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14135521 No.14135521 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that explain why this is the go-to midwit position?

>> No.14135533


>> No.14135607

that's not how I pictured human rights

>> No.14135679

Atheists are skeptical of everything except Science, for it is the foundation of their new religion. For them, it is infallible, which is why drinking mercury is a cure to many ails and maggots grow out of rotting meat.

>> No.14135691

No values outside of "muh empathy".
It's just nihilists who are afraid to go all the way in.

>> No.14135726
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>tl;dr: modern atheists never bothered reading ancient Greek or Christian philosophy. Instead, they spent all their mental energy deconstructing evangelical creationism, while ignoring the giants in the room

>> No.14135875

All those denominations are contradictory to each other. Is there anything more cringe than bugmen thinking they know everything?

>> No.14135896

Losers who post in message board thinking that being a contrarian makes them enilightened.

>> No.14135902

They're perfectly coherent, what are you on about?

>> No.14135937

Any books on rising above looking down on easy targets?

>> No.14135963

You ever think he was skeptical about his own views?

>> No.14135975
File: 38 KB, 477x599, chadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm an anti human rights, transhumanist, christian, believer

>> No.14136011

lmao look at this walking steroid

>> No.14136815
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 1572958867454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Human Rights'= Dysgenics.
You can already tell he's an insufferably oversocialised souless golem fueled on group think just from his cringe profile pic. Looks neurotic and impulsive as fuck. Would avoid him if I could.

>> No.14136833

How can you claim a settled position and still claim skepticism. Most atheists are woefully ignorant of religion. The are also to literal minded - failing to grasp abstract thought and more importantly symbolic language and allegory. It goes over their heads.

>> No.14136843

The age of skepticism is over; few modern atheists will study the Bible or christian theology.

>> No.14136846

CIA, CFR, NWO, etc.

They are American globohomo imperium puppets.

>> No.14136856

humanism isn't the midwit bugthink that it was a few years ago, 2019 and onwards is just a bottomless pit of cynicism and bitterness. with liberal tech daddies and """entrepreneurs""" subtly pushing eugenics with the overpopulation meme, we'll be seeing more and more normalfaggots warming up to the idea. combine it with trendy depression and you've got a population of mediocre bugpeople unwittingly advocating for their own demise.

i mean it's all ironically a result of liberal humanism but that's just human history for you. you should legitimately start supporting human rights before CIA niggers have your body tossed into a biological recycling factory to be processed into protein paste because your social credit score got too low after you pirated a netflix special or your reddit karma went into the negatives.

>> No.14136880


>> No.14137022
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>> No.14137190

>using "cringe" in that way
Not to defend the man, but your post is telling me that you yourself are very susceptible to group-thought.
Chads aren't something to look up to. They have everything, are well-groomed, strong, but are utterly stupid and slaves to their baser instincts.

>> No.14137216
File: 345 KB, 548x800, 1571623385269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm not. I mean it in the context that it is embarassing. It is a figure of speech. Short for 'cringeworthy.' That's all.

>> No.14137243

the entire term 'cringeworthy' indicates that you're so sensitive to social convention that you have an involuntary physical reaction when some transgression occurs

>> No.14137254
File: 80 KB, 850x400, 1572687775701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, as is natural whem you develop a racially hygenic mindset and a code of conduct.

>> No.14137255

Scepticism doesn't mean you have no settled opinions, dumbfuck

>> No.14137263

This is my philosophy professor except far more belligerent

>> No.14137728

Knowledge isn't contrarian. It's simply the truth.

>> No.14137732


>> No.14138110

midwits are normally ESTPs, ESFPs, ENFPs, ENFJs, ISTJs, ENTJs, ISFJs, and ISFPs. These types don't really care very much for metaphysics that is that beyond physical 'reality'. This behavior is somewhat intrinsic to them.

>> No.14138828

I love it when anon answers the question but is ignored. We love you anon

>> No.14138846

Oh, look, another disguised support group thread for ass-blasted looser christcucks

>> No.14138852


>> No.14138863
File: 86 KB, 588x391, 1573193809185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I cringed at this.

>> No.14139201
File: 141 KB, 1024x576, 1572687079333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself, faggot. You know it's the only way out of this mess.

>> No.14139230

You're an idiot. Your strawman of someone who worships scientists doesn't exist. A large system of people who have proven their intelligence at school conducting studies under the scientific method and having those studies verified by other independent scientists and then published is simply a good way to discover and disseminate information, and there's no reason whatsoever to think that modern scientific journals are some big hoax. Saying "but look we were wrong before" isn't proving anyone wrong. Nobody claims that humans are infallible and always read data the right way. Of course scientists are wrong sometimes, but we wouldn't even know that they were wrong if it wasn't for, you guessed it, other scientists proving them wrong.

>> No.14139283

>giants in the room
just lol

>> No.14139305

>Chads aren't something to look up to. They.. have everything, are well-groomed, strong, but are utterly stupid and slaves to their baser instincts.
you forgot to add
>t. incel midwit running out of reasons to live