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/lit/ - Literature

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14146805 No.14146805 [Reply] [Original]

Are all humanities classes really this shitty? Took a class last semester about Philosophy and Literature, and it was the cringiest, most painful thing that I have undergone in my waking life.
>irritating loudmouth iranian cunt kept shouting out his take on whatever the professor said and giving his simple-minded retorts even when he had nothing interesting to say, simply just to say something and waste everyone's time
>glasses wearing smart ass kept asking the professor to “validate his claims” or “define his terms” at every opportunity, and also at one point sniveled out to everyone that "gravity's rainbow is the novel that touches my soul the most deeply"
>big chinned hapa girl would brag about how she read gabriel marcia marquez, and also announced to the entire class that she had a “damn shitty childhood,” during one of her self-congratulatory monologues
>scrawny twink cunt with a weak and shitty moustache would spend the whole class quietly snickering to himself, and then at the end raise his hand and attempt to disprove everything the professor said, at one point arguing that the whole process of interpreting poetry is fundamentally flawed due to some neurobiological bullshit.
>First TA was a turtleneck wearing hipster faggot who barely knew anything about the material, and would spend all of class nodding and putting his finger on his chin to seem like he was thoughtful, while the 2nd was an irritating fat indian chick who burped constantly and laughed way too loudly at whatever philosophical jokes or references the professor said in order to let everyone in the room know that she “got it.”

Why is it that humanities classes are always filled with these irritating, pretentious cunts? Is this what you assholes are all like in real life?

>> No.14146820


STEM classes are too. It is just that no one knows what is going on and so they sit their quietly never being able to question whether what they are being told is valid.

>> No.14146831

ok retard

>> No.14147174

Holy fuck op, it's the middle of the night and I couldn't stop my self from laughing really loud, twice, while reading this post.

I love the way you write, really good stuff

>> No.14147189
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picrelated is a good one

>> No.14147190

they’re only this bad once you’ve embellished them enough in your green texts to impress all your 4chan friends

>> No.14147192

was this a community college?

>> No.14147206

>fat indian chick who burped constantly
Unironically my fetish. Did she ever pig out in class?

>> No.14147218

And let me guess OP, you were the quiet faggot in class that was too much of a bitch to say anything and just allowed your time to get buttfucked.

>> No.14147468

>>glasses wearing smart ass kept asking the professor to “validate his claims” or “define his terms” at every opportunity
>>scrawny twink cunt with a weak and shitty moustache would spend the whole class quietly snickering to himself, and then at the end raise his hand and attempt to disprove everything the professor said
How are these bad, though? Dialogue is good, and literary studies is not a field with remotely consistent or unquestionable methodology.
I also don't see how you contributed any more positively to the classes.
>and also at one point sniveled out to everyone that "gravity's rainbow is the novel that touches my soul the most deeply"
Wow, what a tragedy, somebody enjoys a /lit/core novel and is a bit pretentious about it. Get a grip.
Not saying that your classes were actually stellar and you were too dumb to notice it, but you do seem to be actively searching for things that will annoy and frustrate you.

>> No.14147596

My elderly Jewish history professor called a tall blonde woman a "Nazi broodmare", and told me to visit a prostitute because I looked sad.

>> No.14147616

based professor

>> No.14147631

Yeah, I was talking to him in his office and he asked me why I looked down, so I told him I met a girl, but it didn't work out, so he said "Pussy's got you crazy, go find some whore and you'll get over it."

>> No.14147639

>glasses wearing smart ass kept asking the professor to “validate his claims” or “define his terms” at every opportunity, and also at one point sniveled out to everyone that "gravity's rainbow is the novel that touches my soul the most deeply"
Based linguisticspilled

>> No.14147647

>American "education"

Schools in India are much better

>> No.14147833

Only because you can shit wherever you want like a dog and gangrape teenagers for showing too much neck. It’d really be a paradise if there were just about 900 million fewer of you.

>> No.14147899

At least know how to use mathematics you fucking ape

>> No.14147968

Do the math on this: your desperate situation in your shithole makes you willing to work for WEDDY WEDDY cheap, and that’s the only reason our lovely business leaders send all the grunt-tier tech work to you, not because you’re better at math or programming.

