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File: 120 KB, 1178x1600, Carl-Jung[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14141497 No.14141497 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he often likened to spiritualists and soupy mystics?

>> No.14141529

Because he was a genius interested in the occult for some fucking reason. Should have smoked some Ayahuasca intead.

>> No.14141541

Because it's born out of the same kind of Germanic autism.

>> No.14141555

because writing lab reports are annoying and boring

>> No.14141612

>Because he was a genius interested in the occult for some fucking reason.
Only brainlets dismiss the occult.

>> No.14141629
File: 753 KB, 2944x1961, Osho_HD_063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you go to the Jungian you create a Jungian past. Now this is a well-known fact, that the patients start creating, fantasizing the past that is expected by the therapist. The Jungian patient starts going into past lives very easily and starts bringing great mysteries, esoteric, occult. It never happened to any patient with Freud. The Freudian patient brings what Freud expects: libido, sexual fantasies, strange sexual fantasies, incest and all kinds of sexual wounds. They never surface in Jungian psychotherapy. The primal patient starts bringing screams that may not have any reality.

But people are very obliging. If you give them an idea, they oblige you by fulfilling it. In fact the patient starts feeling very, very compassionate toward the therapist - he is working so hard, poor fellow - so sooner or later he starts obliging. Now there are hundreds of psychotherapies in the West, and each psychotherapist becomes convinced that he is right. His patients befool him. And the same patients go to another psychotherapist and they befool the other too. The patients are playing a great game, and that is happening unconsciously.

The mind is so vast, you can always choose a few fragments which will be satisfying to a particular philosophy, to a particular psychology, to a particular therapy. Man is a vast continent, man is not a small phenomenon. It can contain many Freuds, many Jungs, many Adlers. And you can always choose - there is so much in you that you can always find ways of choosing certain fragments which fit with the therapy you are going through.


He's not a genius

>> No.14141635

Only midwits are interested in the occult. High IQs are satisfied with God's revelation.

>> No.14141637

Go to a Jungian and things start changing. Now, flying is no more a sexual symbol - it is occult. It is the desire of the human soul to reach to the ultimate. It is esoteric. Another interpretation is enforced, and soon you will have visions of masters talking to you, pure voices descending upon you, great light, kundalini, lotuses opening within you_and things will start happening. And within six months you will be a perfect Jungian dreamer.

>> No.14141640

Lol read the Red Book. He didn't need help with that. He's what Joseph Campbell described as a functioning schizophrenic who would have been under shamanic tutelage had he not been born to modern times.

>> No.14141646

but anon he was under shamanic tutelage. have you never read the Septem Sermones?

>> No.14141648
File: 15 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only midwits are interested in the occult. High IQs are satisfied with God's revelation.

>> No.14141652

Because he studied empirically various forms of religion, therefore he is cast away as a mystic by scientists.
He is also misunderstood by new age because his approach is empirical and not metaphysical.
He is rejected as a heretical gnosticism by gnostics. And he is also seen as a dangerous occultist by Christians.

You get the point. People don't like Jung because his thinking always find a way to rub them the wrong way.

>> No.14141654

because he was a mad old bastard who made up anything because he knew his loopy followers would lap it up
jung could have told you there were literal smurfs living under toadstools in the forest and you fucknuts would have believed him

>> No.14141669

He was a freemason and quite the eccentric

>> No.14141673

Not as a child. He was confused and found Christian church to be a joke. His earliest vision was of a monster cock under the church.

>> No.14141686
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>found Christian church to be a joke
He wasn't wrong desu

>> No.14141715
File: 93 KB, 1078x775, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he studied empirically
He literally formed his theories by mystical experiences. He isn't "empirical" any more than Freud i.e. came up with a theory and interacted with people to confirm his theories.

>> No.14141718

This but Jung also took a shit on the Baconian method as being inherently limited and flawed.

>> No.14141727

every single christian and muslim that has ever existed is an unredeemale midwit at best.
go to /x/

t. joe rogan

>> No.14141767

It is a well-known fact that many of Carl Jung's patients committed suicide. Why? They had come to be helped, why did they commit suicide? Something must have been basically wrong. His analysis was just lousy. He was a very arrogant man, very egoistic, continuously ready to fight. Maybe his whole psychoanalysis developed only as his arrogance against Sigmund Freud. Maybe it was again just a rationalization, because he himself seemed to be suffering from the same problems he was thinking to help others with.


