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/lit/ - Literature

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14154070 No.14154070[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some INTP books?

>> No.14154094

Mitchell Heisman's suicide note

>> No.14154118
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Stfu nerds, this is an Entp board.

>> No.14154126

intps are autistic beta males, they would never write a book

>> No.14154208

Man Without Qualities? Ulysses?

>> No.14154250

Eduardo Leve's suicide note

>> No.14154253

Two books you’ve never read?

>> No.14154263


>> No.14154267

I've read Ulysses and I'm reading Man Without Qualities now. I just said that because they're long an inaccessible to normies. IDK what constitutes an MBTI book in general. Would Philosophical Investigations suffice?

>> No.14154317

Anything by sociopathic beta males. Try the manifestos of school shooters.

>> No.14154446

Fuck off normie fag.

>> No.14154455

School shooters dont write manifestos dipshit

>> No.14154640
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This choice will prove an entertaining casual evening book

>> No.14154761

No longer human.
Infinite Jester, Lolita, Don Quixote, The Great Gatsby, Hamlet, Atlas Shrugged, The Sun Also RIses, Fight Club, Lovecraft,

>> No.14154768

entp=reddit cringe

sorry but it's true

>> No.14154773


we all know /lit/ is an INTJ board you doofus

>> No.14154774

hume, unironically

>> No.14154786

Ludvig Wittgenstein's notebooks

>> No.14154798

I second Dune, currently reading it now and loving it

>> No.14154801

Define INTP first.

>> No.14154803
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the inverse of a woman

>> No.14154809

Have you ever met a woman INTP or another INTP? I'm an INTP and have no idea what another INTP would be like.

>> No.14154830

>jealousy I hear
Keep talking with your sny snarky insecure little jokes plebbit fag. Entps are King, we are the smartest, most creative, intelligent, confident and charismatic of types. Everything you say after this point is a cope, got trip over your shoelace and give me your lunch money.

imagine thinking if anything it wouldn't be an Infp board.

He was entp stupid.

>> No.14154835

As an INTP, I agreed.

>> No.14154838

>Ento the most masculine type since he's the exact dualistic opposite of the most feminine type
Ughh can we get a based?

>> No.14154841

Jung seemed to very much like Kant, he was after all a Kantian.

>> No.14154917

If you hang around men you'll find some.
Keep in mind it's basically an horoscope.

>> No.14154953

I'm INTP. Rationalists are cool; epistemology, metaphysics, logic, these are interesting subjects. Ethics? No. It's literally not even philosophy, it's theology. Categorical imperative is rubbish. No one's following it, no one needs to.

>> No.14155013

There are some loose truths to it, given that there's loose consistency in results, but it really can't make truly defining statements on your personality. And it's a fatal mistake to base your life's enjoyment around it. Personality and interpersonal skills are too complex.

I think INTPs tend to be dour and melancholic. It's not the kind of person that gets along well in the modern world, especially in our industrialized public school system and workplaces. For example, 4chan is filled with maladjusted men, with an anomaly of INTPs or INTJs. And I believe it's largely due to the abolishing of community in exchange for ultra individualism and corporatism. The rise of dating over courtship and arranged marriage puts the impetus of building a family on a set of superficial skills unrelated to building a family. That's not to say these types can't play the game, but that they hate it, and it doesn't give them what they want.
Think about how society tended to run, and the environment modern man evolved in, culturally. You were evolved (and created) to associate primarily people you have some strong communal ties with, be it your family or your neighbors, even in a cosmopolitan setting, often living together for generations. But in the modern day, we herd millions of children outside of that nurturing environment to be with strangers for a majority of their waking hours, and they have to fend off on their own for social capital. That's simply unnatural, and the psyche is not built for this, and it's a natural advantage we have over most primates.
"School is a prison" is truer the more you think on it. Consider the "alpha wolf" concept. Purportedly, the flaw in the study is that it was only applied to wolves in captivity, that is, a herd of strangers with no trust, put into essentially a prison environment. So a fairly ruthless hierarchy forms. But in nature, wolves tend to be in a family structure, instead. How is it so different, the way we treat children? Treating them like animals and prisoners, feeding them unhealthy garbage and forcibly interning them to receive an inferior education? And the same applies to industry.

>> No.14155039
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You are so smart and shit.

>> No.14155060

Ah. Thank you. I disagree, though, because I prefer to humble myself.

>> No.14155063

>hume was extrovert
nigga wut m8

>> No.14155065


>> No.14155098
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You are so ethical creature and shit.

>> No.14155127

I'm not thinking about how I conduct myself. I wouldn't even say "do what thou wilt." I would even say "do not what thou wilt." Don't do what you think is right or wrong. I humble myself not because I think it's right. Why? It was predetermined, no thinking, just intuitively performed.

>> No.14155131

>thinks introversion and extroversion are defined by social dominance rather than just simply coinciding with it
Sherlock Holmes or Da Vinci are good examples of a more introverted Entp, though Da Vinci was still quite dominant and talkative.

>> No.14155174
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You are such an animal only instinct and shit. No reason or soul in this one.

>> No.14155230

>Not understanding INTx are the most introverted types and seek refuge of the outside world in 4chan so it's obvious that they're the most represented types there

>> No.14155238

>he doesn't realise he simply falls into an ethical set of philosophically predetermined ideas by the blood of Christ essentially boiled to the raw form of his own inferior mentality and intelligence to the degree he mistakes habit, sensory patterns, for intuition.

>> No.14155266


predestination is so profound it is hard to put into words. freewillies will never understand.

>> No.14155281

I understand it to the point where I see free will in it.

>> No.14155355


you either have free will or you don't. "limited free will" is not actually free will.