>> No.14148990

damn, u mustve eaten some spicy ass curry last night, huh

>> No.14149027

I had a Palestinian/Israeli Conflict professor who was an old Jewish lady and she had a student come in and he talked about how as an American citizen he was able to volunteer for the Israeli military or something like that. So I asked her if she was going to have a Hamas recruiter come in tomorrow. She asked my name and then said "You just got an A for this course" and I guess nobody had ever questioned the impartiality of the whole thing and she was pretty impressed. Over all it was a lot of Jewish propaganda but that's the only time I called it out.

>> No.14149050
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>I asked her if she was going to have a Hamas recruiter come in tomorrow
I hope this is real.

>> No.14149107

why do you call these people professors? they're probably just lecturers

>> No.14149151

>at one point arguing that the whole process of interpreting poetry is fundamentally flawed due to some neurobiological bullshit

I'm curious about what he actually had to say since I'm very much interested in this topic. I do believe that there are significant neurological factors that make the interpretation of poetry very difficult for large numbers of people, and that there is reason to believe there may be special distinctions in brain function for people who genuinely 'get it'.

>> No.14149427

It's probably better to search for actual psychological studies regarding this than expecting useful or precise info from a student.

>> No.14149488

which uni

>> No.14149567

as someone who hated it so much he skipped all classes for a while, yes, they are

>> No.14149572

I'm aware of plenty of them, I just want OP to think about the shit he says.

>> No.14149595

I'm in stem, can confirm this, to some extent.

Often there are strange things I don't understand, so I just take note of them to check them later using other sources. Sometimes you find a more clear explanation, or find out that the professor is "wrong" - his explanation is not up to date, which is understandable since natural sciences have some facts changed often.

>> No.14149612

>I do believe that there are significant neurological factors that make the interpretation of poetry very difficult for large numbers of people
I think this is true.

I might or might not be on the autistic spectrum (psychologist said I am, but I don't have a formal diagnosis), and I think my experience with literature might be different from normal people - people who can easily read into the characters intentions, and maybe see and identify with the feeling conveyed by a poem more naturally.

>> No.14149627

I went to this supposed 'literature' discussion group at college but instead of discussing literature all they did was share old anti-semitic conspiracy theories and complain that women wouldn't have sex with them

>> No.14149818

Is this your first year? These types only really show up then, when you get towards your final year, they tend to disappear. Anyway:
>First year sociology class
>Lecturer is a mousey thick farmed glasses type. Was probably in masters with her first lecturing gig.
>Topic was gender or some such
>class is really chatty
>lecturer is visibly annoyed by it
>Girl in front of class raises hand and tells the class to shut up
>lecturer says thank you and goes on a rant about manners and respect
>says if you don't want to be here, then leave
>class smells weakness
>a good 95% of a class of 150 leave the lecture hall
>some people were laughing
>could hear her restrained sobs over the microphone before she ripped it out.
Felt bad for her to be honest

>> No.14149847

Go to the fucking humanities board. Jesus fuck why do you fags spam this shit.

>> No.14150811

Based and redpilled

>> No.14151363

lmao @ you 4-year universityfags

>> No.14151404

Was it the Boston lit meetup that someone keeps posting?

>> No.14151416
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study law
>only respectable, intelligent and diligent students in my whole class
>everyone likes each other, instantly got lots of new friends
law was the best decision of my life

>> No.14151505

>>some people were laughing
>>could hear her restrained sobs over the microphone before she ripped it out.
Reading this honestly hurt a little, though just a tiny bit.

>> No.14151659


Ah where was this? I feel like I might have been to the same group.

>> No.14152059

beautiful : ))

>> No.14152098

>"GOD i hate pretentious pseuds"
>makes mega pretentious post
>is taking intro-level class, the kind that has TA's, in other words the definition of baby pseud tier
Anon I have bad news for you...

>> No.14152100

That's a pretty poor retort; his was better.