>> No.14141863

Carl Jung believed in rebirth so why not reroll for better dubs next time my esl amigo

>> No.14141880

he's retarded.
>so why not reroll for better dubs next time my esl amigo
I've gotten dubs like 20 times today. What was the point of this retarded post?

>> No.14141897

Why do you keep spamming this dollar-store mystic? At least use J Krishnamurti or Maharshi, someone just as useless but more interesting to listen tk

>> No.14141923
File: 1.85 MB, 4173x5094, Osho_HD_040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least use J Krishnamurti
J. Krishnamurti was brought up by Theosophists. He was fed, spoon-fed with all kinds of occultism. He became so fed up that on the day when the Theosophists were going to declare him to be the world teacher, and six thousand leading Theosophists from all around the world had gathered and asked him to declare himself, Krishnamurti stood up and said, "I dissolve this organization. I am nobody's teacher. I am finished with it all, and I don't want to say anything more!"

They were shocked, but as far as I see it, it was a logical conclusion. For years he was taught all kinds of nonsense by all kinds of stupid people. He was getting fed up with the whole thing. But old ladies, and particularly retired old people, were very interested. They were the majority of the Theosophists - retired people and old ladies who now had nothing else to do - and they would gather and talk nonsense about ghosts and about Tibetan masters who come flying in the air, and about letters from that Master KH. Now nobody knows who this KH. is. His full name is Koot Humi, and that too, nobody knows what it means. The less you understand, the better.

>> No.14141928

i could expose him more but it would hurt ur ego and you would tell me to stfu, anon.

>> No.14141933

This is probably guenonfag samefagging

>> No.14141935

Complete straw men lies. Anon, you should of left it just with the "sometimes patients can oblige their therapists". You just sound insane dismissing Jung in such the way you did after.

>> No.14141942

The moment J. Krishnamurti would see my sannyasins all around, he would forget on what subject he was going to speak. He would start condemning me, and condemning sannyas. This man was talking for his whole life about awareness, and he had forgotten the subject completely. And it was not only once - because my sannyasins were everywhere. Wherever he was going to speak - in London, in San Francisco, in Mumbai, in New Delhi, in Madras - wherever he was going to speak, my sannyasins were there just in the front rows.

He was so allergic that the moment he would see the sannyasins he would lose all control. At some times he even started beating his head saying, "Why do you come here? I am against sannyas." And I had told my people, "Laugh joyously! Make him as angry as possible! That will bring out the original man which is hiding behind." He could not even understand why this was happening everywhere, that he was being distracted. He would start condemning me, condemning sannyas, and become almost neurotic.

Seeing my sannyasins laughing was almost like putting more fuel on the fire, and he would become more and more angry. He could not understand why these people didn't feel offended, but on the contrary, they were laughing. His whole time would be taken up by the sannyasins

It is very easy to talk about beautiful things, to have an intellectual grasp. Krishnamurti had been forced by the theologians of a particular brand, the Theosophical Society. It was a worldwide organization in the beginning of this century, and it was preparing J. Krishnamurti to be a world teacher

Nobody can prepare anybody to be a world teacher; anything that has been prepared is going to be false. They almost tortured him in the name of discipline. They got hold of him at the age of nine, and from that moment he was not allowed to move in the world, he was not allowed to go into society. He was continuously hammered with scriptures. Early in the morning at three o'clock, he had to get up, take a cold bath, and be ready for the theosophists, the leaders of the movement, who would recite Sanskrit scriptures, Tibetan scriptures, Zen scriptures. And he was almost asleep - a nine-year-old child. And this went on up to his twenty-fifth year

They managed to create a certain personality - you can only create a personality - and they had the hope that they had succeeded in creating a world teacher. Now he was writing beautiful poems, beautiful articles which were published by a section of the Theosophical Society which had been created especially for J. Krishnamurti. The organization was called the Star of the East, and they used to publish magazines, periodicals, literature, all about Krishnamurti, creating the atmosphere around the world to receive him as a world teacher

But it was all forced from the outside. J. Krishnamurti had no realization, but he was intelligent enough to slowly grasp all the scriptures. He was honest also; U.G. Krishnamurti is not even honest

>> No.14141956

psychology is bs. if you disagree, you are retarded. Keep arguing, cuz thats all u do. it gets u no where except you feel good cuz u won the argument.

or atleast dont call me names if u want actual discussion but u sound like a jung cock sucker(projecting), so...end of discussion

>> No.14141985

Reroll meaning kill yourself because you could be reborn in better circumstances my esl pal

>> No.14142111

dumb ass nigger. stay mad u got i to jung. dumbfuck
jung is a fucking schizo

>> No.14142276

Lol you clearly aren't my esl friend because he used deliberate punctuation and effort. You are some other esl who is much dumber than him.

