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File: 7 KB, 224x250, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14135693 No.14135693 [Reply] [Original]

Julius Evola - Revolt Against the Modern World (1934)
>After exposing the decadence of modern woman, we must not forget that man is mostly responsible for such a decadence. Just like the plebeian masses would have never been able to make their way into all the domains of social life and of civilisation if real kings and real aristocrats would have been in power, likewise in a society run by real men, woman would never have yearned for or even been capable of taking the path she is following today. The periods in which women have reached autonomy and preeminence almost always have coincided with epochs marked by manifest decadence in ancient civilizations. Thus, the best and most authentic reaction against feminism and against every other female aberration should not be aimed at women as such, but at men instead. It should not be expected of women that they return to what they really are and thus reestablish the necessary inner and outer conditions for a reintegration of a superior race, when men themselves retain only the semblance of true virility."

Julius Evola - Eros and the Mysteries of Love (1958)
>"In a society that no longer understands the figure of the ascetic and of the warrior; in which the hands of the latest aristocrats seem better fit to hold tennis rackets or shakers for cocktail mixes than swords or scepters; in which the archetype of the virile man is represented by a boxer or by a movie star if not by the dull wimp represented by the intellectual, the college professor, the narcissistic puppet of the artist, or the busy and dirty money-making banker and the politician—in such a society it was only a matter of time before women rose up and claimed for themselves a “personality” and a “freedom” according to the anarchist and individualist meaning usually associated with these words.”

>> No.14135700

Julius Evola - Eros and the Mysteries of Love (1958)
>“We can’t ask ourselves if the woman is superior or inferior to man more than we can ask ourselves if water is superior or inferior to fire. Therefore, for each of the sexes the criterion of measurement cannot be given from the opposite sex, but exclusively from the “idea” of their own sex. The only thing that can be done is, in other terms, establish the superiority or the inferiority of a certain woman according to her being more or less near to the female typicity, to the pure or absolute women; and analogous thing also applies to man. The “demands” of modern woman derives, therefore, from wrong ambitions, besides from a complex of inferiority – from the wrong idea that a woman as such, as “only woman”, is inferior to man. Rightfully has been said that feminism has not fighted for the “rights of woman” but rather, without realizing it, for the right of woman to be the same as a man: thing that, even if it were possible outside of the exterior practicistic-intellectual plane just said, would be equivalent for the right of woman to distort herself, to degenerate. The only qualitative criterion is, let us repeat, that of the degree of more or less perfect realization of its own nature. There is no doubt that a woman that is perfectly woman is superior to a man that is imperfectly man, in the same way as a peasant loyal to the land, who performs perfectly his functions, is superior to a king unable to perform his task”.

If not, who beats him? (pre-internet revolution obvs). Is that book by Otto Weininger any good?

>> No.14135732

this is some dwarf brain shit, twitter famous writers are so shit

>> No.14135749

Show tits.

>> No.14135765

Is he famous on twitter? That would surprise me. He's quite well-known among the people I'm currently doing a Philosophy PhD under (top 3 universities in my country). Most of the MA students have heard of him and have some knowledge of his work too. Of course, we wouldn't' reference him, that could hurt future prospects. But it doesn't mean we never read him. Many people in academia are fascinated by guys like Evola, but careful not to expose that fascination publicly (outside of fellow academics).

You calling it "dwarf brain" shows me you've never seriously read any of his work. Some of it is very left-field and weird, but a "dwarf brain" he clearly wasn't. Had a great grasp of history (including ancient history) and of european philosophy. "Crack pot" would have been a better insult if you wanted to insult him. Dwarf brain just exposes you as a twitter fanatic who has never read him. I don't listen to the opinions people have on someone if they have never actually read any of their work in the first place - because then the opinion is always just a learnt verbatim response to the author's name - pure emotion and passion, no logic or rationality. That's the antithesis of intellectual discussion.

>> No.14135872

Yes but most women-hating christcuck virgins on here won't admit that their own weak minded nature is what creates the "sluts" they so passionately despise (and desire).

