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14140365 No.14140365[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your belief, /lit/?

>> No.14140367

Closest to Gnostic theist as I am Christian

>> No.14140369

The only logical and reasonable one: agnostic atheist.

>> No.14140374

agnostic theist seems more reasonable, considering Pascal's wager

>> No.14140388

What about religious atheism? This chart is very close minded

>> No.14140392
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>> No.14140398

what's that?

>> No.14140406

what if you believe in God but know he doesn't exist?

>> No.14140415

Gnostic Theist is the most logical one. Read Aquinas and Kirkegaard because I'm not spoonfeeding you

>> No.14140421

That comic is so retarded. “Gnostic” has an entirely different meaning from what it says, it’s not the opposite of agnostic

>> No.14140422

how does that work?

>> No.14140430

This. Isn't Gnosticism hidden knowledge or something like that? I might be wrong here.

>> No.14140431

Read the complete works of Dostoevsky

>> No.14140433

You mean Kierkegaard?

>> No.14140445

I think I know what you mean. Literally me.

>> No.14140460

I think it's the case for me. Gun to my head, I'd say God doesn't exist, but I often find this near-religious feeling within. I like to pray. I like to believe in grander things. I feel better with belief. I see religion for what it is: a manifestation of human belief. So I don't think it matters whether a god exists in actuality or not. It's the feeling, the faith, that belief that matters.

>> No.14140461

Both Dosto and Kierkegaard were fideist

>> No.14140467

literally me

>> No.14140489

In the most technical sense possible, I'm agnostic about anything that isn't an apodictic truth.

In practice, I assume what is most probable (based upon empirical/logical indications) until modulating information is presented. Usually god is presented as a negative claim, in which case it can be dismissed out of hand. In cases where the claims are specific, they seem very improbable and psychologically driven.

>> No.14140520

>agnostic theist
Who the fuck even

>> No.14140548

Just say you're Agnostic Atheist and end it.

>> No.14140556


>> No.14140562

You're a retard, sorry

>> No.14140564


>> No.14140569

Based & redpilled

>> No.14140578
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Antitheist. Hopefully God doesn't exist, because if he did, we'd have to destroy him. The best we can do right now is destroy God in the minds of all, which we must do.

>> No.14140585

>Everything has to be a on a two axis chart
Agnostic theist is retarded and has never seriously existed. Either you're a theist, an atheist or agnostic. There is no agnostic-gnostic scale.

>> No.14140589

You can't destroy God. You can barely erase the concept from people's minds, but humans are mythmakers by nature and would arrive at that concept even if they weren't nurtured in it.

>> No.14140603

haven't you heard? God is dead

>> No.14140604
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Post the three axis version.

>> No.14140608

Im your antithesis.
Im an exatheist and I would sacrifice all of humanity just to bring God to life. Bringing such a marvelous creature to life is worth any price, any sacrifice, even if I could never experience His magnificent and perfect Love.

>> No.14140610

And then he rose on the 3rd day.

>> No.14140616

You're both Nietzschean desu

>> No.14140618

What if the esotericists are right and all of reality is but a manifestation of God, we're all just a tiny part of God and he lives through us ?

>> No.14140624

agnostic atheist

if there's a god they're sadistic, apathetic, really bad at their job, absent, or any number of things. In any case, fuck god.

If god is a being who is truly benevolent he would understand me saying fuck god and wouldnt hold it against me so I feel safe saying that

I think our universe might've been made my someone who was just bored and then either got sick of watching us or doesn't care about us. We're not far off from simulating a universe like ours with AI that can feel pain and there are probably going to be plenty of people just making worlds for shits and giggles

>> No.14140625

i dont know but i believe you a retard. it could just be silly stories

>> No.14140632

You're an Agnostic R*dditor as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.14140644

Can you summarise what Taleb's wager is?

>> No.14140645

scathing critique

>> No.14140652

gaythiest BTFO

>> No.14140664
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Religion is a risk survival heuristic; it helps is survive and stay out of trouble; it is incoherent to criticize someone's beliefs when they help them survive; the mind abhors a vacuum and nothing can fill the void that secularism leaves.
He goes much more in depth. I could probably write an entire book about Talebian Fideism.

>> No.14140675

Interesting. I read a bit of Black Swan and I kinda get his general philosophy, although I'm not sure it can be applied here like you have described, because the argument is built on the assumption that religious belief does indeed increase survival. Is there any evidence of this?

>> No.14140689

He provides evidence here.

>> No.14140704

Does it actually improve rates of survival statistically and taking into account other factors?

>> No.14140736

Yes, just watch the videos and read Antifragile and Skin in the Game.

>> No.14140754

What if I believe that Jesus died and rose again, but I don't trust anything regarding modern Christianity?

>> No.14140764

Gnostic Theist. You don't trust in the institution but you belive in God.

>> No.14140768

I know for sure that either there is a God or not. I'm a gnostic agnostic.

>> No.14140771

>not being a gnostic agnostic
I am sure that i dont know what i believe