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14152589 No.14152589 [Reply] [Original]

>my favorite philosopher of all time is Foucault
What type of person do you imagine?

>> No.14152595

Registered sex offender

>> No.14152602


>> No.14152606

Not nearly as much of an arrogant or annoying snob as someone who answers saying Derrida or Nietzsche. Likely to hold opinions about objective truth that are bad and wrong, but probably less annoying, even insightful, about the structures of power at play in society.

>> No.14152610

High iq and high income racial realist with a cool car, a gf and side poon on the reg. Lives in a penthouse apartment.

>> No.14152700

a genuine libtard

>> No.14152746

humanities college student that recently began to dip their toes in academia. probably a girl desu

>> No.14152751

Probably like someone who, like Foucault himself, likes to fuck children up the ass

>> No.14152754
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a boomer sociology professor who preaches the 60s but lives the 50s

>> No.14152755

Foucault only assravaged consenting adults.

>> No.14152759

>a genuine libtard

>> No.14152763

He's really not that bad. His followers--the crits--just make the same retarded arguments over and over again. "The poisoned fruit of the poisoned tree." History should make you more conservative, not more radical. Big gay baldy was just big goofin' and kid diddlin'.

As a wise man once told me, Foucault isn't a critic, he's a GUIDE. How power works.

>> No.14152790

Lisa Simpson

>> No.14152800

>One of his last words was, in a dismissal of safe sex, "to die for the love of boys, what could be more beautiful."
>He also was a pedophile, and he often acted as an apologist for homosexuality and pedophilia by acting as if distinctions between adults and children didn't exist.

>> No.14152825

>source: conservapedia
>random dinesh d'souza interview

>> No.14152841

Pretentious female nihilist who needs dick

>> No.14152844

you know foucault's favorite philosopher is nietzsche right you fucking retard

>> No.14152850

this is the only correct answer itt, i see a lot of girls on my facebook posting memes with foucault references because they had to read discipline and punish for a class (and they probably just read the summary)

>> No.14152851

not wrong doe

>> No.14152855

a pedo

>> No.14152863

Actually this.

>> No.14152875
File: 854 KB, 1500x800, derridaefoucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards that have never read Foucault

>> No.14152893

All these fuckers who hate on Foucault have probably never read any of his works, watched conservatives on youtube strawman his work, or are just in it for the meme. Idk, his work in madness and civilization is interesting, so is discipline and punish, and he was not the best philosopher, not even really that much of one.

I picture the person saying this could be anyone really

>> No.14152898

He was a man who just wanted to coom.

>> No.14152917

There's a difference between Nietzsche fans on /lit/ and Foucault or other people that like Nietzsche dude. The former are infinitely more insufferable. You wouldn't happen to be one too?

>> No.14152921

My kind of man

>> No.14152925

NPC Drone that thinks he's smart because he did well in school. Someone abused as a kid that developed stockholm syndrome.

>> No.14152939

a poofter

>> No.14152953

>NPC Drone that thinks he's smart because he did well in school.
You sound like you’re coping.

>> No.14152958

Are you even finished with uni yet?, more important did you even get into university?

>> No.14152971

I meant to imply that Foucalts philosophy is tailored for people that bow to authority. The school system is an example of authority, and someone who thinks themselves better off for doing well in a school can very well possibly have no interest in the subjects they were supposedly learning.

>> No.14152974

great arguments right here

>> No.14152981

>Are you even finished with uni yet?
Went to trade school instead. HV/AC.

>> No.14152986

Apply for any university you can get into, that would be a good start

>> No.14152993

Awful bait, but based if true.

>> No.14152995

this is the most hipster thing i ever read

>> No.14153002

Kill yourself

>> No.14153004

you can do poorly in school and still think school is bs

>> No.14153006

>I meant to imply that Foucalts philosophy is tailored for people that bow to authority
Oh anon, you really don't know what Foucault's philosophy is all about do you? It's about criticizing power structures and showing how many things in the world around us actually exist on the basis of disguised, hard to see structures of authority. He's critiquing that.