>> No.14135882

No one in academia cares about a literal who. It's pathetic that you have to lie to support your retarded beliefs.

>> No.14135891

Evola wasn't a christcuck.

>> No.14135913

I know that, retard. Where did I say he was?

>> No.14135998

Trying too hard verbal diarrhea

Also, Evola himself was not a man of action, so he is just larping here.
>But anon, Evola used to take strolls when there was bombing outside until he lost his legs, isn't that based
Literally schizo-tier

>> No.14136007

tis true
men are equally responsible for modern society's gynocentricism and untethered hypergamy

whamen have their role. men have their role. the two genders do need to keep each other in check.

second wave feminism could arguably be the time when the world should have realized "we need to keep this shit in check." it is understandable why it wasnt though - the effects of the birth control pill and the sexual revolution were hard to foresee.

today's third wave feminism though, has no legit reason to continue ravaging on. we've already seen what happens when feminism goes rampant, its like social thermite. once ignited, it just keeps going on and on. on top of that, third wave feminism is by and large a joke movement built on bullshit concepts and ideas.
>smash the patriarchy!

whamen need to be guided and fostered. whamen will not self-regulate, anyone who has been in a relationship with a whamen knows how little personal responsibility they adopt. it is up to the men to do something about it, although i am unsure how when the vast majority of men are blue pilled

>> No.14136017

Be silent oppressive cuck

>> No.14136018

>Is that book by Otto Weininger any good?
A timeless masterpiece. Strong stuff, not for the weak-hearted.

>> No.14136032

youre gonna have to bait harder
post feet maybe?

>> No.14136077

In which way are women degenerate in today's society?

>> No.14136081

in every single one

>> No.14136089

You're going to have to be a little more specific...

>> No.14136094

Rec if you haven't read it. This is internet stuff but I think it's better.

>> No.14136101

They fuck dogs.

>> No.14136102

Did you read the quotes? They're degenerate because femininity has been discarded in favour of LARPing as a shadow of masculinity which also happens to be highly commercialised. Literally degenerate because they degenerate from women to LARPy men who could never be either.

That's at least what he wrote. I'm not sure what to think myself.

>> No.14136133

What the fuck are you even talking about?

That's only true if you consider that men are the only ones who deserve to have freedom and a personality. In that case any sort of feminine emancipation will be seen as degenerate.

But obviously women are just as deserving of freedom and other such rights.

>> No.14136143

theyre not degenerate. theyre just naive and irrational.

you dont call a child degenerate. but you dont falsely label them as BIG BOY (at least, not unironically).

whamen dont like taking personal responsibility. they dont like being held accountable. whamen would rather blame the world than to reflect upon their own behaviors and actions.
whamen like to think they can have their cake and eat it too, without realizing that anything worth having requires sacrifice of some kind.

>> No.14136147

>clearly never worked in humanities academia.

>> No.14136166

There's plenty of naive irrational men as well. If you want to show that women are inherently more naive or irrational, then you better post your source.

>> No.14136188

Sounds like he understood Nietzsche.

>> No.14136211

lol look at this cheeky cunt. clever little shit is probably yipping in joy

the vast majority of men are blue pilled, no shit plenty of them are naive and irrational

hold on, let me go find some academic source to back up my claim
>oh no, no one in the academic field would touch this with a 10 foot pole because 1) no money to be made and 2) its not worth being ostracized

how about whamen claiming the reason there arent enough <insert whatever job title whamen are crying about right now> because "muh patriarchy"
>look at the Scandinavian countries
>most gender egalitarian countries that we know
>gender-vocation ratio is even more skewed. when people are more free and more able to pursue jobs they want, men and whamen tend to funnel even more into stereotypical gender vocations
>study has been replicated again and again

>> No.14136231

literally every way. do you go outside

>> No.14136245

You want a study or what? Dumb faggot.

>> No.14136284 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 736x1104, 1573263303976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy yourself sexist cuck

>> No.14136293

In all the ways that men are. As the quote in the OP says, men are responsible for the state of women today. They're polyamorous, homosexual, obsessed with escapism, egalitarian, etc.

