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File: 96 KB, 863x1396, 612nkFVrbTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14142140 No.14142140 [Reply] [Original]

This is called "Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics", by Wittgenstein.

Oh god, What the hell is this?
Why on earth did Wittgenstein write this book?

I originally study mathematics. but I am interested in philosophy and I am interested in Wittgenstein. I dkn't want to read this book because of notoriousness, but I decided to read this book because I thought it was similar to my thinking that mathematics will not destroyed by contradiction.

I didn't know it would be such a mess.

I get what the intention is. I agree that Platonism will not explain much about the nature of mathematics. I also agree that there is a problem with logicism and that it is circular. I agree that Both formalism and intuitionism should have some criticism.
"Our craving for generality", "mathematics, of unifying the treatment of different topics by using a generalization.", "Philosophers constantly see the method of science before their eyes,...and leads the philosopher into complete darkness." This should be his prime aim of this book, right? Philosophy of Mathematics without generalization?

But is this really the best alternative? It's only intensions. It doesn't help mathematicians at all, and it doesn't solve philosophers of mathematics' problems.

Why on earth did he take a stand similar to that of finitism?
What the hell is "surveyability"(Ubersehbarkeit) and What makes this term not to be one of a simple concepts at ultrafinitism?
Why did he do this much wrong?

>> No.14142171

>why did he do this much wrong?

Easy. He skipped Kant.

>> No.14142301
File: 150 KB, 819x726, Ludwig Jewinstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow the nose and how knows what gay op you will find

>> No.14142309

Yes, Wittgenstein is a jew who went the same boarding school as Hitler did and he probably was the jew who made Hitler hate the jews.

Wittgenstein's legacy is an enduring and towering contributions to analytic philosophy that has not been fully understood yet. Hitler killed a bunch of people like a savage.

>> No.14142335

the /pol/ rats are here too lmao

>> No.14142336
File: 21 KB, 220x321, Ludwig Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dearest anon, the majority of the people on /lit/ are mega pseuds, they're not going to get most of this. Myself, despite having taken a graduate seminar on platonism and nominalism in mathematics, can't track everything you're saying, but it's more so because I haven't read the book you're discussing. My thoughts, for what it's worth: Intuitionism is dumb and formalism is dumb. Logicism is better, but I have my own reasons for not being quite a logicist. Maybe you can begin by saying what Wittgenstein's reasons are for saying logicism is circular and we can talk from there.

>> No.14142349
File: 700 KB, 1000x767, 262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14142374

That particular anon has been popping up in various threads to point out Jewishness via highlighted Wikipedia articles. He has nothing better to do.

>> No.14142384

The point anon, is that different races think and act differently and so people who are literally lead by the nose will make incorrect assumptions about the world because they are following incorrect leaders.
Imagine seeing a white person fighting for the Chinese, then maybe you can understand how dangerous it is to not know who youre reading.
I see a lot of posters here pointing out these writers but never the outcome of such writers, one such poster ended up a genderless tranny, which should alert you to the danger of such writers.

>> No.14142390

Do you believe that if two people say identical things, the truth value of their sentence will differ based on their race? Just evaluate what Jewish people say on the basis of their words. Don't just assume it has to be bad/wrong because of their background. Imagine Hitler said all those things if it helps your /pol/ brain.

>> No.14142393

For the last 2000 years people have been following a totally corrupt church that has led them to make wildly incorrect assumptions about the world and their future. read The Occult Renaissance of Rome.
Such "Philosophers" come from this same untrustworthy source of Humanism and counter revolution, and seek to steer sheep into their pens and intellectuals into never ending paradoxes.

>> No.14142395

Are you retarded?

>> No.14142399
File: 25 KB, 400x275, lud-and-hit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14142402

Anon, i feel you, and it's perfectly ok because this is not a philosophy-of-mathematics book. It is foundation of mathematics book and it rarely mention set, or axiom.
The two words I came across to my mind to describe his philosophy are "pragmatism", and "empiricism", which nobody uses in philo-math.
He says shit like this way: "how about the case when some savages do Frege's logic? How would you react when I told them it has contradiction, and they replied with 'god gave this amazing tool and god keeps us to commit contradiction'? This is the answer: it's perfectly fine." "If two people are doing a very large number of multiplication, and the value is different, so if they're fighting each other, what should we say? This is my answer: this This stopped meaning 'calculation'."

>> No.14142403

Hitler, a savage? Nah, you're thinking of Churchill and FDR.

>> No.14142407

he reached the limit of his iq
that's why he wrote PI
deleuze was right

>> No.14142409
File: 645 KB, 600x878, 1570958041093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly, A Jew will say something that gives him profit and for the benefit of his race, there are plenty of Jewish shills who will promote Violent Nazi Propaganda for a longer term goal of Jewish Supremacy
While Aryans will do and say things out of genuine concern due to their altruistic nature.

>> No.14142410

You're the pseud, you're liking of "logicism" is merely your own "intuition". Who the fuck even thinks like that? As if there is one way or one system that is the best.

>> No.14142418

Correlation does not equal causation, many people are related to royalty, but royalty does not look favorably at all people.

>> No.14142426

Are you trying to say that after fighting for thousands of years, Jews and whites are now friends and everythings cool & hunky dory? And Jews have no ill will or feelings of vengeance after being (rightfully) persecuted for thousands of years? Who exactly are you trying to fool here? I mean, we're just beginning to accept the fact that whites should stop fighting with each other and forming these white nationalist ideas based on that fact, which is absolutely novel. No, Jews are not our fucking friend right now.

>> No.14142429

Do you even know what logicism and intuitionism mean in philosophy of mathematics? Don't make yourself look like a fool, anon.

>> No.14142450

I like the early Wittgenstein a bit, but later Wittgenstein really strayed into territory not to my liking. By that point it's pretty appropriate to call him a pragmatist or something similar, since he was defining meaning as use and coming up with very anti-realist interpretations of all sorts of things. I'm not surprised that his book on mathematics would be similarly frustrating and idiosyncratic.

>> No.14142451

That's not proven to be Wittgenstein.

>> No.14142469

We have literal records that Hitler and Witty went to the same boarding school.

>> No.14142474

He is talking about that specific pic

>> No.14142501

Early wittgenstein's biggest problem is about mathematics. That's is why he focuses so much in this book.
Not only Tractatus nearly did not mention mathematics, but mathematics seems to have some geniune meaning. Like semi-meaning, although it should be tautology. Early Wittgenstein try to downplay with this, but he later gave up

>> No.14142552

Why must they do this

>> No.14143133

Did Wittgenstein rejects current usage of Real number, especially of the measure theory? What happend to That "measure 0"?

>> No.14143146

Wittgenstein debunks all shallow versions of logicism and intuitionism so that true esoteric phenomenological platonism can live again

>> No.14143221


>> No.14143601

go on...