>> No.14153274


>> No.14153372
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I'm an English major scheduled to graduate next month. All of my classes have been disappointing. Most professors merely just teach students to memorize whatever they say. There is no analysis nor any respect for the work at hand. In one class, a Jewish professor spent the first thirty minutes of every class discussing unrelated politics, mainly Trump. This was a Shakespeare's course. In most classes, students sit there in silence and never engage with the topic at hand. A class I have this semester discussing the artistic and literary works of Dante Rossetti is being taught by a wondrous professor. Often he will read a section of prose or poetry and attempt to begin a discourse by asking everyone what they think the author is saying. Only two people, including myself, will respond. This is saddening to me. I pay money to learn and I find that the best method of learning something is engaging in discourse, especially when both parties are in disagreement. However, nobody ever speaks or wants to engage in anything and that's quite sad. I still don't understand why anybody wants to go to college if they just want to be detached from everything.

Besides English classes, I once had the chance to sit in a Sociology lecture. The professor was a middle-aged, wrinkly, buzz cut, white woman. She bragged to the class at how she was molested as a young girl by her father. She also bragged about how her son was involved with a gang and was murdered in a gang shoot-out. The father, who she was not married to, was black which was important enough for her to add. He was also missing from her life. Some overweight female students with several piercings and tattoos whooped at the stories she told. A few feminine men simply nodded. Other women just sat and smiled as she continued with her rantings. I left immediately before she even brought up politics since I wasn't required to be there. Based off my entire college experience, my Humanities experience has been a joke, but I did not enjoy Psychology or Botany enough to pursue a major in them.

>> No.14153392


>> No.14153413

sounds like you're in a shit school/class, they don't HAVE to be that way, though in my humanities courses all the students just silently wait for the class to be over.

>> No.14153461

Why would you cry? All those kids are throwing money down the toilet and the people left behind could be genuinely interested in what you'd have to say. Comfort her anon, go get some free pussy.

>> No.14153511

i've been in college studying in history and even if there's intelligent people of course most of people there are completly just dumb but with knowledge
they read ,they read ,they read and they only come up with prefabricated thoughts and think they now know the world
it's just full of shit
oh yeah ofc being with girls didnt help me to think that girls are mostly dumb and are not made in general for thinking.
Worst of that : they're intolerant wich mean that you can't even have a proper discussion with contradictions or they get mad or they are like "oh but you think that ? " "hmm no i just expose a counter-view and even if i think that why it would be less valid than yours ?" "but you can't think that"
litterally the state of maybe 50% of these so-called intelligent people of the university ,le famous "you can't"
well fuck you i can and i do.

>> No.14153556
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Is The Paper Chase an accurate depiction of law school?

>> No.14153597
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I majored in Political Science and I have no stories like this. Literally none. The only thing that comes close is when I took an Intro to American Politics class and there was some MIGApede in the class (I don't know why since I'm in Canada and he's clearly not American) and he would often offer a hot take. It was pretty funny trying to watch the prof scramble for a response for gems like "Don't Americans actually discriminate in favour of women in politics? Look at how AOC got elected even though she's a socialist". Other than that, nothing.

>> No.14153679

>Often he will read a section of prose or poetry and attempt to begin a discourse by asking everyone what they think the author is saying. Only two people, including myself, will respond. This is saddening to me. I pay money to learn and I find that the best method of learning something is engaging in discourse, especially when both parties are in disagreement. However, nobody ever speaks or wants to engage in anything and that's quite sad. I still don't understand why anybody wants to go to college if they just want to be detached from everything.
If this is core for most people in the class then it makes sense because people are required to take classes they have no interest in. I also never talked because I'm shy and didn't want my words to be contorted.

>> No.14153767

No most of the time the entire class is silent and the professor doesn't even care. Nevertheless, I have several small examples in a mostly quiet semester.
> This one time this student said the midwest in America wasn't tolerant or something like that and the entire class starting laughing like cackling seals. Suffice to say I got a C in that class, and that was the only 'truly' SJW bad experience I'd have. I would hardly ever go to class and would bullshit all my assignments 15 minutes before they were due. It was some bullshit Anthropology class taught by a grad student too.
> A religion professor lamented how Trump was horrible once right after he was elected, but most of the semester he was a nice guy.
> A Philosophy professor kept basically making fun of himself for being white and going on and on about white privilege. Nobody in the class gave a fuck and it was pretty sad and embarrassing, and we ended an hour early because nobody had anything to say about racism or race. This was after reading the TaNehsi Coates god-awful book. By virtue of indifference we shut that idiot's worldview down.
> A Classics professor called Jordan Peterson a charlatan and then made fun of SJWs for their stupid opinions on The Aeneid and the Roman Empire.
> Some girl gave some speech about the college admissions scandal and started breaking down and crying. She was an upper-class Indian too, so IDK what the fuck her problem was. Hopefully, she rots in Hell.

