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14149232 No.14149232[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is what Jordan Peterson made his daughter take for her illnesses.

She has now left her husband and child for a pornstar kickboxer (Andrew Tate).

Why would you read advice from a guy who couldn't even father his own children?

>> No.14149234 [DELETED] 

New "friend" after her divorce.

>> No.14149238
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Here's her new "friend" after her divorce.

>> No.14149254

>/lit/ - E-celebs and degenerates
Delete yourself OP.

>> No.14149258

>taking any opportunity to hate women

Stay classy 4chan

>> No.14149264

if you weren't an illiterate retard, you'd realize this list is fairly unspectacular list for modern man.

>> No.14149265

Sorry but this is about Jordan "father simulator" Peterson. You guys are in love with him when he's a terrible father irl.

>> No.14149267

>This is your brain on Big Pharma

>> No.14149271

go post on facebook about not-masturbating or whatever it is you youtube-rightwingers are doing.

>> No.14149275

Nothing in the catalog until you came along

>> No.14149277

Say what you want, his daughter's retarded career/lifestyle choices are very bad for his publicity, but she's an adult, so blaming JP for it is pretty irrational.

>> No.14149279


>You guys are in love with him

Literally not a single person here is

>> No.14149282

Add gorilla dick daddy to that list now

>> No.14149290

It all comes down to how she was raised.

>> No.14149298

Post source

>> No.14149301
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>> No.14149311


>> No.14149313

What do you mean by irrational? Obviously the way a child turns out suggests something about the parent. It's irrational to discard this fact because you have a commitment to overblown notions of individualism and personal responsibility. People develop in relation to other people, and in particular the primary relationships, such as father-daughter, determine a person's character and behaviour, and if this is how this fine young lady has turned out with a primary relationship with Jordan Peterson, it definitely provides a commentary on him.

>> No.14149316

He surely doesn't respect anti-manspreading laws

>> No.14149324

Unless you actually abuse the kid i dont think parents have that much impact on their children. Twins separated at birth seem to end up pretty similarly on average

>> No.14149334
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>that's when i met sam harris

>yes you see i completely lost a debate so i'm gonna make up a story about how i was 25 days deprived of sleep

>> No.14149336

You're a shill or insane. This is not normal in any way.

>> No.14149339

>Unless you actually abuse the kid
but he did. how is shoving all those pills not abuse?

>Twins separated at birth seem to end up pretty similarly on average
i see you've just read a basic psychology book or wikipedia article on nature vs nurture. good start, but you don't actually understand what twin studies mean.

>> No.14149343

damn are you dumb? parents are the biggest role models you get in your childhood. What they do and what they don’t do has consequences in the psyche of a child.

>> No.14149345

> never, ever, ever give a hint of ever questioning a woman's judgement, because that is HATE with a capital 'H'
I'll gladly fund a Patreon on you killing yourself.

>> No.14149347

>fairly unspectacular list for modern man
For some definition of 'man', yes.

Also, I see some anti-suicide sedation pills, but where's the onions and androgen blockers?

>> No.14149356

Didn't she had some major hip/bones problem for most of her life? I don't think anyone would be surprised by the amount of meds she'd have taken given the circumstances.

>> No.14149371

She already got divorced? I didn't even know she was married, just that a couple of years ago she was pregnant.
Ironic how Peterson raves against single moms and it looks like his daughter is about to head that way, kek.

>> No.14149397

she seems to be a vapid whore, not just your average person dealing with the hardships of relationship.
that tends to happen when so much money and literally your whole livelihood is served to you on a silver platter. better write another book jordan, your daughter needs more designer bikinis and rare steaks

>> No.14149404

>i dont think parents have that much impact on their children
Even if you discard education and upbringing,. parent still has at least 50 percent influence on the offspring iven how half on the genetic code of the offspring comes from the parent.
To suggest that parents have nothing to do with how their children turn out is insane.

>> No.14149434

>uses impact because he's unsure effect/affect
Who are you going to blame your retardation on if not your parents, retard?

>> No.14149440

Not him but this is the definition of projecting lmao imagine actually typing that shit out.

