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14151061 No.14151061 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans obsessed with doing things? I don't mean creative things, because those are wonderful. Whenever you're with an American, they will always talk about how they don't have time to reflect. They always have an appointment, have to go to "the game", have to attend their second job in an hour, etc. What the fuck? It's as if they're afraid of confronting their own thoughts. All of the immigrants there get consumed by this way of acting and eventually become mindless drones as well. It's bizarre. Are there any books that discuss this?

>> No.14151079

Or maybe they actually have things to do. The regime and culture demands so, if they fail to have things to do, they will get outcompeted by those who do.

>> No.14151089

So they're essentially slaves? What about muh freedom?

>> No.14151091

That's protestantism. Read Weber. If you're bigbrained read the glorification of work by guenon.
>It's as if they're afraid of confronting their own thoughts.
Guenon will fit the bill then.

>> No.14151097

Capitalism has eroded all values of the American republic

>> No.14151101

Nietzsche also expands a bit on this particular subject but I can't recall where he does. By the way, I am a frenchman who lived in the US and this is exactly how I've come to feel about america and protestant ethics.

>> No.14151107

Protestant work ethic holds that time not spent working on [something] is time wasted and is therefore a sin because God only gave you limited time on this Earth to accomplish things. Spending time lounging around doing nothing is to waste and make a mockery of a sacred gift God gave you.

>> No.14151111

Capitalism stems directly from protestant work ethic, deeply ingrained into the american mindset. There is no external forces eroding american republic here, since america did this to itself.

>> No.14151113

Orthodox Liberal conception of freedom is different from actual freedom. Liberalism doesn't take in account any other un-freedom than physical violence.

>> No.14151114

We’re not obsessed. American culture just doesn’t put any value on free time like other cultures. You’ll see most time is utilized towards some extrinsic activity except for a an hour or two before a persons bed time. You could argue that modern Americans are truly busier than any other civilization beforehand. Not so much in the work solely performed, but the multitude of tasks which are also performed alongside the diminished work schedule. It’s your culture on post-modern capitalism

>> No.14151119

It's a choice to compete for the top spot, so I'd hardly call it slavery. It is certainly feasible to coast through life in America, and plenty of people do it, but they're hardly self-reflective individuals.

>> No.14151120

>unlike us Europeans who are nothing at all like Americans!

>> No.14151132

Americans live to work. Literal bugpeople almost comparable to chinks

>> No.14151138

>So they're essentially slaves?
That's a really brainlet way to look at survival. The entire world is competitive, America is just hyper-competitive. We're still unironically the most free nation in the first world, even though we grow less free every day.

>> No.14151149

Quints of truth. America has lost its moral self-confidence, and in doing so has allowed itself to be poisoned. Either an awakening will happen, or it will die.

>> No.14151150
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>sports are the most popular activity in america
tells you everything

>> No.14151151

>American culture just doesn’t put any value on free time like other cultures. You could argue that modern Americans are truly busier than any other civilization
And the american never stops to ask 'Why'. 'Why don't we value free time?' 'Why are we constantly busy?'. This is exactly what the OP was getting at. Americans don't think, really.

>> No.14151152

There are plenty of NEETs and other people such people in America, it's just that in America people hate them and consider them wastes of life and public funding while in other places people are more okay with fiscally aiding people who cannot provide anything to anyone.

>> No.14151154

that’s the opposite of what he was saying

>> No.14151155

Meant quads. I'm blind.

>> No.14151160

We know exactly why we're busy, though. We have tangible goals which can only be achieved by taking on many tasks. It hardly requires hours of thought by the fire to grasp that.

>> No.14151162

>We're still unironically the most free nation in the first world
Free nation, yes, since you are on the top of the food chain and get to tell others what to do. But not when it comes to the freedom of the individual or accountability of the state to the people, hell no.

>> No.14151163

don’t they have to keep competing Euro football fans on separate sides of the stadium in order to prevent riots?

>> No.14151165

So in America you're either a 24/7 working drone or a NEET?

