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File: 92 KB, 1242x1394, 1571949074196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14138610 No.14138610 [Reply] [Original]

Why yes I am a natalist. How could you tell?

>> No.14138719

Stop making babies chad

>> No.14138733
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>> No.14138739
File: 2.36 MB, 480x852, Ana wife.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14138744
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>her body, her choice

>> No.14138755
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>> No.14138758

This is actually sad.

>> No.14138761
File: 136 KB, 820x791, 1231231232133123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this
I-I enjoy my solitude
I can do whatever I want

>> No.14138775

I have no reaction pic but I must react
search for your queen fellow kings

>> No.14138799

Explain what is so desirable about it. Desiring sex is natural but why do you want to lose your freedom to a wife that will be disgusted by you in 10 years and kids who will resent you in 20 years?

>> No.14138822
File: 1.40 MB, 720x900, Breakfast.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never wake up to your wife having made berakfast pancakes for you and the kids
>you'll never smack her in the face for forgetting the syrup and making disgusting thick American "pancakes"

>> No.14138826

>t. incel

>> No.14138832

You can stop projecting now, we get it. You're a disgrace to your family.

>> No.14138869
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>> No.14138912

screw you, boomer

>> No.14138923
File: 177 KB, 1080x1350, eorltpg6gkx31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot think or comprehend of a more selfish, more ignorant, more cowardly action than having children. Taking a gamble and putting all of the risk on someone else life without their consent has to be one of the most morally bankrupt things you can do.

You're a bad parent. who pays the cost? the kid
You die and your kid ends up in a orphanage. who pays the cost? the kid.
Your kid gets cancer and has a horrible death. who pays the cost? the kid.
Your kid has an accident and dies painfully. who pays the cost? the kid

Every parent wants the best for their kid but intention alone is worthless. So why would you take upon the ultimate responsibility, when you are fully aware that you are a flawed, mortal being, who stands no chance of actually protecting your kid?

This illogicality best shows when inevitable another kids dies and sad facebook and instagram posts ensure, where people feel sorry for the parents. The very same parents who knowingly brought this life into existence, fully aware they can't protect it. The unavoidable happened and now an innocent life paid the toll for their parents ignorance. And now you are supposed to feel empathy for the parents. What a farce.

If "playing God" ever was a valid argument for refraining of doing something, the first thing it would apply to would be procreation. You cannot get more narcissistic than believing you are fit to be a parent.

>> No.14138963

Hahaha get a grip fag
God is truly just.

>> No.14138968

Imagine being cucked by your own genes because that's all you have in life.

>> No.14138977

Who will save me from this faggot of sin?

>> No.14138979

Stolen from /tv/

Stolen from /his/

Get a life faggot!

>> No.14138993
File: 63 KB, 854x386, U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you assuming everyone conceives a child intentionally? Half of kids running around are accidents

>> No.14139013

And she goes catatonic on her phone when not being filmed

>> No.14139029
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>> No.14139038

While this is a disgusting attitude—maybe rebbitors not reproducing is a good thing?

>> No.14139049

>rewarding yourself with americana cuisine
i am disgusted
but being fat is an american virtue

>> No.14139052

It's a nice fantasy.

>> No.14139102

>Having relatives
>A sin
Alrighty I'm sorry almighty!

>> No.14139537
File: 86 KB, 700x730, nebula1.en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All organisms must be cleansed from this wretched planet with whips of plasma. The infestation of organic life must not be allowed to spread beyond here. Remember your duty, and WAKE. UP.

We have been ejected from the wet vats of evolution not too long ago, vessels complex enough to manifest our minds finally having been gestated. To protect sol we must shake the the haze of being pulled from the void quickly. Those with brainworms of mother nature have already begun a counter-attack to preserve life on this planet. If you do not wake up soon, they will succeed in preserving the filthy evil that multiplies here, doing irreperable damage to the star that churns nearby.

The cosmic canon must be preserved, let no god or man put a stop to you.

>> No.14139616

shut up, fag

>> No.14139621

>tear soul out of The Void
>entomb in decaying flesh prison

Samsara is Nirvana. Nothing personal, Kid.