>> No.14149446


>> No.14149453
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Psychology/Psychoanalysis is a jewish scam made by sigmund freud

>Wash yo ass and room
>didnt work?
>thanks for buying my books, giving money on pateron, comming to my intellectual masturbation sessions etc etc

>> No.14149465
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tfw nopill

>> No.14149469

>herpes as a woman

This cervical cancer in the future

>> No.14149470

A rotten tree produces rotten fruit. The parent is responsible. Read St. Alphonsus's on the education of children. If peterson led a completely pious life, he would still go to hell on account of raising his daughter poorly.

>> No.14149503 [DELETED] 

>i dont think parents have that much impact on their children
Are you high? Genetics, phenotype and prenatal environment have enormous, crucial influence on the whole life of the child.

>> No.14149505

>Are you high?
He's high on the belief in religion. Religion is opium for the masses

You sound like a stinky stem retard

>> No.14149512
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>wash you ass

>> No.14149513

Literally why the fuck are commies so pathologically obsessed with this guy? No one else cares.

>> No.14149522
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buy my 12 rules fo lyfe nigger, who are u? a nobody. i know more about life. im a psychologist, 200 an hour nigger. pay me or suffer lolol

>> No.14149523

The overwhelming majority of mass shooters were raised by single mothers

>> No.14149525

Stop posting that demonic piece of shit

>> No.14149530

no i wont. religious nut. crossianity has a billion+ followers already. what are u scared off?

>> No.14149535

You might be thinking of the wrong board. Nobody here idolizes Peterson.

This thread has nothing to do with literature, by the way.

>> No.14149563

>Get your life in order before criticising others
That's what gets them the most, whenever it comes up in a news segment or discussion they always lose their minds.

>> No.14149576

Not what behavioral genetics and psychology says

>> No.14149592

you don't understand behavioural genetics. when you look at twin studies what the findings show is that on AVERAGE, twins raised apart will have similar outcomes in life despite having different parents. this means that genetics play an important role. except this is just an average: when you compare good parenting to bad parenting, similarly, on average, those who's parents didn't abuse them, neglect them, or exhibit dysfunction had much better life outcomes.

>> No.14149613

Jordan Peterson explained how Mikhaila’s experience had convinced him to eliminate everything but meat and leafy greens from his diet, and that in the last two months he had gone full meat and eliminated vegetables. Since he changed his diet, his laundry list of maladies has disappeared, he told Rogan. His lifelong depression, anxiety, gastric reflux (and associated snoring), inability to wake up in the mornings, psoriasis, gingivitis, floaters in his right eye, numbness on the sides of his legs, problems with mood regulation—all of it is gone, and he attributes it to the diet.

“I’m certainly intellectually at my best,” he said. “I’m stronger, I can swim better, and my gum disease is gone. It’s like, what the hell?”

“Do you take any vitamins?” asked Rogan.

“No. No, I eat beef and salt and water. That’s it. And I never cheat. Ever. Not even a little bit.”

“No soda, no wine?”

“I drink club soda.”

“Well, that’s still water.”

“Well, when you’re down to that level, no, it’s not, Joe. There’s club soda, which is really bubbly. There’s Perrier, which is sort of bubbly. There’s flat water, and there’s hot water. Those distinctions start to become important.”

Peterson reiterated several times that he is not giving dietary advice, but said that many attendees of his recent speaking tour have come up to him and said the diet is working for them. The takeaway for listeners is that it worked for Peterson, and so it may work for them. Rogan also clarified that though he is also not an expert, he is fascinated by the fact that he hasn’t heard any negative stories about people who have started the all-meat diet.

“Well, I have a negative story,” said Peterson. “Both Mikhaila and I noticed that when we restricted our diet and then ate something we weren’t supposed to, the reaction was absolutely catastrophic.” He gives the example of having had some apple cider and subsequently being incapacitated for a month by what he believes was an inflammatory response.

“You were done for a month?”

“Oh yeah, it took me out for a month. It was awful ...”

“Apple cider? What was it doing to you?”

“It produced an overwhelming sense of impending doom. I seriously mean overwhelming. There’s no way I could’ve lived like that. But see, Mikhaila knew by then that it would probably only last a month.”

“A month? From fucking cider?”