>> No.14151170

pretty much, protestant work ethic encourages mentality of don't think, work.

>> No.14151171
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>> No.14151174

Honestly curious which countries you find to have greater freedom of the individual. I would be glad to move there.

>> No.14151176

this only happens in shithole countries like serbia, ukraine, greece etc.

>> No.14151179
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>> No.14151184

>muh fredums
America ruined the world with progressivism, "freedom", and democracy. A free world is a decrepit and degenerate one.
Disgusting cultureless retards

>> No.14151187

any country where you can build a house on your own without the government tearing it down after a few months because you didn't follow 42837482378492 regulations and pay $5000 for inspections

>> No.14151188

Yeah but the millions of shitskins are a worthy cause for their tax dollars. These people have no fucking control over anything and if you pay attention to the sentiments of boomers you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.14151196

Young zoomer nationalists mistakenly think they can right the massive sinking ship that is America. Nobody is in control. The Jews are the closest, but even they can't steer the ship completely. The country is like a massive economic meat grinder that constantly needs new bodies.

>> No.14151199

Pretty much most of EU, except Poland, Hungary and Britain.

>> No.14151202

In what way? When I compare regulations, the EU seems less free to me.

>> No.14151205

I had believed he was arguing against the notion that capitalism is the root of our decline due to the way he responded. Blaming our degeneration on capitalism is moronic, stoner drivel. Capitalism propelled the countey forward for most of its short life. I'm not even arguing its superiority, but merely its irrelevance to the erosiom of values of the American Republic.

>> No.14151211

You exaggerate. I know multiple people who've built their own homes, some of whom have not bothered to ask the government for permission. Even of those who did get the okay, my grandfather had multiple contractors work on it and submitted false plans to the city, so that he could keep his secret room full of gold and guns off the blueprints.

>> No.14151212

>they will always talk about how they don't have time to reflect. They always have an appointment, have to go to "the game", have to attend their second job in an hour, etc.
This is just normalfag culture in general now.

>> No.14151213
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 1573356574179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blaming our degeneration on capitalism is moronic, stoner drivel. Capitalism propelled the countey forward for most of its short life. I'm not even arguing its superiority, but merely its irrelevance to the erosiom of values of the American Republic.

>> No.14151217

Freedom of press, surveillance, drugs, what police can do, the stuff your boss can fire you for etc.

>> No.14151225


>> No.14151227

I can't stand this defeatist shit. I'm not even a zoomer. I know no one is truly in control but there are aspects of this shit show that can be exploited. I don't have delusions of a return to anything in the past, but you would be a cuckold of the spirit (spirit in the Nietzschean sense) if you settled for the choice between soft tyranny or shit tier civics. I grew up when this fucking country wasn't completely insane, before the police state. The zoomers know this as well, they know it wasn't always like this.

>> No.14151228

There are plenty of places in America where you can build whatever you want as long as you own the land. Here's one extreme example:

>> No.14151234

the balkans are no less of a shithole than midwestern america desu

>> No.14151235

You're mostly just naming categories, not anything specific. Again, when I look at the EU, they definitely don't seem as free when it comes to the press, their governments are just as likely to surveil their own population as the US, and at-will employment isn't really a matter of freedom. Frankly, if we want to talk about employment from the perspective of freedom specifically, being able to fire for a greater number of reasons is clearly a greater number of freedoms.

I'm not looking for a "better" country, I'm just curious to know which are genuinely less restrictive than the US. Outside of anarchic pseudo-countries in Africa, I struggle to think of any.

>> No.14151238
File: 211 KB, 1200x914, 1572302739486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah bro why don't you like just go 500 miles innawoods you've got freedom!!

>> No.14151245

Any city in the world is going to restrict your freedoms, m8. Except, I suppose, Stafford, TX, but they also don't have plumbing.

>> No.14151248
File: 24 KB, 384x395, 1445766574241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frankly, if we want to talk about employment from the perspective of freedom specifically, being able to fire for a greater number of reasons is clearly a greater number of freedoms.

