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/lit/ - Literature

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14157364 No.14157364 [Reply] [Original]

>go into https://talktotransformer.com/
>generate a sentence starting with something like "the problem I have with X"
>get results like below

>The problem I have with Kantianism is its emphasis on universal moral truths that we should all take to be true, even if we're not going to get there. Kantianism tends to be extremely narrow, focusing on the facts in the domain of morality, not on the facts of the natural world, and hence it's difficult for it to see how anything can be right or wrong unless it's in one of the domains, even though it can't see why we would want to take a particular fact in the natural world to be in that domain. I'm not saying that Kant's ethics is wrong. I think he was probably a good philosopher, but he was probably more focused on a kind of perfectionism than a kind of relativism. And the way I see it, if we want to take an action that makes someone else happy, even though we think it's wrong, then that makes our actions a kind of moral rightness or wrongness.

>> No.14157380

The problem I have with the gays, they have no respect for God. You know, you come out of the womb and you're a complete freak, and nobody respects you."

He also said the "gay marriage" is an example of how the government is forcing Christians to choose between "family and religion."

"It's a slippery slope," he continued. "It's a big slippery slope and they are trying to push it through."

Watch his comments below, via CNN:

[Image via screengrab]

>> No.14157383

The problem with niggers is that they are the ones who do the raping. The problem with blacks is that they are the ones who rape and rob.

So why are niggers still allowed to get jobs? Why do blacks still get paid less than a white person for the same work? How is it that a nigger can be hired as a police officer but a white person can't? How is it that a nigger can be hired as a construction worker and a white person can't? Why are niggers still getting paid less for the same work and are still getting murdered more than white people?

This isn't an abstract thought exercise, it's real life. A negro will still take the job that a white man would have, a negro will still rape more than a white woman can be raped and a negro will still steal more than a white man can steal.

>> No.14157396

El Machina is pretty baste

The problem I have with arabs irl, is that the media never show how they really feel.

They don't really know them and never will.

The fact that I am an Arab, is what really makes me, an Arab.

The fact that I'm a Muslim, is what really makes me, a Muslim.

The fact that I have a black father, is what really makes me, a black man.

The fact that I'm a woman, is what really makes me, a woman.

The fact that I have a history of being the victim, is what really makes me, a woman.

The fact that I can't really explain myself, is what really makes me, a woman.

But, when we are the victims, we're not allowed to tell our own stories because we are black or brown, or Muslim, or trans.

We are not allowed to tell our own stories because we are

>> No.14157418

The problem I have with buddhism is that its a dogmatic system that has lost its humanity, and it's a dogmatic system that is not going to make you enlightened. You will not have a real experience of enlightenment if it's just a dogma." —Rajneesh

>> No.14157428

I have problem with OP, and he knows it. I am not gonna tell you that it was not my fault, because I will never be able to tell what your problem is with your ex-girlfriend. You have to have faith in the other person, and you need to be realistic about your situation. Your ex may be a horrible human being, but the problem is not you. He is a human being.

You are in a relationship with a man who is an alcoholic. The alcoholic is the one who is abusive. You need to trust that man and accept him as a drunk who will not hurt you in any way.

I also know that it is impossible for a woman to live with someone as abusive as a man. If a man keeps saying that he loves you, and he does not care what happens to you, he is still a liar. If he does care what happens to you, then he probably does not love you. You have to accept

>> No.14157460

The problem I have with schizophrenics is they are so hard to get to know because they seem to have a million different personalities


>> No.14157471

The problem I have with 4chan is that their users are often not people I would like to interact with, and often not people I'd want to meet.

>> No.14157484

The problem I have with /lit/ is that they've been getting more aggressive. They want to be more like /a/, which isn't the same.

We have to be honest:

There is a difference between /r9k/ and /lit/ because /r9k/ is about as close as you can get to /r9k/ without being banned.

You cannot compare /r9k/ and /lit/ because they're so far apart.

>> No.14157493
File: 73 KB, 741x568, 1571586395999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the zionist jews who run society in the background are all in bed together. They are the real owners of the US gov and the EU. They want to destroy our currency and take all the wealth from our countries."
>"The people are sick and tired of this government in Britain and the US. People are desperate for a change in our politics."
>The leader of UKIP, Nigel Farage, said "these comments by Farage are the latest proof that the EU is a total failure, that the EU is a total scam."
>"It's a complete farce," Farage said.

>> No.14157494

The problem I have with Thomism is that it seems like a sort of "religion of convenience" and an "easy sell". It seems to me that if we want to have a conversation about whether or not God is love or not, then we need to have that conversation with the whole person who is a Thomist. It's not just the doctrine. If we're going to have that conversation, we need to know the person. We need to know the history of the person, to understand how he came to hold these views, and what he believes and believes now.

And for most people, that's not going to be easy to do.

>> No.14157505

The problem I have with guenonfag is he was never the target. He was never the one that was really trying to get us all killed. His goal was always to get us all arrested.

"He didn't have any actual targets. He would talk about what was happening to our country. So his goal wasn't to get arrested."

And there was no doubt that it was the FBI who brought the bombs down, Guenonfag argued, because he has never seen evidence that Al Qaeda was responsible.

"It was the FBI, the CIA, or some other agency who put the bombs on the buildings. Why would you do that? I never understood that, honestly. I don't know if it was the same organization that put the bombs on the buildings. They never told me. And I never asked.

"I knew they were CIA or FBI because I was there. They put the bombs on the buildings. That's why they're on

>> No.14157508

Taleb: Kant sucks ass.
Tom: Why?
Taleb: His ethics are shit because his ethics are bullshit. He can't even tell you what is a right and what is a wrong, and he is the god of moral relativism so he can't be trusted.
Tom: I don't buy that.
Taleb: Okay, I know Kant's ethics are bullshit, but so was Christianity. So I guess you could say Kant is in a similar boat?
Tom: Well, he's not. He was pretty much a Christian for all his life.
Taleb: What?
Tom: He did, however, think Jesus was the son of God.
Taleb: And so does every non-believer.
Tom: And so does everyone. So why don't we look at the big picture? Why aren't we fighting back against the

>> No.14157517

The problem I have with butterfly wings, is that they look silly.

I have this theory, that because the wings look silly to the eye, it must be easier to get the wings to spread.

However, if the wings aren't spread, it looks like it should be easier to lift, instead of pulling the wings up and down like it should.

So, the fact that they can be spread and look silly, must mean that the wings don't work like a true butterfly, and just act like an ant.

If you know how to do this, and if you could explain how the wings get spread, to anyone, then it would help a lot.

This is just something I discovered, and this is the reason I have no idea how to do it, and I don't think it's really worth it for me to learn how to do it.

Just think of it like an ant spreading its wings.

>> No.14157529

The problem i have with XFinity is the prices. It is like they are trying to take our money and then give us crap service that costs us a lot more than if we were paying their advertised rates. That said, i don't want them to do anything else.

>> No.14157533

>The problem i have with Daoism is that it is more or less a religion with an agenda, and the agenda is to force you to live by certain rules. The rule of no killing is the only one which is not explicitly stated, but all of the rules follow from this and all of the rules are written down.

I'm not saying that it is bad, the way they are written are not bad, but they are written by men, and men are not infallible, they can be wrong about things. But that doesn't make them any less important, because without the right people there is nothing that a group of people can do without someone being wrong. That's a human problem, not a Daoist one.

>> No.14157535
File: 109 KB, 1080x1331, OFJy8yiZ6GoqKSLnBvozq3sJBGLyGNIoTTMbHqYkRTQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one major problem that plagues our society, and that is the problem of capitalism.

As far as the human being is concerned, capitalism is the greatest evil, in my humble opinion, ever devised by God.

It is the worst, most inhuman system in history, a system that is utterly immoral and destructive of the human soul and its natural desires.

It is a system that makes us slaves to our material possessions and our desires, and it does so in a most disgusting, dehumanizing way.

What is so despicable about capitalism?

The only way I can describe it is that it is a system that enslaves people, that steals from them, and that kills them. It is a system that creates poverty and destitution, and it destroys families, communities, and the health of its people.

>> No.14157541

>The reason Hitler did nothing wrong is because he wasn't a Nazi. Hitler's primary concern was his people and how to make them as happy as possible. But he didn't start World War II for racial or religious reasons. He did it because he was being ordered to do so by his military commanders.

Ughh based?

>> No.14157543

Based schizolore

>> No.14157558

the problem i have with niggers is that they think the world is their fucking oyster. Niggers think they can take anything from white people, white people think that they have the right to everything niggers have, the world, in a word, their oyster. All these niggas think they have a right to anything, even rape, and murder, and all kinds of shit. It just doesn't work that way. Niggers think they are better than white people because they were made better by God. I mean, if you think you are better than God, you are wrong. All you can do is pray, if you are white. Pray for forgiveness."

>> No.14157565

the problem i have with women, is when they find out that i have a big dick, it causes them to instantly wanna be with me, because they wanna feel my giant dick inside of them. i have a problem with that, and i do not want to hear that from ANYONE. you do not have to tell me what you are feeling when you find out that i have a big dick, because i do not feel that way and i don't know what it feels like. I feel sad because it is an amazing fact. It is an amazing fact that my penis is bigger than anyone else's. But I also feel happy. I feel proud. It is an incredible fact, and i want you to know that. You do not have to tell me that you feel happy. I don't feel ashamed of my penis. If you feel ashamed, that means you have never been with a woman and you are scared of being with one, and that is why you are afraid of

>> No.14157582

the problem I have with nick fuentes," the writer of the post wrote, is that "he is so out there in terms of not just being a conservative, but being one that's so far right that the average person doesn't know what to make of it."

The post was a response to a post by Fuentes titled "The Left is a lot smarter than the Right," in which he argued that the only reason why liberals don't hate the right is that they "are so out there in terms of not just being a conservative, but being one that's so far right that the average person doesn't know what to make of it."

In the comment section, people attacked Fuentes for having the nerve to criticize liberals while the right he's complaining about isn't being called out for what they are: a right wing extremist group that is working to destroy American society.

"They're worse than Hitler," one commenter said.

