to control the world and was destroying the Aryan race

Isn't a contradiction. A contradiction is p and not p. If it were a contradiction they'd be saying Jews are greedy and not greedy, selfish and not selfish, sub-human rats and supra-human non-rats, craft and noncrafty, powerful/united and weak/un-united. There doesn't appear to be any explicit contradiction here, and the people that push Eco's take here really haven't thought it through (which is funny, because they are implicitly implying their opponents aren't rational by use of contradictions).

>> No.14161215

>it comes down to "we (whom ever that is) come from a glorious civilization which has been subverted by "outsiders" whom we must go to war and destroy to reclaim our glory for the future."
That seems to be the mainstream historical take on WW1. A pretty prosperous Germany fought a 4 year long war and ended up as a failed state due to literal outsiders forcing harsh conditions onto them, which ultimately ended in a disastrous financial crisis and a slow recovery from that.

>perpetually state of war against an enemy (which is constantly changing)
In which fascist country was that the case?
It seems like Germany, Hungary, Romania, Italy, ... fought pretty consistently against the Allies.

>Nazi's believed Aryans to be the master race, but made the Japanese "honorary Aryans" because they needed allies for the war.
Or because they believed that the Japanese culture was similar to their own Ideals, which made the Alliance viable in the first place.

>Jews were greedy, selfish, sub-human rats, but also were incredible crafty and powerful creatures who are united to control the world and was destroying the Aryan race.
Doesn't seem contradictory.
Certainly both could be the case, as the first part is simply a moral judgment, the other a factual statement.
At least it doesn't seem more contradictory than occupy Wallstreet, with it's slimy, greedy bankers, out there to exploit the poor.

>So you can see how fascist ideology needs contradiction to exist.
You don't seem to present a contradiction.

>> No.14161248

For the OSS, yes

>> No.14161251
File: 1.11 MB, 1518x2319, A19snTh9RyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read this Cultural Cold War book and you'll understand how CIA funded not only French Philosophers but nearly all the world.

>> No.14161267


I'm aware of the comparisons with one's "credit score", but the proposed Chinese model, for example, is far more insidious. In the United States, the possibility exists to opt out, to minimize: not so elsewhere.

>> No.14161363

I don't know if there's even a single republican (and that includes neocohens and 'reformed' trotskists) working for the cia outside the president appointed ones who are figureheads.
The cia gets a reputation because they fucked over soviet aligned regimes for national reasons.

>> No.14161491

>Postcolonial theory has feminism, queerness, and other Liberal values baked in, which are intrinsically (((Western)))

>> No.14161498

>(which most people naturally hate)
The latest Franz Kupka exhibition in his home country was crowded, and he was the originator of the abstract art decades before Pollock. This "CIA did modern art" meme is extremely shortsighted and burgercentric.

>> No.14161632

>Pic related is a good example of military intel’s true intents (occult fascism)

Then why did he get in to a cat fight with Myatt back in the 80's?

>> No.14161639

None of that is unique to fascism.

>> No.14161645

The American empire is the cancer of humanity

>> No.14161786

Dude, the last head of the CIA, John Brennan, openly admitted voting for the Communist Party when he was younger. The current CIA doesn’t care about communists, at least in its own ranks.

>> No.14161821

Based. Americans were gobbling down Warhols left and right while Europe was producing Picassos and Richters.

>> No.14162208
File: 155 KB, 500x420, ebony nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>why yes, my mind is parasitized by my enemy, but that's a good thing

cuck philosophy btfo

>> No.14162213

>Pic related is a good example of military intel’s true intents (occult fascism)

you wish bucko

>> No.14162229

Marcuse wasn't German, he was a Jew.

>> No.14162237

I remember reading somewhere about how 1968 was a colour revolution and I think he this is right. It was an American-led and financed attempt to unseat a nationalist leader who went against U.S. political and economic interests, using the same methods that became standardized in recent decades, street demonstrations, strikes and interventions led by student activists.

And it worked. Charles de Gaulle fell and with him the dirigiste model of the French economy was opened for American capitalism. Not only the economy though, the entire French society was remodelled around liberal norms and the French philosophers, both those from the left such as Foucault and those from the right such as BHL were part of that.

The French Communist Party was right in rejecting all that.

>> No.14162241

the irony that the anglo analytic phil circle is the only part of 20th c. intellectualism that isn't a psyop, it genuinely was just autism

instead the continentals were the real conduits for anglo soft power kek

>> No.14162242

Based CIA desu

>> No.14162261
File: 47 KB, 313x439, portuguese colonial war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Americans pretty openly supported decolonization, so it's not a surprise that they would support Fanon.

It's not that the CIA or the U.S. State Department are pro-communists, they just saw in the collapse of the European empires in Africa an opportunity to expand the American sphere of influence. Once they saw that the new African countries were turning to communism instead they changed their methods and began supporting right-wing groups and dictators.

>> No.14162275

>it comes down to "we (whom ever that is) come from a glorious civilization which has been subverted by "outsiders" whom we must go to war and destroy to reclaim our glory for the future."

No, it doesn't. This is a retarded definition since the belief in a mythical "Golden Age" is prevalent in several cultures millennia before the development of fascism in Italy in the aftermath of WWI. Even communists have something of this with their belief in "primitive communism" corrupted by class society.

Umberto Eco "Ur-Fascism" is a retarded text and people who take it seriously are even worse. There is not a single characteristic he gives to fascism that isn't prevalent across the political spectrum in one way or another.

>> No.14162396

the CIA are some dumb motherfuckers who i wouldn't trust to organise a birthday party

>> No.14162418

Makes me want a Big Mac and some Pornhub. Yummo!

