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14127039 No.14127039 [Reply] [Original]

Movies with /lit/ tier scripts?

>> No.14127042

Synecdoche New York

>> No.14127069

The Godfather

>> No.14127071
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>> No.14127081

Unironically post-2000 stuff by Clint Eastwood.

>> No.14127087

Barton Fink


You’re just a tourist with a typewriter. I live here.

>> No.14127102
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>> No.14127127

Naked by leigh

>> No.14127141

watched the original the other day. could not fucking follow the plot especially because Hong Kong actors look all the same to me (no racist)

>> No.14127142

Zahler's movies

>> No.14127145
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You all need to explain your answers.

>> No.14127168

Do you have the same problem with other Asian movies?
Asking out of curiosity.

>> No.14127172


I can't think of a better revenge story

>> No.14127173

This desu

>> No.14127196

Hara Kiri, perhaps?

>> No.14127208

unironically john wick

>> No.14127256

Zahler likes to write about archetypes and his dialogue is very sharp and poetic to the point that sometimes his characters feel more like they're out of a book than a depiction of real life individuals. The characters are the centerpiece of his movies.

>> No.14127268

This. Just grows more and more relevant by the day....

>> No.14127321

Andrei Rublev, absolute masterpiece

>> No.14127328

>that scene where you can see her asshole behind the thong

>> No.14127330

I have watched the whole scene in slow mo and that does not happen.

>> No.14127331

2001: A Space Odyssey

>> No.14127335

You can see the shadow at least.

>> No.14127341

The Hospital
Sweet Smell of Success
Les Enfants du Paradis
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Double Indemnity
Citizen Kane
Groundhog Day

>> No.14127342
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Cinema is written with images not words.

>> No.14127347

>google search intensifies

>> No.14127362

Use Bing images my friend, just make sure to turn the filters off. It's by far the best for these kind of... researches.

>> No.14127364


Forgot to add, Shakespeare in Love.

>You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die.

VIOLA: Tell me how you love her, Will.

WILL:Like a sickness and its cure together.


Philip Henslowe: Mr. Fennyman, allow me to explain about the theatre business. The natural condition is one of insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster.
Hugh Fennyman: So what do we do?
Philip Henslowe: Nothing. Strangely enough, it all turns out well.
Hugh Fennyman: How?
Philip Henslowe: I don’t know. It’s a mystery.

>> No.14127406

Taxi Driver. One of to few scripts that reads as well as it watches.

>> No.14127412

Based Harvey Weinstein

>> No.14127433

What does the script for that even look like? The first and last 20 pages would look like a novel

>> No.14127439

No. Nothing /lit/ about this. Nice visuals but lacks substance.

>> No.14127444

It does appear that way to stupid people yes.

>> No.14127446

That scene in pic related <3

Until then in the movie there a couple of intense and charasmatic speeches and then Ned Beatty shows up for this one scene and blows them all away

I loved Beatty in Deliverance too. Any other movies with that are great?

>> No.14127458

Hilarious that you can't see the irony in this comment. 2001 is reddit - the movie. Every pleb on the planet likes that movie, so no, you're not special for "getting" it.

>> No.14127474

>the extent of my criticism of something is that it is "reddit"
Yeah, you're a real clever and original guy, thanks for your contribution.

>> No.14127493

absolutely this

>> No.14127511

That wasn't my criticism. It was a response to the claim that stupid people don't understand the movie, when the reality is that stupid people make up the majority of the fans. Obviously intelligence is not required to enjoy the movie.

>> No.14127533

Just because people like it doesn't mean they understand it. A lack of intelligence is required, however, to make a statement as blatantly inaccurate and inane as "guuhh it all jus' preddy pictures, all stile no substunce"

>> No.14127562

>Sweet Smell of Success

Sally : But Sidney, you make a living. Where do you want to get?

Sidney Falco : Way up high, Sam, where it's always balmy. Where no one snaps his fingers and says, "Hey, Shrimp, rack the balls!" Or, "Hey, mouse, mouse, go out and buy me a pack of butts." I don't want tips from the kitty. I'm in the big game with the big players. My experience I can give you in a nutshell, and I didn't dream it in a dream, either - dog eat dog. In brief, from now on, the best of everything is good enough for me.


Sidney Falco : You know, Susie, I've heard this woman-talk before. Why don't ya start growin' up, huh? Start thinking with your head instead of your hips. Uh, by the way... I got nothing against women thinking with their hips. That's their nature. Just like it's a man's nature to go out and hustle and get the things he wants. Susie, look at yourself. You're 19 years old. Just a kid, and you're falling apart at the seams. You tiptoe around on those bird legs of yours, nervous and incompetent with a fatality for doing wrong, picking wrong... and giving up even before you start a fight! Wait a minute. It's the truth, and the truth hurts. Come around some night when I'm not writin' your brother's column... and I'll revise that delicate outlook of life. To give credit where credit is due, Susie... that body of yours deserves a better fate than tumbling off some terrace. Susie... a bed is the best friend a girl ever had. Pleasant dreams.


"Harvey, I often wish I were deaf and wore a hearing aid. With a simple flick of a switch, I could shut out the greedy murmur of little men."
— J.J. Hunsecker

>> No.14127567
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>> No.14127671

Chimes at midnight

>> No.14127692
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>> No.14127720


Falstaff, whose memory of Shallow is doubtless less perfect than he says it is, takes in the truth at a glance; sees that this old forked radish, this pitiful cheese-paring of a man, lives only in the remembrance of his youth; and nobly decides – for even though he may think to have fun with Shallow later, and cash in on him as a butt whom the Prince will pay, there is something noble in the instantaneous decision p to fall in with his way of speech, to grant him just what he desires

Robert Shallow. O, Sir John, do you remember since we lay all night in
windmill in Saint George's Field?

Falstaff. No more of that, Master Shallow, no more of that.2050

Robert Shallow. Ha, 'twas a merry night. And is Jane Nightwork alive?

Falstaff. She lives, Master Shallow.

Robert Shallow. She never could away with me.

Falstaff. Never, never; she would always say she could not
Master Shallow.2055

Robert Shallow. By the mass, I could anger her to th' heart. She was
a bona-roba. Doth she hold her own well?

Falstaff. Old, old, Master Shallow.2060

Robert Shallow. Nay, she must be old; she cannot choose but be old;
certain she's old; and had Robin Nightwork, by old Nightwork,
before I came to Clement's Inn.

Silence. That's fifty-five year ago.

Robert Shallow. Ha, cousin Silence, that thou hadst seen that that2065
knight and I have seen! Ha, Sir John, said I well?

Falstaff. We have heard the chimes at midnight, Master Shallow.

The last and besto f these sentences sums up all that Shallow could hope to say in twenty quavering years, and does it so briefly that the breath of any hearer must be taken; and expresses its speaker so completely that he can never be absent from our consciousness henceforth

(trecho do capítulo sobre Henry IV no livro “Shakespeare”, de Mark Van Doren”)


>> No.14127786

A Topiary

>> No.14127806

hey, Adam

>> No.14127836

based answer. the movies he actually made have been good as well, primer is the best movie on time travel that I have ever seen. about the best work of fiction that I've ever seen on that subject, in fact. I wonder when or if we'll see the ocean one

>> No.14127848


>> No.14127964

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