>> No.14136299

A good quality man has always had snizz on the side, you could say it's the trad way of man.

>> No.14136304

Plenty of times, I don't see any of this so called degeneracy

You can seethe all you want. I'm not going to just take your word for it

I'm sure there's quite some money to be made if you can prove that women are inherently more irrational and naive than men. I'm sure the Republican party would be all over it, like flies on shit.

Women and men choose different career paths. How does that make women more naive and irrational than men again?

>> No.14136315
File: 693 KB, 537x538, 1366610860953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one visibly seething and sperging out is you desu.

>> No.14136324
File: 6 KB, 549x400, response.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14136325

>A good quality
No. It's a mark of low intelligence. All higher intelligence is interested in The One, in spiritualizing The One over everything else. If you aren't a perfectionist with yourself, you're pathetic.

>> No.14136339

>That's only true if you consider that men are the only ones who deserve to have freedom and a personality. In that case any sort of feminine emancipation will be seen as degenerate.
>But obviously women are just as deserving of freedom and other such rights.

Anon, I...

>> No.14136350

No matter how hard you're trying, you're not gonna turn your inceldom into something mysterious.

>> No.14136355

i know im retarded, but even my autism brain is telling me the watermark website link in the bottom right hand corner means the feet arent yours


the Republican party isnt out to be redpilled
any research into their voting patterns shows that they by and large are with the basics of feminism
>only 13% of men think feminism has gone too far

>makes a point that whamen are irrational by claiming "muh patriarchy" is the reason for whamen and men choosing different career paths
>points out it isnt because "muh patriarchy"
>this retarded cunt replies: "whamen and men choose different career paths, how does that make whamen more naive and irrational?"

you might want to try harder

do i have to make it even easier for you?
>whamen: whamen only make 78 cents on the dollar!
>people who arent idiots: well you see, that study has been debunked. it doesnt account for things such as different professions, length of work time, etc
>also there are around 20 factors as to why whamen make less than men, with sexism being one small factor

>> No.14136370

Your post has fucking nothing to do with mine. Try again.

>> No.14136383

Wow no need for this type of language. We all know women are inferior, hence the c word.

>> No.14136385

>i-i'm volcel!!!
>le higher purpose of slipping the d
Sure thing, bud.

>> No.14136416

I'm married.

Everyone remotely intelligent is a perfectionist at heart. We want the best, we seek out the best, we concentrate every fiber of our beings on the best and we discard and ignore everything else.

>> No.14136423

you sound like a sassy black girl that's all about getting what's rightfully hers.

>> No.14136679

>Everyone remotely intelligent is a perfectionist at heart.
I'm curious of what you regard as perfection and what capacity.

>> No.14136710

im gonna go out on a limb and say that this person's idea of perfection and their worthless self-identified status of "higher intelligence" is probably no where close to what anyone would call perfection or higher intelligence
>frequents 4chan
>posts on 4chan
do i need to submit more pieces of evidence to the court?

>> No.14136721

Not an argument and ad hominem. Answer my question.

>> No.14136737


if this is you ^
then im agreeing with you
aka im not the OP that >>14136679 replied to

just saying. you, me, that person. we all visit and post on 4chan.
i think that alone is enough to give a glimpse into the people we are

>> No.14136820

Ah, my mistake. Well, critical theorizing and psychoanalyzing aside for character assassination, there is no need to bring up the fact we are discussing on 4chan.

>> No.14136861

you sound like someone who's had an incredibly easy life

it's easy to focus on yourself when you have very little weighing you down

>> No.14136920

>Most of the MA students have heard of him and have some knowledge of his work too. Of course, we wouldn't' reference him, that could hurt future prospects. But it doesn't mean we never read him. Many people in academia are fascinated by guys like Evola, but careful not to expose that fascination publicly (outside of fellow academics).

I've the a similar experience with Heidegger. He is jerked the fuck off and nobody seems to understand him either. I mentioned Thucydides and was planning on doing a paper on him, but nobody had heard of him. I've never mentioned Evola seriously though nor thought to actually read him. Maybe I'll check him out though.

