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14146239 No.14146239 [Reply] [Original]

What's the /lefty/canon? I want to read more about Marxism.

>> No.14146266

wage labor and capital -> capitalist realism -> The Tiger by Nael, age 6 -> Nick Lands meltdown -> René guenon -> mathematics -> Spengler -> Deleuze -> Spengler again

>> No.14146300

what did anon mean by that?

>> No.14146305

>Google: "marxism reading list"

>> No.14146314
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Start with Marx of course. I recommend reading his philosophical work first; his 1844 manuscripts, and The German Ideology. These establish the philosophical basis for his critique of political economy. They show the ways that the wage / salary worker is debased, and why this is not a necessary feature of human life, but rather, a product of a specific economic model. From there Marx tries to take on the scientific project of analyzing and demonstrating contradictions of capitalist economics, in his Grundrisse and Capital Vol. 1/2/3. Capital vol. 1 is actually a pretty cool read, the amount of historical, philosophical, and economics research Marx did for that text really shines through, it honestly reads like the spiritual successor to Smith's Wealth of Nations.

From there, there's a lot of options. Stuff like Stirner, Bakunin, and Kropotkin are interesting, to at least give you an understanding of where the anarchists are coming from. Even though I think they're not viable political objectives, imagining them will broaden your view of economics, politics, and human social organization. The Ego and its Own, The Conquest of Bread, and God and the State are seminal works.

Lenin and Mao are also good reads, because they actually put the ideas into practice, and understanding what they were doing is pretty important from a political philosophy and historical perspective.

>> No.14146322


>> No.14146327

>does not include reading Hegel's work as a prerequisite

>> No.14146336


>> No.14146352

he'd be better off just watching an introduction to hegel lecture series or reading a secondary summation of his work. Beiser's Hegel is good i've heard.

>> No.14146371

>he doesn't know that the only way to overcome the contradiction between surplus value rates equilization and profit rates equilization is by means of Hegelian dialectics and that literally the sole reason mainstream economists have had problems grasping muH trANsFormAchUn bRObLem is because they haven't understood Hegel in the first place

>> No.14146489
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>> No.14146610

my braincells are firing at lightning speed and im ordering copies of science of logic and the phenomenology as we speak.

>> No.14146633

read the opinion columns of the New York Times and follow a few (((blue checks))) on Twitter and you'll be a lefty. but don't read Marx. it's too hard and also you might realize he's wrong and shatter your breezy sense of moral superiority coupled with a total lack of self awareness

>> No.14146646

literally noone to this day decisively proved Marx wrong despite them having 150 years to do that

>> No.14146654
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>Lenin and Mao are also good reads, because they actually put the ideas into practice

>> No.14146661

Marxism has been tried and succeeded in every country it was put to practice

>> No.14146752

absolutely based

>> No.14146842

They tried Leninism and Maoism.

The mistake a lot of people make is confusing their economics and politics(which are matters of debate) with their ethics, which were appalling, but not atypical for their respective cultures. Smith is one of the few economists to actually talk about their subject in a moral dimension, yet it's that moral dimension that seems completely scorned by even the modern-day organisation that uses his name. Even Ayn Rand regretted that she never properly covered ethics in her development of Objectivism, thinking that everyone was secretly a Nihilistic Egoist like herself.

>> No.14146849


>> No.14146979
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dude, no one actually believes that, except for legit retards
Marxists say stuff like that so they can distance themselves from the "barbaric" methods used by socialist republics, but deep down they are fine with the slaughter of class enemies for the common good and would do it again if given the chance. Same reason Neo-Nazis deny the deliberate killing of 6 million jews even though their whole ideology revolves about removing jews from aryan society and genocide is the only way to achieve that. Blatant denialism means you can espouse Marxist/Hitlerian ideas without sounding like a psychopath to normies who buy into the human rights meme and don't think too hard about what you're actually advocating

>> No.14147018
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>Yes, I support class genocide of the bourgeoisie, how could you tell?

>> No.14147036
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The duality of man

>> No.14147046
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neo-nazis are not shy about expressing their desire to remove subversive Jews from European societies. Whereas Holocaust revisionists are primarily interested in correcting those facts of 20th century history which have clearly been fabricated but are not allowed to be questioned.

>> No.14147052

Why would I not murder billionaires to bring about a better world for myself and everyone else? Marxism is not a moral philosophy.

>> No.14147546

Lefty canon? Up to today we don't even agree on what Capital is or even if there is point in fighting against it, just go read king, and travel by footnotes and history's names

>> No.14148127

There is no canon, but I'd recommend:

Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Fredrick Engels
The Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx and Engels
The German Ideology and Theses on Feurbach by Karl Marx
18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon by Marx
Class Struggles in France by Marx
All three volumes of Capital by Marx
Critique of the Gotha Program by Marx