>> No.14142353

ohh. i get it now
>muh esl
stupid fucking retard.

Your parents have bullied you

>> No.14142373

Wtf is a soupy mystic? Someone unconfined by dogma?

>> No.14142579

agree with the other anon, you are straw manning

Jung wasn't a Jungian. No one should be a Jungian. Just because neophytes experience neophyte syndrome doesn't make what they're studying worth less

>> No.14142584

You're a schizo

>> No.14142590

nice try retards

>> No.14142629

Nice argument faggot

>> No.14142646
File: 996 KB, 3088x4701, Osho_HD_032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha stay mad

>> No.14142685

Lol brown ppl

>> No.14143422
File: 131 KB, 1069x1536, Neumann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jung wanted to incorporate as much of our histories and experiences into the model of the psyche, and this is against the Anglo-Saxon thought, which is focused on refuting things on an empirical basis. On the other hand, Freud's ideas (while flawed) are much more straight-forward and practical for the use in marketing and politics, so it's okay to accept them.Freud also fits very nicely into the materialist paradigm, since it's all connected to the sexual drive, there is no need for further explanation. However, if your claim of human nature is based on Mind or God-beware: Spirit or some Collected Unconsciousness and Archetypes, which can't be explained by pure materialism or behaviorism, there's nothing else to do, but call you a mystic.

>> No.14143442

His interest in philosophy and the occult led many to view him as a mystic.

>> No.14143448
File: 15 KB, 236x329, Marie-Louise von Franz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Jung addressing this:

> [The] difference between Freud's views and my own. Because of it I am accused of mysticism. I do not, however, hold myself responsible for the fact that man has, everywhere and always, spontaneously developed religious forms of expression, and that the human psyche from time immemorial has been shot through with religious feelings and ideas. Whoever cannot see this aspect of the human psyche is blind, and whoever chooses to explain it away, or to "enlighten" it away, has no sense of reality. Or should we see in the father-complex which shows itself in all the members of the Freudian school, and in its founder as well, convincing evidence of any release worth mentioning , from the inexorable family situation? This father-complex, fanatically defended with such stubbornness and over-sensitivity, is a cloak for religiosity misunderstood; it is a mysticism expressed in terms of biology and the family relation. As for Freud's idea of the "super-ego," it is a furtive attempt to smuggle in his timehonoured image of Jehovah in the dress of psychological theory. When one does things like that, it is better to say so openly. For my part, I prefer to call things by the names under which they have always been known. The wheel of history must not be turned back, and man's advance towards a spiritual life, which began with the primitive rites of initiation, must not be denied. It is permissible for science to divide its field of enquiry and to set up limited hypotheses, for science must work in that way; but the human psyche may not be parcelled out. It is a whole which embraces consciousness, and is the mother of consciousness. Scientific thought, being only one of its functions, can never exhaust all the possibilities of life. The psychotherapist must not allow his vision to be coloured by the glasses of pathology ; he must never allow himself to forget that the ailing mind is a human mind, and that, for all its ailments, it shares in the whole of the psychic life of man. The psychotherapist must even be able to admit that the ego is ill for the very reason that it is cut off from the whole, and has lost its connection with mankind as well as with the spirit. The ego is indeed the "place of fears," as Freud says in The Ego and the ld, but only so long as it has not returned to the "father" and "mother." Freud shipwrecks on the question of Nicodemus: "Can a man enter his mother's womb a second time and be born again?" To compare small things with great, we might say that history repeats itself here, for the question once more comes to the front today in a domestic quarrel of modern psychology... -->

>> No.14143460
File: 7 KB, 220x289, Spielrein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



> For thousands of years, rites of initiation have been teaching spiritual rebirth: yet, strangely enough, man forgets again and again the meaning of divine procreation. This is surely no evidence of a strong life of the spirit; and yet the penalty of misunderstanding is heavy, for it is nothing less than neurotic decay, embitterment, atrophy and sterility. It is easy enough to drive the spirit out of the door, but when we have done so the salt of life grows flat-it loses its savour. Fortunately, we have proof that the spirit always renews its strength in the fact that the central teaching of the ancient initiations is handed on from generation to generation. Ever and again human beings arise who under- stand what is meant by the fact that God is our father. The equal balance of the flesh and the spirit is not lost to the world. The contrast between Freud and myself goes back to essential differences in our basic assumptions. Assumptions are unavoidable, and this being so, it is wrong to pretend that we have made no assumptions. That is why I have dealt with fundamental questions; with these as a starting, the manifold and detailed differences between Freud's view and my own can best be understood. (taken from: Modern Man in Search of a Soul)

>> No.14143528

Just how popular was theosophy?

