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/lit/ - Literature

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14159390 No.14159390 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>starts watching a cute booktuber
>she recommends some books
>I actually read a few of the books
>booktuber makes a new video after a few months following the channel
>the importance of reading women authors or something like that
>she says that she is trying to read more females
>I'm like "what? do people actually care about this?"
>I take a look at the books that she recommended and I read
>only females
>I was manipulated by her cuteness
>I tell my friend about what happened
>female authors becomes a meme in our talks
>we laugh every time we see one, especially when they write fiction or things like movie novelization
>at some point it becomes unironically
>I stop reading any non scientific book wrote by a female
was it my fault? does that makes me a male chauvinist (google couldn't come up with a better translation of machista)?

>> No.14159399

Completely natural. Women can't produce creative works at a high level.

>> No.14159427

>cleft chin on a woman

>> No.14159446
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welp, time to get off /lit/ for the night. Fuck You OP

>> No.14159465

There are some good women philosopgers, but they're rare. Here's a list:

Ban Zhao
Yeshe Tsogyal
Marguerite Porete
Catherine of Siena
Teresa of Avila
Iris Murdoch
Martha Nussbaum

I can't say any other name.

>> No.14159473
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>watching a female booktuber
>she strips off her shoes and socks

>> No.14159482


>> No.14159493

>watching videos of people talking about books
>instead of reading books

>> No.14159500

Who is she

>> No.14159503
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Being a male chauvinist is based and high-iq. Ignore 100% of what they say (or write) and you lose nothing of value.

>> No.14159640

link to this? for a friend

>> No.14159654

In a way she's right because without Western civilization obesity rates would plummet. Without fat people we'd no longer have fatphobes.

>> No.14159709
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How do a girl's socks smell bros?

How can I go in living in a world where I'll never know the answer?

>> No.14159773

>movie novelization
I didn't know this had a name but I do this with scenes I like to practice scene setting. Women do this for entire movies?

>> No.14159965

Not true. Memoirs of Hadrian is one of the best books I've read. Woolf, Bronte sisters, George Eliot, and Jane Austen are good too. But mostly it is true.

>> No.14159972


>> No.14159973

pls respect my gf

it was only recommendations, I don't watch the ones that talk about specific books

the most remarkable book in the jokes was the one about Alita by Pat Cadigan

>> No.14160156

>"It's not that I don't believe in contemporary literature," he added, "but I don't want to waste valuable time reading any book that has not had the baptism of time. Life is too short.”

>spend time reading the best of the best
>realize whamen are rarely ever the elite of the elite
>stop reading whamen written books unless it's been recommended and vetted by non-retards
its just the way whamen are. you shouldnt dismiss whamen entirely purely based on their gender. statistics rarely portray a complete picture of the individual.
but why go sifting through dog shit on the off chance youll find a diamond in the feces like the movie Snatch?

what does it take to be the elite of the elite? near madness.
>need to have a certain level of IQ. most people can agree, at the very least, it needs to be above average. already you can discount all the whamen crying about the "bell curve."
>usually requires people willing to take risks. testosterone itself has been linked with increased risk-taking behavior.
>requires utter dedication, borderline autistic devotion. whamen have inherent value as the gatekeepers of sex and new life. makes it more likely that men will seek to establish themselves by demonstrating value.
>requires a competitive mindset. testosterone has been linked with increased competitiveness. whamen's hypergamous nature leads to men competing with each other for access to whamen.
>requires long hours. competitive advantage is a compounding factor. being "smart" gets you to the finish line of the first race faster. but then you have to keep entering new races. more hours invested = building up a compounding advantage. lawyers, doctors, big company CEOs all work exhausting hours. yet someone most law firm partners are male. why? law firms cannot hold on to on-track-to-partner whamen lawyers because at a certain point, more money isnt worth not having a life. whamen care about income (men need higher income than whamen to be attractive). men dont care about income.
>long hours. grueling work. obsessive attitude. all of this is pointing toward a certain level of psychopathy. the real question is, regardless of gender, who would actually want this? nonetheless, at the extremes, we tend to see heavy gender differences (most serial killers are men. most crazies are men.).
starts to make sense why, among the elite of the elite, you rarely ever see whamen
>whamen need their own chess league

>> No.14160244

Novels used to be written by women while poetry was by men. Funny how things change...

>> No.14160262

why must you torment me with these jezebels?

>> No.14160636

sex, incel have

>> No.14160645

>(google couldn't come up with a better translation of machista)
OP is Hispanic femanon?

>> No.14160648

stronk sons

>> No.14160653

machistaa perro judioooo

>> No.14160747

Wuthering Heights in particular is possessing. As in it’s like a fever dream you can return to.

>> No.14160775


>> No.14160787


>> No.14160806

Funny how you're on /lit, yet you appear to be illiterate.

Op just said that he stopped reading non scientific books written by women. And last time I checked, philosophy isint fiction.

>> No.14160829

You missed Elizabeth Anscombe, Simone Weil, Philippa Foot, and Chantal Delsol.