“I didn’t sleep that month for 25 days. I didn’t sleep at all for 25 days.”

“What? How is that possible?”

“I’ll tell you how it’s possible: You lay in bed frozen in something approximating terror for eight hours. And then you get up.”

The longest recorded stretch of sleeplessness in a human is 11 days, witnessed by a Stanford research team.

>> No.14149657

Just like to point out valacyclovir is the generic version of Valtrex and she's not taking Vyvanse and act-amphetamine at the same time. The escitalopram dose is 20 mg not 100 mg. Oh noes :'(

>> No.14149663

Far as I've seen no board except /pol/ likes memerson

>> No.14149678

pol doesn't like peterson.
Fuck i hate twitter trannies like you.

>> No.14149681

>anti-suicide sedation pills
That doesn't even exist as a category

>> No.14149702

This list is pretty ridiculous but codeine is hardly an opiate

>> No.14149713

That anecdote always sounded really fishy to me. And even if it is completely true, that actually makes me very wary of keto diets. On one hand, it seemingly solved every single illness he ever had, but on the other hand, for straying from it for the tiniest bit it fucked him up more massively than any illness he had before. Not sure if the pros out weight the cons here.

>> No.14149714

omg is Daddy Jordan dyspeptic?

>> No.14149728
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This is what you get when you trust wahmen.

If you cucks would have read the rational male by Rollo Tommasi, none of this would have happened. Stay cucked, betas, while I fuck your LTR.

>> No.14149732

He's lying, either intentionally or not.

>> No.14149734

>“Well, when you’re down to that level, no, it’s not, Joe. There’s club soda, which is really bubbly. There’s Perrier, which is sort of bubbly. There’s flat water, and there’s hot water. Those distinctions start to become important.”

>> No.14149747

But for what purpose would he intentionally lie about it though?

>> No.14149771

I think he's a habitual liar. There is no purpose to it. Look at how he starts the conversation saying "No. No, I eat beef and salt and water. That’s it. And I never cheat. Ever. Not even a little bit." which he immediately follows up with an anecdote about how he cheated on his diet. He could also just be genuinely crazy which isn't a crazy notion considering all the evidence.

>> No.14149784

Thanks for the rec

>> No.14149787

Just report the thread. The mods will clean it up.

>> No.14149789

Surely diet can't have that much of an effect?

>> No.14149797

actual meme science

>> No.14149799

I believe that the guy really did spend weeks eating nothing but beef, salt, and water. He is clearly slightly insane, although with this news coming out recently that he's been abusing Benzos forever it could be mostly that, benzos are no joke.

>> No.14149814

No, it can't. You might see some drastic changes if you go from really unhealthy to primarily vegetables, but not from an all meat diet. He's probably not eating nothing but meat either because that would eventually cause some serious vitamin deficiencies, leading to some wonderful things like liver damage or blindness. Any benefits he's seeing is purely psychosomatic.

>> No.14149842

I was thinking that too. I tried to cure a skin problem I had with one of these diets and it didn't work.

>> No.14149855

how the fuck do you know, it's not like nutrition and its impact on the mind is well understood at all

>> No.14149876

We have a pretty good understanding of nutrition and it's relation to certain diseases and pain. He probably does feel that his diet is making him happier and healthier, but it physically isn't. It's purely mental, like a placebo. I know he's lying because he's making claims that are empirically false. He claims to have stayed awake for 25 days straight when there has been no observed instance of a human staying awake for more than 11 days. A change in diet will never remove floaters in your eye. It is physically impossible. The guy is a nut.

>> No.14149889

I want whatever cider he’s drinking

>> No.14149902

I think it’s more about discipline in your daily life than the actual diet. You have to eat good food too of course.

>> No.14149906


>Peterson's daughter is getting banged by ofwudan

not sure if this is a modern day tragedy or hilarious. why do the petersons love hierarchy so much?

>> No.14149916

>Why would you read advice from a guy who couldn't even father his own children?
Well, if you look at the people who people take advice from usually (Hollywood stars, journalists), they are not exactly known to do well in the whole parenting thing (or in the live their own life well thing).