>> No.14162455

any examples of the CIA funding right wing intellectuals like jordan peterson or richard spencer or do they just do it for free?

>> No.14162472

I think "funding" is a funny euphemism for secret rulings from secret courts, all the things done covered by many scary layers of NDA's and similar legal instruments. Not all assets are paid. Many are impelled.

>> No.14162486

The Fanon-CIA relationship postdates his theoretical contributions.

>> No.14162514

Why would the CIA, given it's responsibilities, permit there to be groups it did not understand, power it did not fully explain?

>> No.14162518

So a honorary german

>> No.14162528

Probably not because right-wing forces today are inherently centrifugal and (when oriented against the correct enemy) opposed to the bourgeois capitalist society. That is to say, the biggest winners of anglo democracy are the people like those that populate intelligence agencies, Universities, As well as power positions in business and finance. Right-wing radicalism wants to see these people dispossessed or destroyed, to be replaced with some kind of racial, theocratic or Aristocratic elite. These elites are the ones that have been wiped out by the bourgeois “liberal elite”

>> No.14162600

Haley Tempest is my girlfriend. It's me and Haley, always together forever. I love her blond hair. I love her blond bush between her legs. I love her eyes when they smile, and they so often do, which is quite nice. I enjoy dancing with Haley Tempest, who is my girlfriend. Haley Tempest and Me, we were meant to be... together... forever...

Me and Haley Tempest, we go to the water park and splash water on each other, the sun is shining so beautifully, she says, and i say, well yeah haley, sure, i guess haha and i blush and grab her neck fiercely. ouch, she says, haha, why do you hurt me like that. Oh sorry, i say, it wasnt my intention. I think something inside me for a moment wanted to strangle you, as if your love of the sun was directly attacking or undermining my own ability to appreciate the world, i felt jealous and degraded, because to me it's just a sun and i have no poetic or deeper feelings regarding it. Please dont be scared, i would never hurt you and i hope you understand that me sharing this with you, is just a way of working on our relationship, on making my decision-processes transparent and tangible to you, so that you can develop a deeper understanding of what drives me in my actions and thoughts. Do you understand, Haley? Do you understand that i did not in any way degrade your appreciation of the sun, but rather felt a heavy affectation because I myself could not feel as beautiful as you do? And even now, he says while clenching his fist and feigning of raising it against her, and even now i feel trapped in a mode of thinking and percepting that is like a typing machine, as if everything that happens within me and outside me must be translated, no not must, but rather automatically by some internal necessity, becomes signified only through language, through lengthy expressions, which, if i was consequent and at the same time, had lost all shame, could stretch on forever. I am sometimes afraid, and i mean a genuine fear, or perhaps one could say that sometimes i am confronted with a terrifying vision of not being able to stop talking anymore, that a type writer etches words into my skull endlessly and i become lost in an infinite ongoing sequence of sentences which transform the reality around me, but me cut me away from it, as if a layer of linguistic pre-perception intruded to the sphere of perception and reality and cut me away from it, as if i had lost all my sensous organs and now was trapped only within a skull embedded in sentences. It is good that i'm merely myself and not the harbinger of my nightmares, as even now i find myself growing tired, my tongue becoming weak and exhausted, my eyes growing glassy and weary as i finish this dispell of thoughts and anxietys, and waiting for you to take me into your arms, love me, kiss me, pet me, not take me, but just comfort me, just comfort me, because i am far away from any sexuality, because my state of mind makes me drift away endlessly far away from the relief of sexuality,

>> No.14162603
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Admittedly I've only skimmed the article, but it's starting to look like French intellectuals specifically rejected the left due to the attempts to incorporate said intellectuals into the political parties more directly. I'm curious if this is an implicit statement as to the role of intellectual as lofty observers of the nation rather than practitioners of statecraft.

So much for Philosopher kings.

>> No.14162616


>> No.14162653

>be leftist philosopher
>capitalist and petit-bourgeois parties attempt to integrate me into their washed down social democratic parties
>"so much for philosopher kings"

>> No.14162674

which is why you can be sure that there are glownigs reading and posting in this very thread

>> No.14162733
File: 69 KB, 785x795, bhl_b-nai_b-rith_mpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty funny
BHL (bernard henri levy) is a jew who was maoist around the 68 and were the one criticising communists as "petit bourgeois"(like not enough radical) and then became liberal as fuck with a certain trend to write books based only on the jewish question.He is (he was ,no ones like him anymore but still invited) someone frenquently invited on tv news or shits like that and say what we should think ,what we should do. He was actually very active for french intervention in yougoslavia against serbs,gulf war,iraq,lybia and kurdish people. In french we call him the "son of mars" because he is such a moron to advocate for wars when everytime it's total failure and france won nothing in their interests.Notably known to be pro-israel as fuck while blaming far-right in france (civic nationalism) when supporting israel at any cost (far right ethnico-religious government since 90's)
pic related is hour bhl ,son of mars.
Glucksmann is kind of same ,notably known for pushing french intervention as bhl.
His son is actually having a overcover from medias ,leading the socialist party (not its not commie it's just liberals) ,advocating for every shit we see since 80's (immigration,free gibs,intervention for kurds,far right not good it's nazi).
t.french guy interested since he's 13 in the JQ

pic related: bhl at the bn'ai brith

>> No.14162992

I haven't read the entirety of it but it doesn't seem that the French intellectuals discussed in the document are in any way actually connected to the CIA. The document is just an analysis of how the cooling of pro-Soviet sentiment in France can be used to the US's advantage

>> No.14163207
File: 109 KB, 212x217, cricket 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they do nothing but persist in the realm of observation in what way will they reign?

What did anon mean by this?

>> No.14163949

t. glow nigger

>> No.14165389

merci "ah non" !