>> No.14137040

Why is /lit/ so fucking retarded?

What does it matter what I consider perfect, the best? We all have our own sense of what that thing is. There can only be one best thing though, not two. That goes for all of us. We each have our own heaven and hell.

>> No.14137073

Additionally, a thing achieves the highest level of personal significance and intensity when we grant it absolute exclusivity. A dozen different relationships will never be as significant or remarkable to us as the one relationship that we deem the best and the only one for us. Everything about the relationship becomes better then. You have low intelligence and low attention span if you're incapable of sticking to one relationship at a time and willing that exclusivity in your life.

>> No.14137085

and your thing is your spouse? lol ok

>> No.14137086

schizophrenia is based

>> No.14137124

Tell me more about what your graduate colleagues had to say about Evola. I'm very interested.

>> No.14137126

We have an ideal for everything. An ideal woman, an ideal car, an ideal house, etc. Our relationship with the ideal is diminished if we share it with less-than-ideal things.

>> No.14137264

>That's only true if you consider that men are the only ones who deserve to have freedom and a personality. In that case any sort of feminine emancipation will be seen as degenerate.
>But obviously women are just as deserving of freedom and other such rights.
Not true, don't twist it into your terms you loser. Men and women alike have their natures and correspondingly their 'limitations' i.e. what they're best suited to be. It has nothing to do with men enslaving women or women enslaving men. Which is fabricated nonsense outside of maybe Islamic sex slavery.

>> No.14137886

you are not an academic, you are a puppet of the jews. Self censorship is the mark of a man with no backbone, a true slave. It is true that the scholars of today would be equally at home shovelling shit on a pig farm as they would be in their "Universities".

>> No.14137969
File: 28 KB, 482x339, IMG_20191105_205326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the Ottopill

>> No.14138031


>> No.14138041

lmao, have an upvote

>> No.14138049

ok incel

>> No.14139221

Yeah Heideggar's a weird one. Some academics have "changed their views" on him and think you can't remove his politics from his philosophy (what shite). Others still consider him an important philosopher, but yeah it's crazy how in the current climate people may think you hold "unacceptable thoughts" if you simply are an academic with an interest in Heideggar.

One of the kindest, most wholesome, most genuinely amazing people I've met is a Heidegarrian who did his PhD on Heideggar in Germany. With people like that in your (academic) company, I will never hesitate to talk positively about Heideggar in a public setting.

Evola is definitely a step "above" Heideggar in terms of college campus controversy though. I'm very surprised nobody had heard of Thucydides in your department!

>> No.14139233

He was very much influenced by, and a follower of, Nietzsche.

Certainly. Nietzsche is still the perfect starting point for any sort of "thought-crime" philosophy. He is still the king of it, and any important philosopher writing on "dark enlightenment" topics like this are usually very familiar with his work. Evola certainly was.

>> No.14139307

Weininger is a genius.

>> No.14139982

>this is some dwarf brain shit
spoken like a resentful midwit with nothing to contribute

>> No.14140001

>Thus, the best and most authentic reaction against feminism and against every other female aberration should not be aimed at women as such, but at men instead.

>> No.14140021

>the false dichotomy "two-party" system
literally kys, but only after dilating

>> No.14140297

You're right and the Ebola quote states the same. Women are out of balance not only because men allowed them to but because men have gone insane as well.

>> No.14140382

give me the Ottopill

>> No.14141097

Literally audible kek. Thanks lad, i really enoyed a good laugh

>> No.14142102

Before MTV, hip hop and Madonna there were Anarchism, feminism and marxism

>> No.14142743

I could kick everyone's ass itt and that's all that matters at the end of the day.

>> No.14142886

Bro this is cringe and there is no way you are older than 15 go back to /b/ or wherever

>> No.14143055

Why even bother with women? They just aren't worth it. There is no greater agony than sharing existence on this mortal plane with the creatures we have come to know as the 'fairer sex'.