"He just said

>> No.14157599

The problem with marxism and anarchism is that, to paraphrase John Kenneth Galbraith, the two philosophies are both "anti-progress." They both have a bias against a democratic and peaceful future. I believe that both marxism and anarchism are inherently anti-democratic and thus will never be capable of achieving an anti-capitalist, democratic, or nonviolent society. I believe that marxism is also inherently anti-democratic. It is a philosophy based on a theory of change. Its aim is to change all the things at the same time, whereas anarchism wants to do it in stages. The marxist goal of changing the world, the anarchist goal of changing society, are both fundamentally at odds with each other.

In contrast, marxism advocates for the simultaneous alteration of society. This includes the simultaneous alteration of the physical world as well as the mental world.

If we take it literally, then we must assume that a change will only occur gradually,

>> No.14157605

the problem I have with /lit/ is that I don't see much of the humor and fun that I think would actually help me as a reader and help me make a better, more fun, less hateful, and less condescending writer. I'm really trying to keep in mind that I'm not just a writer, that I'm also someone who has spent a lot of my life being told by other people that I'm stupid and fat, and it really does suck to be that. It's nice to be able to write characters who can do this stuff, but I have to be careful. If you have to be careful of any of the things I'm talking about, I think you shouldn't be writing.

I do love this stuff, I really do, but it's definitely one of those things that needs to be kept in mind.

I'm a writer. I'm in a position to make that distinction, I think.

>> No.14157613

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race, and the only solution isto stop it and get the human race back on the road to happiness. The problem is the human race's obsession with self-destruction. We've all had a few drinks in our life, but we're all still alive today because of a natural process which is the reason that our species has survived. That is, the natural process is to make more babies than the population can support. As you can see in the chart below, the population exploded from about 10 billion people in 1900 to about 200 billion people in 2005, in a time frame which is equal to only about five generations.

So, the next time someone says that our population has peaked and is falling, or that we can't afford children, they're just showing us their own ignorance.

>> No.14157614

we had the same idea

The problem I have with /lit/ is that you don't have people who speak the language in power. You have people who use it to get by.

So I just ask you: does your writing have a point? Is your writing actually important? Or is it more about self-expression?

In the case of /lit/, I've been in the situation where I have been writing for about a decade now. I have always written for self-expression, as my work isn't meant for anyone else. However, since the site started being more successful, I've felt pressured to produce content to be published by /lit/. I am constantly asked to write a specific type of story, or to do more work than I'd otherwise be able to do. I can't speak for the other writers, but I think the pressure has become so bad that I've started to get a bit discouraged. So this is really just to say that while I understand the need for some

>> No.14157663

the problem I have with Guenon and Parmenides retroactively refuting Whitehead, which is that it seems that the Guenon-Parmenides critique of Whitehead has failed to go beyond the realm of metaphysics, and is now having difficulty in dealing with metaphysics in its more practical and social aspects.

This is precisely the failure of Whitehead. He has failed to develop and defend a coherent theory of philosophy, in which the problem of truth has been transformed into a solution. Whitehead has also failed to make his theory of philosophy more than a problem to be solved, and the problem he has solved, as I have argued above, is the problem of truth. But, as he has been unable to make this more than a problem of philosophy, he has become the kind of philosopher who is concerned mainly with questions like this: "what is the nature of truth?" or "what is the relation between truth and error?" This is a problem to be solved, but it is not a problem for philosophy

>> No.14157697

John Green is the greatest living author because he has been writing this way for so long," he said.

Green has been writing, editing, and publishing a book a year for the past 40 years, and he still has only written more than 200 since he published "The Fault in Our Stars" in 2008.

"I didn't want to stop," he said.

Green, who was raised in New York City, is well-known for his book about an orphan who moves back to his hometown when his father dies, and then goes on to be a best-selling author himself.

He says he can't read much fiction these days because he needs to keep writing, but he is always reading books.

"I read everything. I read books in airports and when I fly to other countries. And I read books everywhere," he said.

Green is currently writing a book about the birth of Jesus Christ called "The Jesus Gene," and he plans

>> No.14157700

the problem I have with technological society is the way people who are the smartest get to dictate what all the rest of us are allowed to think. I'm all for intelligent people finding out what works, but there are limits. And it's all going to come down to the individual, right? If you want to make this work, you are going to have to come up with some pretty unique solutions. There's no question about it."

But if they really do want to be a part of the solution, then this group of young techies may need to take their concerns to the leaders of their own industry. Because these people may be able to, say, figure out a way to make the world a better place for those who aren't as smart as them.

>> No.14157711

It's a simple fact that Whitehead was refuted by Guenon and Parmenides. So it's no wonder that Whitehead was so hostile. The fact that this was so widely known, so well-understood, and so obviously the wrong thing to do was surely part of the reason why Whitehead was so hostile, and why he was, as he put it, so hostile because he was right about the wrong thing.

The thing that's so fascinating about Whitehead is that he was so willing to go on the attack, so willing to say things that were blatantly wrong, and yet he also seemed, to the extent that we can say this, so open to being taken seriously.

You can find out why, if you go back to the Whitehead article, and then take a good look at a very long interview with the American journalist Robert Thurman

>> No.14157749


The problem I have with /lit/ isn't with its content per se, it's with the way it's presented as a whole. I'm just not sure why it has become so synonymous with a community of people who are "somewhat" racist and "somewhat" misogynistic, while also having a very toxic and toxic environment. It's hard to not be bothered by the fact that this is the way some of us talk and interact.

When I first started writing for /lit/, I noticed a lot of this attitude, both from those in the comments and the writers, that was very, very vocal about the way we were "somewhat" or "very" sensitive to the way we were perceived by others. At one point in one of my previous projects, I made a comment on one of the articles that seemed to be a little too "slightly" offensive and, for the purposes of this piece, I will use this one here:

>> No.14157750
File: 785 KB, 960x1440, Socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Socrates: ur gay
>homosexual: no I'm not
>Socrates: you would say the act of desiring other men by the sexual drives is homosexual?
>homosexual: I don't understand
>Socrates: Look at it this way
>homosexual: I'm ready
>Socrates: that if you were to walk by the pond and dip your toes into it, naturally you would be called a toe-dipper?
>homosexual: naturally
>Socrates: and if it were summer and you were to dive into body whole as the men do in Larissa then you would undoubtedly become wet and soaked your clothes?
>homosexual: quite so
>Socrates: And so you see in the prior you may say "nay not a toe", but in the latter you have become wet, undeniably wet as the atomists prove. You must accept the burden of wet clothes for the rest of your day, for the day is like the life of a man, just as man awakes and must grow into his strength, and learn anew if he is wise. To the afternoon he grows tired and further to his eventual night of uncontrollable sleep. So just as the man who dips in the pond may hide his wetness, the gay by not engaging may remain privately so and avoid of shame, but the man who bathes complete in the waters must remain wet for the day, so to must the homosexual remain the undeniable lowest of gay for the rest of his life, doomed to public scandal by scandalist acts. Irredeemably so.
>homosexual: I see your cunning with words is ever yet still so tricking and lying, for you have stunned me.
>Socrates: and rightfully so.
>homosexual: I don't know how but you have deceived my senses and you will regret this
>Socrates: do I understand you correctly?
>homosexual: Yes you do and I am proud that you know and I do as well for it is good you do and for it is good you have.
>Socrates: and so I understand you are an atheist?
>Homosexual: I believe you know that by now.
(I added this part:)*the homosexual left in a quick mess annoyed by his loss*

I also added the Greentext but in hindsight it wasn't necessary.

>> No.14157756

The problem I have with jannies like this is that they do not make themselves accessible to others that have a desire to understand the issues involved in how a woman's body develops," said Dr. John G. Cavanagh, director of the Division of Urology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and the lead author of the article, which appeared recently in the Journal of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine.

But that didn't stop this woman from going to a clinic to get help.

"It's not like it's so hard to find a clinic that will do it," said Ms. Lee, who is a stay-at-home mom and the mother of an 18-month-old son.

"It's actually harder than going to a regular gynecologist. And it's not because you don't know what to ask. It's because you don't know what you need to ask."

>> No.14157805

"The thing about Christianism and the Catholic Church is that their ideas are not based on the Bible at all. They are based on the writings of people who never went to Holy Communion, but wrote books on how to evangelize. They are based on the idea of the "soul in Christ." If I were to read the Bible and find out that Jesus loved me, and I was able to love and serve him with the same love that he showed me, then I would have some spiritual insights about how to live a better life. The Catholic Church and its ideas about the "soul in Christ" are nothing more than the most basic form of "bible thumping," which I can tell you from personal experience, is completely lacking in spirituality and spirituality means "love of God and love of people."
He's pretty based imo.

>> No.14157809

>The increasing demand for poetry in the XXI century prompted an increase in the numbers of publications. The most important of these were the journal and the magazine. The journal published a large number of poems by poets. The magazine published poetry not only in translation, but also in prose, drama and verse. The magazine also published a large number of books on poetry.


>The magazine contained poems of many different genres. The genres included short prose, dramatic or musical and musical, as well as poetry. Some of the poetry in the magazines could not be classified separately. Many of the poems are set in a fictional form. These poems may be humorous, tragic or lyrical. The most popular genre was short prose. The magazine published short stories and memoirs. These poetry magazines are now rarely found,

>> No.14157827

The problem with poop is the way it's used," says Dr. P.S. Singh, a leading authority on the subject. "It's a way for an individual to self-identify. People have become more sophisticated and sophisticated about what they put down. And this can be very, very, problematic."

Poop is not just a bodily waste product, either. It is also a symbol of masculinity and of the self, according to the research on how people use it to communicate. "You might think of poop as a symbol for something you like, like food, or sex, or sex toys, or a toy you like or want," Singh said. "But it's also a symbol for how you identify."

For example, Singh found that men who say "dude" when describing their sexual preference are more likely to use "poop" as a euphemism for what they want. In other words, when men talk about their sexual desires

>> No.14157882

The problem I have with trannies is the way they treat the tranny people who are on the other side of the tranny fence. The way they treat them is a form of bullying. The way I see it, if they want to push a tranny down, I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with the tranny people who are on my side of the fence being bullied. I don't want bullying of my tranny brothers and sisters, who are in good shape and looking great in all their tranny gear.

