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14147449 No.14147449 [Reply] [Original]

what is the best course of action?
To take revenge or to forgive?

>> No.14147470

Confucius says, Before you go on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.

>> No.14147474

If you have nothing else to live for, revenge. In any other case forgive

>> No.14147482

Forgive. No matter what it's always the best solution, revenge provides only a temporary high and will often make you feel worse in the long run

>> No.14147488
File: 114 KB, 640x939, 2D41C059-3D65-475F-8C18-4E1CCD96AF6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what?

>> No.14147490

Forgive. "He'll be out of your life for 20 dollars"

>> No.14147493

Forgive then still act out the revenge for your own amusement and so nobody mistakes you for a bitch.

>> No.14147494

Forgive, better in the long run

>> No.14147521


>> No.14147714

Swift and equal reciprocation of any act, good or bad.
It's proven to be the only effective strategy in game theory, and it hasn't done me wrong IRL as well.

>> No.14147729

Neither. The man who willingly inflicts suffering is neither worth the trouble of revenge nor is he worthy of forgiveness.

>> No.14147748

Revenge is good for society forgive is good for you. If you do revenge you help support the idea of consequences of actions for society as a whole. If you forgive you make it so that psychopaths can take advantage of you more. In other words only forgive good people you know well, and never make the revenge worse than the action that was done on you.

>> No.14147806

These. Blanket forgiveness is moral cowardice.

>> No.14147846


To add, more people are likely to understand vengeful acts done in the heat of the moment rather than those committed some time after the fact. First degree murder vs second degree and all that

>> No.14147852

Neither, the only real question is: how do I increase my power?

>> No.14148111

either or. just don’t hold a grudge

>> No.14148199


>> No.14148209

The Germans sought revenge after World War I, and look how that turned out.

>> No.14148219

By default I am vengeful but it depends really

>> No.14148223

Revenge first. Then forgive.

Without revenge you will never be fulfilled. Without forgivesness, you do not understand what it means to be human. Both are needed.

>> No.14148226


>> No.14148237

i've harbored bitterness before, it's a horrid state of being

>> No.14148245
File: 105 KB, 750x803, 1572925984002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill the man who killed your wife and then forgive him for it

>> No.14148285

forgiveness cuck here dont be like me, made a vow to stop being such a fucking pussy recently
you are setting yourself up to be taken advantage of do what this guy says >>14147714
in literature fantasies forgiveness sounds majestic but on the actual playground revengechads are the ones taken seriously

>> No.14148294

That's fucking based if I may say so.

>> No.14148310

Embracing the Jungian shadow is extremely important. That is why it is such a huge theme in children shows and narratives. In Harry Potter, Harry has a piece of evil in him and in the Half Blood Prince he uses it. In Naruto, Naruto has a demon of anger that gives him extra power when he needs it. In every superhero vigilante, they have the super alter-ego that they use. In real life application it is much more simple than that though. It's not allowing rude behavior around you, it's shooting a home invader, it's going to court instead of backing down.

>> No.14148319

Worth the trouble? Sounds like fear to me.

>> No.14148386

i have no problem forgiving people in my heart and i honestly dont care about slight offenses but youre tripping if you think im gonna let myself look like a pussy in the eyes of men

>> No.14148434

how do you deal with narcissists with reciprocation

>> No.14148453

Whatever you feel like doing, it really doesn’t matter.

>> No.14148521

Just cut off, forget, and move on
Neither forgive, for that excuses the wrong, nor seem revenge, for that validates the wrong.

>> No.14148624

Let's say you're interacting with this person not just once, but again and again in the future.

They won't stop dicking you until they feel some pain. Would you still play the pacifist?

>> No.14149004

Destroy them first. Only then can you truly forgive them.
(Very good and thoughtful reaction image btw. It truly seems like he is pondering this very issue. Well done!)

>> No.14149032

Kennedy said it best forgive them but remember their names

>> No.14149304

The noblest souls require mercy and justice in equal part.

>> No.14149888


>> No.14149969

Neither. Best option is to kill your enemies because they are in your way, not because of some "wrong" that they did. Taking revenge is pointless, but killing your enemy is not necessarily so.