>> No.14153013

What's hipster about it? A lot of Nietzsche fans are really fucking bad. I'm not hating on Nietzsche specifically.

>> No.14153026
File: 146 KB, 500x495, have-two-sides-l-io-enis-barker-friendly-gentleman-gamer-54569464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to see me bad

>> No.14153031

The grammatical structure of your sentence revealed what type of person you most likely are, some insufferable snob running off, you’ve definitely given someone a sticknpoke tattoo before and snorted ketamine from one of your festival attentions faggot friends asshole. You seem like one of those people, everything you say you make people want to physically bend you like a lawn chair.

>> No.14153034

I unironically look like dark spiderman

>> No.14153045

>It's about criticizing power structures and showing how many things in the world around us actually exist on the basis of disguised, hard to see structures of authority.
Wow, I thought of that when I was in my teens. Is this the power of Foockolt?

>> No.14153079

Damn I didn't know pointing out the existence of asshole Nietzsche fans meant you snort ketamine. Jesus Christ anon.
Hey, wanna snort some ketamine with me? We can tattoo the other anon against his wishes and read Nietzsche together. You seem like a chill guy.

>> No.14153088

A joke would be in existence if you were not joking about the Ketamine request

>> No.14153101

You're really bent on 'owning' someone just for saying a lot of bad Nietzsche fans exist. I don't get it. You could be spending your time doing better things. You're just making yourself look like a seething pseud when you didn't have to.

>> No.14153105
File: 129 KB, 870x986, 69D36062-F8DB-4F9D-AE8E-CCC18E6A2570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what?, what does doing "better things" even mean?

>> No.14153113
File: 364 KB, 1125x550, 0CA76550-626E-496F-A3D9-2D85133B1660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could be doing better things
>takes the time to respond giving me the attention I seek from him

That cogwheel brain needs some oiling

>> No.14153115
File: 111 KB, 991x806, trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snorting ketamine

>> No.14153124

Oh I don't mean you could be doing better things the way you think. I mean you could be doing things that didn't make you look like an idiot. I might be wasting my time but I'm not stooping that low.

>> No.14153136

Why constitutes doing things that don’t make me look like an idiot?

I come to you my great Nietzsche loving fren

>> No.14153141

Based and clever joke pilled

>> No.14153188
File: 39 KB, 711x543, 71006442_2538681589558326_9116946977802682368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14153494

Perhaps I will check him out then. Thank you.

>> No.14153502

Lots of drugs and sex of all kinds. Fuck I wish I could’ve lived through the 70s n 80s

>> No.14154232

A woman or a gay midwit.

Foucault is based, but the most patrician philosopher is Althusser.

>> No.14154882
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Probably another faggot who has AIDS lmfao

>> No.14154946

A tranny from Virginia.

>> No.14155507 [DELETED] 

i feel personally attacked

>> No.14155894


>> No.14155922


>> No.14156021

>be gay sadomasochist
>spend life criticising the nature of social discourse as a tool for the perpetuation of power dynamics that suppress individual freedom through the labelling of traits such as homosexuality as unhealthy
>die of a disease overwhelmingly contracted by gay people due to the biologically unhealthy method of intercourse they engage in
What did he mean by this?

>> No.14157246

Neck yourself

>> No.14157405

Probably a neolib who pretends that he isn't. I don't have anything against Foucault though, he's actually one of the most readable non-fiction writers to me.

>> No.14157415

pretty much this

>> No.14157417

somebody who'd rationalise nearly any perversion imaginable especially the forbidden ones

>> No.14157425
File: 282 KB, 800x647, Pots and Pans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foucault is interesting, because the type of person who idolizes him seems to be EITHER
>Chad anarchist prone to sudden violence against those who he disagrees with, fucks whoever HE pleases, who mocks all the bankrupt norms of his day. closest thing to an ubermensch.
>"Muh diversity" brainlet.

Lterally all Foucaultians fall into these

>> No.14157433

someone who dresses very nicely and that gives off an aura of keen intellect, but is wearing adult diapers underneath the carefully crafted facade.

>> No.14157463

A cryptofascist