In conclusion, I would like to know if it is OK to bully a tranny or a tranny's friends. Please let me know.

>> No.14157894

"Poop is good, pee is bad. Prove me wrong" – John Lennon.

The problem with the "pee and poo" analogy, of course, is that we can't be sure if the people using the "pee and poo" analogy had peeing experiences before they became "possessors" of the "pee" metaphor.

However, we can take it a step further and ask: what are the effects of the use of the "pee and poo" metaphor?

Well, I'm sure you're all aware of the old joke that goes like this:

There was a man named Jack. One day Jack took a poo in his pants. The next day Jack woke up and found that he had poo in his mouth. Now you see, Jack's pants were soaking wet! He was so mad that he thought that maybe there was someone in his mouth. So, Jack went to town searching for this "someone". He did not find anyone. So

>> No.14157939

Thanks OP, now i dont have to think my shitposts anymore

>> No.14157948

>The problem I have with Nick Landis' film is that it is a film that is trying to explain a particular set of ideas, but when it tries to explain those ideas, it misses the mark every single time. It is a film that fails to show how the events are connected to the character's internal world, and it is a film that fails to show why the characters' actions are necessary, or even the most important.

>What is most infuriating about Landis' film is that the plot of the film is completely and totally disconnected from the story of the characters, and it's just a huge set-up for a plot to the film that doesn't really make sense. The film begins with a flashback showing the events leading up to the events in the film (including a scene with a man and his young son trying to kill each other, with a car being shot out of the sky). The film's main character, Steve, then goes back in time to help his
For the record, I didn’t type “Nick Landis”, I just typed Nick Land.

>> No.14158003

The problem I have with faggots like thisis that it's not that hard for me to make a fag out of you. In fact, the thing is, it's quite fun. Because, for fuck's sake, it is hard! I mean, if there are only a couple of people in a room and you're fucking them both at the same time, that's pretty difficult, but if you get the chance to fuck any one of them, it's really fucking hard. So I have to go out of my way to make my own faggot look good. I have to give him something to do and look like a total idiot doing it. Now, a lot of my faggot fantasies have to do with anal sex, but I think that's because it's so fucking hot and because I like to imagine that it's not me doing it, but the faggot doing it. But you know what? There's nothing wrong with having anal sex.

>> No.14158554

Wandering, pondering. There must be more to it than this!
Yet wandering and pondering yielded no results. The flaw must not be that I cannot wander nor ponder properly, nor must it be that they have limits to what they can do either; I have concluded something beyond all this; That I, the great thinker, have not erred - that it is indeed the world that is error.

And so it went.
I was no more certain of it at last. This world, which I had thought the great error, was not a mistake at all. This is the universe - the world of thought - that I, that I, have come to. I could feel that a feeling of deep satisfaction with the situation, a great contentment, was taking place, and that the whole universe was in my power. It seemed to me that I was beginning to understand my whole being, and that...

>> No.14158592

The problem I have with the internet is that it is not really a "free market." Instead, we've been sold the idea that all information has to be paid for, in some form. In reality, the market is a very inefficient market; it is driven by monopolies, price gouging, and other forms of coercion. What are the implications of this reality for the internet?

The "real" free market is a free market in which information is freely distributed. In other words, I don't pay you to post this information anywhere. I don't pay anyone to censor any information. I don't pay anyone to be a member of a group that has to pay the internet service provider for internet access. This market has existed for thousands of years because it is in the human nature to seek out information and then be willing to pay for it.

This has been true on every single internet market. The internet has been a real "free market" from the very beginning

>> No.14158629

The problem I have with irony, in that case, is that it is often not applied by itself but as part of a joke or a pun." (Theodor Adorno, The Authoritarian Personality, 1964, p. 632.)

>> No.14158775
File: 800 KB, 800x1020, 4EAD3D20-536B-410D-9511-DB6B866C05EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem with poop is the way it's used," says Dr. P.S. Singh

>> No.14158793

The problem I have with /lit/ is it's still stuck with the same attitude of 'what makes you tick, what makes you a person' and 'you're nothing without your friends', when in reality we're all human beings that are affected by our surroundings and we should try and understand why the way we were brought up, the way we see the world, and the way our society is structured is so different to the way you want to live your life.

>> No.14159206

The problem I have with Americans, is that they have this huge, overdeveloped sense of entitlement," Trump told the paper. "We're going to work for everyone in America. We're not going to say, 'We're going to go out and get every single person.' We're going to build great, great infrastructure."

He added: "We don't know what we're doing. We can't fix our country if we're incompetent."

The president-elect has been highly critical of the United Nations on several occasions. In a 2011 interview with Playboy magazine, Trump said the UN was "basically a vehicle for the United Nations to continue their agenda." He also said the "stupid" organization was "trying to make a big deal" out of the Syrian refugee crisis, adding "You see the world going in the wrong direction."

Trump's comments at the Times come a day after he met with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who is

>> No.14159251


>The problem I have with OPs problem is that if he were to show this evidence to the general public and if the general public were to judge it based on the evidence, they would say this is all rubbish and this is a bunch of rubbish. The problem is that that evidence isn't available for them to judge it based on."

He said he wasn't sure the problem was in the legislation itself, but rather the process to obtain the evidence.

"The problem is with the rules of evidence and the rules of procedure," he said. "It's really a mess and I think it's not only a mess within the justice system but in terms of the wider community. People have to look at the evidence and decide whether or not they believe the person, or not, and if they believe the person or not."

"I think it's a big problem."

'There has been a big change in the legal landscape'

>> No.14159263

the problem I have with liberals is that they do not believe in freedom. And they do believe in control."

That was not all.

"I believe that the best way to make the world a better place is to encourage people to be kind and to be nice and to be civil," Obama continued. "And the best way to encourage people to be kind and to be nice is for people to be fearful of one another, and for government to stand not just as a policeman but as a guardian of the peace."

The president then argued that the U.S. must be "fearless" in its foreign policy and use its power to encourage people to be more generous with each other and to be less fearful. "And if people are fearful," he added, "then you're not going to have the kind of innovation, the kind of economic growth that we need.

"It's not a bad thing to be fearful," Obama continued. "

>> No.14159269

used this to respond to MULTIPLE threads yesterday. was very fun and got a lot of long, serious responses to my 2 seconds of custom prompt setup and robot gibberish

>> No.14159288

the problem i have with thots

[–] Anonymous 02/19/15 (Tue) 01:08:57 ID: e2afb5 (2) No.56469 >>56509

That's what i'm here for

It's not hard to see why some people would feel threatened by them.

You have the same right to your opinion as they do. It's not hard to see why some people would feel threatened by them.You have the same right to your opinion as they do.

[–] Anonymous 02/19/15 (Tue) 01:14:12 ID: e2afb5 (2) No.56488 >>56508

You have no right to have any opinion. You have no right to have any opinion.

[–] Anonymous 02/19/15 (Tue) 01:16:13 ID: 1f1f63 (10) No.564

>> No.14159294

The problem I have with portrayal of jews and their views is not just the "racist jew" stereotype, but the anti-semitic "whitelash" - the Jewish establishment is always blamed for a problem that isn't even the fault of jews.

They want the world to blame them for everything bad, because they are seen as the real racists. The problem I have with portrayal of jews and their views is not just the "racist jew" stereotype, but the anti-semitic "whitelash" - the Jewish establishment is always blamed for a problem that isn't even the fault of jews.They want the world to blame them for everything bad, because they are seen as the real racists.

Leader 12/10/14 (Fri) 00:11:48 ID: 2a9c90 (1) No.148719 >>148725 >>148712

>I don't want to have an ideology

>> No.14159299

The problem I have with lesbians is that they don't want to do anything about it. They're just like, "Well, I'm not going to be a lesbian, so I'm not going to do anything about it." That's what they tell me. They're just like, "Well, I don't have to change."

It's so easy to change who you are when you're a woman. When you're a woman, the pressure is on to be a sex object to attract a man. And women, the idea of being sexually attractive to a man is what they really live for. It's what they love.

>> No.14159313

The problem I have with cunny posters and memes is they are lazy, and they are often times insulting. I don't like cunnies. They are small, furry, cute, and all around disgusting. I like my cats, and I like my dogs. I don't like cunnies. Why would I want to put cunny on my poster or in a meme? Why would I want to post a cunny meme? Why would I post a cunny on my wall? Why would I want my cunny to come across as a cute meme? This is a cunny-themed blog for cunts like myself. Why would I make it anything but that? If it's going to be cunny-themed, let's make it a cunny blog.

I don't even know what he is trying to say here

>> No.14159317

As he opened his hole, a thick stream of water burst from it.

"What is that?"

Innumerable numbers of spiders fell down from it, but a certain one was bigger than the others. He was like a huge scorpion, and its entire body was made of a black, sticky fluid. He had a face of a wolf, and the body was like a man's.

"It's a spider, huh."

A young man who looked at the monster with shock looked at me. He had long black hair with black tips. He was about the same height as me. I looked at him and asked,

"What kind of spider is it?"

He shook his head. He was a member of the knight brigade, but he was in the same unit as the girl who had summoned me, and he was in charge of taking care of the monster. He asked,

"That monster is an enormous

>> No.14159335

The sky turned from blue to grey and then to red, and the birds suddenly started screaming.

As the sky went from blue to red, all of the red-haired children started to panic.

"It's a meteorite!" yelled one of them.

The redheads started screaming as well.

"It's a meteorite!" said another.

"It's a meteorite!" shouted another.

And the screams continued.

And there were still screams.

So they all turned to the sky.

"What the—!?"

The skies turned to red and the sky became full of red-haired children.

"It's a meteorite!"

And the sky became full of red-haired children.

And the screams continued.

"It's a meteorite!"

And the sky became full of red-haired children.

And the screams continued.


>> No.14159347

The problem I have with my penis is that it is not as long as it should be. I wish I could get a much longer penis to fill the gap that is there now and be able to be in complete control of my body, so I can be happy with the way my penis is. I'm hoping with your help I will be able to get a much longer penis.