Today I sat alone in the train listening to my obscure esoteric ritual ambient music, then two conventionally attractive females joined me in my solitude, they sat in front of me and started having a mundane conversation, it caught my interest how they kept talking and laughing about trivial normie topics instead of contemplating the true essence of life and searching for a purpose within. We make eye contact for a split second but I break it immediately as she carried on the conversation with her friend, she probably thought she made eye contact with a normal awkward nerdy guy listening to his music in peace but in reality she's beholding a man that is enduring the metaphysical struggle of his race, a man with an aristocratic and adventurous spirit that yearns for celestial freedom as his mind is experiencing levitation towards a complete transcendence despite only weighing 120 pounds.

I indirectly gazed upon the females with an eye of revulsion, repulsed by their moral disintegration and degenerate lifestyle, then in complete and utter disgust I thought to myself "if only they knew how much of a wise Magian I am?" They would've given themselves to me, to fullfil my carnal desires, to plant my seed and give a chance to my offspring to exist and flourish. But of course they won't as I'm very sure they have decided to pursue this puny empty life, to have sex with the so-called CHAD. It truly is a difficult time for an intellectual like me to exist, it truly is the KALI YUGA.

>> No.14143073

what the fuck is up with this board's reading comprehension

>> No.14143169

Anyone disagreeing with you is likely a beta male who, for one reason or another, thirsts lasciviously after humans of the female gender. After reading through these quotes, I realise that it is not women I hate, but the modern degradation of women into some beast they are not that I hate. Equally so, it is the modern day effeminate and cowardly man whom I most despise, not men in general. I suppose I have always suspected this, that good women can exist, but why should they when the path to decadence is much more luring, what with its instant satisfaction and so forth. They are unable to cope with rejection, they believe that they are worthy of the highest praise for possessing a vagina and being 18 to 20. I turned down one because she had sex with multiple men, sent me nudes photographs fairly early into speaking with me, and was covered in tattoos. I said I didn't like that, it was uncouth to me to behave in such a manner, and that I would not forgive it. Obviously the immediate response I received was wrath. Much is the case with other women I have turned down, some for similar reasons, others for completely different reasons. I will say that I should be more forgiving of these strumpets, perhaps if I too engaged in such meaningless exchanges of bodily fluid, I too would feel less jealousy and hatred for these wretched beasts that call themselves women. As it stands, however, I cannot bring myself to actually love any rendition of women that I see today, and I cannot say that I enjoy too much the prospect of meaningless sex, even on today, the tenth day of no nut. This existence is miserable, I do not recommend such a life for anyone, I hope that with enough suffering, I reach clarity and understand truth, either that or I will go completely insane. In any sense, I feel a moral compulsion to take the road less taken, to see where it leads and hope that it brings some kind of salvation for others after me.

>> No.14143185

Think of people living today as scavengers with heavy radiation poisoning.
One shouldn't have let the jews into any information distribution network, much less the school environment. Now all people are born brainwashed because their trust is used against them by a biological computer virus.

>> No.14143846

What should i read from him first? Revolt against the modern world?

>> No.14143862
File: 361 KB, 1146x1079, TheAbsoluteStateOfWomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk you tell me

>> No.14143927
File: 318 KB, 749x748, MCG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am jacking off to this as we speak. I imagine she knows the significance of using that particular suit from a deck of cards. It is the red mark of the initiated. The mark of the beast, the proverbial eye upon the terrible temple. It is worse, and more, worthless. The big black spade ripping her where I cannot, and her spade taking the gold from my earth. She is my poison ivy. Was it her fate to draw a spade, or could it have been her black heart? Blood diamonds sparkle in the clubs... blah blah blah. I am bored with the pettifoggery or was that the pataphory. Make this ho mine on the off chance she is anything but she seems, that'd be so chic and I will be the first to die in the gas leak from her mines. I will suck the degeneracy down to its toes.

>> No.14143957

why do you virgins love looking up random femdoms to jerk off to? Evola is correct, this genre of fem shit is entirely built on the sexual inadequacy of cuckolded men. For men not afflicted with your degenerate illness, this genre of female basically doesn't exist in our environments, meaning it is you who bring this to existence.