>> No.14160834

These are mediocrities. Why don't women ever produce a Plato, Goethe, or Nietzsche? Ever?

>> No.14160837

Imagine the house maid coming across her slouched in her chair asleep under a book and teasing her socked sleeping feet with a feather duster, making them twitch and writhe.

>> No.14160851
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>> No.14160887

Yes Simone fucking Weil is the standard we should all strive for. Fuck you anon.

>> No.14160916

>Literally oppressed to the point where it's impossible to write anything
>Durr why didn they write anything good durr
God you're retarded. If I held you down and put a boot against your head for an hour I wouldn't then slap you in the head and call you an idiot quite literally being unable to do anything. Reminder:
>George Eliot
>Virginia Woolf
>Jane Austen
>Emily Dickinson

>> No.14160942

wonder what her crotch smells like

>> No.14160945

His influence on his contemporaries and post-modern philosophy (mainly those who came after him) were and are enormous, if not remarkably valuable. This is only disputed by retards and onions.

>> No.14160958

That guy who posted the basedjak isn’t me. I like both Nietzsche and Weil.

>> No.14160988

Lots of women wrote things and had the luxury of writing. You don't know much history.

Don't get so emotional. This is probably why there are no good woman philosophers, too emotional.

>> No.14160997

Male Portuguese/Brazilian?

>> No.14161001

I bet she has a stinky vagina, that jeans looks awfully tight, sweaty musty crotch

>> No.14161015

I have done this exact same thing.
>Fooled into reading some feminist writer at a bookshop.
>After finishing teh book try to work out why I didnt like it.
>black lesbian author.
>now i avoid all female authors and get angry just thinking about the whole fucking deal.

>> No.14161141

I don't think that there are many females here, but yes, male brazilian

>> No.14161181

>start out not caring about something irrelevant
>end up obsessed with something irrelevant
Congratulations OP, either way you were influenced by watching some retard on Youtube.

>> No.14161220

>>the importance of reading women authors or something like that
I’m curious. Did she give any reasons for it being important to read women authors, or did she simply assert it without justification?

>> No.14161222

nice buttchin

>> No.14161240

Unironically salty coins and milk

>> No.14161792

>Martha Nussbaum
That's just Aristoteles for retards.

>> No.14161822

As someone with a foot fetish who actually has some experience with it IRL, I will tell you the truth. The only significant difference between male and female feet is the size and bone structure. If you want to know what a girl's feet smell like, just smell your own. Same goes for taste.

>> No.14161830


>> No.14161851

Why am I so attracted to her ivory legs, why do I want to adore her puffy pink pussy all day long, drink the sweetest juices out of the holy grail of manlyhood, kiss her eyelids and cum on her fluffy tummy?

>> No.14161889

sigrid, a norwegian popstar

>> No.14161899

Imagine actually reading books instead of reading lit

>> No.14161902

sauce brotherino

>> No.14161963

>licking her pussy
>ejaculating onto her stomach and not inside her
Anon... I've got some bad news


>> No.14162069

that's not true at all. i did smell my sister's friend shoes and they smelled amazing. it's a mix of sweat, perfums and their own unical smell

>> No.14162083

Let me know when you actually smell a woman's foot, incel-kun.

>> No.14162176

Based and truthpilled

>> No.14162186

Sigrid, she’s a Norwegian pop star, this is from the video clip for ‘dont kill my vibe’ I’m pretty sure. Now fuck off you stupid cumbrain

>> No.14162410

Uh huh

>> No.14162463
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Be careful out there, anons.

>> No.14162467


>> No.14162562

Just go back to not caring, good books can be made by either gender but it’s completely pointless to form your reading habits around a preference to one or the other.
It’s fine to keep joking about it as a meme though, because it is a meme.

>> No.14162577

Remember than when feminists say "women have no power" it's complete bullshit. Even ignoring the institutional hegemony that women have in modern gynocracy, throughout the ages women have been the most powerful purely by having power over their men.

>> No.14162585

>t. never read Middlemarch

>> No.14162607

Dammn you rude son

>> No.14162609

L O L Simone Weil. Get this jew out of my face.

>> No.14162673

>you start watching a youtuber because she is cute and not because she is interesting
Theres your first fault. The shitcascade you groomed out this situation matters not.

>> No.14162681

>what are pheromones

>> No.14163076


How do you think she comes?

>> No.14163083


>> No.14163099

Girls smell like Lysol or at the very least they have an attractive sweetness, even when their feet smell. Female feet smell the same as mens feet to you because you’re a faggot.

>> No.14163113

its also because they dont like to take personal responsibility
>muh oppression
>muh patriarchy
>muh "not enough handouts"
for so much talk about taking agency, about being a strong and independent whamen, they rarely seem to take responsibility for themselves and their actions/behaviors
>whamen, what you did is wrong
>whamen cries
>its okay, stop crying whamen, i apologize, i was the one that was wrong

>> No.14163170
File: 60 KB, 743x635, 344hqk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I stop reading any non scientific book wrote by a female

This was your biggest mistake here. At some point in college i came to similar conclusions as you did OP, but in a less autistic and coomer way. I realized that, with very few exceptions, women can't actually write at all, either fiction or non-fiction.
I can't really express how easier my life became the moment i decided to stop wasting my time with papers wrote by women and figured out that i could read a paper wrote by a male about the same subject, and it would be much more concise and straight to the point than anything an average woman could write.