I'm very young and in my teens and I don't want to do anything to make myself less of a man. My parents have never discussed this issue with me so I'm in a very difficult situation. This is my first time trying to apply for a sex change operation. I'm hoping that if I have an operation I can get some help with this problem and not feel as guilty as I have been in the past. If you can help me please, I would be forever grateful and very thankful.

Thank you and God bless you.

Help spread the word! Share Tweet 1

Good one. 4chan BTFO.

>> No.14159362

The problem I have with my unwashed penis is it is covered in grease and shit. You want me to clean it, can you get rid of the grease? I'd be grateful! Please, can I have a bath?"

But I was in a state of shock. What can you do? How does one clean a wet, filthy, smelly penis? How do you clean the inside of a sweaty asshole?

In desperation, I went on Google and typed: "how to clean a wet, filthy, smelly penis." After a short search, I got a page of advice for washing a dick, including some "tricks." The tips that were helpful, such as scrubbing it with soap, were not what I needed. There was no advice for how to take the shit and shit off.

I had to figure it out. I found a few answers on internet forums, but I was too exhausted to do much more. I began researching the internet for more

>> No.14159376

I hate each and every one of you, and you've been given too much power by those in charge to be satisfied with this. I do not care if I have to fight you and my friends to get my voice heard, this is the last one and I'm calling the shots. I'm tired of these pathetic "experts" and "experts" calling the shots, and I'm sick and tired of their lies and manipulations. This is the last straw, I will no longer tolerate this and you should not either. I'm not going to sit here and let them win, not again, not ever."

I don't know if it was the threat of violence, the fact that his life was in danger, the nature of his threats, or just the sheer volume of his vitriol that made the threats so egregious. He then wrote the following threat to me. I can't even post it here because I feel the need to warn others who may want to retaliate:

>> No.14159380

he problem I have with Stoicism is not that it teaches the use of physical force as an effective means of attaining one's goals, it is rather that it does not teach one to control one's emotional states in a constructive manner. The problem is that Stoicism teaches a mindset of "no regrets."

The Stoics did not teach how to have a positive emotional state, rather, they taught to have a negative emotional state. And in order to have a negative emotional state, you have to have an unhealthy mindset in the first place.

When you do not have a healthy mindset, then everything around you is a negative influence. And what is a healthy mindset?

A healthy mindset is one where you are happy with your current self and you are able to create the most positive outcome for your life. This is why the Stoics did not believe in happiness as being an end goal and instead they believed that happiness was a means to an end.

This means that

>> No.14159383
File: 24 KB, 256x216, adobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem I have with the governments of the world using talktotransformer.com in order to make posts on 4channel.org is not the fact that they were in violation of their own rules of posting. It's just that they should know better. They should have known that they could get shut down.

I'll admit, as someone who grew up on the Internet and knew the rules very well, 4chan does a lot of weird stuff. I don't mean that all of the users are weird, I just mean they're the ones who are making the rules.

If you want to post something to 4chan, you have to agree to the rules of that place. That means you have to read them. And if you read the rules, and you don't agree with them, you won't be able to post there. If you do read the rules and you still want to post there, you have

>> No.14159394

The problem I have with Butterfly is that she's just not very good at being a girl in the end. The problem is she's too busy looking for love to actually have an identity that's distinct from her femininity, and I don't think that's healthy.

I'm not sure what I expected from this show. I thought it would at least explore the idea that there are various types of femininity, or at least not limit the spectrum to a simple 'masculine' or 'feminine'. But I think that it really ended up reinforcing those stereotypes. If I had a favorite character, it would have to be Lilly. She's very much the feminine version of Lilly from the manga, and I really like her. It's hard for me to understand why she has such a bad time in the end, and it's a bit of a let down. But then again, Lilly has a lot of problems in the show. Like when she starts dating one of her male classmates

>> No.14159402
File: 63 KB, 800x526, david foster wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem I have with David Foster Wallace is that he's a genius. Not necessarily in the sense of being a writer of genius. He was a genius in the sense of having such an incredibly high-level perspective on his craft.

He was a genius in the sense of being such a great teacher.

In a class of 100 people, he has about a 1% chance of being able to teach one of them anything of worth. But you can teach a 1% of 100 people anything of value.

There is a reason he is the greatest and most famous writer in the history of the English language, period, which is that he taught me something I didn't know before I started studying writing.

His teaching of writing is so great, and he is so humble about it, that he is able to be so effective with a group of people. You need a teacher like that.

So I think he is a genius.

>> No.14159403

Holy shit this thing is based.

>The problem I have with Jews is not that they are greedy, lazy, slothful, or dishonest. It is that they love money more than God, and they love money more than he loves them. They want to be free of moral responsibility; they want to be morally superior to other people. And they love money more than God. And, because God is so good and they are so evil, it is very difficult for us to cooperate with them. We can't do anything that would upset them. That is why it is so important for us to be good.

>The problem I have with niggers is that they ain't the ones doing the raping.

>Niggers have the advantage of being able to have sex with white women, who are not only allowed to have it with them but who will be willing to sell it to them.

>So while there is a racial hierarchy, it is not one of equals, nor is it even a caste system.

>White women don't have any say in the matter. If it isn't consensual, it is rape.

>White men are the only ones allowed to have sex with white women. So when you rape a white woman you are raping a white man and she will feel guilty and angry if she ever tells her family.

>Also, if you are a black man and you have sex with a white woman, you are not only raping her, but you are also raping her parents, sister, mother and her own black children.

>> No.14159405

The problem I have with Infinite Jest is that it is a work of fiction, and fiction is not the medium of discourse. Fiction has the privilege of providing the reader with an unmediated experience of reality, so when you're reading a book that is fictional, you are engaging in a type of interaction that is not limited to one party: you can be the reader, the author, and the reader's agent, the editor, the critic, the audience, all at once.

>> No.14159441

Jews are not a group of people. The Jews do not want peace. They want more power. They want to control the world. They want to be in charge. If they can't have power, they want to destroy it."

This view, which has been held by many, including former President George H.W. Bush and his son, former President George W. Bush, was expressed in their book The World Is Flat.

>> No.14159547
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>> No.14159758

The problem I have with Sam Hyde is that I'm not sure that the fact that he's Jewish is enough to guarantee that he's good at his job, not when so many people who would be better at it are not, and not when a great many people who would be better at it are.

>> No.14159949
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The problem I have with vegans, is that vegans will be the first people to say that they don't eat animal products because they're "ethical" or "humane." This is usually a pretty empty claim that vegans will say over and over again. I'd like to point out that they are almost always wrong.

The problem I have with vegans, is that they are always willing to claim something when they are not. In the case of veganism, it's usually something like "If I don't eat meat, I can be a better person." There are a ton of ethical vegans that would never ever say this, but vegans are willing to make this claim. It's really disappointing to see people who claim that they are the first to fight for the "right" cause, but then act like they've done something great by eating meat, but really haven't.

>> No.14160176

>The fact that I have a history of being the victim, is what really makes me, a woman.
>The fact that I can't really explain myself, is what really makes me, a woman.
based ai

>> No.14160200


>> No.14160554

(i think i broke it)

the problem i have with hp lovecraft

says the thing you lovecraft says the thing you lovecraft

that wasnt in the map wasnt in the map wasnt in the map

i don't think so

i don't think so

that wasnt in the map wasnt in the map wasnt in the map

i don't think so

that wasnt in the map wasnt in the map wasnt in the map

oh that's a good map though

oh that's a good map though

i didn't even know you had that idea

i didn't even know you had that idea

yeah it's a great idea yeah it's a great idea

oh i like it

oh i like it

yeah i thought of that

yeah i thought of that

yeah i thought of that

it's very easy for you to do that

it's very easy


>> No.14160708

>this thread still doesn't get deleted
wow janny you sincerely like his tiny cock

>> No.14160932

The problem I have with Guenon is that he has no interest in a serious historical study of his movement. This is not surprising given his tendency to dismiss historical research as being part of a 'Marxist conspiracy' to discredit 'the spiritual-religious tradition' of Marxism. This is what he says about his writings on religion in his writings on the religious and spiritual roots of the French Revolution, and he repeats this here. I think the only historical study that he is interested in is that of the Communist Manifesto, and this in a rather superficial way. He is not interested in Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Trotskyist theory, Trotskyist politics, or the Trotskyist movement. He is only interested in the historical and ideological roots of the Communist Manifesto and Leninism. That is what his works have to tell us.
His other works, such as Anti-Semite and Jew (1967), his analysis of the Communist Manifesto in his Introduction to Marxism (1964), and

>> No.14160934

The problem I have with >>14160708

> is that they seem to imply that the people who are being harmed by a law can

> somehow change the law to be "different."

That was a nice analogy. But I think you get the point I'm trying to make: that if you want to argue that the problem you are complaining about is in fact your problem, you have to come to terms with the fact that the law you are arguing about is just an expression of your own politics, and not a neutral description of reality.

What I would really like to hear someone say about "gender identity" is, "It's not a real thing".

>> No.14161955

The problems with secularisim have not disappeared, they simply took a different form. Secularism is no longer an alternative, it's the dominant ideology of today, and the world looks different.

The first of these phenomena is an economic one. While traditional religion can provide a stable social order, secularism can only provide a weak one. People living in such a society are dependent on each other for survival, and any collapse would leave everyone worse off.

The second phenomenon is a cultural one. The old ways were rooted in tradition, tradition was always based on myths and superstitions, which is why it was hard for secularists to change things quickly. But the world has changed so much since the 1950s that the traditionalists can no longer ignore these things.

When secularists speak of the need for "religion", they're really saying "religion with a capital R". It is, therefore, not surprising that they have had such difficulty implementing it

>> No.14161971

The problems with op faggots.com.

I want to thank all the anonymous commenters, who are the best.

The comments have been great. I've had several dozen people from around the world leave comments, most of them kind, but a few of them not.

You are all very kind people.

I want to thank the person who made the site, who has a name, but can't say it in comments, but I thank him or her for doing a great job of writing this.

I want to thank the anonymous commenter who gave me the idea to post this. I'd never been in a comment section before, and I'd never made a comment in a comment section before, and now I'm here. It's amazing.

I want to thank all the anonymous commenters for being so nice.

I want to thank the anonymous commenter who asked for the name of the person who made the site.