The worst is when a bunch of woman and effeminate men gang up on you for being 'sexist' for an innocuous comment. People need to lighten up, we'll be dead very soon. Look at modern UK for example, apparently touching a woman or talking to her is a criminal offense.

>> No.14153795

Maybe 30 years ago. My classes weren't like it.

>> No.14153820

Based define your terms kid. 99% of discussions mean absolutely nothing unless you specifically define your terms, especially fucking philosophy. Imagine believing everybody understands the meanings of vague words the same. Whenever I get into an argument I always make this point and insist on definitions, through this I've learned most don't know what the fuck they saying and have zero self awareness of their thought process

>> No.14153821

That's disappointing. What exactly is different besides obvious stuff like having cellphones and computers now? Has the law gone mostly digital now?

>> No.14153832

>Whenever I get into an argument I always make this point and insist on definitions, through this I've learned most don't know what the fuck they saying and have zero self awareness of their thought process
Calm down sophist, winning an argument is a worthless achievement. Defining your terms is important though, so I agree with you there anon.

>> No.14153850

I was polisci as well. I have a story I remembered in addition to my Hamas story above. So there was this Italian American kid in a few of my courses over a few semesters who had to chime in after everything the professor would say with some kind of bull shit like "well that shows you that guys like John Gotti were really ahead of the curve" and "Well might makes right, it's the only thing that's true." And this was constant. Every session, every week, non stop asinine smooth brain commentary completely devoid of historical or philosophical context and derived mostly from the movie Scarface. It really annoyed everybody but he wouldn't press any issues, just throw out this stupid shit and go back to shining his leather shoes and playing with his gold chains. But one time I think it was an ethics and political theory we were going over some issues related to racism and the guy went full Mussolini. Started talking about how it's every race for itself and the only reason the British lost India was they didn't bring enough bullets. And at first I am just really enjoying the show because it was real life shit posting and I almost was laughing but then I was looking around and not only was the professor visible upset but several other students were almost shaking and holding back tears. Now I am all for free speech and academic freedom. You want to say death to niggers and spics in an ethics class because you don't think anything matters well ok then you can do that. But it was just something annoying about the way he was doing it with his greasy little hair do and tiny manlet fists pounding the desk and he finally wrapped up with "well Hitler was at least honest and if Germany had won it would be no different for me because the only thing that matters is Might Makes Right." And finally after three semesters of this I just had had enough of this brainlet Guido faggot. So I stand up and walk over to him and get right in his greasy olive face and say as I stand about a foot and a half taller than him and at least 75 pounds heavier pale ass Irish American wolf hound mutt mix arms pulled back like I was going to hit him "If you say the phrase might makes right one more God damn time in this classroom or anywhere on this campus I will take you outside and demonstrate to your ass the meaning of might makes right" and the professor just stood there silently and everyone watched silently for like a whole miniute and the guy said nothing. Just sat there and didn't say another word all semester. I have one more story about humanities studies intrigue but it's less believable so I will save it.

>> No.14153856

This guy who never came to class showed up one day and scratched the skin off his arms and left flakes on a table. People were just staring at him. Besides that pretty vanilla experience.

>> No.14153860

post the other story

>> No.14153864

>And finally after three semesters of this I just had had enough of this brainlet Guido faggot. So I stand up and walk over to him and get right in his greasy olive face and say as I stand about a foot and a half taller than him and at least 75 pounds heavier pale ass Irish American wolf hound mutt mix arms pulled back like I was going to hit him "If you say the phrase might makes right one more God damn time in this classroom or anywhere on this campus I will take you outside and demonstrate to your ass the meaning of might makes right"
I don't believe this, but it's such a ridiculous story that I can't stop laughing. How you were getting a kick out of it, then made it your obligation to tell him to shut up. Strange man you are anon.