>> No.14151257

"Free" does not mean "good." It means without restrictions. A government that restricts an employer's options is obviously less free than one that does not. You can always just accept that your country is not as free as the US and that you prefer it that way. There's nothing wrong with that. Freedom is often unpleasant.

>> No.14151259

>You have to travel to Alaskan wilderness just to escape the mammy rule of shit tier and dystopian burger cities or cultureless suburbs. And then you have to physically own the land and pay taxes on it, to be free.
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.14151260

>muh flyovers
Just because we don't have legalized sodomy in the streets and pretentious sushi bars every block doesn't mean it's a shithole, onionsboy.

>> No.14151264

How many nations which have a siesta in their culture have put a flag on a celestial body?

>> No.14151268

>Our contemporaries have lost the faculty to contemplate things. They have unlearned the art of intelligently wasting one's time. [...] Only the man who stays removed [from work], who doesn't do like the others, keeps the faculty of being able to really understand things. It's not really modern at all of me to say this, but Antiquity has lived entirely with this idea. Today is it impossible. It's a position that no longer makes sense to people today. But, anyway, this world will perish, that there is no doubt about.

>> No.14151269

I don't think you've said yet where you live that allows you to build on land you don't own in the city without following any regulations.

>> No.14151276

You cite employers being able to fire people at will as a sign of freedom but will completely ignore >>14151257

Why are so many Americans bootlickers? Would you let Jeff Bezos fuck your wife for an Amazon internship?

>> No.14151279

Aloha, broha. Out here in Hawaii we have a different way of operating. Wake up, hit the beach, surf, relax with friends, sleep, repeat.

>> No.14151281

Pissing Contest. If you don't JUST DO IT then your balls shrivel up, your dick retracts and you get eternally buttfucked by the man

>> No.14151284

*but will completely ignore >>14151259

>> No.14151285

I think you messed up your second quote there. I'll respond to whatever you think I'm ignoring.

>> No.14151292

>Freedom of Press
Look into what happened to Daphne Caruana Galizia if you think the EU is press friendly.
A fair point.
>What police can do
It is legal in some states to kill the police if they try to fuck with you. Some states will arrest federal agents if they to try to oppress people on their territory too, such as Alaska.
>The stuff your boss can fire you for
Not every state is right to work.

>> No.14151304

I bet you are one of those people who sobs whenever "muh postmodern buildings" are erected in European cities.

>> No.14151310

>You're mostly just naming categories, not anything specific.
Yes, because USA is overall worse in those categories. USA has Patriot Act, it is jailing Assange for journalism and it has notoriously violent police force ready to bully people over nothing.

>being able to fire for a greater number of reasons is clearly a greater number of freedoms.
That's freedom for the employer (few powerful people) to restrict freedom of the many. Despite what you were told, the goverment isn't the only one who can restrict individual freedom, when employers spy on employees private life and then fire them over it, that's restricting individual freedom as well.

>I'm just curious to know which are genuinely less restrictive than the US
I could legally drink a beer at the age of 18 in public without a paper bag over it. So here's a practical example.

>> No.14151311

Ah. Well, I guess all I have to say to that is I'm not sure where I could go that would be better. What cities don't impose regulations on building? What countries allow you to build on land you don't own? What countries have no taxes?
Also, I don't believe I've ever said or implied that at-will employment is inherently good. I've just noted that it's obviously freer. I'm curious why you react so negatively to being told you don't actually care for freedom in this case.

>> No.14151314


>> No.14151323

>>It's as if they're afraid of confronting their own thoughts.
>Guenon will fit the bill then.
Do you mean "The glorification of work"?

>> No.14151329

eurofags are the most annoying group on the internet

>> No.14151330


Why be his teats so pricky

>> No.14151340

>That's freedom for the employer (few powerful people) to restrict freedom of the many
But that is precisely what the american considers "freedom". You musn't forget that America in its essence is a corporatocracy, that's why for the American freedom = unrestricted capitalism.