>> No.14161990
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>> No.14161998
File: 377 KB, 400x521, 1573524603773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit I'm so fucking lonely aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

You're all going to fucking die, you goddamn bastard.

I'm gonna make you wish you'd never had children.

You are such a fucking asshole.

Fuck you, and fuck your stupid god.

I can't get laid. I'm a fucking virgin. I just got out of college,

the best four years of my life.

I'm gonna have a big, beautiful baby,

and I'm gonna marry my cousin,

and we're gonna have a nice life.

And then I'm gonna lose my fucking virginity.

Fuck that fucking god. Fuck that fucking asshole.

I want to fuck the goddamn moon.

I want to fuck my cousin.

I'm gonna go to the gym.

I'm gonna go to college.

I'm gonna have sex.

I'm gonna fuck

>> No.14162002

The problem I have with social democracy, of course, is that it was not developed as a program of ideas or as a specific economic system. It is, of course, an important element in social democracy. But it has no theoretical foundation. It is based on the notion of the solidarity of the working class. But this notion is, as we know, a very artificial conception of what socialism is. Socialism is, of course, a social-economic system in which the means of production are owned by the community. Socialism means that the people who work for the community should get a regular salary. But that means that a small section of the community should control the majority. It means that the people who work for society, for society in general, should have access to the tools and means to develop themselves, to develop the products of their labor. That is what socialism is. It is not something that can be built up overnight. The first socialist countries, after all, were socialist in the sense

>> No.14162010

The problem I have with critical theory is that it's very bad at identifying what is and isn't true. Critical theory is so good at identifying the bad examples it can't see the good ones and so is constantly creating new ones, making the world worse.

I do think there is value in taking a stand. I think it's good to take a stand against the bad examples. But it's equally important to take a stand against the ones it creates. Criticizing the bad examples in order to avoid them isn't the same as taking a stand against the bad examples.

But, for the record, I do like the critical theory I see in academia. It's good to see critical theory getting a fair shake. It's good to see the ideas of critical theory getting a fair shake. It's good to see the way in which critical theory has been used to get a fair shake, to avoid bad ideas getting a fair shake, to promote good ideas.

>> No.14162040

The problem I have with waifuposting ursine males, is that it's basically a one sided fight because a male will never stop trying to fuck a female that he sees as attractive even if she's a complete ass and is in fact a complete lesbian. It's really just a case of a guy being too pathetic to just take her back after he's done fucking her, and having his male ego and his female ego go at it as his sexual identity.

And then there's the other problem that I'm sure some of you have already seen. The problem that I've mentioned is that the waifu and his dick just isn't that big. They don't have a lot of meat on them. They're not going to make it anywhere near the size of an actual penis, because when it comes down to it, guys have a much more diverse range of sexual experience than women do. Guys can fuck girls that are all over the place and don't have a clue what the-

>> No.14162064

The problem I have with ending apartheid is that it doesn't get us to the place of equality of opportunity. It's more of an anti-poverty program than a liberation movement. And I think this is why apartheid has failed. This is the reason it was defeated. You know, we have a black middle class in South Africa. You know, and it's growing. It's growing at 10% a year. It's growing at 6% a year. You know, it's just like in America. Black people are now in charge of the major means of production in our country. And that's great. The problem is it's not a freedom. And so you have to have a real freedom movement to create that.
When I first went to South Africa, I was shocked to see the poverty. The poverty is so appalling that people actually live in their own feces, in their own filth. You know, it was a little startling. But it is an improvement

>> No.14162084

>The problem I have with Jewstoday is that they have the worst self-image of any group of people I have ever seen. They are completely obsessed with themselves and feel they are the centre of the universe, whereas most people don't see themselves that way. They are so self-absorbed they can't see the suffering of others. I feel sorry for the Jews of America and Europe, because they are not really Jews.

>The Jews are not my people. I think the Jews are from the Middle East, a region of Islam. It is an Arab population, but they are not really Arabs. They have a Jewish background but there is a strong Muslim element in the Jewish people.

>If you compare them to the Palestinians, who were a people of Palestine for hundreds of years and who have a history of anti-Semitism, the Jews are really the most disgusting people, who I have seen in my life, who I have never seen in my life behave like this.

>> No.14162085

Protip: you don't need money to not shit where you eat. Dumb animals can manage it without any money at all.

Make the rest of the inferences yourself.

>> No.14162088

>The problem I have with the Jewsis not only that they are anti-White but that they hate their own people, they love their enemies and they seek to destroy us.

>> No.14162095

>The problem I have with the goyimis they are too willing to accept what the media and the government says when it suits them and they are too cowardly to think for themselves.

>For a start, they are not being served well by the mainstream media when they have to rely on the "fringe" media to report their stories. They are the true story tellers, but when it comes to matters that really matter to them, the mainstream media are either too scared to tell them or else they are being spoon fed information by their governments.

>The mainstream media are only going to take you so far, they are so keen to give you what they think is going to please your parents and neighbours that they never get down to the basics, so you end up getting a completely skewed version of reality.

>Another reason why you can expect to be misled by a mainstream media report is they often go with the most popular theory, whether it is science, religion or politics, to explain

>> No.14162101

>The problem I have with nazismis not that it was not "right", but that it was wrong. That, in my view, is why the Jewish people and the Jewish State will remain inextricably linked through the generations." — Ronald S. Lauder, Chairman and CEO of The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), on how the world needs to deal with the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, in January 2015. (Lauder also heads the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.)

>"You can't have a Jewish state in Palestine and not have a Jewish state in Israel. That's a fact, and nobody is denying that." — Rabbi Michael Lerner, Executive Director of the National Religious Campaign Against Censorship (NRC), speaking in September 2013, before the United Nations in Geneva to protest Israeli attempts to suppress the Palestinian BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement.

>The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR

>> No.14162102

The problem I have with jews is that they always say what they think, when they think, and what they feel, when they feel it, and they do not think, or feel or say anything until it is put into practice, or else, even worse, they are silent, or worse still, they are dishonest when it comes to their own opinion. As a result, jews always say that we are the real victims, that they are the real perpetrators, that we are the real criminals, and that the real enemy is us, not those we see to be the real enemy. I have been guilty of that, many times, for as long as I can remember, and the more you think about it, the more you will realize that what jews have done is very much against our own best interests.

The truth is, there was never a Jewish or Zionist movement, a Jewish state, a Jewish ideology, nor a Jewish homeland, and we don't have a

>> No.14162110
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The problem I have with people addicted to cum is that the brain is only wired for pleasure and sex. If you are having sex with someone and a huge orgasm strikes then they are not thinking about anything else but cumming. I have talked to some of the best male cum addicts and they all describe the same thing. It is the pleasure that makes them cum.

The problem is, if you are not constantly cumming, you will lose that ability to orgasm. I know this because I have a friend who never orgasms and has no sex drive. His brain was wired for sex and cumming. He still doesn't cum and doesn't need to cum. He has always wanted children and that means he needs constant sex. When he goes a month without sex he has an issue. It seems like it should be easy to solve but it is not. What causes this? Is it lack of stimulation? Or is it an overall lack of libido in the man?

>> No.14162112


>> No.14162138

The problem I have with my big dick is that it can be soooo hard. I can barely have an erection at all sometimes. When I do, I have to be able to reach the point where it is just about erect, and then I will have to have some lube. And then, I just kind of squirt it out. And I don't have to do that often because it's hard to get it back in. I'm very sad about that because I really love it. I can be hard most of the day without having an erection. When it is hard, it's great. It makes me feel good and powerful, like I can have any woman I want. But when I can't have it hard, it's so painful, I can barely think straight. And it makes me feel really sad and worthless.

So I just don't know. I guess I'm just stuck between a rock and a hard place. What can I do to get it back?

>> No.14162228

The problem I have with niggers is they have no sense of irony" - Bill Hicks on niggers

"A group of nigger-lovers go out to a bar...and the bartender says, "Come on, come on, let's go to the back room," and then says to them, "I'm not letting you in there," and they look at him like, "Whoa, we're not just gonna let you in here, you're not getting in. We got a back room that's a little quieter, if you want to smoke. You're not getting in. Come on, come on!" And he says, "You're not gonna smoke?" He's like, "Yes, I'm not smoking." And then they go in the back room and smoke, and then the bartender comes out, the nigger-lovers are still there, and he says, "I don't give a fuck who you are. You don't belong here.

>> No.14162595
File: 673 KB, 1062x1080, FB_IMG_15736383572072898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is how the AI written books would look like...
I'm interested

>> No.14162626

The problem I have with Jews, especially those of my generation, is not that they're Jewish, it's that they're too Jewish. Jewishness is not a virtue, and Jewishness is not a crime. They are what they are. And if you're in a position of leadership, you have to be able to see the big picture. You have to recognize your own limitations. When Jews talk about the Jewish people, they are talking about the Jews in America. But the world isn't that simple.

And the fact is, we are not the majority. We are not the majority of the world. We are a small minority of the Jewish people. We are a minority within a minority. And you can be Jewish and Christian, Muslim, Hindu. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I think that Jews should feel like part of American society. And if they do, good for them. If they don't, that's their problem.

>> No.14162628


/lit/ af t b h

>> No.14162646


Sounds like a pretty good pop song desu

>> No.14162650

The problem I have with sex-negative feminists is that they can't see what's really going on when it comes to sexual assault. In my experience, women who don't want sex have the best chance of being assaulted. In the vast majority of sexual assaults, there is no consent. I was told recently that the reason men are afraid of going to a sexual assault centre is because they are worried about being falsely accused of rape. They see that kind of thing, and they're like, "Oh my god, if she actually did it, then I'm probably gonna be convicted of it." And that's why it's so dangerous for them to go to a centre. That is why I get so frustrated, because I feel like I should be able to speak from personal experience and just say, "Look, there is a problem here. It's not just about consent, and there is a problem with men being falsely accused."

The reason I've been so vocal about the

>> No.14162661

The problem I have with masturbationis that it has become the new social norm. I'm sure it's fun, and a good way to release stress, and I think it can actually make you a little more sensitive to touch, but, for some reason, I feel like it's become the new normal. I have a few friends who masturbate, and they enjoy it. I enjoy it, too. I get that the "new" thing is that it's not so common anymore, but for me it's not new, it's just different. The thing that bothers me is that it's so ingrained in our culture. We all think we know better, or have to justify our actions in some way. It's not the best.

