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14138782 No.14138782 [Reply] [Original]

The problem with Cioran is that, just as most philosophers before him, he had no consideration for the little things that are crucial in order to live well. It's easy to "refute" life when you've spent the majority of your life living on the top floor of a Parisian hotel room. He should have stopped thinking and started looking for the "little things" as Nietzsche put it, i.e. the right nutriment, place, climate, recreation, friends etc. etc. instead of pondering abstract philosophical questions that ultimately have nothing to do with the real world and are merely otherwordly imaginings. What is more, his hatred of Paris is well documented. He once remarked how to incessant noise of the city drove him mad and how he "could have killed someone". He called the Jardin de Luxemburg his personal Ghetsemane and Paris the city which lies furthest from Paradise. Why didn't he cease all this thinking and philosophizing and start looking for happiness?

>> No.14138911

>started looking for the "little things" as Nietzsche put it, i.e. the right nutriment, place, climate, recreation, friends
He travelled quite a lot, had a loving girlfriend that he lived with for decades, and had a very active social life with lifelong friends from the literary worlds of both France and Romania. He also loved to play music and translate poetry.

>> No.14138960

It's kind of funny how he looks like Morrissey if Morrissey was an old man with cancer

>> No.14139012


Wait what the hell? He had a long-term girlfriend? This kind of tarnishes his work...

>> No.14139087

No, it doesn't. He wasn't an incel.

>> No.14139099


>> No.14139108


He doesn't need to be an incel, but having a long-term relationship really takes the wind out of his doomer, lonesome sails. I thought this guy understood isolation and being an outsider, but if you're living with a chick for decades, you're blowing smoke out your ass.

I dunno I thought he was a kindred spirit, this makes me reconsider.

>> No.14139188

Honestly cioran had a really comfy life so I don't get your point

>> No.14139192

read Albert Caraco then, he was like Cioran except he was an actual NEET incel

>> No.14139211

He didn't mention her in his testament so as to keep the deception for his readers. She died some time later in complete poverty.
The guy was a nazi, don't forget.

>> No.14139220

Had a long term girlfriend and also never killed himself. I find him hard to read knowing that he apparently didn't even take his own writing seriously. Seems like he thought the whole thing was just a game

>> No.14139289

>He didn't mention her in his testament so as to keep the deception for his readers.
He mentions her in his interviews.
>She died some time later in complete povert
Wrong. She killed herself after editing his Cahiers
>the guy was a nazi
He wasn't

>> No.14139303

>he apparently didn't even take his own writing seriously. Seems like he thought the whole thing was just a game
Self-mockery is a one of the halfmarks of his work. And of course he didn't take life and philsophy serious. Have you read anything by him at all?

>> No.14139416
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But did he take the sentiment that nothing should be taken seriously, seriously?

>> No.14139632


>> No.14139663

Right. So he's basically an entertainer, not a philosopher

>> No.14139676

you should read him. everybody is a entertainer. and a philosopher. cioran its not about suicide and nihilism its more about how you really dont know why you do what you do.

>> No.14140061

Yes, almost all his work, his style is gorgeous. But I also knew a Romanian student whose father knew everybody in the Romanian community of Paris. He told her Cioran was a talented hack.

>> No.14140249


>a talented hack

Worse things to be, I suppose. You could be a talentless great author.

>> No.14140282


Thanks for the rec, I'll check him out, assuming anyone has translated him to English

>> No.14140371

he wrote in four languages simultaneously (I'm talking mid-sentence language shifts), so he's probably a bitch to translate

>> No.14140515
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His works ooze with misanthropy and true hatred towards the human race. He hoped for a genocide that will erase civilization and committed suicide after the death of his parents cutting his throat. Probably one the most rancid writers that has ever existed. His possessive mother and the errant nature of his family (he never belonged to anything) fucked up him forever.

"Extermination shall become the common denominator of politics to come and nature shall join in, adding its furors to ours. The end of the century shall see the Triumph of death, the world overburdened with men shall discharge the surplus deadweight of living things."

>> No.14140546

he was pretty much the living embodiment of 4chan

>edgy nihilistic philosopher
>hated his penis, so he burned and sliced it
>fluent in four languages and simultaneously wrote in all of them, making him untranslatable
>racist and misogynist rants
>self-hating Jew
>wanted a global holocaust
>escortcelmaxxed by "paying to overpower" a street whore, later said he hated it
>spent his entire life NEETing in his room, never had a job
>roped after his parents died, lived just for their sake
>possible Oedipal complex

I'm surprised he's not more well-known here, most likely because he wasn't translated much. It's interesting that he seems to be well-regarded by critics and philosophers, which is unusual because he was very politically incorrect

>> No.14140599

Why don't you take your own medicine and search for happiness instead of writing "hot take" polemics on 4chan?

>> No.14140613

Then you would know that when someone introduced him during a lecture as an eminent philosopher he interrupted the speaker and said that he was only a joker.

>> No.14140619

only if you promise to go back to r3ddit

>> No.14140627

>have everything that should allow happiness
>have nothing but over-thinking to induce any amount of suffering
>"Surely, life is hell. It's not me that's wrong."
Your brain on modernism.

>> No.14140690

>truly we have invented happiness thanks to materialism and consumerism
a bugman's brain on modernism

>> No.14140948

so he was only larping as a pussy?

>> No.14141303

He was the living personification of the underground man

>hated his penis, so he burned and sliced it
Was this true?

>> No.14141305