>> No.14151347

>Despite what you were told, the goverment isn't the only one who can restrict individual freedom
This is a reasonable opinion to hold, I guess I just don't personally buy it. It seems more analogous to freedom than actually freedom itself. Like when people call words violence and expect me to take it as seriously as physical assault. Freedom of Association seems to me more clearly a form of freedom than the right to work for an employer who doesn't want to have you.

>> No.14151352

So why do you think being able to build whatever you want wherever you want is a good thing? Limiting what people can do in some areas makes sense because it prevents people from propping up eyesores that bother everyone else or creating deathtraps that could hurt people. It makes sense to have to move somewhere remote if you want to have total freedom to build what you want. This freedom exists in the USA, you just can't do it in a place where a lot of other people live. If you want to build an ugly deathtrap you can do so as long as it's not a major population center.

I think that thing is free, actually. You could freely build things wherever you wanted in Alaska up until 1986. Free homesteading was banned under environmentalist pressure to keep people from ruining pristine areas. Some historic homesteads in Alaska are big enough for you to build an entire town on them.

>> No.14151362

>sport bad
>reading good

>> No.14151369

Freedom for the American is having the ability to sign up for the military, getting sent overseas to die for global shipping lanes by a parasitic ruling class, and then having your picture displayed on a 400" 1080p monitor in a football stadium while thousands of monkeys clap in your honor and praise the military.

>> No.14151405

No they're actually much wealthier than you. They're just not broke faggots

>> No.14151419

Americans contemplate while watching the game, waiting for appointments or doing some other task requiring low mental effort. At least before the smartphone offered a constant portal of distraction.

They just prioritize working towards their goals as opposed to constantly reevaluating them and achieving nothing.

>> No.14151435

>So why do you think being able to build whatever you want wherever you want is a good thing?
Do you not realize how you've twisted the argument to suit your liking? Do you know how the American home construction process works? I'll admit it isn't just taking place in America, but I personally have experience with it here so I'll bite. Some rural areas are free of this, but that's the innawoods argument once again. The majority of the nation is restricted severely when building a home.

It's not about "durrr building whatever wherever." The home building process is intentionally made difficult for the benefit of contractors and material suppliers. You're almost forced to build a certain way in the majority of the nation. Safety codes are good, and nobody is debating them. It's not about safety though. In a lot of areas near me, you HAVE to build a home that resembles others. Even if you buy a few acres or whatever out of the suburbs, some counties make it so that your home has to meet certain building requirements. Some building departments for certain zones, even outside of city limits, have retarded fucking restrictions like "Minimum 2000 sq. ft." or whatever. If you want to do some custom build that isn't stick-and-drywall, get ready to pay for permits and all sorts of shit. Tell me what kind of freedom loving country makes it so you can't build a small home for a cheap price on YOUR OWN LAND in most of the nation? The fucking government has a gorillion restrictions for YOUR OWN LAND that you have to suck their dick to do anything. You're fucking retarded if you don't understand just how far the government has its fist up the ass of the average American. The home building industry is not designed for the average Joe to be able to build a home for himself or his family, but to enrich the pockets of contractors and building departments. Don't have $150-300k to dish out for building a home through The Process™? Tough luck, bucko.

>> No.14151439

If America is apex unthinking, what would apex non-thinking look like on a societal level?

>> No.14151462

What you're describing is basically true across all first world nations. The EU is getting more restrictive as they add extra environmental codes on top of all the safety ones. The only escape is rural, and it's easier to do that in the midwest than probably anywhere else, though I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

>> No.14151472

Absolutely. I live in the Midwest. The fact remains that the technological system is suppressing freedom everywhere. I can only describe what's happening here though, since I don't live in Europe. In comparison to some of the rural areas of "backwards" Europe, in central and east, we have very little freedom when it comes to home-building.

>> No.14151481

And that's largely because there is little government oversight in general there. There are only two options, innawoods or the boot.

>> No.14151486

It could change in the future, you never know.