>> No.14153869

Wait what the fuck, was that me? Where do you go to school anon?

>> No.14153895

Where are you guys going that you're having these experiences? I went to a state school and besides one professor who taught multicultural studies (?) or something like that (but she was a real hard ass about serious lit), it was mostly Shakespeare, early 20th century English and American and some contemporary lit and theory.

>> No.14153907

You probably don't pay attention anon. Most gems go right under your nose. Don't go on your phone and just listen to people talk with each other, it's always very amusing.

>> No.14153944


>> No.14153958

Why? Because he's a contrarian even on an edgy website? Notice how everyone went on doing it in spite of his childish protest.

>> No.14153981

The students are invariably stupid and disruptive, but I've had some good professors

>> No.14153984
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>idk what the fuck her problem was, hopefully she rots in hell
>a bunch of woman gang up on you for being "sexist"
you sound like a genuinely repugnant person and would not be my nigga

>> No.14153994

Not him, but I never use my phone in class (or a laptop for that matter) and I can think of very few examples of students in classes I've taken being outright obnoxious or confrontational with the professor, though I can think of a few instances where a student politely raised an objection or questioned a professor's reasoning. My experience might not be the norm, though, and I'm not trying to say I've never been around obnoxious faggots at all in my time as a student.

>> No.14154003

violence is never the answer. you should have just started loudly booing.

>> No.14154007

You are lucky, this is going to sound gay but happened in my Japanese class and half the class became friends, the others were too anti social to handle it and disappeared.

>> No.14154024

Good I wouldn't want to be associated with someone who unironically uses 'nigga' or doesn't find the mob irrationally calling people 'sexist', repulsive. As for the girl rotting in hell, IDGAF about some bourgeois bitch crying because her illusion of America being a meritocracy and a college degree not being what it is has been shattered, so hopefully you rot in hell and get down there through my asshole.

>> No.14154030

Yeah I've never seen that either, but there's always some subtle comical musings every now and then that I can momentarily enjoy. Most are forgettable and not worth repeating though.

>> No.14154037

OP is alwey a queynte (masc)

>> No.14154049
File: 1.17 MB, 950x761, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dial it back, lad

>> No.14154052

>OP is alwey a queynte (masc)
Nice rudimentary Middle english.

>> No.14154071
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op detected

>> No.14154173

I agree that violence isn't the answer, but it is often the only recourse with these apes. I am personally committed.to non violence and have never taken a swing at another person in my life. But this guy was just over the top and had to be stopped. Evennso I would have insisted he took the first swing. I thought I was gonna have to push him to it verbally but he just crumbled and demonstrated that his entire creedo.is just the refuge.of dickless Mediterranean faggots.

>> No.14154206

Math fag here. Can confirm also. There's this kid I've had in a few classes, and I'm in one with him right now. He never missed a chance to let people know he's double majoring in math and philosophy and how the two are perfect complements and make him basically a Philosopher™. Always piping up to interrupt the Prof and try to connect whatever we're talking about to the last math related Wikipedia page he read, and when the Prof stops lecturing for a moment to erase the board the guy always says some dumb pandering shit, and he's always whispering to the people next to him trying to explain what's going on and never shuts up. Christ I'm mad just thinking about it.

>> No.14154215

I was enjoying that particular meltdown because he was showing his true colors but I had been planning that confrontation for at least a month and finally had a chance to see if he would stand up for any of the stupid bullshit he was was spouting. I didn't tell him to shut up, he was free to keep talking as he was but I let him know that he would be delt with in exactly the terms he had been advocating every day for over a year. It was just the sheer self evident hypocrisy that got to me.

>> No.14154227

Was this in high school or college?

>> No.14154237

BASED. Good on you proving that this based retard was right all along.

>> No.14154345

Ok the last story was the time I joined a white pride campus organization as a joke and got a professor fired for misconduct and then became an source for the student newspaper about thier activities.

