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/lit/ - Literature

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14126850 No.14126850 [Reply] [Original]

Brainlet illiterate here.

Explain to me this /lit/ meme. Why is Hegel remotely responsible for communism, nazism and WW2?

>> No.14126856
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Hegel was a sorcerer and the Left and Right being lobotomized bastard children of Liberalism and Conservativsm don’t get this. He advocated for a supreme divine state much like the Reich or the USSR’s plans for Europe and so you can take his insights and use them to justify extreme statism or some kind of techno-socialist autarchy. Right Hegelians focus on his dealings with Spirit, Leftists focus mostly on the Dialectic itself and try to secularize that as some type of silent-pneumatic machinery that drives history towards class conflict and communist statism. They’re both insane and Hegel’s phenomenology is a form of memetic psychoactive agent that binds the minds of everyone who reads it. Its venom, pure necrotizing linguistic magic. He was a genius for this reason. Also if you’re not an autistic retard he basically shows you how the techno-alchemical engineers of civilization are transforming humanity into a sacrificial killing field for otherworldly forces but that’s not interesting to rightists or leftists because they’re castrati golem creatures who only exist to poke holes in the barrier between man’s conscious rational awareness and his subconscious cthonic realm. If you wait long enough Hegel’s name will come up in most discussions by these groups. He’s the root of all their lunacy.

>> No.14126862

Marxism is brainlet hegelianism and the nazis only existed as a reaction (antithesis) to communism.

Without Hegel no Marx, without Marx no communism, without communism no Russian bolshevism, without Russian bolshevism no nazis, without nazis no WW2

>> No.14126866

Thesis: Capitalism/Liberal democracy
Antithesis: Communism
Synthesis: Fascism/Nazism

Also fits in a chronological order.

>> No.14126873
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I saw this same texts posted in a thread on Hegel I was quite impressed by, must have been months ago.
Any secondary sources that gave you this insight into hegel 's phenomenology?

>> No.14126876
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>Hegel’s phenomenology is a form of memetic psychoactive agent that binds the minds of everyone who reads it. Its venom, pure necrotizing linguistic magic
What the fuck did I just read

>> No.14126883

t. conditioned brainlet

>> No.14126936
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>> No.14126939

>implying the illuminati are the bad guys

>> No.14126962

Euhm, ... Insightfull?

>> No.14126969
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>Taking 3 tabs of LSD and reading Hegel

Hegel was a sorcerer and the Left and Right being lobotomized bastard children of Liberalism and Conservativsm don’t get this. He advocated for a supreme divine state much like the Reich or the USSR’s plans for Europe and so you can take his insights and use them to justify extreme statism or some kind of techno-socialist autarchy. Right Hegelians focus on his dealings with Spirit, Leftists focus mostly on the Dialectic itself and try to secularize that as some type of silent-pneumatic machinery that drives history towards class conflict and communist statism. They’re both insane and Hegel’s phenomenology is a form of memetic psychoactive agent that binds the minds of everyone who reads it. Its venom, pure necrotizing linguistic magic. He was a genius for this reason. Also if you’re not an autistic retard he basically shows you how the techno-alchemical engineers of civilization are transforming humanity into a sacrificial killing field for otherworldly forces but that’s not interesting to rightists or leftists because they’re castrati golem creatures who only exist to poke holes in the barrier between man’s conscious rational awareness and his subconscious cthonic realm. If you wait long enough Hegel’s name will come up in most discussions by these groups. He’s the root of all their lunacy.

>> No.14126975

It's just a very reductionist meme made by some brainlet pseud.
Calling the nazis simply a reaction to communists is ignoring the post-WW1 treaties that fueled German hatred for their neighbors, anti-semitism was always prevalent in Europe and simply reached it's apex in the 20th century.
and socialism/communism existed in many forms before Marx wrote about it, not to mention that Hegel's influence on Marx is always overstated by brainlets who only learned about Marxism through memes like >>14126866 , that was Fichte's model not Hegel's.
You could argue that the Kaiser sending Lenin to start a revolt in Russia was the triggering event for Nazis getting into power and it'd still make more sense than trying to tie all of this to Hegel's obscure writings.

>> No.14126991
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I never read Fichte, I came up with the idea by myself. But that's for telling me, now I know I have to read him.

>> No.14128214

What do I have to read in order to be ready to understand Hegel?

>> No.14128222

Start with the greeks isn't a meme.

>> No.14128325

Also without Hegel, perhaps no Vatican II. Ratzinger and other theologians influenced by Hegel came prepared to convince the rest that tradition could be synthesized with modernity. They've been using it to reconcile the Faith with one heresy after another ever since.

>> No.14128341

He isn't. They would have happened mostly the same anyway which was his point

>> No.14128345


>> No.14128354

His History of Philosophy is a good starting point if you are jumping right in

>> No.14128412
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Meaning, within information, does have an active transforming power. However:

1. This in and of itself is basic Christology and implicitly so, even the Dialectical structure alone, regardless of content.
2. The current Left and Right are not really per Hegel and/or Hegel did not affirm them as such.
3. This is retarded

>> No.14128605

This, but minus the mysticism. People think they know society, but they forget they are a causual and effective part of it. Its a shift from understanding to one of indignation.

