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14155709 No.14155709 [Reply] [Original]

>Hans Christian Andersen
>George MacDonald
>Lewis Carroll
>C.S Lewis
>Gene Wolfe
>Robert Jordan
>J.K Rowling
>Brandon Sanderson

>> No.14155725
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> JK Rowling devout Christian

>> No.14155727

>>J.K Rowling
>>Brandon Sanderson

>> No.14155775

Also Clark Ashton Smith and Dunsany and Howard were atheists, and E. R. Eddison was LARPagan

>> No.14155780

I still think Lewis only "converted" to troll Tolkien by picking a different church because he got sick of Tolkien trying to make him a Catholic.

>> No.14155781

>JK Rowling "great" modern fantasy writer

>> No.14155786

Cause the bible is the greatest work of fantasy ever

>> No.14155788
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>> No.14155790

Orlando Furioso was better

>> No.14155802

Source on Howard being an atheist?

>> No.14155814

>varg - Myfarog
>Dreiman - Disturbed
>Dawkins - various works
Etc. Myfarog is twenty times more entertaining than Narnia. I hated reading that garbage, and I'd rather listen to The Vengedul One than read the Lord of The Rings. If you can find that garbage entertaining you have problems man, serious problems.

>> No.14155821

Dont forget this atheist philosopher published multiple short stories

>Martin published The Big Domino in the Sky: And Other Atheistic Tales[17] in 1996. This is a collection of short stories in various styles presenting philosophical arguments. ISBN 978-1573921114.

>In 2011 Martin self-published a fiction novel, Murder In Lecture Hall B,[18] about a murder in the classroom of a philosophy professor whose interests are Religions and Atheism. ISBN 978-1466310063

>Martin also wrote 8 short plays with moral or philosophical themes that are available on his website.[19]

>> No.14155827


>> No.14155836

becuase its the only way they can sell their stupid christian stories to a secular population, rename it ‘fantasy’

>> No.14155844
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Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson who created Dungeons & Dragons were also devout Christians

>> No.14155850

>I noted with interest your comments regarding the supernatural, etc., and am not equipped to dispute any point of your theories. I never gave a name to my views – or lack of views – but I guess an Agnostic is what I am, if that means skepticism regarding all human gropings.
or agnostic, tomato tomato
ST Joshi's "Critical Essays on Lord Dunsany"

>> No.14155947

>ST Joshi's "Critical Essays on Lord Dunsany
Do you have a source that wasn't written by a biased militant atheist?

>> No.14155951


>> No.14156265

Probably the preference for fairy tales

>> No.14156520

Isnt sanderson a mormon?

>> No.14156566

Because in the end Christians realize that their book of moralfagging against the desert isn't enough.

>> No.14156581


>> No.14156585

It's easy to write fantasy when you spend every day as if we live in the Christian fantasy world of God, Satan, angels, demons, etc.

>> No.14156626


The Bible is the richest, deepest epic ever put together by humanity. If read well, it inculcates an epic mind.

>> No.14156669

H. P. Lovecraft and H. G. Wells were atheists.
>inb4 they weren't great writers
They were.

>> No.14157263

But they are science fiction not fantasy

>> No.14157281

>or agnostic, tomato tomato


>> No.14157317

>tomato tomato
This doesn't work in writing.

>> No.14157842

Gifted by the Holy Spirit

>> No.14157880
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>J.K Rowling

>> No.14157895

I get the feeling that LeGuin was atheist, but I've never bothered to look into it.

>> No.14158107

Read his works

>> No.14158122

liking gay people doesn't affect your belief in the divinity of Christ

>> No.14158829


>> No.14159042

Belief in the divinity of Christ affects your liking or disliking of gays

>> No.14159115

Yeah and he wrote Christian non-fiction to troll him even further.

>> No.14159546

Because back then people weren't as enlightened. They didn't know basic physics and science wasn't as advanced. It's like saying 'well if Roman were so advanced why didn't they fly to space or create a cure for cancer?'

Religion is redundant in modern world and I'm happy it's dying out. The only deeply-religious parts of our planet are (surprise-surprise) african and middle-eastern shiteholes where people eat mudcakes, fight for food, die from ebola and chop off each other's hands for stealing.

>inb4 hurrrrrr durrrrr without religion all people will be gays and degenerates hurrrrr durrrrr they will just run around and shoot each other, because the fear of god is the only thing stopping us from killing each other and raping kids hurr durrr
Don't even bother

>> No.14160103

Nice cope