>> No.14155480

If you would be completely free, you will definitely be dead. Limits are what makes us free when we learn to live in them. Gravitation limits you and gives you freedom to not fly away.

>> No.14155913

/lit/ is objectively a INTP board but besides tht point ENTP's are based and redpilled.
t.former INTP who grew out of deppression and is now a happy ENTP

>> No.14155946

Can INTPs feel anything?

>> No.14155960

I have a theory that they really want to be feelless and try to ackt like they are but in reality are human like everyone. Not all of them are sociopaths.

>> No.14155973

INTP are far from being sociopaths. they will avoid or disengage from any social situation which isn't interesting, rather than playing the game for appearance's sake. and while they may understand how to manipulate people they won't typically bother to do so

>> No.14155977

They can.

>> No.14155987

When I typed "sociopath" just mean that they feels nothing. It was a joke. I know my humor is autistic as fuck.

>> No.14156024

What are some INFJ books besides TBK? Asking for myself

>> No.14156080

Interesting post. To add to this, I'd argue MBTI is most useful when used to identify the differences in people. For example, one can spot the difference between an extrovert or an introvert right away. And Sensing vs Thinking tells you the differences in how people gather information, and so on. But even when you take all the letters together you don't have a complete understanding of someone's personality, only some categories they fall into.

>> No.14156191
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Agreed anon. So what is the solution? Go innawoods with gf, dogbro and a couple of chickens?

>> No.14156976

sounds good to me but women need a lot more attention than husband can give

>> No.14156980

>ISTJ more common in women
I call these statistics bullshit

>> No.14157272

Very interesting...
And as you mention, the INTPs/INTJs are specifically prone to maladjustment in this atomized society. It really brings into question the nature of "maladjustment" (what it really means) and what this reveals about these two types...

>> No.14157407

self help books and popular history because if you're that interested in what two women who once maybe read Jung have to say about your horoscope then you're probably not very smart

>> No.14157432

>No longer Human

>> No.14157444

>/lit/ actually discusses MBTI as if it was above horoscopes
this board really is filled with teenagers huh

>> No.14157446

Ethics is the micro of the macro you dilettante.

Good INTP books should either fit your nature or expand it. You’ll naturally gravitate towards systematic philosophers; reading them alone is a mistake. The world is composed of all 8 cognitive functions, so you will not think clearly if you load your Ti and neglect your Fe. The consciousness of Ti is driven by our unconscious need for the interpersonal harmony of Fe. Hence why Ti creates logical systems- to harmonize the Fe values of society.

For Ti:
>Plato. Especially the 4 dialogues surrounding Socrates death, the Georgias, the Protagoras, the republic, Sophist, and the Parmenides. Preferably in that order, and if you want to understand it well, twice. If you do this, you will be able to explain the republic through the apology; the apology has hidden in its drama all of the human nature Plato bases his republic on.
>Aristotle’s ethics, politics, and metaphysics. Same order preferably.
>Kant’s critique. The prolegomena is a better place to start.

Everything in the order I stated is best.

For Fe:
>plays. Sophocles and Euripides can both be read in a week of consistent reading. From there, Shakespeare. I haven’t read his comedies, but the tragedies live up to the hype. Oxford sells a hamlet, 300 pages, 150 of which are footnotes on the language and metaphor on the bottom of each page. I had to read it 3 times to get Shakespeare, ymmv. Special mention goes to Coreolanus, which will resonate with foolishly prideful idealists like ourselves.
>Dostoyevsky. The idiot and crime and punishment resonated most with me.
>some women authors. Pride and Prejudice, wuthering heights. Get over the idea that women are trash, and that being inferior in rationality does not make them less than but complementary. Men have decayed in this society too, you only focus woman’s decadence because you desire them.

Or don’t follow it at all and follow this: read classics in philosophy(Ti) and literature(Fe) and you will develop a world view that a synthesis of sociopathic and sappy, which is to say true.

>> No.14157448

House of Leaves? Been a while since I read it but there's a lot of out there conceptual thinking that INTPs like

>> No.14157470

>/lit/ is objectively a INTP board but besides tht point ENTP's are based and redpilled.
We are the most based and redpilled of all types. But I would have to say that I think there is also a heavy presence of feelers on this board and even though it may be predominantly Intp(as with the rest of the site) it's general character is dictated more to an Intp, Infj, Intp mix. /tv/ is very Estp but with a tich of Entp. Dwanna continue to type the boards?

>> No.14157476

>women need a lot more attention than husband can give

>> No.14157480

Honestly sounds like a good way to live the rest of your life, I'd miss debating issues with people in person though

>> No.14157757

>literally just astrology for males

>> No.14158015

Did you hear that one on Reddit? It's not like astrology. The position of the stars at the time of your birth has no correlation to your personality. Your answers to a questionnaire about your personality do have a correlation to your personality.

>> No.14158069

>Did you hear that one on Reddit?
Searching "just astrology for males" on google with quotes returns only results from 4chan archives.

I agree that it's less retarded than Astrology, but People answering questions on a quiz aren't going to act the exact same way as how they answered. You are getting how they view or want to view themselves, not how they actually are.

>> No.14158202
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>> No.14159365

Sci fi probably

>> No.14159619

fucking horoscope horseshit

>> No.14159704

>Dwanna continue to type the boards?
Do please

>> No.14159753

No one here is using a description of their personality to predict the future. Who programmed all you NPCs with the "MBTI = astrology" line?

>> No.14160685
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'Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations' by Richard Lynn.

>> No.14161669

Is it really ultra individualism? seems like it's more of a fake individualism

>> No.14161734

Can someone explain how mbti is horoscope? Are you implying the whole thing is based in nothing?