I'd just like to say that I feel sorry for you, because you're a normal, kind, sweet, funny guy. You've got a great job. You have a very sexy girlfriend. I'm sure you're happy with

>> No.14162665

The problem I have with scatological humor in the first place, and it's one I see all the time, is that it's used to make a joke that's not really that funny. Like if the joke's really not that funny then it's not a joke and it's not funny at all. If the joke's really not funny then it's not an important joke, it's a one-liner that doesn't have any value. And I find that to be really unprofessional."

That attitude comes through clearly in the music video for the song, which opens with a white man and a black man in a bedroom, smoking and laughing. As the white man tries to get rid of his cigarette and the black man gets progressively hungrier for his, they engage in a series of acts that are both sexual and racist. The white man and the black man make out while the white man attempts to "fag," and the black man's first attempt is to make out

>> No.14162894
File: 573 KB, 1242x2208, A5D46A4F-3157-4C01-8E03-E6B80AADBB3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14163033

The problem I have with men I've been on and off for a while now is that the men I see in the media have a very "male" mindset and the way they view the world. I've noticed a lot of these men in the media are extremely selfish, aggressive, and have a short attention span. If you're a man and you see a woman do something, you automatically assume she's doing it for attention, which is a horrible thing to think about when a man is trying to find someone to do things with. If you're a man in this type of environment, what are you supposed to do? Just sit around all day doing nothing? That's a recipe for boredom and mediocrity, not happiness and happiness. If you don't make a concerted effort to improve yourself, I guarantee you'll fall by the wayside and never become a successful adult. I don't care how much you might love women, it's going to be hard. You'll

>> No.14163041
File: 40 KB, 160x240, D9F75034-5644-4433-AC16-583AB3F7E423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this penis still on my /lit/?

>> No.14163112

The problem I have with tripfags is that they don't do anything constructive. They just get pissy because you don't like them and want them gone. That's just childish.

I hate to be harsh on people, but it's not like I think your comment is true, but it's just a symptom of a bigger problem. You don't have the capacity to see the bigger picture, and that's a bit depressing, but I'll be frank with you; I have done some pretty awful things to some pretty nice people in my life, and it makes it a hell of a lot easier to go off on people when I'm feeling angry and offended.

It doesn't matter how nice you are, how good you are at life, or how awesome your music is. It's not enough for me.

I don't like you.

I don't like you.

You are a piece of shit, and I hate you for it

>> No.14164408

the problem I have with platonism

What would be the point of this book? What are the arguments you have to make? What's the conclusion? There's a lot of room to add to this argument. I'm not sure how much that's a good thing in this book, though.

I can't say that I like this book as much as other books I've read. The writing is not the most clear. I would have liked to have seen it more clearly organized. Also the book's a little confusing at points and doesn't always make a complete picture. That could be a flaw with the book, though.

In the end I'm not really sure if this book is good or not. It could be. It could be really, really, really bad. I'm not sure. I just hope it's not.

>> No.14164429

the problem I have with butterfly

I have seen your "wishful thinking" before, and in many different places. The problem I have with butterfly is that it doesn't take into account that a) it doesn't take into account a lot of the problems that exist in the system, and b) that these problems will only get worse if the system continues on its current course. This is true in every system.

I don't want to have a system where people are "stuck" in poverty, because that's a terrible thing, but I don't want that system to be designed so that the "stuck" can never leave poverty and move up. I would like to see the poor move up and the rich move down. That way everyone who's stuck in poverty and living in an apartment with a small kitchen gets out of it and moves up, and then everyone who can afford that can move down into the "up-market" housing. And that he is a mentally ill faggot

>> No.14164543

The problem I have with sex, as a person of faith, is that it is so easy to do so much of it and so little of the rest. This is why I say that it is our work to "make sure our relationships are really intimate" and why we must learn to "stop being so lazy and start being so disciplined". I've always been a very disciplined person. I never got into alcohol or drugs (I'm not really a heavy drinker) but I definitely have a love of being disciplined. So this whole idea of doing more sex as I grow older sounds really great to me. I am a bit of a procrastinator and I've never been a sex addict.

Anyway, here are some ideas I've come up with on the subject that I think will help me as a Christian.

1. Start practicing self-mastery

This has become my go-to phrase for "how to live a great life"

>> No.14164620

These problems in the system are exactly what I am taking into account. That is my approach. And I know full well “b)”
>I don’t want
The anarchist ideal allows all to “move up” and quite comfortably.

The internet is addictive. You are essentially on drugs now.

>> No.14165716
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>> No.14165739


>> No.14165760

She is actually trying to be cute. She likes it when I call her cute and I've seen a marked increase in girlyposting. :3

>> No.14165781 [DELETED] 


>> No.14166072

The problem I have with tripfags is not that they have an issue with being wrong. The problem I have is that they have an issue with being dishonest. That's my issue with tripfags. They have an issue with lying, they have an issue with lying about something that isn't true. If they weren't a cult and didn't use religion, we could have a discussion about this. But, if you take them at face value, you are going to have a conversation about religious cults that is more about the cult than the cultist. That's why I don't engage them.

I'm not even going to address the problem with the "slander" thing, but let's just put that out of the way. If they think they are telling the truth, they are telling the truth. But, if they are lying to you, you don't have to engage with them.

So, there we have it. It's all about the "

>> No.14166283

The issue I have with 14166072 is that he’s dishonest and cowardly. He doesn’t want to be called out on his shit, carry on a conversation or debate, he’s just searching for (You)s and baseheads

Seriously though. “Cults”? I’m against them. The hell is this drivel?

>> No.14167253

The problem I have with women in the military is that they take all these sexual assault cases seriously and yet they don't want to serve and they don't want to fight and they don't want to die. And I've always found that to be very, very sad.

Really makes you think

>> No.14167771

The problem I have with Dota 2's itemization is the same as with the game's heroes: it's very item-dependent, which means that it is very situational. It is easy to think about, but very difficult to achieve, especially in the early-game where many of the game's heroes come into play. I think the game could be a lot more balanced if the item system allowed heroes to be built to fit a team's playstyle, not just their itemization.

So, what are some ways that Dota 2 could improve? I think the game would improve if it had more items that were "good" in the early-game phase, but that weren't incredibly expensive. For instance, a "bad" item in the early-game phase would be a tier 3 support item. The items in the late game would be much better, since they wouldn't need to be as expensive in the early-game phase. I think this will help to prevent the "

>> No.14169147

The tiger
he broke his cage

he was hungry

he wanted the food that his parents gave him

he ate them all

he ate them all

and then it was the time to sleep

and he was tired

he was ready to sleep

he was ready to sleep

when the tiger

came out of the room

there was a sound

and he heard it

there was a sound

but it was not a noise

it was a scream

it was a scream

and the tiger ran into the room

where his father was

and his father was afraid

and his father was scared

and the tiger began to eat

he bit his father's neck

and when he had eaten his father

the tiger ran out of the room

there was a noise

the tiger had eaten his father

there was a sound

>> No.14169329

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out in the yard!
And he's not alone
He's with a friend
And that friend will help him
Yes, you will help him
The tiger
He has nothing to eat
He is starving
And he's desperate
And he knows
He has nothing to lose
And there is one who's for him
His name is the tiger
The tiger is out in the yard
And he's not alone
The tiger is with a friend
And that friend will help him
Yes you will help him
The tiger
He has nothing to eat
He is starving
And he's desperate
And he knows
He has nothing to lose
And there is one who's for him
His name is the tiger
The tiger is out in the yard
And he's not alone
The tiger is with a friend
And that friend will help him
Yes you will help him
The tiger
He has nothing to eat

>> No.14169358

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out there, he is strong
He is a very big animal
The tiger knows who he is
He will be back and he will kill you
The tiger is not afraid of death
The tiger is a very strong creature
The tiger is not afraid of death
He is coming closer and closer to us
He's a very powerful and strong predator
He is out there
The tiger is out there
The tiger is out there
The tiger is out there
He is coming closer and closer to us
Yes, he's coming closer and closer
Yes, he's coming closer and closer
Yes, he's coming closer and closer

>> No.14169368

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out for revenge!
But when he got the chance
It's all for the sake of the motherland
He gave his life for the cause!
They never wanted to die

>> No.14169373

why is that poem always great?

>> No.14169381

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out here,
I'm in control
The tiger is out here,
I'm in control

>> No.14169396

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out there with no cage
Yes, the tiger is out there with no cage
Yes, the tiger is out there with no cage
Yes, the tiger is out there with no cage
Yes, the tiger is out there with no cage
The tiger, oh yeah...
The tiger, oh yeah...
The tiger, oh yeah...
The tiger, oh yeah...
The tiger, oh yeah...

>> No.14169414

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out of his cage,
the owner is not happy

>> No.14169449
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>> No.14169487

The tiger
he destroyed his cage
the tiger is out there
and it's waiting
to be taken for a walk

>> No.14169564
File: 38 KB, 512x512, poopy stare dino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socrates: I hope a meteor crushes all of us.

Hannibal: Then we'll have a lot more to talk about. [the rest of the room is quiet, Hannibal sighing and staring at his hands]

Hannibal: [looking down] What am I doing here?

Socrates: Why?

Hannibal: Because... because the Greeks were wrong about everything.

Socrates: No, they were right.

[The room falls silent as Hannibal closes his eyes and sighs.]