>> No.14151502

I've said it above that the liberal ontology is no longer fit to accurately describe the world. Employer firing employees over refusal to get chipped might be considered "freedom" according to that worldview. Essentially people might end up with corporations monitoring employee location, their personal conversation, bathroom habits and even emotions and call it freedom, while barring employers fron enforcing such measures would be called "unfreedom".

>> No.14151507

>have to attend their second job in an hour
I don't even disagree with you, but how is this not an excuse for not having time? A man's gotta eat

>> No.14151517

Ellul is way too based for this board.

>> No.14151531

>a man's gotta eat
yeah but a lot of americans work just to work and praise work for its own sake
I don't have anything against people who work as a means to an end, but there are so many individuals who would be well off with just a 40-hour work week but choose to grind for 60-70 hours every week just amassing shekels for no reason other than being able to look at their bank account and admire it as if life was runescape
I know many such individuals, but hey to each their own I guess

>> No.14151535
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I'm moving to the French countryside bros. Life is extremely slow, people still maintain manners, and you're surrounded by what medieval and Enlightenment man toiled so hard and so great to leave behind.

Rural Spain is also like this to some degree, but much more decrepit.

>> No.14151563

Literally just highly competitive capitalism, which is sad.

>> No.14151589

Surrogate activities

>> No.14151608

America has always been a pragmatistic culture. The whole promise of America is that you can come here and make something of yourself--that is make something happen through the sweat of your brow. Capitalistic enterprise, abundant natural resources, an avid business culture, a spirit of entrepreneurship. These are founding American ideals.

Of course there is a dark side to this arrangement. Not everyone is cut out to be a captain of industry. And the system exploits those who aren't but fancy they are. The whole ideology of "work hard and you will be rewarded" is betrayed by those Americans who labor intensely only to merely get by. The system is built to reward either the extraordinarily talented and driven or the extraordinarily lucky .

>> No.14151618


>> No.14151625

Americans lack the IQ and will power to think for their own.

>> No.14151631

Introspection isn't productive and doesn't make you any money.
Evola has something to say about Americans, that might answer your question:
> “America ... has created a 'civilization' that represents an exact contradiction of the ancient European tradition. It has introduced the religion of praxis and productivity; it has put the quest for profit, great industrial production, and mechanical, visible, and quantitative achievements over any other interest. It has generated a soulless greatness of a purely technological and collective nature, lacking any background of transcendence, inner light, and true spirituality. America has [built a society where] man becomes a mere instrument of production and material productivity within a conformist social conglomerate”

>> No.14151632
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Or in other words, self-flagellation as a form of strength. Modern man views himself as an abstraction to be moulded by further abstraction, and technical rationalisation creates a machinic movement of the hidden which can be endlessly calculated against nothingness. Classification of experience allows the individual to trace an image of his own completion, he must master all of his functions in the world of work and culture. This creates essence where he feels it has been lost; yet it is also a form of conversion and uplifting of the lowest types, the material which has been deprived of the magic of life. Hence the destruction of material, and the endless lists of events, products, tragedies, friends, personal histories of those who would otherwise be left unknown. They appear in the same manner as the Catalogue of Ships in the Iliad, a cult of death.

Material is revivified, and the abstract being must lay the ground for what he can no longer become. Culture is nothing more than a function, and there is no other possibility for the society of nations to finalise itself - law determines an equality of each type, but also a hidden ideal to which the individual must carve himself out. This is the paradox, both simplicity and impossible competitiveness, ugliness and a devastating capacity for insight. Christian morality returns to the origins of force.

This is stamped into the genetics of modern physiognomy, the miseryguts cries out in joy like a woman. Unity must be maintained even as all things are destroyed, a sense of peace must be written into myth even as nuclear holocaust would have been a mercy. Uranium rods are injected into the asses and lips of women to keep them beautifully in wonder and pain. Some unknown material keeps the men's jaws pinned to the floor. Empathy becomes the last colosseum of gladiators, the greatest architectural project of a post-material world turns synthetic biology into a universal value.

