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14145802 No.14145802 [Reply] [Original]

i have never resonated or had any interest in stories with the motif of adventure. why bother getting lost in the wild, entranced in a quest, or bothered with travelling far and wide to find the princess? i always found them dull - not necessarily because of the writing style, or cliches or anything of that sorts, but rather because the aspect of adventure just never interested me.

and now?

Now it's all i think about. Every movie, every story, everything is just an adventure. I crave to get lost in my own life. I'm sick of reading of others shoes, others adventures, others roles in the grand scheme of "it". Where is my role? why are my shoes not worn down? I can't help but cry actual tears after watching any movie for example because lately i become so engrossed in that 1 hour and 46 minute cast that i hate to see them go. The adventure is done and they go back to their ordinary lives. Take Aladdin for example
>literally the epitome of adventure
>find genie
>embark on quest
>go into caves
>sneak into castle
>defeat evil witch
>defend civil uprising
>acquire the princess
And poof. It's done. The adventure is done and the credits roll. I can't bring myself to "Finish" another story. I don't want them to end i don't want anything to end. I'm turning 27 soon and i haven't experienced even 1/500000th of the adventures i've read about.

Soon it will be over, but when will it begin?

>> No.14145854

>of monsters and men videos
I want to read books with the same feel as Little Talks and Lion Heart.

>> No.14145872

How fat and poor are you? Just go out and do stuff.

If you mind my redditness, choose to take the long and scenic route through life

>> No.14145899 [DELETED] 

Who gives a shit about you or your life. Blogposting is cancer.

>> No.14145918

Go on a hike to somewhere cool and far away, pitching your tent at night.

That’s a start.

>> No.14146049
File: 40 KB, 535x577, 1571705098605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How fat and poor are you? Just go out and do stuff.
Not him. I'm so poor that I fret incessantly about my finances and the paltry sum of dollars I've accumulated. I know it is all going to go away, it is just a matter of time and after I think about fictional purchases, even something like a cheap $1500 car would bankrupt me. Most everyone I know are going out, doing stuff, spending money. They own game systems, eat sumptuously. Even people who live paycheck to paycheck have family they can rely on to love them as the safety net if they completely fuck up. I don't have any of that. I'm ready to just give up in life and join a monastery but inasmuch as I've grown in the few hundreds of dollars I've saved, I've also stored up in my heart vices, whereas whenever I was at least jobless, my soul was set on virtue and perfection; so really, I cannot even do that. If I recover, I want to just go there and never return. I lost all affection for the world, its honors and its riches that even if I had them, the bitterness imparted is so so strong that they would be regurgitated.

>> No.14146561

You're writing and acting like an obnoxious faggot. Read Siddartha if you haven't.

>> No.14146575

Hike a long trail

Bless you, child

>> No.14146650

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.14146699

t. actually reddit. kill yourself.

>> No.14147644

Bro I'm 29 and I've visited 40 countries. If you're a real adventurer you're not afraid to hitchhike and stealth camp.

>> No.14148292

>and i haven't experienced even 1/500000th of the adventures i've read about.

that's the whole point of them is they are there to celebrate adventure of life. life doesnt actually happen like that. real life adventures are awful and stressful.

art is there to aid our quests