>> No.14143970

not the person you are answering, i agree with the other anon post, but wamen should also keep themselves in check. its not like its a "man" duty to keep society in check. duty is a consequence of a healthy developed masculine trait both genders share.

>> No.14143972

>muh aristocrats
My grandparents were peasants. In an aristocracy I might never have been able to aspire to become anything else, even if I had the prerequisites. Why should I support an aristocrat?

>> No.14143982

or its because you're a faggot cuck and you hate yourself, but can't bring yourself to admit that. As a friend I'd recommend you kill yourself and spare the rest of us your annoying gripings.

>> No.14143988

>My grandparents were peasants
You should go back to the farm then.

>> No.14143997

and of course you can hold responsible the person itself for being in part responsible for their own behavior, men and woman alike. wtf is wrong with you, have you never met or heard about how in anywhere in the world, woman can become as abusive by men, encouraged by women? the society is contingent to the fact that in anywhere in the world, women can become their own version of dark. listen to any beaten up woman-s story, they usually involves a fucking dark twisted mother that can get as fucked up as their male counterparts.

>> No.14144004

>its not like its a "man" duty to keep society in check.
It is though, and denying it means you aren't a man.

>> No.14144021

Fuck you. I earn a six-figure salary now thanks to universal education brought about by democracy and liberalism. Have fun doing yoga and thinking you’re an aristocrat for resenting the modern world incel

>> No.14144024

Lets be honest here. A large chunk of those are probably dudes pretending to be women. I hope

>> No.14144035

The ones screencapped are for the sake of the screencap. We currently live in a social phase where the dimension of internet propaganda is being learned by reactionary movements.

>> No.14144036

Imagine baiting this hard on a japanese anime forum.

>> No.14144114

grats bro, you stand for the status quo

keep climbing that faux middle class ladder and one day neoliberalism might afford you a medicated wife and two kids who resent you.

>> No.14144134

God I hate woman so much. I know that this is our fault but why it must be like this in the first place. Why He create them like this?

>> No.14144136

We created them like this.

>> No.14144152

In my country after war there was a lot more women and they created weak mens.

>> No.14144176

the job belongs to both genders, and they both have their own shit to sort on their own turf. why do you think women mean when they say "my body my rigthts"? it means that they do have the right to sort their own shit out on their own terms. just like men. part of this whole situation is the compulsion to shift blame into something or someone else. modern liberal women have that in common with incels. both groups act like children when it comes to responsability.
>nuh its men fault.
thats my point.

>> No.14144195

and on the very subject, who do think does not allow men to deal with men issues in a sound manner?
its femine traits turn up into an extreme. which is what is happening right now everywhere.
men cant say truthful shit because it hurt muh feelings and muh empowerment fantasies. truth hurts. its supposed to hurt you into realizing you are fucking up. bet everywhere, including your post, exudes this bullshit postmodern interpretation of the world that aim towards shifting blame into something else than me
>because deep down i know im not the result of my actions, i get to decide what i am!

>> No.14144206

We bred them to be like this, like dogs, horses and other livestock, not even trying to be edgy. In pre-historic and even early historic times rape (meaning in this contexts capturing a bride, not just having sex with them) was the norm. Some primitive tribes even reenact rapes in their marriage cerimonies. In short, we killed off all the independent-minded, intelligent women and bred only the superficial, conformist and status-seeking. The result is modern whamen.

>> No.14144251

Of course women have to contribute as well, but who is the stronger and smarter of the two? Whoever is wearing the pants in the relationship has the bigger responsibility towards it.

This line of reasoning you're giving me is just part of the ongoing process of castrating young men, which is what lead to this mess in the first place. You talk about "feminine traits" jeopardizing men's ability to control women, but who was in control prior to when those traits grew out of control? Men. We weakened ourselves, and then women have slowly been filling men's shoes (i.e., becoming men), because men are still needed in the world.

