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14139025 No.14139025 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14139030

wealthy parents

>> No.14139033

Is English your second language?

>> No.14139034

They read more books than you did.

>> No.14139036
File: 22 KB, 590x472, Political ideology (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reason readers are leftist: high IQ.

>> No.14139040

Cheer up

>> No.14139063

This is a meme. Political ideology doesn't determine IQ points.

>> No.14139072

non sequitur

>> No.14139078


>> No.14139081

Internet raised autists have a hard time reconciling with the fact that "average leftist is a fucking retard" and "average leftist is much smarter than the average rightist" are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.14139085
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Anon, look

>> No.14139118

I'm sure there are many reasons. Broad categories probably include: these people participate in a literal marketplace where your values are a type of capital with which to bolster your career; they admire the ideals of 'the left' abstractly but live detached from the consequences of it due to their social position; they are aging contrarians, still clinging to when their politics were new and exciting and opposed to the mouldering values of the previous generation.

>> No.14139125

Believe me, a lot of these people hold pretty rightist views in private
t. knower

>> No.14139159


>> No.14139445


>> No.14139603
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>> No.14139607

Because being anything else means you don't get published.

>> No.14139618


Because only people on the right divide people into us and them.

>> No.14139624

Because one has to grovel to New York jews to have a snowball's chance in hell to be published?
Go to any literary/publishing conference and you'll recognize that I'm right.

>> No.14139630

"leftist" is taught in schools and universities. Most writers are well educated. "leftist" tends to be nice and comfy, emotionally speaking: help the poor, we are all equal and so on sniff.

>> No.14139633

comes with intellect

>> No.14139652
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Intellectual types tend to be well educated and the education systems pushes leftism. Those that can resist the leftist influence become libertarians.

>> No.14139670

"There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them."

>> No.14139683

>Those that can resist the leftist influence become libertarians.
>become libertarians.
Surely you mean, "get herded into libertarian circles as the path-of-least-resistance when rejecting the college dogma."
Libertarianism is a shit ideology and the only reason college kiddies succumb to it is because it's the only "edgy" alternative given that doesn't get you kicked off campus.
t. College libertarian club member back a few years ago.

>> No.14139687

Well, you do have to manage some real mental gymnastics to think communism could work. Lots of brain power needed.

>> No.14139713

In the 19th century, even in the early 20th century, I can see why people thought it was plausible. The unprecedented mechanization of civilization gave rise to all sorts of theories about how to engineer human society, and the intellectual legacy of the Enlightenment had already primed everyone to that kind of memery. There were people pointing out that this was all ludicrous and that nobody can systematize or properly control something as complex and multipolar as political organization, notably Carlyle, but they were very much the minority. The 'dictatorship of the proletariat' was always absurd even back then, but socialist reforms in general probably seemed possible.

Nowadays I think there is just a lot of denial going on. If the 20th century should have taught us anything it's that you can deform the shit out of organic social development but you can't actually turn it into a machine

>> No.14139782

because universities indoctrinate students into leftist ways of thinking and views

Lots of writers of course dont go to college and idk how long universities have been leftist but I think this accounts for the fact that almost all "creatives" are liberals.

I've been to 2 universities and both film programs' primary goal is to teach you how to fight for social justice through your work

>> No.14139783
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>Libertarianism is a shit ideology

I agree, but it's the best there is.

>> No.14139925

pretty much this, you would get blackballed pretty quickly if you werent kosher lefty

>> No.14139956

Fucking Americans. These faggots aren't LEFTIST. They are liberals. Leftist= Communist, socialist, etc. Stop talking like bloody Ben Shapiro.

>> No.14139985

>kek; you were instantly bombarded by right-wing brainlets
I find it so funny how they’ll sperg out about how everything revolves around IQ, but as soon as you dare point out to the fact that right-wingers themselves tend to not score too well on the tests, they go into damage control mode.

