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14157735 No.14157735 [Reply] [Original]

What's your literary opinion on journalists, /lit/?

>> No.14157743

You should start making friends anon

>> No.14157747
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This encapsulates my feelings on the matter.

>> No.14158005

Journalism itself is a great way to learn to research, interview, socialize and write.
However, agreed with previous post, the amount of bad and/or sensationalized journalism is off-putting to say the least.

>> No.14158845

Paid shitposters.

>> No.14159047

most people who go into journalism are activists with an agenda and/or low IQ dipshits

Not many people with above 90 IQs think that they should go into journalism

>> No.14159057

god sam is such a fag

>> No.14159058

There are some based journalists out there. Jeremy Scahill, Glenn Greenwald. Some from the past include Michael Herr and Christopher Hitchens. It's a dying art, though, for sure.

>> No.14159062


>> No.14160671

>be a Financial Times journalist
>conduct investigations, uncover fraud, help decisionmakers stay informed
>Write mistake, editors corrects to, "That means that the Tribune -- which counts two full-time basketball reporters among its full-time staff -- is going to have to justify that status and prove to its public, with its range of political views and cultural preferences, that what it is offering is for the public good."
>Editor posts a correction for transparency.

>Journalism bad, scum, shitposters, etc.

Say what you want about cable news (CNN, Fox), but quality print journalism has done good for society.


>> No.14161112

principled investigative journalism is fine but the proliferation of content farms and clickbait has damaged society and public discourse

>> No.14161145

>help decisionmakers stay informed
aka push propaganda on people
>quality print journalism has done good for society.
t. operation mockingbird supporter

>> No.14161151

what's the deal with this influx of status quo defenders in the last few hours?

>> No.14161229
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Independent reporters are one thing, but the journalists employed by newspapers and tv stations are some of the most evil people in the world. They are at all times the willing propaganda tools of those in power. The blame for almost every war in the last 150 years or so can be laid squarely at the feet of journalists, without whose willing collaboration to whip up a war frenzy among the population it never could've gotten off the ground. Just as in our time New York Times journalists were peddling hoaxes about Iraqi WMD programs in order to drag the West into a war against one of Israel's most hated geopolitical adversaries, a hundred years ago they were smearing those opposed to America's entry into WW1 "pestering pacifists" while praising Zionist Rabbi Stephen Wise for his anti-German warmongering, and Jewish banker Jacob Schiff for financing the Bolshevik take-over of Russia that resulted in millions of Gentiles being killed by the murderous Communists:

>> No.14161367

Journalism is writing for the noncreative.

>> No.14161372

Should be legal by law to shoot them in the legs if they try to take pictures of you while you're walking minding your business.

>> No.14161373

I would not care one bit if people started killing journalists, literally 90% of them are liberal propagandists and losers who routinely lie, misquote, strawman and harrass people

>> No.14161683

U.S Impeachment and UK general election.
Expect to start seeing mad shilling.

>> No.14161706
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>> No.14161716 [DELETED] 
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I despise the modern day journalist. Most of them are subdued by fellowships to tow the line of the industrial military complexes.

Take the Reuters school of journalism and the Reuters fellowship. Its the manufacturing of narratives for Journalists to follow, its the planting of ideas that hold no veracity when challenged.

Its how they protect the failures of military intelligence services. Because there have been many the last 5 years, the need for information control has never been greater. So there are more Fellowships, councils and think tanks created to ensure a narrative of silent obedience prevails among the Journalist class.

Its ruining society and we are dying as a result. The information dissemination of the western world is the only thing holding us together. If we cannot jointly disseminate information we will never agree or even understand each other. Its becoming increasingly obvious that this is true.

Il post sources if anyone cares enough to dive into the subject.

>> No.14161725 [DELETED] 

Its the new enlightened class of citizens. The ones who danced across the bridge uniting the classified society with the unclassified society.

Its not generally a bad development. But its lacking in its intellectual fundamentals. Too many faults are being ignored, too many stories buried.

>> No.14161741 [DELETED] 

The UK general election will be a massive shitshow. The Russian influence report that Boris Johnson is withholding from the public has already been disseminated through different channels.

ITs entirely based on the idea that the Russian narratives planted for the last 5 years have reached so far that they are now self-sufficient and the biggest threat to democracy.

Its incredibly sad to see the choices our leaders have made. They have basically said no to information dissemination and said yes to creating narratives of the west, from the minds of militarized people.

we are entering a decade of increased state vs state hostilities. People will finally realize how dystopian the laws we have passed are, for now our own people will start getting arrested for wrong-think on a whole new level.

>> No.14161780

Go ahead. OP is shit anyway, and thread is not going anywhere.

They are working on destroying the info dissemination as well. Look at Google, FB, twitter. All controlled now and shutting things down.

>> No.14161808
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very based

>> No.14161943

Un journaliste c'est soit une pute soit un chômeur

>> No.14162134

i didn´t know they were journalists in his time

>> No.14162148

You do know CNN doesn’t publish journals by one single person lmao. People who work there have differing opinions on things. This is like when white nationalists screen cap guardian articles which say you should have less kids as if that’s the opinion of the guardian and not whoever wrote the article.

>> No.14162152

They control public opinion. They decide what is the currently thing to hate or love.

>> No.14162165

Everything Karl Kraus said about them is true. "Poverty can make any man a journalist, but not every woman a prostitute".

I mean, he literally created a whole journal by himself (he wrote everything by himself) to fight what he believed was the degenracy of language induced by the press. This is what in his view led to events such as the Great War.

>> No.14162654

And yet you don't see guardian articles telling their (white) readers to have more kids, do you?

The guardian does control what its journalists say, but you only become a mass media journalist in the first place if you hold a particular worldview. David Duke does not write for the guardian.

>> No.14162784

Of course they have editors who themselves have their own biases, but the idea that they are involved in a calculated effort to destroy the white race is the issue.

I just looked it up anyway. Some articles are about why the state should make it easier for people to have children, others are about how the high birth rates in Africa are going to put a lot of children in poverty, others yet advocate for a global reduction in birth rates for environmental purposes. The point is that news sites are not run by a single person writing articles. It’s not surprising to see one article contradicting another.

>> No.14162787
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>news industry
fucking god awful

>> No.14163215

clickbait has always existed anon, what do you think monster stories/myths are?

>> No.14163270

Normiest thing ever.