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/lit/ - Literature

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14125693 No.14125693 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, i look around and i see normies. happy normies. normies in college, normies at work, normies dating, normies getting married. i hate them all. i hate them so much, and i hate them with such ineffable fury. /lit/, please give me some blackpills to help me articulate my blinding rage and hatred of normies.

>> No.14125730

the blackpill is that you are the normie

>> No.14125752
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Unfortunately, it's the only pill this schlong may never choke down..

>> No.14125754

thats what they say about you anon

>> No.14125789
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>> No.14125797

/lit/ is anti-incel, because incels are too illiterate to even read their own minds and understand themselves. This is why they are trapped in accusing others for their miserable lives, when it is their own wretchedness that is the cause.

Incelibacy in turn is just rightist thought taken to its ultimate conclusion: a chastity cage willingly put on via the illusion that self-denial (projected to others as denial of their own independent individuality) is self-liberation.

Change yourself or KYS.

>> No.14125805

My advice to you is to remove the word "normie" from your mental lexicon. The nature of our minds is to categorize reality into broad abstractions, to help us organize and understand our world. The word "normie" is a word you are using for that. But the issue is that our minds build up these constructs internally, while simultaneously projecting them externally onto those groups it deems them to apply to. Thus, you're not seeing those people properly anymore - you're seeing your own label, placed over individuals who would likely violate your beliefs about them if you dropped them long enough to allow yourself to see so. This principle applies everywhere, to any kind of label. Stop labelling normies, and start observing them unbiasedly. I'm sure it'll bring you to recognize a previously unseen individuality and virtue you hadn't before, which will make your resentment towards them disappear. They are, believe it or not, fundamentally the same as you. The primary differences lie in their extroversion and embodiment of traits favorable en mass (ex. good looking), but otherwise they suffer everything you do: insecurities, fear of societal judgement and ostracization, lack of direction or purpose, underlying trauma from past events, and so on. Please try and get past your biases, so that you may see these traits directly for yourself, after which the existing biases will slowly dissolve.

Good luck anon. Don't let my blogpost go to waste.

>> No.14125811

>muh tradition
>muh indian no do poopoo in potty
>muh muhammad wuz a good boi he dindu nuffin

cringest author nu-/lit/ has attached itself to in years. at least evola had the ultrafascist appeal for 13 year old /pol/fugees.

>> No.14125826

If you only knew how stupid you sound to anyone who is even moderately educated and curious about the world.
This is your problem, however: a lack of enough self-awareness to see that you are a total dumbass and work to fix it. A failure of will-power, replaced with impotent race.

>> No.14125833


>> No.14126014

Don't worry, the blackpill is coming for them too anon. "Dating" and "getting married" is increasingly becoming a thing of the past. Soon the mean and median +1SD will be unable to form relationships.

>> No.14126210

good post

>> No.14127391

I know this is correct, but at the same time it’s hard not to view extroverts as an “other”, since their behaviour is so alien to me.

>> No.14127397
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the book is about you

>> No.14127437

thank you for the post
I feel the same way

As much as I want to get to know the people at my college for the individuals they are, at some point, conflict is inevitable if there’s ever a situation that calls for somebody to lay their cards on the table. My perspectives, experiences, and values are totally alien from the vast majority of students at my university. Probably because Ivy League students tend to come from the same milieu thanks to the age of the internet and mass media, regardless if one comes from a public school or Andover. I can try to talk about the feelings, experiences, hobbies, and other human commonalities with my friends, go to parties and dance all night long, but the schemas underpinning them are incompatible, and there’s only so much I can do before I reach that brick wall preventing deeper human connection.

I feel totally alone, and I don’t know how to fix it, or whether that’s even possible without superhuman social skills and empathy.

>> No.14127515

My university isn’t Ivy League and I feel the same way. It’s still a good uni with some smart students, and there’s a lot of international students (mainly from Europe and Scandinavia), so there’s more variation in life experiences. There comes a point though when I realise that everyone more or less likes the same things, and while differences in opinion exist, they’re still very minor. I’ve met a total of 3 people who I felt really “got” me, one was a guy who graduated before me and moved to another country, and the other two were girls who because of busy schedules I haven’t seen in a long while.

That’s another problem— Everyone is busy all the time. You can only socialise late at night, which I can’t do because I travel to uni and have to go home. And even when you do socialise, discussion is rarely that interesting.

