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/lit/ - Literature

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1412560 No.1412560 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/. I'm from /v/. We just got a troll thread from you guys.
Now I'm not saying anything about that, obviously not all of you are like that.. Thing is, I come here wondering if you people actually read things from this century (I've read almost everything on that list) and I see more old literature, fanfics, and trolls.
So, /lit/. Do you actually read modern literature, or is this board about arguing over shit that's been argues fifteen thousand times before?

>> No.1412565
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>modern literature
i don't think you understand what that term means now go back to your vidya games

>> No.1412573

Any responses besides the original troll? If not I'll assume you're all stuck in 1950.

>> No.1412578

Sorry about Stag, bro. /lit/ tripfags are tedious cunts, I generally head for another board, read, or play the vidya when they show up.

>> No.1412581

no problem, I'll just add him to the blocked list. But as for the question?

>> No.1412582

I keep meaning to make a image of contemporary fiction. Anyhow, yeah, some of us do, although I think it's rarer than the people trying to make sure they hit up all the famous shit to somehow enlighten themselves. A book I enjoyed a lot is Lowboy by John Wray. It's about a 16-year-old schizophrenic kid who escapes his supervisors and travels the subways of NYC on a personal mission to stop global warming. Interesting book with some very interesting ideas about young culture today, one of the quotes that I found incredibly endearing and very true in relation to that particularly was "That satisfied him. He was different from the others, exalted, distinguished, if only because he was sick."

>> No.1412592

Time to go...

>> No.1412595

You realize that the image is a troll list?

>> No.1412602

Guess not all /lit/ trips are cunts. Thanks bro, just wanted confirmation. Now that I know that, maybe I'll even pop in here from time to time.
I've also read Lowboy - great read, and it reminded me a lot of a performance of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest I saw recently. Great stuff.

>> No.1412604

Yeah. Just like any board, there are the pretentious twats. But there are quite a few 20th/21st century books that are well-liked. Infinite Jest, House of Leaves, the Rabbit series, Pynchon's works, Vonnegut, Catch-22, etc.

>> No.1412603

We're not all so bad, shut up.

Also David Mitchell's Ghostwritten I liked a lot, OP, it's pretty good and a collection of connected short stories.
Will Self's a personal favorite author of mine, The Book of Dave is great.
John Ridley's novels have a very cool urban grit to them as well, Stray Dogs, Love Is A Racket, and Everybody Smokes In Hell being my favorites of his and really the only ones I'd recommend reading.

>> No.1412599
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get out

>> No.1412607

i'm not even trolling itt you're just uneducated if you think modern literature and contemporary literature are the same thing

>> No.1412611


>> No.1412623

Nobody likes a pedant, quit splitting hairs.

>> No.1412627
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Kindly remove yourself.

>> No.1412649

most modern counter culture niggers stick to literature written between 1950 and 1970. Günther Gras for the krauts, Venedict Yerofeyev for the russkies, kurt vonnegut for yanqui running dogs of imperialism. It doesn't age as bad as do vidya games. there is a minority of fashionable folks into the latest culture-bending corny hentai pretentious drivel

>> No.1412653

>implying I don't still play Elite
True classics never age, brah.