>> No.14139990
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- because Jews control the publishing industry

- because the default ideology of capitalism is limp-dicked milquetoast leftover liberal "humanism," and humanists enjoy adding just a dash of genuine left-wing thought like marxism or anarchism to their fundamentally bourgeois lifestyles to spice them up, so you can easily have an entire effete bourgeois intelligentsia going to cocktail parties and going "ah yes, i'm quite the MARXIST you see" while sipping champagne like a faggot

- because if the preceding point weren't enough, leftism diluted itself internally and of its own accord in the "new left" and fordist era when a new generation of boomer FAGGOTS who had never experienced war or hardship slowly eroded its radicalism and turned it into a soft-reform big-tent FAGGOT clubhouse for organizing gay and civil rights rallies, a good humanist goal in itself but a far cry from the "WE ARE IN AN APOCALYPTIC WAR WITH CAPITALISM AND IT'S DELIVERING THE DEATHBLOW TO THE HUMAN SOUL!!!!" praxis of pre-1960s marxists

- aforementioned post-war pussy liberal bourgeois capitalist "ummm i guess history is over, let's just be nice to eachother and let FAGGOTS suck cock in peace, that's still Great Politics, right?" pseudopraxis coincided with and thus intertwined with the culture of narcissism and consumerism, a net of crowd-control algorithms that got tighter and tighter with each passing decade, so even if the FAGGOT boomers hadn't been bad enough on their own with their fecklessness, there were massive profit incentives for encouraging their natural narcissism and consumerism

- JEWS are operative at every level of the foregoing. JEWS like weak porous nations with no hegemonic culture. JEWS profit from controlling docile consumers in media, entertainment, speculation finance, academics, and general consumer industry. so if capitalist incentives and natural bourgeois effeminacy hadn't been enough, JEWS were there to plug any remaining gaps through which praxis might seep

now all these factors have intertwined, and intertwined with later emergent secondary factors, for example the fact that we're all chemically neutered from processed food and brain neutralization pills and 50 years of FAGGOT culture telling us to be effeminate homo dandy queers and the degeneration of marriage and goals confusing young men into thinking that preening themselves like a FAGGOT is a good thing. now if anyone accidentally has a real thought or his dormant will accidentally awakens from its intergenerational slumber inside his breast, that moment of nascent and merely potential individuation has to run a gauntlet of JEWISH TRICKS and FAGGOT INCITEMENTS to LAXITY


>> No.14140006
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got any joojoolus?

>> No.14140026

That's the entire demographic of 'conservatives', who are frequently shit on by 4chan reactionaries

>> No.14140047

And? Naziism is leftist.

>> No.14140054

not quite. it's mostly right wing but with a lefty name.

>> No.14140058
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The right wing is more leftist than most leftists

>> No.14140079

that's because what burgers call "leftist" isn't actually leftist, just liberal.

>> No.14140138

'Liberal' can get confusing though. In Australia one of the main right-wing parties is the Liberals.

>> No.14140221

correct, so is one the main american right wing parties

>> No.14140247

Nah, they're called Republicans and Democrats. In Australia, the actual party is called the Liberals. But you are correct in spirit, both US parties are right-wing.

>> No.14140268

Self-selection probably plays a huge part, conservatives are well conservative in there life choices, taking the huge risk of being dirt poor for your entire life for the 1/10,000 chance of becoming a moderately successful author doesn't seem a conservative choice.

>> No.14140273

Well educated leftists aren't interested in "equality" as a political goal, and leftism =/= charity.

>> No.14140294

Being left is "kosher" and allowed by those in "modest clothing". Being right wing is now seen by many as being anti society bc society now means an all inclusive amalgamation of perverse and decadent persons.

>> No.14140318

It's funny, because both US parties are right-wing, and yet neither is conservative. They're both globalist corporate puppets. What a pity.

>> No.14140349


>> No.14140357


yes the people notorious for loving money are leftists.