>> No.14151640

In some ways, yes. In the small time I've spent in China, neurotic is not a vice I would collectively assign Chinese people when I could do so elsewhere. I'm not sure I would say it's as profound as American unthinking. Maybe it's because non-thinking is a skill rather than a vice, so it requires choice.

>> No.14151648

Communism exists as the train relay station between soft nature and the call of peace in the forming city; capitalism exists as the running of timetables, drafts, and inventory through a nature which seeks its own devastation through vastness. The Russian Soul and the American Soul reduced to trinkets. Life is classification, the misery of taxonomy until man becomes the World Tree of his own life. He cannot die because his tasks are endless, thus he accepts death at his birth and is willless in his own sacrifice along with all of the unborn, the precorpse allotted by the collective womb.

Capital is little more than a classification of classification, a taxonomy of disappearing material, urn burials for that which may never die and will never be worthy of contemplation let alone cults of death. It is the market of rational man, the saleability of what would otherwise never be sold. Bare functionalism creates its own necessity: suicide seeds can never be winnowed, thus their endless mysteries.

A denial of the war economy of human abstraction.


>> No.14151858

What I've noticed with people I know over the years is that as they've gradually made more money, they found ways to spend it, so they always feel like they're just staying afloat. I don't mean they're extravagant; they just buy higher quality or pinch pennies less. My brother just got new vehicles for himself and his wife. Ten years ago he wouldn't have bought both in one year; he would have spread those expenses out. His income has increased, so now he doesn't have to.

There are lots of little things: spending more on gifts for others, buying better clothes, better diet, whatever. Nothing that makes a person feel rich, but it uses up the money.

>> No.14151896

In france it's illegal to overwork lol. and indirectly for liberal professions and entrepreneurship too, you will be taxed to death so the 10 extra hours you put in a week end up as tax. It's hell but the entire west is hell, might as well enjoy the decline of civilization working 39h a week.

>> No.14151902
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>go to Europe
>nobody does anything
What the fuck

>> No.14151903
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based and specialists-without-spirit-pilled

>> No.14151921

Don't you mean it rewards the sociopaths who know how to best work the system?

>> No.14151969

There is some sense to that. Americans continuing to get themselves 50-60 hour weeks are diminishing the value of their labor because their employer knows he can budget for that much more productivity from each employee rather than seeking to offer proportional compensation for going above and beyond.

>> No.14151985

Every American knows they want to be rich, good looking. Do they really need to think much else except about how to achieve those goals?

>> No.14152000

I'd argue that is intrinsically unhealthy rather than a different-but-equal approach. We've known for all of history that humans require quiet time/relaxation/reflection for any degree of health. Prots claiming they can reinvent the wheel through faith are a historical abberation.

>> No.14152112

We’re slaves and have to do their bidding
There we go.
That’s a brainlet take, anon. Survival is not on the minds of our master class. We end up on the streets unless we do as they say, but there are better ways to “survive”.
This world, this liberal capitalist world is definitely not free. It costs. A lot!
>we grow less free every day.
It is getting worse, isn’t it.

>> No.14152153

>t. soulless chinese bugmen

>> No.14152175

I just don't want to reach death without becoming as skilled as I can.
Once all your needs are accounted for, your thoughts turn to the legacy you'll leave behind.

>> No.14152179

Because American culture is product consumption and careerism. It’s pretty disgusting actually.

>> No.14152197

Americans are involved in an Imperial culture that has little regard for those who don't work and has high selection pressures for success, regardless of who's left behind or alienated or whatnot. It's just a more obfuscated process than a country like say China. Imperial cultures make high demands on people and require they consume and reproduce economically rapidly.

>> No.14152198

Americans glorify work for the sake of work. To a degree they consider money making, materialism, and consumption to be the purpose of work (which is nearly as disgusting), but for the most part Americans consider work itself to the point of work. In America you’re measured by either how much money you make or how hard you work even if both of them are completely pointless.

