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/lit/ - Literature

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14157619 No.14157619[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am posting this just in case anyone else needs some motivation to leave this hellish place.

This is a so-called literature board, but the very title is an oxymoron.

Spending time on here has destroyed my ability to focus on poetry and philosophy and anything deep, and has stolen away all the time which I used to spend reading. Worst of all, /lit/ lures me back to using the internet and technology, so that some days I find myself sitting in a chair staring at 4chan for literal hours, until my eyes are bleary and my back hurts; and at the end of the day I have learned nothing at all.

Yesterday was the last straw, I was browsing /lit/, /fit/ and /mu/ in a brainless stupor for about six hours—I woke up at eleven and stayed on the computer until the sun set. Then I went back, and I tried to do something I used to find fun and meaningful, namely, read some good philosophy. I tried to read "Naming and Neccessity" by Kripke, and I could barely get through five pages without my thought wandering to something or another completely unrelated.

My attention span is shot from this stupid site, and I know from experience that it won't be back to normal for a few months (and will only be fixed if I fast from 4chan).

So I am making up my mind to leave /lit/. I counsel anyone else who actually likes reading to do the same. Get out of the city before it is destroyed.

>> No.14157630

Ask yourself why you do things like this, do you seek out attention? Weak imbecile

>> No.14157634


>> No.14157639
File: 71 KB, 900x900, UWW0cPR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14157642

I'm glad I only browse /lit/. /lit/ might be bad but not nearly as bad as some of the other boards. I see less and less value in this board as the days go by. I feel as though I will eventually have no difficulty leaving this place.

>> No.14157654 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 645x773, Sadjack..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually wrote this pasta!
...and I am still here.

Kill me anon.

>> No.14157660

Didn't you already post this, you useless, attention-seeking piece of shit?

>> No.14157669

>Spending time on here has destroyed my ability to focus on poetry and philosophy and anything deep, and has stolen away all the time which I used to spend reading.

Doubt. Seems more like a convenient scapegoat.

>> No.14157677

Lit went to shit because of frog and wojak posters

>> No.14157719

based. im leaving in the next few days too

>> No.14157726

based OP, i'm quitting too. All that is left here is cumbrains.

>> No.14157836

i feel like /lit/ is the last stop before i can detach from 4chan entirely. i only sporadically scroll through the catalog lately, but know that as soon as i have enough free time, i'll sink into the rabbit hole again. i have nothing to blame but my own weak mind. i'm not as smart as i like to think i am. some people i meet in uni are so much more structured, and actually seem to process all the course material instantly, without having to focus intensely. meanwhile i struggle to retain a coherent thought process for even just 5-10 minutes before i devolve into random associations and irrational thought loops.
my verbal aptitude is high, but my executive functions are severely flawed.

>> No.14157890

same, i'm 21 and i feel like i'm a 30 y/o guy with early onset alzheimer's.

>> No.14157898

It's the jezebels I tell ya. Can't keep my dick in my pants when I see a nice booty.

>> No.14157965
File: 49 KB, 736x691, akko whats going on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, you didn't read Naming and Necessity yesterday when an earlier version of this thread with the same content and image got made days ago..........

>> No.14157974

>posting this EXACT SAME THREAD multiple times
X doubt
sage & reported

>> No.14158073

Everyone will make it if they leave this hellhole!

>> No.14158095

Thanks, o friend!
I realized that one of the reasons why i don't do so well anymore is because of browsing other boards (including reddit, it's shameful) but i will only stick to /lit/ from now.

>> No.14158171

Bump. People need to see this, people need to know

>> No.14158178

It's a copypasta troll thread, it's not serious.

>> No.14158234

actually, no, i'm deluding myself again. i spend ungodly amounts of time watching streams on twitch nowadays, so the addiction has just shifted

>> No.14158281

degenerate and greypilled.

>> No.14158299

i know, not proud of it, but i just get so fuckin lonely and some text on a screen doesn't cut it anymore