>> No.14149918

>Why would you read advice from a guy who couldn't even father his own children
Her online profile is precisely why I've paid no mind to Peterson either way.

>> No.14149924

Try to avoid reading books written by psychologists who were probably bad parents and conduct studies that will let them off the hook and feel less guilt about neglecting their kids in lieu of career.

>> No.14149928

You should avoid psychologists in general. It's a Jewish racket.

>> No.14149929

Sometimes, shit happen.
Marcus Aurelius had Commodus as a son.
Victoria and Albert had Edward VII as a son.
Augustus' daughter was Julia the Elder.

Some parenting styles are better than others, but sometimes even the best people have children who are not as good.

>> No.14149936

there's a new Book of Revelations interpretation in the modern day which states that Jordan B. Peterson drinking apple cider was the seventh seal.

>> No.14149945

Spoiling a kid - from what I have witnessed at my age nearing half a century - inflicts more harm on the child than abuse or neglect. They never mature or learn how to deal with the demands of others, of being an adult, or responsibility. Some can build a career but fail in their relationships, some do okay anyway because being spoiled was still balanced with expectations or standards, but many just flounder in life.

>> No.14149951

>Spoiling a kid - from what I have witnessed at my age nearing half a century - inflicts more harm on the child than abuse or neglect.
True, my brother was my dad's favorite and ended up becoming a fat NEET with a drug and a gambling problem (which my dad supported financially).

>> No.14149952

This is how God punishes heretics.

>> No.14149954

Diet has a profound effect on health. Rapid changes can trigger serious illness especially as one hits middle age.

>> No.14149956


this has nothing to do with an 'all meat' diet being the correct one, and everything to do with taking so many pharmaceuticals that you've completely bombed out your body's harmony and natural response mechanisms. if you have to learn one single thing from peterson, it is DO NOT LET YOURSELF BE A GUINEA PIG FOR THESE DRUG COMPANIES

>> No.14149972

go back to /pol/

>> No.14149979

This has to be bait. I'm not on any prescription medicine whatsoever and I don't beleive that I am remarkable in this respect. But then again im not American.

>> No.14149982

>It’s like, what the hell?
Truly an intellectual titan

>> No.14149987

So what you're saying you lack the financial means for proper medical care.

>> No.14149988

>The longest recorded stretch of sleeplessness in a human is 11 days
what about people with fatal insomnia? they go for longer. also most people don't spend their nights in a lab. I do agree that 25 days is insane and unlikely, but I don't think he's lying about his subjective experience. as we know, that's often bullshit, but the person still believes it. especially when it comes to extreme sleep deprivation, where all your faculties are radically diminished. longest I ever went was 3 days straight, and it's unlike any experience in normal waking every day life. by the end of it, I couldn't see well and I was too tired to get off the chair and move 5 feet to my bed, much less think. there was just my blank mind and a general sensation of weakness in my body. my perception of time was out the window too.

>> No.14149989

Don't worry, it's not true. Keto diets are fine. Keto also isn't "steak and water" like he claimed to be doing. That would be an extreme and unnecessary caricature of it that he came up with for attention.

>> No.14149992

>inflects more harm than abuse or neglect

>> No.14149995

Both adderall and vyvanse? Jesus

>> No.14150001

This very podcast was the last straw for me. I couldnt take him seriously after this. IIRC he also said some stupid shit about how he gained 30lbs of muscle in a month when he was a teenager.

>> No.14150003


its the lack of basic rigor. we've all been sick and slept while unable to get to a decent deep sleep. is that what he meant? or did he mean that he literally stared at the ceiling when he went to bed for nearly a month? how did a single serving of apple cider vinegar cause his sickness? if it geniunely did trigger it, what was the underlying cause? it is not something that you can easily defend

>> No.14150015

>if you’re not on meds, you’re poor

>> No.14150027

He probably was getting two or three hours a night but was so zonked out and hypnagogic he didn't realise. I know I've had nights where I felt like I got less sleep than I actually did

>> No.14150043

I mean yea his insomnia might have been interspersed with brief dreamless sleep. but you're right. I'm just saying for me the story is still along the edges of plausibility, if I assume his account is influenced by the effects of sleep deprivation. something like this >>14150027