So one day I was walking to class and see a table for a new student organization called Cacausian Cultural Pride. I was bemused and asked them what it's about. They said it was an attempt to demonstrate the hypocrisy that there could be Black Culture Pride groups on campus but that they would face backlash for having the same pride. OK, so I got a kick out of the premise even though I dont really feel like Caucasian culture is a real thing or even worthy if being proud about I agreed that it made no sense that there were these other groups. So whatever, I sign up to see what kind of people they would be and if it was.just a white supremecy rabibit hole or whatever. I go to a few meetings and whatever they seem like generally ok people, vary into European heritage but not any more than you would expect from an average ancestry.com user. After a few meetings there was litterally zero white supremecy talk, no putting other races down, and really just ethno European pride which all seemed a bit silly to me being a mutt American but from what I could tell thier premise was true. If you could have an African heritage pride club that was non supremisist then you should be able to be proud of European heritage without being racist. So whatever I stop going after a few meetit because I don't really care about my European heritage I just wanted to see if it was hypocrisy or a valid criticism. I get a call about a week later from someone who says she is an organizer for some kind of national advocacy group that promotes conservative values. I'm ok what do you want? Well it turns out the group I had been to hadnt been officially chartered yet with the student government and they put me on the paper work and I needed to go down and sign it. ???? So I get curious as to her role and it turns out she organized the whole thing and listened to me say a few things at one of the meetings and was hoping I would help her with this and other projects on campus. I'm kind of curious as to what that would all be so I agree to meet her and talk about it. We meet the next day and she I like a very hot slightly less off putting version of Ann Coulter. We have coffee on campus and she tells me she wants me to be in charge of another group she is starting about campus conservative thought in the classroom. I am trying to figure out my chances of banging this woman when she asks if I will help her hang posters for the Caucasian heritage group. Yeah whatever. Maybe I can parlay that into going back to whatever hotel she is staying in. So we are hanging signs and this professor comes up and starts following is and screaming and tearing down the signs saying it's racist to have pride in European heritage ECT ECT ECT. Part one. Continued below.

>> No.14154368

can confirm

>> No.14154371

fucking based

>> No.14154374

I don't pay attention in any of my stem classes, so I assumed nobody else did too. Although, I appear to be the only one never taking notes now that you mention it. Welp, my 2.5 gpa shows because of it.

>> No.14154412

So the Ann Coulteresque woman who organized all this for this exact purpose starts filming the crazed professor and that's when I realized the real reason for a this. So the angry professor screams and threatens to have us both expelled from school assuming we are both students and continuing to tear down signs for a legit student organization with paperwork filed. So we finish up and I calculate this is way too much heat to take for some pussy and a cause I don't even believe in and stop answering her calls. Meanwhile the whole thing blows up over the next few days as the coulterish lite lady makes it public through her outlets and the student paper gets wind. OF COURSE I am the only witness to the event with the professor meltdown and her college placed her on leave for an investigation. So the student paper gets my contact and wants me to go on the record and give my statement about the whole issue. So I agree to give a statement if they would keep me anonymous and not use my name. So I tell them basically what I have told you all here, the European pride organization didn't seem to have any discernable hatred that I could detect, there is a national organization behind it all, the professor was aggressive and physically violent, and I don't really care about any of it I was just interested in what it was all about.

The next day the student paper article comes out and my contribution kind of makes me feel like a wanted man. Some people saying I don't seem credible and some saying I was working for the paper all along . But my anonymity holds. The student groups ultimately doesn't get chartered but not because the university prevented it but because the paperwork was withdrawn. The professor was fired for unprofessional behavior and misconduct and I guess lying about her actions because she didn't know she was being filmed. I went back to not really giving a shot about any of this but being bemused the whole thing. This was about 15 years ago, well before the it's ok to be white, but basically that whole idea.

So yeah, the search for truth leads directly to assholes who want to get each other fired and banned. Never got to bang the young Coulter lady.

>> No.14154424

I guess it boils down to that as a moral of the story. At least he lived up to his ethos.

>> No.14154428

College. I don't have any stores like this from high school because I was homeschooled, which I am sure really shows now.

>> No.14154432

Well thanks for that anon. I like your way of putting things. Stick around these parts.

>> No.14154580

I also need to know

>> No.14155095

Nah, mine were good.

>> No.14156632

>would not be my nigga
cute way to put it