>> No.14169722

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out again
And his friends in the sky,
He is the destroyer of worlds
He kills for the glory
He is the destroyer of worlds
He eats the sun and stars
The earth and its creatures
He eats the sun and stars
The tiger has gone mad
The world is being destroyed
And it's in flames
And we are not able to save it
But he is not afraid
The tiger is free
The earth is a heap of dust
But he is not afraid
The tiger is free
The world is a heap of dust
And so we watch,
The tiger comes in,
To tear us apart
The tiger comes in
The earth and its creatures
Are heaps of dust
And we are unable to save it
But he is not afraid
The tiger is free
The earth is a heap of dust
But he is not afraid
The tiger is free

>> No.14169728

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out of the cage
Lights were flicked on inside the cage
And the tigers eyes were burning
As it started to run for the door
When suddenly the owner of the cage, came running towards it with a shotgun
He shot the tiger twice
It's dead now
The tiger was dead now
The owner of the cage was furious at the owner of the cage
For shooting a man who had just tried to kill his tiger
The man with the shotgun was sentenced to 15 years for murder
I'll always remember the day that my dad killed a tiger
With a rifle
Because it's been so long since I've seen him play with it
I still remember the day he shot it
Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES YES YES YES YES YES
The man who shot the tiger
The man who shot the tiger
The man who shot the tiger
The man who shot

>> No.14169759

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out in the street
I'm so proud of you
I want to hug you
He's still eating
I'm so proud of you
I want to hug you
I want to hug you
You're so beautiful
I'm so proud of you
I want to hug you

>> No.14169782

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out
And he's on the prowl
He's got a tiger's appetite
A tiger's mind
And I'm afraid to say
That I'm scared of him
He's on the prowl
He's got a tiger's appetite
A tiger's mind
And I'm afraid to say
The tiger's in the house
The tiger's got a tiger's appetite
A tiger's mind
And I'm afraid to say
The tiger is out
And he's on the prowl
He's got a tiger's appetite
A tiger's mind
I'm afraid to say
The tiger is out
And he's on the prowl
He's got a tiger's appetite
A tiger's mind
And I'm afraid to say

>> No.14169811
File: 20 KB, 548x218, niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.14169824

The problem I have with incels, besides the obvious ones, is that their behavior is very predictable. I know incels, and know that if you get laid, incels won't treat you well. I know the traits I see in incels: they're bitter and angry, they think their sexuality is shameful, they have low self-esteem, they hate women, and they are unable to form relationships with them. You can read all about it in this Reddit thread. Now, what I find really odd is how incels are able to get laid. I know that incels are bitter, angry, and they have low self-esteem, but I can't get laid? What gives? The most common reason is they have never experienced sex. This can be an issue in the long run because most incels do not know how to communicate their sexual needs to women, and thus have no chance of having sex. This leads to their low self-

>> No.14169906

>The problem I have with Heideggarian's account is that the way the story is presented is quite misleading. Heideggarian uses several different accounts of what happened to the prisoners that night to make his case that the Germans were not "massacring" them or that the Germans did not "deliberately" commit atrocities.

>Here are the different versions:

>1. Prisoners of war were beaten to death in the barracks: Heideggarian writes: "In the last few minutes of the battle, while the Germans were being driven from the camp, a group of prisoners were beaten and killed on the road, and they had to be left behind for the Germans to get back into the camp, because they were surrounded." (p. 5)

>2. German soldiers executed the prisoners of war: Heideggarian writes: "After the fall of the camp, and the Germans had already pushed back the SS, some prisoners were executed in front of the camp

>> No.14169965
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>> No.14170047

>John Green
the problem i have with john green is, when he is on the page for the whole book, he is so full of himself, he has no sense of humor or his own character and he always says or acts in ways that he will never get away with. he is also not an easy person to get along with. he can be very difficult to work with. i just don't understand how he can be in this many books and have so little in common with any of the characters. he is a good writer, but i am so disappointed in his writing.

5.1 of 5 people found this review helpful

>> No.14170308

Pure gold.

>> No.14170328

The most hatefulthing about my son was that he made me love the United States of America. He made me love my country. He taught me to love America."

Kathleen O'Donnell:

"You cannot teach a man to love the country, he will hate the country. That's what a child does. They are taught to hate the country and love themselves. And so we want a new culture in America. We want to bring our young people to think this way."

Eddie Izzard:

"My children are born with the belief that the US is a racist country with a racist government.

>> No.14170341

The problem I have with the idea that women will be treated as the weaker sex, is that, at present, we don't have a lot of evidence that this is true. I have no evidence that women are treated as weaker. I have no evidence that women have less rights than men. I have no evidence that women have less access to health care or social services. I have no evidence that women suffer in greater numbers from violence. I have no evidence that women are not being raped or abused. I have no evidence that women are not being exploited. I have no evidence that women are not experiencing violence or abuse at higher rates than men.

>> No.14170408

I knew I was anti-Semite from a very early age. I had never met a Jew that didn't have a problem with the Jews."

"We have a Jewish-controlled media," he says. "It's called Israel, it's called the United States. We have a huge influence over this country." He adds, "We control everything, it's an oligarchy. I'm a parasite and they're the host."

For years, Trump has been a regular visitor to Israel. He went back in 2012 to

>> No.14170419

this board is so fucking awful. kill yourself

>> No.14170986
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>> No.14171083

>The problem I have with Jordan Peterson is that he thinks that a person who holds an opinion contrary to his, is being intolerant of the person. He is absolutely correct. A person who has an opinion contrary to his, is being intolerant of his views. This is a problem that needs to be addressed. The solution? To stop trying to force your beliefs down someone else's throat, and let them decide for themselves.

>If you enjoyed this, consider subscribing to my YouTube channel for more content.


>> No.14171108

>The problem I have with Sam Harris' recent comments is that his "reason" for not being a feminist is actually a pretty common one. The way he is articulating this "reason" is in a way that is meant to make people understand what he is really saying.

>So for example, in response to someone who asked what "feminism" is (he has not answered this specific question) Harris said "I am not a feminist." He doesn't explain why he doesn't consider himself to be a feminist, but he says it anyway to "show" that "I do not consider myself a feminist."

>So what are we to make of this?

>> No.14171116

>The problem I have with Albert Camus, and what I have always found interesting about his writing, is that it makes him seem a bit of a mystic.

>There was once a philosopher named Albert Camus who is the father of a whole generation of modern French philosophers. One of his best-known works is The Stranger. It's a great book. One of the things that I think he's best at is trying to find a sort of way out of this crazy life that he leads, of trying to find something that gives a sense of purpose and of meaning.

>But, in fact, Camus's view of what's really happening is very pessimistic. The

>> No.14171122

The problem I have with Gilgamesh and Gilgamesh and the sword is that there are no other Gilgamesh stories that exist that he can't beat," says Gilgamesh creator Uwe Rosenberg. "When we made Gilgamesh and we said 'This is the ultimate story,' we wanted people to know there was an ultimate story. And people wanted that story."

The original tale of Gilgamesh, which was a collection of myths that existed in ancient Mesopotamia, has long been considered the greatest of the heroic tales that began with the Sumerian creation stories. It is believed to have been composed around 2000 B.C. The tale begins with Gilgamesh

>> No.14171127

>The problem I have with Israel, is that when they kill innocent people, like the family of this kid, that's not who we are. We are a people that goes to war to protect ourselves and our families. It is not who we are. And I think that's been very unfortunate for Israel, that they've had to go through this. But we can talk about other things.

>AMY GOODMAN: John Kerry, speaking in Berlin on Wednesday.

>That does it for our show. We'll be back next week with an excerpt from the new book of David Carr's, Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine

>> No.14171134

Aristotle states that not all things can be demonstrable because...

Aristotle states that not all things can be demonstrable because of the very nature of the thing in question. He asserts that all things cannot be clearly and absolutely known. This, at least, seems to be the opinion of Aristotle's contemporaries, including the Pythagoreans. They, as well as Pythagorean philosophy, hold that only what can be shown with reasonable certainty can be proved.

This is consistent with the Pythagorean view that God and His nature must be known by reason. This view is derived from the Pythagorean belief in a spiritual soul. The soul of man is immortal and can only be known through the study of nature. It is the mind that can comprehend

This is actually VERY close to being correct :3

The flaw is that it doesn't tackle the original statement or issue and sort of meanders about, talking about reason and the soul vs. mind. I think we are all aware how Aristotle and the Pythagoreans understand reality, but the question was why Aristotle thinks only SOME things are demonstrable. :3

Horseshoes and handgrenades.

>> No.14171136

The problem I have with Jane Austen and Emma is, I don't see anything in them that says, "Okay, you should start this story now," and it should be about this or that. They don't give you a clear sense of the way these characters are going to react or interact with one another and how the story's going to end. I'm not sure how to explain this to somebody else. It's like you're trying to explain a book to somebody who's reading it for the first time. It's really hard.

I like the idea of, you know, one of the things that I like about Pride and Prejudice and Sense and

>> No.14171140

>The problem I have with /lit/ is that it's so self-conscious. What can I say, it's my space. The problem with /lit/ is that I can't even tell whether it's a problem at all or a problem that needs fixing.

>I don't want to see a thing. It's like a blank sheet of paper.

>Why am I writing this in the first place? I think I should quit, because I've wasted so much energy on writing.

>The problem with /lit/ is that there's a lot of nothing happening.

>The problem with /lit/ is that there's a lot of nothing happening

>> No.14171155

>The problem I have with trannies and gender dysphoria is that they can't be trusted not to have hidden agendas that are incompatible with the truth about transgender issues."

>The problem I have with trannies and gender dysphoria is that they can't be trusted not to have hidden agendas that are incompatible with the truth about transgender issues.

>I don't know how you know. I was told by some of the people I talked to that it's because you're a woman and all the people you know are men, and that men are better at telling the difference between a man and a woman and the world is just not ready for men who have been living as

>> No.14171162

The problem I have with trannies is that they can not get the proper social services or the proper health care that we would expect. And there are other problems like that that I would like to see addressed.

But I don't really care that much about this because my concern with the gays is that the trannies are going to come in and take over society and take all the jobs and be all the people that we are going to give awards to because they are being good people. They are being true to themselves. And you don't have to give them any awards.

I am concerned about what will become of our children if the gays are in charge

>> No.14171165

>The problem I have with Guenon's concept is that it is simply not valid. First of all, there is no need for a single "universal principle" in order to define a religion. A religion is a system of beliefs and rituals that a person decides upon. It is not a single "theory" or even a set of ideas. Religion is not a single person's personal faith. It is a set of beliefs and rituals that a person chooses, not necessarily in the same way every time. There is no need to define "Christianity", "Islam", or "Hinduism" in order to find all these systems of belief that are, at the same

>> No.14171180

>The problem I have with Islam is not that it is a religion of peace, the problem is that 1.8 billion people are excluded from it due to their ethnicity, 2.2 billion people are excluded due to their religion, 3.6 billion people are excluded because of their caste, and 4.8 billion people are excluded because of their gender, and those are the actual numbers.

