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File: 2.11 MB, 1438x1798, Richard_Dawkins_Cooper_Union_Shankbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14152829 No.14152829 [Reply] [Original]

What's his problem

>> No.14152839
File: 1.25 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20191107_183029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people who have a problem with him and his compatriots are seething christcucks

>> No.14152843

Being a pedophile

>> No.14152849


>> No.14152867

weak bait

>> No.14152869

many a true word is spoke in bait

>> No.14152884
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>> No.14152894
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b-but anon... he's started to recognize that Christianity has a better impact in western culture than the absence of it...

>> No.14152904

he didnt read shankara

>> No.14152911
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Provide proof or fuck off. It's funny how christcucks have a habit of making claims without proof.

>> No.14152983

nah he did it. he was in my old home town, winchester, sitting outside the cathedral and said how nice it was. of course everyone had a hissy fit about it.

>> No.14153212

Actually why are all of atheist thinkers journalists or writers primarily?
>Sam Harris
Hasn't done any science besides a PhD (which is controversial), writes books and does a podacst
Only writes books, doesn't do science

>> No.14153217


>> No.14153716

Arrogance like most unbelievers and the ungrateful.

>A Book revealed unto thee,- So let thy heart be oppressed no more by any difficulty on that account,- that with it thou mightest warn (the erring) and teach the Believers). (Surah Al-Araf, 2)

>> No.14153738

Didn’t this thread just happen

>> No.14153743

Dawkins is actually a much better scientist than he is philosopher. The God Delusion is more philosophically underdeveloped than most eighth graders, which is why he primarily debates low-IQ fundamentalists. His whole atheism shtick is just plain embarrassing to anyone with (at the very least) high school-level critical thinking skills.

>> No.14153909

Dawkins painfully shows just how far you (can't) take scientific inquiry without philosophy. It shows through his gene's-eye-view especially when he blunders about extended phenotypes. He's good with base facts but shows no capacity for creative understanding.

>> No.14153917

so he should read more?

>> No.14153932

Yes but I don't think that will fix his problem. Unironically it's ironically genetic, probably.

>> No.14153937

>Unironically it's ironically genetic

>> No.14153947

Yes, he's very obtuse and turgid in his views. Hopefully, he rots in Hell soon. Have you read The Selfish Gene?

>> No.14154056

But he doesn't produce science and hasn't for a long time. In fact most scientists think he's a charlatan.

To produce science you publish research

>> No.14154273

>Hopefully, he rots in Hell soon.
Rent free. But yea Dawkins is a major cunt in public and has really poisoned the well. With the rest of the squad Dawkins do as much damage to the public image of science as tards like Ken Ham do to the religious one, both teams have the same infantile understanding. Dawkins is more cringe and poisonous than most, he practically terrorizes the simplist religious people, poor things. Dawkins is a bully and his words replicate-bullies. A very hateful man.
>Have you read The Selfish Gene?
Oh no, I've seen it get come up in the literature I browse alot. My understanding of evolutionary philosophy rejects his take wholesale. Dawkins does not accommodate the casual efficiency of living objects organismal or "extended", reduces life to a codified ontology and thus living to mere computation. The selfish gene doctrine theorizes evolution as replicative 'strategizing' I take evolution to be semiosmic and autopoetic, and recognize other evolutionary processes as in the extended synthesis. Dawkins is an old meme that hasn't aged well, I count myself lucky that I don't really need to read him.

>> No.14154296

Yeah, I don't read non-fiction generally (aside from philosophy and history), so I thought I'd ask. He does seem like a bully though. It's really sad to see a simple religious old-lady be the main target of his zeal. Ironically, he as a person would greatly benefit from religion, same with most of these vindictive 'rational' atheists.

>> No.14154567

You have ask this at /sci, atheist shill

>> No.14154655

nice bait

>> No.14155265

>worships a pedo who commited acts of genocide
>calls others ungrateful for not wanting to follow a moral thug

Monotheism in a nutshell

>> No.14155404

He hates the truth.

Also he is a pedo sympathizer

>> No.14156900

Being a protestant calvinist universalist atheist.

>> No.14156942
File: 664 KB, 554x794, 1573561776091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listens to Jesus King once

>> No.14157029

His recent appearances on Joe Rogan have confirmed what I suspected for a long time, which is that he's a charlatan. He has been addressed and corrected many times over the years but he's still making the same philosophical mistakes. I know he's not a stupid man and I know he has heard his critics but he hasn't changed or updated his beliefs and arguments. This makes me believe that he's pandering to a very specific and stupid audience.

>> No.14157311

It's literally a screenshot from an article. Google it retard.

>> No.14157362

b-BuT aNoN, tHe CrEaToR oF tHe UniVeRsE sPeAks To Us tHroUgh sCrIpTuRes wRitTeN bY dEsErt PeOples!!! N-no, you can't just meditate and realize you are fundamentally God, you have to support these political institutions and let them have their way with you!

>> No.14157662


>> No.14157710
File: 112 KB, 736x870, 1573513371750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was right about it all. religion, genes, everything.

>> No.14157748

The problem I have with Richard Dawkins is that he seems to be using an appeal to authority to support a very narrow interpretation of what he is actually saying, and this is not how a scientific argument is supposed to work. Instead, we should ask, how do these observations fit with the rest of the evidence? Dawkins does not make his case against religious beliefs, or the supernatural, well or logically. The only way to do that is to address the evidence. He does this in a very flawed way and without any attempt at understanding what is going on in the religious, the supernatural, and science.

If you are interested in reading the actual text of the book, you can purchase it through Amazon.

>> No.14157784

>to a very specific and stupid audience.
105 - 110IQ fedora tippers

>> No.14158010

muslims are the most arrogant people in the fucking world
and by arrogant i mean they're pedo rapists