>> No.14140362
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Read Burke's writings on the French revolution. Conservatives are the people who are too dumb or too smart to fall prey to alluring eutopianism, and instead make recourse to "the general bank and capital of nations and of ages" [referring to where to derive mores]

Leftism is for midwits or intelligent people who are extremely idealistic (nothing inherently wrong with that) or are cynically trying to score social points.

>> No.14140485

Why doesn’t the country club have black members?

>> No.14140492
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A bit Peterson inspired but I'd imagine writing as a skill also tracks with openness on the Big Five personality tests. That's the same trait that tends to fall on the left side of things.

But I guess the easier explanation for most on this board to accept beyond broad temperamental tendencies is for there to be a vast global conspiracy manifesting inside the publishing all because their favorite specific crypto-fascists don't hit it big in the industry and instead have to resort to self-publishing and still ending up widely consumed.

>> No.14140913

>So brainwashed all you got from that post was DA JOOZZ

Can you say anything at all to debase the claims against the Jewish race? Can anyone? Anything at all that isn't "das racist".

>> No.14140975

Uh, nobody said it was a conspiracy, it's open knowledge, it's not even contested that women control the publishing industry.

>> No.14140998


>> No.14141008

>what are outliers

>> No.14141167

the closest thing to my political beliefs is probably paleoconservatism. but i swear the more i read the more i understand why so many writers have a more liberal/leftist understanding of the world. I feel like even my writing tends to come across as left-leaning, despite my actually very conservative nature.

>> No.14141401

artist tend to be leff in general, something about being a dreamer or an idealist.

>> No.14141687

>>14140058 if you replace ''nationalism'' with 'chauvinism' and ''socialism'' with 'populism' you have a more accurate representation of fascist ideology, throw in some racism and you get Nazism.
Personally I KNOW chauvinism is for insecure retards, once you realise that justice, equity, and inclusion are what's best for the populace; you will understand that fascism is at best a convenient ideology for dumb corporate autocrats and will become a BERNIEbro.

>> No.14141831

Sure, i can accept that they have higher IQ and are more intelligent (because that's what's being pushed, not because "leftism" automatically means "big brain power"). But you know what? This world isn't built, nor permeated by the "intellectuals", but by raw man power, persistence, symbols and "will". Sure you need mathematicians, physicist, engineers, doctors etc but they make up a very small amount of the pop., and their views are only amongst themselves (notice how a lot of "scientists" don't agree upon one anothers work, or downright reject it/ridicule it? That's not very mature now is it). So, a mathematician can write complex fomulas and equations for days, but that won't mean anything to me, but a symbol of a black eagle clutching thunderbolts and a sword in it's talons? A mighty warrior-king dressed in blinding gold leading his people in the name of their war God? Poetic expressions of grandure and virility? That's what keep the layman going, and that my friend is almost entirely "right wing".

>> No.14141840

Tldr; read "Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar"

>> No.14142000

Tik go to sleep

>> No.14142748

ok boomer

>> No.14142768


>> No.14142874

>taking credit for nazism to own the conservatives

>> No.14142920

What do you mean Left? Do you mean Liberal? Mainly because thats the most recent narrative since "The end of History" was found difficult to argue against

Actually National Socialism has lots of books, its just that most are not in English and are Austrian or German, which American Jews have a lot of need to silence and promote the system that benefits them the most.

>> No.14142971
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This sœymaster's fault.

>> No.14142993

FYI all those graphics are statistically misleading and fake news. They lump blacks and Mexicans into the “conservative” pile based on arbitrary questions like family, church, etc. IT IS NOT based on voting patterns and anyone with half a brain and any understanding of IQ would instantly realize that. Yea, the party with 95% of blacks and 70% of Mexicans has an average IQ over a standard deviation over the majority white party.

>> No.14143005

This must mean liberals are correct.

>> No.14143009

Cultural trend. Writers are easy preys to social trends, just like everyone else.

80 years ago, most great writers were conservative/fascist/classical liberals - Ezra Pound, W. B. Yeats, T.S. Eliot, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, Luigi Pirandello, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Benedetto Croce, Miguel de Unamuno, Fernando Pessoa...