>> No.14152214

Forward into what? A giant mass of strip malls devoid of any art, culture, or appreciation of anything beyond money making?

>> No.14152221

This is to generalize too much, since it depends on the class associated with particular denominations & congregations: The more intellect & foresight the work demands, the more reflection is tolerated as necessary to its development. Of course this still subordinates play to work, and too readily accommodates the lust for arbitrary power as an end in itself, but at least it also fosters criticism of thoroughly mindless dogmatism of a more Oriental sort, whether that be of pure proles of the Evangelical Right, or the pop-culture plebs of the Left, which both resemble one another much more than they differ by cognitive style & habits.

>> No.14152226

>I'm not even arguing its superiority, but merely its irrelevance to the erosiom of values of the American Republic.

Founding Fathers were warning about financial interests taking over this country from the shadows since its literal birth. An American's favorite flavor of ice cream is BOOT lmao

>> No.14152229

I don’t understand the question. Do non-Americans spend large amounts of time staring at the wall, watching paint dry? How is it strange or abnormal to do things?

>> No.14152265

t. poor

>> No.14152282

You can't make this shit up.

>> No.14152283

The zoomer brain sees metaphysics as a loot box.

>> No.14152316

Sociopathy and leadership skills have been known to correlate. Competition is catnip to sociopaths, so yes.

I agree. There's lots of research about how we are only truly productive for about 4 hours out of a workday. And more and more Americans are working for less and less. The disenfranchisement of labor is almost total. Americans have fewer guaranteed benefits and are more dependent on the company they work at for outcomes than any other developed country.

>> No.14152337

Consider that their men get circumcised, despite their alleged religion banning it as a mark of slavery.

>> No.14152394

Because the US was the first nation to effectively implement Nietzsche's ideas, one of which was the idea that action is the basis of value for all thought—thoughts that come from actions and that lead to actions are the most valuable (which he actually just got from Emerson).

Americans also aren't "mindless drones." They are extremely critical and opinionated. The American aristocracy is so powerful that it has controlled the cultural course of the globe for over a century.

>> No.14152403

This is an oversimplification of circumcision in Christianity. People in the early years of Christianity thought they could get bonus points with God if they got circumcised because it was a pretty quick and easy thing from the old testament. Some people made a lucrative business around doing this in barbaric and careless ways. So Paul had to go and say that you can't just arbitrarily pick what old testament rules you want to follow because it will not earn you any good boy points with God. Jesus' sacrifice had circumcised the believers in their heart and the physical sacrifice was no longer necessary. But it was never banned; some of the oldest Christian churches (Coptic and Ethiopian) have circumcised since inception.

>> No.14152406

>butterfly is a retard
hierarchy exists in literally everything, and the only reason we are enslaved is because we “owe” something to the government we were born under

>> No.14152409

Imagine believing this.

>> No.14152411

no you didn't brainlet, this country has been absolute dogshit since everyone collectively lost their minds about muh gommunism and now muh terrorism

>> No.14152420

It's not belief. I know it to be the case.

>> No.14152426

America isn't Nietzschean.

>> No.14152442

It is for now, and it has been for decades. When implemented, Nietzsche's ideas are extremely subtle. The aristocracy is strong and alive and the vast majority of the country isn't aware of how it looks, which is what he wanted.

>> No.14152449


>> No.14152454

The American military has been the strongest military for decades and American culture has been adopted worldwide by more people than any other culture. Why do you think that is?

>> No.14152465

America hasn't had a real aristocracy since the Confederacy ceased to exist. The American upper class and lower class have the same taste in arts and culture, it's just that one has more money to spend than the other.

>> No.14152471

>America hasn't had a real aristocracy since the Confederacy ceased to exist.
t. either some guy living in a flyover state, a poor person living in a coastal state, or a foreigner

>> No.14152488
File: 789 KB, 718x404, hamburglar meets freedumb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche's ideas are extremely subtle, he was the first burgerpunk, mcDs is the ubermensch

>> No.14152495
File: 1002 KB, 460x460, spray lawn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are Americans

>> No.14152498

Has nothing substantively to do with Nietzsche's ideas.