I’m in my last year now and I’m just praying that I get lucky and find someone I connect with deeply.

>> No.14127528


Fuck off, reddit.

>> No.14127546

Are you for real? Black and white, you are nigger and I am rainbow.
True. And what of it? Should I start associating with ugly people now because they are fundamentally the same like me, because they happen to be human? You can't just drop associating people's looks with personality and vice versa etc.

>> No.14127563

Author of that post here. Yes, I feel the same. I likely have Aspergers and I'm also an introvert, which makes it extremely difficult to understand the behaviors of the extroverted individuals around me. And it's completely fine if you can't. But harboring resentment for them, for the fact they happen to carry traits which they themselves never chose to have, which also happen to naturally result in more success within a social species like ours, is both unwarranted and unhealthy. Equivalent to being consumed by jealousy towards the children of affluent parents, while coming from a poor family yourself. It's not their fault, and so you shouldn't blame them for anything. They've never known anything besides their lifestyle. And many of them are very kind individuals and would reach out to you if they saw you in need.

Remember, "other" is a category of your mind, which you have yourself chosen to place things into. When the mind is not actively organizing its world in such a manner, having been subdued into inactivity, everything becomes perceived as "self".

>> No.14127568

You discriminate against unattractive people? Why not just treat them like you do anyone else?

>> No.14127573

>waa waa normies normies waaa

Grow the fuck up. Grow up.

>> No.14127598

Oh I agree with everything you said, but I don’t feel resentment towards them. Rather, because I’m actually a diagnosed aspie, I feel resentment towards myself for being this weird guy with niche interests who just can’t feel comfortable in a social situation no matter how hard he tries. I actually walked out on a social event one time because I wasn’t getting any stimulating conversation and I hate myself for doing that. Humans are social creatures and yet I feel like a failure on that front.

>> No.14127607

Because I feel like scratching my eyes out every time I see some. Warm despair.

>> No.14127618

>insert buzzword

>> No.14128463

I feel you anon. I am much the same way. I always wanted to be a socialite but as I grew older I realized more and more that something about me was "off", and that other people seemingly had a rapport with eachother that I could not fit myself into. Only after reading into Aspergers did I realize that I might actually have a difference in wiring, which by nature prevented me from seeing my deficiency. But I'm less harsh on myself for it now, since I enjoy being to myself. The only aspect I still feel fault over is that of my inability to help others, given how poor my communication skills are, which sometimes impedes efforts towards the former.

>> No.14128868

>Because I feel like scratching my eyes out every time I see some. Warm despair.
Your response is a perfect example of what I am talking about:
> a chastity cage willingly put on via the illusion that self-denial (projected to others as denial of their own independent individuality) is self-liberation.
You're completely miserable and hate your life, and you know it. It's obvious to anyone who loves live.

>> No.14129009

I also want to help others, but I just don't see how I can accomplish that when I feel more comfortable isolating myself from human contact than talking in a group.

How am I supposed to put myself out there and try to be a force for good when I can't stand being around people unless under very specific circumstances?

>> No.14129045

I like life so far, ty. I just don't want to stain my mind by interacting with ugly people, it's enough I have to see them.
Nice person can be idiot, ugly person can't be nice.

>> No.14129825

You don't know what "nice" actually is. No fucking clue. Literally kill yourself in an agonizing way.

>> No.14130629

relax and just read some literature

>> No.14130645

incel != anti-normie. NPCs deserve to be slaughtered like the animals they are. I get laid regularly.

"Hell is other people." Our sentiment is hardly new. Normalfags are nothing but monkeys in human clothing.

>> No.14131686

>I'm sure it'll bring you to recognize a previously unseen individuality and virtue you hadn't before
My response to this is already posted by another anon >>14127515
>There comes a point though when I realise that everyone more or less likes the same things, and while differences in opinion exist, they’re still very minor

>harboring resentment for them, for the fact they happen to carry traits which they themselves never chose to have, which also happen to naturally result in more success within a social species like ours
I don't resent individuals so much as I resent the nature of humanity seemingly shutting my nature out of it. I realize now that this is just me resenting my "other" category, and that in resenting what is different from me, I myself am compliant to that nature. I don't know how to change though, I'm nearing 34 and have resigned to a life of heartache and a likely abrupt end. And trying.