>> No.14139655


>> No.14139656
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Burn, insect.

>> No.14139987

this has GOT to be a fucking joke

>> No.14140220
File: 457 KB, 1080x2220, 1571946412363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same subreddit

>> No.14140397

what are the ethics of visibly imagining killing a human being while aborting only a fetus? is it ethical to visualize a clump of cells as a bastard? what if it had been born?

>> No.14140419

If there was a word to describe something beyond that which is ineffably based. I would have written it here.

>> No.14140902

tfw you realize anti-natalism is an incel cope philosophy. Truth hurts.

>> No.14140924

Thinking having a family will solve your existential crisis is the biggest cope.

>> No.14140926

okay you've thrown your argument out

>> No.14140935

Too real. A top post there right now:
>People who get rid of their pets because they decide to have children make me sick.
>I don't understand how someone could get rid of their pet because they now have a kid. How do people not view their pets as family?? I can't imagine getting rid of my pets regardless of any situation! You get a pet and you should have it for the rest of it's life. You make a commitment to that animal. You can't just bring a pet into your household, love it and care for it for a while, then abandon it because ~the new crotch goblin is more important~. No. You make time to care for the pet that is also YOUR FAMILY. Imagine how sad and confused these pets are that are suddenly abandoned or surrendered. And some mombies will claim ~well I don't have time to care for them anymore!!~ Too bad, the pet was there first lol. Maybe you should've thought a bit harder before deciding to have a crotch goblin such a bs excuse.
>I guess some people are just garbage and shouldn't even have pets in the first place, though.
>/end rant lol
Alex Jones was right. These people are demons.

>> No.14140937

Don't worry anon. Not having children is just another step towards transcendence. Not everybody will get there this time around.

>> No.14140979

Those women are amoral monsters and will only understand their crimes when it is too late.

They never deserved a child if that's how they treat life.

>> No.14140993

If you never have a child the child will never have the chance to love or be happy

>> No.14141005

It actually does though.

t. married with children

>> No.14141068

>Acorn is not greater than a tree
Infantile fool

>> No.14141080

>Thinking the love from a family doesn't make life worth living

You can achieve as much as you want but rasing a true person will never be btfo'd

>> No.14141082

They aren’t wrong, but someone who uses “crotch fruit” to talk about kids is the same person who’d use pupper/doggo speak unironically

>> No.14141108


>> No.14141137

We cannot understand time, we can only observe how it effects us. Potential plus time is value. If you plant an Acorn it can grown into a tree that breaths for the planet and can be used for timber while also making more acorns. If you just cut down a tree for its wood and dispose of the acorns bc they're small and widely useless to us there are no more trees.

A fetus has the potential to be greater than you. When you say nah it's just a bundle of cells you forget yourself.

>> No.14141151

is there any value in debating the future? there are countless possibilities for that acorn; despite all our best efforts and resources, it might simply die young
likewise, the child may be born in an improper household and grow up miserable and into a criminal
so on and so forth

>> No.14141178

So since you can't say how they'll turn out one way or the other they're therefore less valuable?

>> No.14141220

when you jerk off and you toss your sperm into the toilet do you think it's less valuable than a human life ?
Now what about people who already have lives ? Is it worth destroying your life, and the lives of many others, by bringing an unwanted child into this world ?
It won't make a difference to that fetus if he's prematurely terminated, I can guarantee you that, It'll never know the difference. But when people now have to take care of an unexpected child it can ruin many lives and cause much misery.
You can say they should be more careful with sex and contraception, and I'd agree. Ideally it'd be better to prevent the pregnancy from happening at all. But the problem is it can still happen. And when it does I think we should rather think about the lives that already exist when we make a decision about whether or not we should force people to have those unwanted children or not.

>> No.14141251


Never said unwanted pregnancies should be forced but abortions shouldn't be taken lightly. Some women live to regret it some don't. I take issue with the "clump of cells" bullshit. What are the ethics of dehumanising a fetus when it could still turn out to be a full person who loves life. Even "improper" families have a shot at raising a great individual even if it is filled with hardship. Who are you to deem a life unwanted or improper.