>> No.14143536


>> No.14143613

when will you learn this man is a new age obscurantist and pseudo-psycoanalist ? better read 'the secret'

>> No.14144489

Every Christian is a brainlet or a galaxy brain. Atheism is for the proud average man who thinks high of himself.

>> No.14144503

who was the best psychoanalyst?

>> No.14144554

>who was the best psychoanalyst?

its bullshit
its a jew bussiness. osho said so

>> No.14144561

>believing the guy who scammed people to get +50 rolce royce's

>> No.14144743

Jung maintained himself as an empiricist that did not make any ontological commitments whatsoever

>> No.14144758

it 90 rolls royces. he didnt scam

>> No.14144762

yes, that's because he regarded magic and other things such as alchemy as actually BEING empirical, not just symbolic ideas.
in his own 'terms', he is an empiricist, but to anyone not living a mystically enveloped life, he is most definitely NOT an empiricist.

>> No.14144919

>he regarded magic and other things such as alchemy as actually BEING empirical,
So not much different than christcucks just with better aesthetics

>> No.14145127

it was a matter of being too advanced for his day. his study seems unfinished in a lot of ways having him lumped into the charlatan wave of the hippie era. he was the dawkins we needed but didnt deserve. not the fedora way but in the meme way

>> No.14145431

who even said anything about Christians?

>> No.14146789

There is no human that has ever existed that both was a believing christian and had a IQ of over 130.

>> No.14146802
File: 29 KB, 469x469, descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14146810

>if grug think, grug real
Literaly stoneman logic. Is that the best that christcuckery has to offer?

>> No.14146832

I'm not even a christcuck but saying Descartes had an IQ lower than 130 is the sign of a dimwit. The guy literally saved us from scholasticism and invented a new field of mathematics just for fun. Go read a book or take an IQ test before embarrassing yourself like that again.

>> No.14147937

>i could expose him more
He's useless, that's how I introduced him. I'm not sure that you're following anything but your own train of thought.
>You sound insane
Are you alright?

>> No.14147962

Stay mad and stay ESL

>> No.14147998

Hypocrite cult leader

>> No.14148753

>He's useless
He got picked up by theosophists at the age of 9 while bathing in a river and got fed up of stupid shit
shitty comebacks

>> No.14149131

Based but don't be so triggering next time

>> No.14149140

Descartes is being considered a heretic that is burning in hell by christians on this board lmao

>> No.14149188

>High IQs are satisfied with God's revelation.
fucking coomers and complacents

>> No.14149209

you can safely disregard the contingent that likes to throw around the word 'heretic' a lot, don't you think?

>> No.14149263

Except Jung's treatment method changed based on his patients, sometimes he would use a Freudian or Adlerian method depending on whether it suited the patient. And a Jungian method would attract Jungian minds, although im sure you're right about the mind being able to fit into all these different philosophies.

>> No.14149280

>just finished red book
>youtube recommends a vid on the red book
>first thread on the cataloge is that one

anyway red book is a life changing experience & what I think is the bridge between the modern world & the mystic state of old. can def see why the world was "not ready" for it

>> No.14149318

>can def see why the world was "not ready" for it
if you like jungs works. look into terry a davis another schizo. Install temple os while reading the redbook schizo

>> No.14149328


already familiar with terry

in my opinion we'll soon see a school of thought synthetized from jung, PKD's valis & temple OS

>> No.14149341

yup. You are schizo stuck in your mind.

>> No.14149351


very nature of thought is "schizo" bicameral mind and all that

>> No.14149436

No, we only believe McKenna when it comes to that stuff

>> No.14149516

>who is Isaac Newton

>> No.14149582

smol brain take

>> No.14149586

got any proof of that friendo

>> No.14149593

oh no no

>> No.14149607

smdh this guy needs some Jung

>> No.14149623

>patient goes to jung
>kills himself

>> No.14149660

120 iq take

>> No.14149694

Jung is a massive pleb filter, some people just cannot see these things. Calling him a schizo is hilariously ironic.

>> No.14150469

Are u retarded

>> No.14150496


>> No.14150510 [DELETED] 