>> No.14144492

you are not getting my point. i dont advocate towards control or censorship, neither intra nor inter group. what i think works, is when each groups takes care of their own and inbetween. instead of shifting blames, you take responsibility and works towards a solution. todays world is all about screaming and demanding privilages.
also, women are stronger and smarter in certains areas that men arent, areas that are currently in peril precisely because women are not taking charge on their own turf.
all your post are aiming at the same target "men bad!", claiming that men should stand to the task and solve YOUR life for you.
i doesnt matter if you are a man or a woman, that kind of argumentaion only weakens you on the long run and fosters eventual feeling of comptempt towards yourself and others, as if you were somehow cheated out of a good deal.

>> No.14144527

You just showing that you are stupid now.
You think you are smart because you know something but we know this already you bitch. You are just out of arguments and want end it like you had right.

>> No.14144539

No you retard it's the state of men, why be a decent woman when you can have a horde of basedboys that give you money for doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.14144556

instead of turning this discussion into insults, why dont you just counter argument what im saying?
so far you are saying that men should take care of problems of both men and women.
im saying that some problems require the expertise of women more than the one of men.
from that, you can argument that if things are shitty today, is because both men and women are not doing their part. that means that, if a solution appears, it probably be of the work through colaboration, not just from shifting the responsability of the work towards one group, be it men or women.

what do can you counter to that?

>> No.14145755

First of all that was my first post on this thread and that will be the last. I have better things to do than talking to a stupid whomen.

Second you are partly right but still a woman that need to submit to superior man.That's it, accept and embrace it and do what you do best. Making white children of course.

>> No.14145776

Where do i start with Evola? I want ti just jump into The Doctrine of Awakening but im not sure if i can just "jump in" with him

>> No.14145803

>Second you are partly right but still a woman that need to submit to superior man.That's it, accept and embrace it and do what you do best.

t. virgin cuck trying to cope with masculine inadequacy

>> No.14145909

Indeed, but deep down in your heart you know I am right. I will immediately submit to strong man with good values because that is what mens do. This is how cywilization works.

>> No.14146084

The Recognitions provides a good survey of his work. It's good to read it to figure out what kinds of topics he talks about interest you the most since Evola does cover a lot more areas the Guenon.

>> No.14147040


>> No.14147635

No, I admit and I see many admitting that men are the most guilty for the state of w*men today.

>> No.14147682

>but wamen should also keep themselves in check
This is not possible, they have less agency than men. Or rather, it is possible, in that a small minority of women do indeed have as much or more agency than the average man, and for the rest they have to be inculcated with social pressure that makes them refrain from their nature (of course the same is valid for men, but on a lesser degree)

>> No.14148459

This but semi ironically

>> No.14148632

Honestly there’s nothing better than a really awesome woman. Seriously the best thing to ever happen in my life is when she came into it.

>> No.14148664

what the fuck does this even mean? Is "twitter-famous" a new yardstick by which I grade the plebian?

>> No.14148739

Wahmyn are almost barren now, and when they perhaps have their single child they don't raise them or do so in a comically bad manner.
They literally fail at being women. At this point the world would be better with meme technology of artificial reproduction in an all male society.

>> No.14148840

have you ever left the house or are you posting from rural iran

>> No.14148918

Have you ever interacted with a woman? Jesus Christ. Do you think that demanding a source (demanding people labor on google for you in a way you could easily do yourself) makes you seem smart? Post tits.

>> No.14149111

>It truly is a difficult time for an intellectual like me to exist, it truly is the KALI YUGA.
I feel the same way. And statistically, intelligent men are more likely to be virgins longer.

>> No.14149180

holy shit you people need to leave the house

>> No.14149649

>Of course, we wouldn't' reference him, that could hurt future prospects. But it doesn't mean we never read him. Many people in academia are fascinated by guys like Evola, but careful not to expose that fascination publicly (outside of fellow academics).
The absolute state of the humanities

>> No.14149717
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 91CVw+kihSL._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stick my pee pee in the va jay jay. Therefore I'm alpha. Wahmen bad.

>> No.14150664

Ebola was the writer who finally made me take the gay pill

>> No.14150701

Expected some toxic masculinity
Got trad-feminism