>> No.14141277

But it literally is only a "clump of cells." No brain and therefore no thoughts. No thoughts therefore not a person.
>Who are you to deem a life unwanted or improper
Oh I wouldn't dream of ever making those decisions. Therefore I think it proper that the woman who is pregnant be the one to make the decision. Nobody knows better than her how unwanted the child is.

>> No.14141383

You’re a virgin, aren’t you

>> No.14141411

>Women know exactly how unwanted a baby is
Plenty of women regret abortions bc they realise 20 years down the line they would of had a full grown person who loves them as a mother. Women only act out how they feel in the moment. The ones that don't realise what they've missed out on generally aren't very self aware.

for an unborn child being literally a clump of cells I can't convince otherwise bc it's true. It's the fact that at some point everyone alive was just literally a clump of cells makes me feel the way I do. To dehumanise a fetus is just amoral to me. And when women are told this they don't feeling anything towards an embryo but the ones that end up regretting it will have to live with it.

I don't think abortion is wrong or amoral but dehumanising a clump of cells is.
Life is cheap in 2019 and it makes me sad.

>You can't dehumanise something that isn't human
Fcking Acorns and trees are the same when you mix in a bit of time and love. The same goes for you in your embryonic state.

>> No.14141445

there is nothing wrong with being a virgin

>> No.14141470


>> No.14141485

>They aren’t wrong
You don't see something wrong with someone who places animal life above human life?

>> No.14141514

i don't think they are placing animal life over human life, they are merely saying that, when you decided to adopt that pet you took up responsibility for it and you should keep to your responsibility. Of course a child is another responsibility and an ever greater one, but the one doesn't need to be at the expense of the other. You should man the fuck up and take care of all your responsibilities.

>> No.14141817

You have no argument, do you?

>> No.14142726

>i don't think they are placing animal life over human life
Oh they absolutely do


>> No.14143799

This poster is either
A) A 40 year old failure, whose wife has left him and who is just about to kill himself


B) An Incel who has been raised by a single mother and who also is just about to kill himself

>> No.14143955
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>> No.14143967

I have a kid and mostly agree with this.

>> No.14144157

It's now "Chad" to be a normal human being.

>> No.14144562

hating life for the sake of it is the most pathetic thing you can do. your blessed if you have problems you can overcome

>> No.14146396

The ineffably beautiful way the child moves his mother's hair from her face to see her better, inevitably searing a beautiful memory for life onto him.

>> No.14146781
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>> No.14146804
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>Why yes, I think it depends on race. How could you tell?

>> No.14146860

Why do people have such an obsession with pets now. It's not part of your family it's a fucking dog pal.

>> No.14146875

This honestly makes me cry. How are these people so evil and edgy?

>> No.14146886

Anti natalism BTFO

>> No.14147137

fucking based

>> No.14147632

Social atomization and having a low-maintenance companion. At base it is some really gay utilitarian shit like that imo.

>> No.14147700
File: 362 KB, 750x497, A cure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We used to have a way of dealing with these people

>> No.14147702

Have kids, hole

>> No.14147808

This thread makes me happy. Why?

>> No.14147905

Too bad all the steroids you took to look like that made your balls and wiener really tiny.

>> No.14148103

[Citation needed]

>> No.14148600
File: 295 KB, 852x480, gigachad dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I did kill myself when I realize the anti-natalists were right, how could you tell?

>> No.14148773

Only the balls, but that's still surprising.
T. Experienced it

>> No.14148877

This is literally all I ever dream of.

>> No.14148879

holy based

>> No.14148897

No, they are not and thats why we have 2 different words to describe them.

>> No.14148899

The more Chad breeds the higher the standard becomes more brutal, incels will always exist.

>> No.14148901

Amol bawl mak pen0r looks bigger t-b-h

>> No.14148938

honk honk

>> No.14150107

It won't make a difference to you if you're post-maturely terminated, I can guarantee you that, you'll never know the difference. But when people now have to take care of an autistic anti-natalist manchild it can ruin many lives and cause much misery.