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/lit/ - Literature

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14158267 No.14158267 [Reply] [Original]

How long does it take you to read 1,000+ page books?

>> No.14158273

At least six months. This is why I only read 4chan threads.

>> No.14158277
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2 days

>> No.14158280

Ir took my 27 days with It but I've been reading LOTR from march and I'm stuck at the end of book II since July I think. Not that I don't like it, I just get distracted easily

>> No.14158292

20 days
50 pages a day

>> No.14158294

I try to start long books when I have a lot of free time so its fast and motivating in the beginning. But in total its usually 2-3 months

>> No.14158304

Month and a half when I read Against the Day

>> No.14158305

Do this, divide the book into sections, so maybe 2 chapters each day or 50 pgs. Don’t look at the whole book, its almost like a fear of heights, once you look u just don’t want to do it.

>> No.14158324

>not knocking out 1500 pages a day
what kind of fucking scrub are you bro?

>> No.14158441

Depends on the difficulty ofc.
Average is a week if I like it and it's easy to read.
Two months for books where you have to dissect every word.

>> No.14158482

A week maybe, if I don't take notes, if its easy, and perhaps less if I shut the fuck up and stop 'thinking' about the fucking book instead of fucking reading it.

Otherwise we're talking 2 months.

>> No.14158491

What’s the point of reading 1000plus pages a day if you are not going to understand the education is giving you, bro?

>> No.14158504

>stop 'thinking' about the fucking book instead of fucking reading it

You haven't really read it if you didn't think about it. You might as well have read the Wiki page.

>> No.14158525

When I was in my teens I liked WoT. I read the 14 books in 14 days, with 3 days in between of not reading. So, if I want, 1 day.

>> No.14158551

Last one it took me 4 months, because I'm a lazy scrub who also thought about the text too much

>> No.14159512

With my ADHD, probably 5 months

>> No.14159521


>> No.14159524

About a month and I'm a slow reader, reading only one book. My goal usually is 50 pages a day for fiction and for nonfiction whatever I can take with understanding the text. I was with great difficulty reading the dialogues of Plato at 10 pages per hour.

>> No.14159553

Do you mean continuously? I could probably knock it out in a day or two if it's all I did.

But as it stands probably like a month for me, dawg. It took me one month of reading at leisure to finish Infinite Jest.

>> No.14159576

Usually a month. I read TBK in 2 weeks but it’s all I was doing at the time.

>> No.14160514

around 2 weeks

>> No.14160526


>> No.14160553

I agree. I take a month or so because I don't like to rush. Don't read yourself stupid

>> No.14160633

every book over 500 pages i inevitably skip large portions of aside from mason and dixon that was worth it

>> No.14160738

God, I hate retards like you. It's not a fucking race, burger fag.

>> No.14160788


Ok, but what if I'm not autistic?

>> No.14160795

Depends. War and Peace could be read from a week to 8 weeks if you stick with it, but The Man Without Qualities is denser, so would take longer. I read Moby Dick and Crime and Punishment each in about 6, but could have been quicker. I stop to digest a lot.

>> No.14161479

When one puts it like this, 20 days is nothing and 50 pages is like 2 hours at an unstressed speed. Should be easy. Yet we all here procrastinate.

>> No.14161499

Any tips for lazy ADHD faggots who read 400 pages and then find something else?

>> No.14161506

depends on the font size and number of pictures

>> No.14161533
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I used to be able knock out 1k+ novels in a matter of days. Then I started playing too many video games, and hanging out with friends, and working and... And now it takes me about a month to read what I used to in a matter of days. Help me /lit/

>> No.14161548

Depends heavily on a lot of things. Best case maybe like 2-3 weeks

>> No.14161551

the problem arises from books with uneven number of pages per chapter, you can have a chapter with 10 pages followed by another with 80 pages.

>> No.14161555

About a month.

>> No.14161558
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It's over, guv

>> No.14161562

Stick with it? I mean, if you care about what you're reading you'll want to see it through. There's no tip for this.

>> No.14161569
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Down some Adderall with whiskey

>> No.14161571

Depends. If I’m really into it, just over a week.

>> No.14161613

5 seconds

>> No.14161823


>> No.14162500

>where you have to dissect every word
I do this with every book. That's why I have the pace of a slug.