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/lit/ - Literature

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14125028 No.14125028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14125156

Imagine the seething while making this image

>> No.14125395


>> No.14125408

What an insightful and genuine post. I will reconsider my worldview thank to you OP

>> No.14125409

This post is extremely low quality.

>> No.14125440

cringe and yikes desu senpai

>> No.14125558

Rent free

>> No.14125633

>"Grrr, I hate Christianity! Stupid kike-on-a-stick worshippers, pah! I'm a TRVE INTELLECTUAL, I reject the longest-lasting and most widespread written word in existence!" *tips fedora*
That's you. You are a massive faggot. I've met dudes that suck dick who aren't half as gay as you. I hope the devil fucks your bloody rectum raw with a crucifix, you cocksucking cunt. Hell is coming to Earth you fuckin' faggot, get ready.

>> No.14125640


>> No.14125648

All I can see is the seething from these words of yours

>> No.14125727

Alright but seriously though, at the end of the day christianity is nothing but jewish fairy tales.

think of the wealth of pre-christian or anti-christian philosophies, ontologies etc. that were lost thanks to this parasitic religion. the West has pretty much been stripped of its natural identity and impoverished due to adhering to the inept, nonsensical dogmas and doctrines of christianity.

i don't understand why so many people on this sub shill christianity when if they knew any history at all they'd realize christianity is inherently antithetical to the European Geist.

>> No.14125780

Christianity is pretty dumb, but unless the European Geist is science and atheism the options— either bring a smelly druid dancing naked around trees and freezing to death in a big, or worshipping hairy guys hurling lightning and war hammers in order to drink mead in Valhalla surrounded by other hairy guys with war hammers and some 7-foot tall 300lb muscle bound women wearing metal opera outfits, oh yeah and Gandalf, Varg, Adolf, and Shadowfax are there too— are also pretty retarded fairy tales.

>> No.14125792

Bring= being
Big= bog


>> No.14125868

It's fucking stupid but I laughed really hard anyway

>> No.14125927
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lmao christcucks eternally mad. dead kike on a fucking stick.

>> No.14125957

Except God gave him a sign and victory in battle

>> No.14126019


>> No.14126025


>> No.14126140

The effort to humour ratio in that image is terrible

>> No.14126766 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14126774

wait wait wait, this is mothnigger?

>> No.14126781

Yeah, bro, remember that time the Mongols tried to invade Japan and a typhoon sunk their fleet? I guess Shintoism must be real.

>> No.14126796

This is THE WORST wojak meme I have ever seen

>> No.14126847

It's all real. Read Guénon.

>> No.14126852

Who are you quoting? The OP got the story of constantines conversion wrong, retard. Shintoism has nothing to do with anyone or anything

>> No.14127009

Nobody was quoted in that post. Who are you "quoting"?

The fact that you actually took a fucking retarded wojak meme seriously enough to point out that it's inaccurate (shocker) speaks much of you.

>> No.14127011



>> No.14127012
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>being this new
Yes, he is

>> No.14127241

>one last drinking party when you die
Sounds pretty based.

>> No.14127296

Shit's already been debunked


>> No.14127302


>think of the wealth of pre-christian or anti-christian philosophies, ontologies etc. that were lost thanks to this parasitic religion. the West has pretty much been stripped of its natural identity and impoverished due to adhering to the inept, nonsensical dogmas and doctrines of christianity.

The myth about the library of Alexandria and the supposed destruction of the classical world by the Christians too has already been debunked:



>> No.14127363
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>> No.14127667
File: 44 KB, 641x480, Picture 092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it is not. It is a bad shop of me

>> No.14127867

>commanded to love thy neighbor
>writes this post
your knee-jerk, tribal response contradicts the central tenet of the religion you allegedly follow.
this is why Christianity is a sham. it's all hypocritical in-group posturing, the redeeming aspects of Christ's philosophy are all ignored at the "follower's" convenience.

>> No.14127907

Lmao I'm not Christian and this is probably one of the most unfunny things I've ever seen posted to this board

>> No.14128649

If you read the bible you'd know that you have to put up with "persecution".

>> No.14128702

>Christians have already debunked ...
>The library contained nothing of importance!
You see how well the Christian invaders fit into /lit/ ethos?

>> No.14128739

the mongols just had really shitty river boats

>> No.14128765

Woah, how insightful...

>> No.14128776
File: 46 KB, 400x419, 1545236743602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews read the Torah in the original Hebrew
>Muslims read the Quran in the original Arabic
>Christians read the Bible translated by Communists using sources spoken against by the Church Fathers

>> No.14129007

lmao at all the cringechrist larpers itt

>> No.14129018

How does this thread still up?

>> No.14129044

>imma finna pray to sky sugga daddy


>> No.14129251

*tips fedora*

>> No.14129305

The author of the articles in an atheist.

>> No.14129437

Cringe. It is well established that Christians destroyed the Temple of Serapis, which was the continuation of the library of Alexandria. It is well known that the European philosophers was greatly persecuted; the last of them driven into exile, and that Plato's Academy was shut down. No one disputes that works by Pliny, Plautus, Cicero, Seneca, Virgil, Ovid, Lucan, Livy and many, many more: all were scrubbed by Christians and overwritten with the Old Testament and Augustine's writing. Facts are that the temples and shrines was destroyed, the festivals outlawed and the entire European ethos was destroyed. And all of this was not done by some midwit semi-heretical Christian zealots, it was preached and participated in by all the "greatest" saints and Church Fathers such as Shenoute, St Basil, Cyril, Benedict of Nursia, Chryostom, Augustine and Ambrose etc etc. Cyril literally went door to door looking for haram non-Christian literature to burn.

>imagine being European and knowing that the Oracle of Delphi and its temple grounds had been a European institution for over a thousand years, something truly marvelous, cherished and praised by all the greats in the classical European canon stretching back to such people as Homer, Plato and Aristotle etc and then *bop* just like the Christians just tore it all down and then one says "Yes this I believe in. Praise YHWH. DEUS VULT!"
This is the Christian.

>> No.14129817

>translated by Communists
Care to explain?

>> No.14129939

Hopefully true. I detest Abrahamic ideologies, and this provides us evidence of how far backwards they've brought us.

>> No.14130048
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>muh Bible is jewish

>> No.14130053
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 0CCA5F03-1BFB-448D-B211-5871B30DB2E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t know