Yes there were socialist esque projects around before Marx, but everything after is pretty much suffused with his rhetoric.

My dislike of Hegel comes from his effects rather than his writings.

>> No.14128616

Unironically this. People tend to have a negativity bias, in part because of hegailian thought. Seeing things as pure moral entities instead of a causal system. They have a goal, could be shifting, but that does not conflat with pure eavil.

>> No.14128839

>First, there is the contrast between the attitude of legal positivism and the appeal to the law of reason. Hegel consistently displays a "political rationalism" which attacks old concepts and attitudes that no longer apply to the modern world. Old constitutions stemming from the Feudal era are a confused mixture of customary laws and special privileges that must give way to the constitutional reforms of the new social and political world that has arrived in the aftermath of the French Revolution.
>Second, reforms of old constitutions must be thorough and radical, but also cautious and gradual. This might sound somewhat inconsistent, but for Hegel a reform is radical due to a fundamental change in direction, not the speed of such change. Hegel suggests that customary institutions not be abolished too quickly for there must be some congruence and continuity with the existing social conditions. Hegel rejects violent popular action and sees the principal force for reform in governments and the estates assemblies, and he thinks reforms should always stress legal equality and the public welfare.
>Third, Hegel emphasizes the need for a strong central government, albeit without complete centralized control of public administration and social relations. Hegel here anticipates his later conception of civil society (bürgerliche Gesellschaft), the social realm of individual autonomy where there is significant local self-governance. The task of government is not to thoroughly bureaucratize civil society but rather to provide oversight, regulation, and when necessary intervention.
>Fourth, Hegel claims that representation of the people must be popular but not atomistic. The democratic element in a state is not its sole feature and it must be institutionalized in a rational manner. Hegel rejects universal suffrage as irrational because it provides no means of mediation between the individual and the state as a whole. Hegel believed that the masses lacked the experience and political education to be directly involved in national elections and policy matters and that direct suffrage leads to electoral indifference and apathy.
>Fifth, while acknowledging the importance of a division of powers in the public authority, Hegel does not appeal to a conception of separation and balance of powers. He views the estates assemblies, which safeguard freedom, as essentially related to the monarch and also stresses the role of civil servants and members of the professions, both in ministerial positions and in the assemblies. The monarchy, however, is the central supporting element in the constitutional structure because the monarch is invested with the sovereignty of the state. However, the power of the monarch is not despotical for he exercises authority through universal laws and statutes and is advised and assisted by a ministry and civil service, all members of which must meet educational requirements.


>> No.14128908

>T-the slave is freer than the master because he is realized in his work!

I have an high schooler understanding of hegel but damn he sounded like a nazi when we read him in class

>> No.14130084


>> No.14130151
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I read it in his voice

>> No.14130235

Hegel is responsible for everything wrong in the world. I'm strarting to consider he is the real mephistopheles.

>> No.14130249

How do I reach this level of gnosis? Brain force or super male vitality?

>> No.14130273

dude you just posted cringe. What do you not understand?

>> No.14130321

Hegel's thought is a predatory obtology. By (retroactively) explaining the logic behind the development of thought and being, he's made it impossible to escape that logic.

If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.14130333

Desu, sounds like Judaism. The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge provide a dichotomy, with the Tree of Life focusing on God's spirit, and the Tree of Knowledge itself being another dichotomy

>> No.14130377

In the last few years there's been an increasing in people on /lit/ and elsewhere on 4chan using this type of mystical thinking as a raw explanation for phenomena. Where between 2010 and 2015, the explanation for every answer was "the research shows...", between 2015 and 2019 we've seen the rise of a new explanation: there is some memetic noumenon, perpetuated without our knowing, that causes "X".

The smart ones disguise this conclusion in an avalanche of metaphors and adverbs, but if you know what to look for, you can see how little content a statement like the following actually contains:
>techno-alchemical engineers of civilization are transforming humanity into a sacrificial killing field for otherworldly forces but that’s not interesting to rightists or leftists because they’re castrati golem creatures who only exist to poke holes in the barrier between man’s conscious rational awareness and his subconscious cthonic realm
Anon could have simply said "forces beyond our comprehension are causing the sacrificial killing field", and he would have reached the same effect.

I really can't see a difference between this type of thinking and the people who effortlessly and in so many more words than were necessary would make overtures to psychological studies and nihilist atheist as explanations for every phenomena. Both impulses exist as a way of shrugging off the possibility of incomplete understanding and individual will, turning instead, respectively, into the shelter of absolute knowledge or the shelter of absolute uncertainty.

>> No.14130385

At what point does the purely rationalistic become mystical?

>> No.14130397
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>> No.14130400

You don't have the intuition/discernment to understand

>> No.14130408

You haven't read enough studies

>> No.14130480

Agreed. /lit/ is finally stepping in the right direction.

>> No.14130970

You have to understand thesis antithesis and synthesis. Marx wrote the Communist manifesto as an antithesis to hegel "turning hegel on his head" and created a synthesis which the nazis took and put their antithesis against