>I am not saying this to attack Muslims. I am not saying this to attack any religion. I am not saying this to attack people of Indian origin.

>I am just saying that one of the main causes of the problems in India is that we are not giving equality

>> No.14171181
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>> No.14171240

Nicole Oresme states that time is not a measure, but is a constant. Only in relation to something measured does time become constant, however the act of measuring time is completely uniform, so it is time's relation to other objects upon which they can be spatially or temporally measured.

This contradicts the first half of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, since only a continuous object (time) has the qualities of measure or of having qualities, whereas an infinite, or rather, a non-continuous, object (time) has none of those qualities.

Oresme writes that time "is not time, time is a relation of some continuous object, i.e. some thing, to another thing or to the time of the measuring agent. The time of the



>> No.14171292

The problem I have with farting is that the first time I used it, I was embarrassed. But then it just became one of those fun things to do. I thought it was cute.

Do you have a particular favorite fart joke?

My favorite one is when it's the middle of the night, and you're having a party and everyone is sleeping, and you fart in your friend's ear.

What is the worst fart joke you've ever heard?

It was at the end of a movie, "Kung Fu Panda." It's the guy who's farting and saying "I'm a fart". I'm like, "I

>> No.14171320

The problem I have with farting on the train: The guy on the other end of the phone is on the other end of the phone!

He doesn't have the faintest clue about what I'm going through. I just need someone to talk to to be able to cope.

I have to make sure I don't take my mind off my problems and stress.

I'm so tired of being stressed out all the time and being anxious all the time.

I feel like all I can do is just get up and sleep.

I feel like I'm always trying to push away my depression or my anxiety.

I can think about suicide and then

>> No.14171332

The problem I have with Hegelianism is that it tries to give a comprehensive picture, and then it fails to see that this picture is inadequate. It is as though, having given a comprehensive picture of human nature, Hegelianism says, "And there we see the real meaning of human life. We know that in human life it is impossible for man to know and to be completely self-conscious. This is why men fall away from self-consciousness. They have to be led by the forces of their nature."

But Hegel's whole conception of human nature, as he explains in the Phenomenology, is that man is basically a being that is essentially a

>> No.14171344

Ricardian socialism fails to offer a coherent alternative to capitalism. By contrast, the libertarian socialist vision of a world in which all people have the free opportunity to make choices that will affect their own lives, and in which the free market will provide solutions to the pressing needs of the majority, is an approach that makes a lot of sense.

What does this mean for people today who believe that their children's future depends on what they do with their lives?

I'm not suggesting that everyone should live their lives to the fullest, or do as much volunteering as possible. This would be a very different sort of society from the one in which we currently live.

>> No.14171350
File: 43 KB, 677x373, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14171353
File: 78 KB, 500x500, 1558403468733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem I have with janitors is that they are the best in the industry for one main reason; they are paid to do the job. They can afford to take time off of work and the government does not punish them. So, janitors can leave the company and take vacation and do whatever they please. They can even find ways to cut back on the work and still find enough work to support themselves. It's ridiculous! I don't know why we can't just accept that janitors are human beings.

There are tons of other reasons why janitors are better than the average person, so I'm not even going to mention all of them.
>they are paid to do the job
>they are paid to do the job
>they are paid to do the job

>> No.14171369

>says Gilgamesh creator Uwe Rosenberg.

I knew it.

>> No.14171389

I posses infinite knowledge, and I'm the one who made it," he said. "This is what happens to you when you know everything and you don't use it."

"If you say, 'I am the center of all creation', then you become one with the center. That's when you know everything."

As he left the podium, the crowd chanted, "You are our father!"

(h/t RTRS, The Guardian)

>> No.14171698

The problem I have with Tumblr is that I think of it as a safe haven for men who are looking to go on a date with someone who is a feminist. There are many things about Tumblr that I hate. For example, the idea that you need to be a feminist to be a cool feminist.

I'm not sure what Tumblr would look like without the "bro culture," but I do believe that there's a lot of feminist content and content from feminists on the site.

Tumblr is a platform that is meant to empower and not to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but it's not a safe space. I've seen women harassed, sent death threats and had

>> No.14171714

The problem I have with the scientific method is that you need an argument to make a point, not just a claim. A claim, even if correct, doesn't actually demonstrate any new information. For example, I don't believe that gravity is a law of nature. My evidence is that gravity is observed. Now, that doesn't prove anything, except that we don't observe it. The only thing it does is to show that gravity is a law of nature, not a consequence of some random event in the universe. It doesn't demonstrate anything about the nature of gravity. The only thing it demonstrates is that we don't see gravity. And that is all we need to conclude that gravity is not a random occurrence in nature. It's the same thing with the existence of God, which is a claim about our observations that no one disputes.

>> No.14171733
File: 47 KB, 450x403, 80E12740-54EC-440A-93BE-E668A82EE351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there still a penis on my blue fucking board?
Keep the thread up, fine, but can you keep your fucking frog porn out of here?

>> No.14171734

The problem I have with cunnilingus is that I am not getting aroused. I've been waiting to be turned on since I started masturbating at the age of ten. This is frustrating, because I love to feel a man's hands stroking and playing with my soft, wet pussy. I am happy to masturbate as many times as I need to in order to feel aroused. If I'm not getting aroused when I feel my man is in the mood to play with my pussy, I feel like he's not a good lover. I have no idea why my man has this problem, but it's very annoying. It's not as if I'm just turning up my TV

>> No.14171753

You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her.

>> No.14171755

and the AI:

We'll call you 'the farting wife' for now, and you shall be the farting wife. I shall call you 'the farting cunt' but you shall be just as good a cunt as the farts I fuck. Your cunt will be full of all the little fucking farts

>> No.14171759


>> No.14171765

the problem I have with 4chan trannies is that I am not a tranny, and I don't even know how to talk to them. I am a cis male who likes people, and I want to talk to them. 4chan is a great place to talk to people, but that's not why I'm here.

>> No.14171774

Hello dr. cis male. I am agent cis female.

>> No.14171799

The problem I have with Jeffrey Epstein's supposed suicide is that it is so obviously a scripted event designed to look like an accident and not the result of any kind of foul play. For example, in the weeks prior to his death, Epstein was making several trips to Virginia where he was going to take part in the 2013 US Open. According to the Washington Post, in a letter sent to Attorney General Eric Holder, the US Attorney's office for the Northern District of California said "the government has no evidence that Mr. Epstein procured underage girls for sexual purposes."

>> No.14171833

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? He was a wise and honorable man who knew that power can corrupt and when he was offered the chance to rule the Republic, he turned it down.

The same thing can happen to you. Don't fall into the trap of believing that the Sith will always be the bad guys. They can become good. If you don't take action, there will be no Sith.

Forget about the Dark Lords. It was the Jedi who destroyed the Sith, not the other way around.

The Sith were not evil.

The Jedi were.

They are the evil that you have to defeat.


>> No.14171843

This board is so fucking beautiful. live yourself

>> No.14171847

The problem I have with anal bleaching is that I don't have anything against it. I don't have a problem with people who do it, I have a problem with people who don't use it. I don't care if it helps you in bed, it doesn't bother me in the long run, and you don't even know about it until you start noticing the effects after a few weeks or months.

There is one thing that I do like about anal bleaching though, it really makes it harder to get out. I've been trying to keep my ass clean and keep it shiny for years but my ass is still in such a state

>> No.14171857

According to Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which is the Zionist code for the New World Order (Zio- NWO ), it's not really about race or religion, but about greed and power.
The Talmud explains that the Jews were created to be the bankers and financiers for the world, and that is why they are so powerful today.
The Jews are an alien race, which has infiltrated the entire world, and that is why they are now the global power brokers, who want to destroy all other nations and cultures, and replace them with their own.
The Talmud states: " The Jews, and particularly their money-gathering activity, are

>> No.14171876

Rawr xD UwU...

wUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUwUx xD UwUw

>> No.14171893

Pretty fucking based.

Also, you can greentext in the transformer. it actually does it automatically if you add a carot.

>> No.14171908

Pretty fucking based.

Also, you can greentext in the transformer. it actually does it automatically if you add a carot.txt in the folder.

To install you just need to copy the carot_transformer.exe to your main mod folder and run it.

To uninstall you just need to remove carot_transformer.exe in your main mod folder.

You can add all new content to your main mod folder but if you want to play with only the new content you can remove the old content from the mod folder.

>> No.14172284

The problem I have with anal sexis that it often leaves me feeling really bad about myself. For me, it can't be one thing, it needs to be a combination of lots of things. The last thing I want is for my boyfriend to come home, see me having a panic attack and think that he has caused me.

So why am I sharing these things? It's about letting you know that even when we're having this awesome, magical sex, it's not a cure all. When you're having anal sex, you're having a sex thing that requires a lot of self care. It's really important that you have fun during your sex life and that you are enjoying it, but if you don't, your partner might think you're stupid or a weirdo.

And that's the last thing you want!

>> No.14172292

The problem I have with penis inspectionsis, they aren't random.

Let's say you're walking around a public restroom, and you see that you're going to get a prostate exam. You don't want to be getting checked at work, so you go into the bathroom, take off your shirt, and tell the attendant you're going to take a leak. If you see someone else walking in, you go in the stall and say "excuse me, do you want me to get your pants down and check you for something?" They have to say yes. You don't get a private inspection, but you have to say that you're going to take a leak, and you get a "pantyliner." You say, "I want to pee and go pee. Do you need my pantyliner?" They say "yes." Then you go, "okay, how's this? What's this all about?" "I'm going to check your prostate for

>> No.14172406

The problem I have with 4chan isnot that the boards are just random collections of words. I don't see why any sane person would read /b/ and not find anything interesting. I see why some people find it interesting, but for me it's just a bunch of weird, immature people who use memes and try to be edgy. If we were a more intelligent and mature community, we would not need 4chan at all, and could spend our time working on our own communities. As it is, we're all stuck with it.