>> No.14152500

You have never been to a country that has a real aristocracy or high/low culture divide. American aristocracy lives in McMansions and wastes money on juice cleanses and chia seeds instead of eating twinkies while living in a cardboard shed, not like in the old world where the aristocracy funds high art and has been doing so for generations.

>> No.14152501

Law enforcement are silver ranks.

>> No.14152507
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>The aristocracy is strong and alive

>> No.14152521

>The American military has been the strongest military for decades
Jesus. Try winning your first war.
Your empire collapsed because of a strongly worded letter from a Russian.

>> No.14152527

Has everything to do with it, because America quickly became the national model that Nietzsche had proposed. Hitler himself even started to admit this and admire the Americans near the end of his career.

America has a real aristocracy and an extraordinary high/low culture divide. The difference is that it's invisible to the low culture, which is precisely why it ended up dominating the whole world. You think like the Nazis did, you lack subtlety and any sense for it and think an aristocracy must make itself known to the lower culture in order to be valid and have value.

>> No.14152537

Americans should be banned from reading Nietzsche 'til they're at least 40. This is embarrassing.

>> No.14152550

>Has everything to do with it, because America quickly became the national model that Nietzsche had proposed. Hitler himself even started to admit this and admire the Americans near the end of his career.

Nietzsche was at best ambivalent about democracy and at worst absolutely despised it, and even in the early stages of America he noticed the beginnings of protestant capitalism and was displeased with it. It's because this system incentivizes financial kleptocratic elites rather than warrior aristocrats which Nietzsche valued. Nietzsche was less interested in analyzing power dynamics of existing institutions than he was in analyzing the root of what could be powerful. Liberal governments would never follow this.

>> No.14152552

How much late Nietzsche have you read? Have you read everything from TSZ onward and all his unpublished notes like I have? The mark of a true aristocracy is its ability to play the role of a chameleon, a sentiment directly from Nietzsche.

>> No.14152553

Americans think they have goals. In reality they pursue materialist ideals that are impressed upon them and in lieu of those ideals, they trick themselves into believing they have goals and are achieving them by simply keeping busy and working at something. Americans are obsessed with careers and hobbies. Neither of which are of any real importance and this ties back to the American conception of freedom. He is free to buy this truck or that truck. He is free to be a fan of this team or that team. He is free to spend his time on this hobby or that hobby. Basically, he is completely free to pursue those things which are of no real importance. We should be clear though that Americanism is just the extreme extrapolation of the European condition in the modern era. Western man with his relentless pursuit of strictly profane science his removal from the natural world via technology is left desperately longing for something other. Being convinced that no higher order than what is material before him exists, he seeks to fill the gap with work and sensual indulgence of various forms.

>> No.14152555
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>extraordinary high/low culture divide

>> No.14152559

The American aristocracy implemented democracy, but it's not democratic itself.

>> No.14152565

>How much late Nietzsche have you read? Have you read everything from TSZ onward and all his unpublished notes like I have? The mark of a true aristocracy is its ability to play the role of a chameleon, a sentiment directly from Nietzsche.

Enough to know America consummates the nihilism Nietzsche hated it

>> No.14152569

"Playing a chameleon" only insofar as it represents a society without class-warfare aka good governance. It doesn't mean blending in with the proles or informal authority.

>> No.14152581

What are you focusing on to make you think that?

Yeah. Becoming invisible and preventing the lower castes from noticing the health of the higher castes, that's the duty of the aristocracy in order to maintain itself and the divide between it and everything lower.

>> No.14152622

explain this video

>> No.14152625

boomers have poor reasoning because lead in the water gave them brain damage

>> No.14152639

>rural good
>enlightenmentists good
kys amerigoblo. you still don't get it

>> No.14152645

Trump is a mook who had a rich daddy and didn't even win the popular vote. He's a likable enough guy when he isn't president, but he's a terrible reference point in this discussion.

>> No.14152679

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