>> No.14163244

Oi gato :p

>> No.14163280


>> No.14164209

You're wrong. The difference is huge. Women's smell is not so strong, and more pleasant.

>> No.14164215

Not know as in your country, and in my Russia precisely so.

>> No.14164218

Why don't you?

>> No.14164220

Mнe 20, мoeй cecтpe 29, и 2 гoдa нaзaд я oбнюхaл ee нoги, oнa нe вoзpaжaлa! Hy, oнa зaбoтилacь o них, и пoвepьтe мнe, paзницa мeждy мyжчинoй и жeнщинoй дeйcтвитeльнo oгpoмнa.

>> No.14164223

I'm 20, my sister is 29, and 2 years ago I sniffed her feet, she didn't mind! Well, she took care of them, and believe me, the difference between a man and a woman is really huge. It's the same as if you say that the only difference between a man and a woman is in the breast and the penis.

>> No.14164440

based stoic

>if you don't read females there is a chance of good books being left out because people only read men
>the female characters are less idealized and more relatable when written by women
>if you don't read them you'll only heard the narrative of the power, like seeing only one side of history
and other things that would only make sense up on the ideia that inequality is inherently bad, so the gap between male and female writers is a problem per se that must be corrected no matter the reasons

it's actually from "Plot Twist"

itt books to stop worshiping cute females

oi gatx

>> No.14164489

>reading a thread on an anime forum about watching videos of people talking about books
>instead of reading books

>> No.14164527

>does that makes me a male chauvinist (google couldn't come up with a better translation of machista)?
No. Its stupid and shallow to read a work based solely upon the gender of its author. The booktuber girl is a moron.
The real question here is were any of the books you read good? Were the interesting? Did they say important things to you? Did they change your perspective, or make you think about things in a way you might never had if you hadn't read them? Were they fulfilling? Were they satisfying? Were they boring? Were they stupid? Were they not worth reading?
Did you enjoy the books you read? That's all that matters.

>> No.14164537

Yea, don't be fooled again anon. A good lesson to learn early. Or you'll be doing stupid shit for the rest of your life.

>> No.14164571

It makes you and your friend profoundly autistic; you stopped reading perfectly good book because you literally memed yourself out of it.

>he doesn't want megachad children
>throughout the ages women have been the most powerful purely by having power over their men.

>the most powerful purely by having power over their men.


>> No.14164626

You forgot Ayn Rand

>> No.14164640

how old is that gif now? 10 years? 15 years?

>> No.14164793

I've only read one of Eliot's short stories and I'm in love with her. Can't wait to start Middlemarch.

>> No.14164814
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This. Women can't write non-fiction either. They bring their dilettante attitude wherever they go.

>> No.14164825
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...And to be frank, I'm very cautious with reading translations (yeah, I know) made by women as well.

>> No.14164841

How did literal slaves like Epictetus do what women couldn't, tho? The power of cock?

>> No.14164864

based whamen poster


>> No.14164975

holy shit. one of the few times ive seen a whamen engage in a civil and open-minded discussion of these issues.
the only other one i saw was a panel between a "feminist" vs a group of recently unemployed NASCAR girls who lost their jobs as, bluntly put, NASCAR "cheerleaders" because of feminist crying that NASCAR cheerleaders are "sexists and oppressive"

ive seen videos by Stardusk. theyre pretty good, but he falls short on the production value (it's basically a podcast, not a video, and even then his mic isn't even that good) and a monotonous voice.
i prefer Coltraine. more entertaining, higher production value, and also loves to sperg out with graphs, data, and sources to put weight to his opinions and claims.

thanks for the vidya anon

>> No.14165041

so redpilled. this can actuallly teach anons how the jews manipulate stuff.

>> No.14165377

Does anyone else here secretly want to worship women? I just want to be her little servant and to be under her wing everyday. To be taken care of by her and be called a good boy when I obey her properly. I would even lick her pussy, if she wanted me to. Maybe. Seems gross. But I just have a thirst towards pleasing women, not sure where it came from. I hope there are some girls out there who also want to place a boy in a position of submission to them. Can't tell anyone this stuff in real life of course, the matriarchy is isn't here yet and I'd be publicly berated by m*n and Women alike for even mentioning these ideas.

>> No.14166185

this is what cum makes to the brain

>> No.14166290

you're as bad as she is, no one should give a fuck who the author is

>> No.14166735

Something humans don't produce, at all. Cringe.

>> No.14166759

Women want "power" and "equality" and a strong chad that will dominate them and bend them over and impregnate them.
They don't want submissive little boys that want a mommy gf.

>> No.14167763

the ironing