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File: 142 KB, 743x663, julianwins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1414779 No.1414779 [Reply] [Original]

Julian Assange - Best person ever. Exposing secrets for world peace.
Barack Obama - Killer of innocent children.

>> No.1414781

Cooltop, check out this vid, I think you'll like it:


>> No.1414788

You should watch this one, too. : - )


>> No.1414790

He fails because he think's he's cool.

FFS Lincoln thought he was north of the devil. Good man, Lincoln.


>> No.1414791

Arrest warrant, smear campaign, obviously false sexual assault accusations and so on. Julian is a hero.

>> No.1414794

Barack Obama is a decent man who is an inspiring figurehead for an organization that is essentially vile

Julian Assange is a grown-up /r9k/ creep who is a terrible figurehead for a good organization that is doing important things

>> No.1414797



>> No.1414809

In other words, they are the opposite of what they represent.

>> No.1414810


>> No.1414816

Who did Obama kill?

I'm pretty sure we would have heard something about that.

>> No.1414834

obama lied, boner from growing pains died
leslie nielsen's pneumonia was an inside job

>> No.1414839

so is assange hawt or something? i always wonder why he's so popular on here. but assange is less peaceful than obama since he released stuff that harmed relations between countries just to attention-whore. also the whole swedish thing means he probably over-confident seems kind of a disgusting person.

>> No.1414840
File: 55 KB, 330x357, 1260264462906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank u for my first laugh out loud of 2011

>> No.1414845
File: 5 KB, 480x360, HIS NAME WAS BONER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pffhahahaha!! BONER! HIS NAME WAS B-BONER!

>> No.1414846


Cool obvious fox-news opinions for tards bro.

>> No.1414847

Well, he upped the number of unmanned drones in Pakistan, the ones notorious for killing civilians. So he just put in the order to kill the children. So I guess it's kind of like how Osama kills people.. except Osama uses his own money and Obama uses tax money..

>> No.1414848

Well wikileaks, isn't really good, whistle-blowing is important if the information is valuable, but when its not, its needlessly harmful. Wikileaks removes all risk, and doesn't seem to have any real internal filter. Whistle-blowing is only noble and courageous if there is some personal risk, otherwise its just a person breaking their oaths or contractual obligations or whatever.

>> No.1414849

The Stark Treaty that Obama just got pushed through senate effects more people positively than anything Wikileaks can ever do.

One is a progressive leader who is making clear strides in domestic policy and is doing the best with what he has in his foreign policy.

The other is an asshole who is head of a good organization. I love wikileaks, I've read tons of cables but Obama is more productive for society.

>> No.1414868

He is so overrated. What did wikileaks do? OH MY GOD GUYS, THESE WARS HAVE COLLATERAL DAMAGE! BREAKING FUCKING NEWS GUYS!!> Other than that just some bullshit about world leaders bashing each other. DONT CARE.

>> No.1414876

OBAMA ZOMBIE DETECTED. Progressive my ass. I guess W was progressive by your standards.

>> No.1414880

hey! that was a message only for Barrack Obama, the sorcorer commanded so!

>> No.1414889

put bradley manning in place of assange

he's the real hero for leaking the info with no regard to his own health or sanity, as we are seeing from the fact that he's been in solitary confinement for months now

>> No.1414911

ITT: people who don't understand that wikileaks is not for dismantling governments but TRANSPARENCY for the common folk to see what their governments are actually doing.

basically it is the anti-lie machine which is the answer to the mainstream media's hurring and durring

>> No.1414921

julian assange seriously looks like an anime cosplayer

>> No.1414957

yes, that may be. but Assange is also under the impressions it's for the destruction of big government.

>> No.1414967

If I was gonna roleplay - i wouldn't be a fail black wannabe tough guy.

Be a real white tough guy!