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14123292 No.14123292 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Zoomers are all degenerate, materialist, ahistorical, commie yet consumerist trannies
Books on the fall of civilizations?

>> No.14123487


>> No.14123494

>tfw when people still fall for the 'this entire generation is crap' meme

>> No.14123505

Michel Onfray - Decadence

>> No.14123509

Don't blame the zoomers for societies slide into decadence. Who fed them these ideals? Dont bitch about them all being queers, what ideology and political system fosters this level of identity crises and victimhood? Think, don't react.

>> No.14123522
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>its the children fault

>> No.14123525

>its not the children's fault

>> No.14123529

Zoomers are based. They live off of gfuel and fortnite and are satisfied with various material goods

>> No.14123532

>blaming the youngest generation and not the boomers who willfully fucked the environment and economy for their own selfish gain and absolutely obliterated the institution of marriage leading to one of the worst parenting generations in recent history

>> No.14123541

>muh boomers
Absolute cringe meme, especially if you're not American.

>> No.14123546

Zoomers might actually bring some fucking social democratic reform to this burger dystopia because they're not brainwashed into thinking that the government doing literally anything with the economy is actually Stalinism. It would be nice to not end up with six figures of debt if I get seriously ill.

>> No.14123574

This desu. My boomer parents worked way harder for way less, meanwhile most of my late millennial/early zoomer friends "networked" themselves into lucrative flextime jobs that require literally zero physical labor.

>> No.14123579
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>muh degenerate
ermagerd this kids goes to parties and hangs out with his FRIENDS and drinks you know what? ALCOHOL! THAT'S RIGHT!!! why are they having so much fun and also *gasp* PREMARITAL SEX!!! can you believe it!! This book written by some jew tells me that's bad!! Why don't I have any friends??? I'm so based and redpilled
yes so you're probably some buddhist who practices asceticism right? it really blows my mind how hypocritical you faggots are, when you say this shit yet i can guarantee you consume the same if not more than the average zoomer

>> No.14123597

>Don't blame the zoomers for societies slide into decadence
this. they aren't guilty of being born into it, but will be if they let their children grow up to be the same.

>> No.14123599

there is a demonstrable shift in multiple central aspects of society like economic prospects, family structure, environmental viability, ect. this shift occurred exactly when the boomers were at their height of influence, so if you can blame a generation, it is the one to blame. also most of these changes only have their real negative effect on the younger generation, which is why we now have record suicide levels, record levels of mental health issues, a growing and obscene concentration of wealth, and the complete breakdown of the family where most marriages fail and most children are born out of wedlock now

>> No.14123613

They need to build families. I know I'm dreaming of nonsense here, but the death of the family unit fucked black people forever. And to see other groups let that institution decay is sad.

>> No.14123618

>tfw when zoomers are just what millenials dream they could have been

>> No.14123624


>> No.14123644

>implying there's any way to break the cycle of tyranny

History is circular. Our democracy will descend into anarchy, and we will soon crave the iron fist of monarchs. Then we start over.

We were lucky enough to live in the crest of the sine wave. Stop bitching and count your blessings.

>but muh end of history

>> No.14123649

>ermagerd this kids goes to parties and hangs out with his FRIENDS and drinks you know what? ALCOHOL! THAT'S RIGHT!!! why are they having so much fun and also *gasp* PREMARITAL SEX!!! can you believe it!! This book written by some jew tells me that's bad!! Why don't I have any friends??? I'm so based and redpilled

>> No.14123654

>circular history

>> No.14123661
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people on this board this is degenerate

>> No.14123672

this may be racist and unfounded but from what i've seen they treat their offspring -- not even kids -- different than the rest. i was looking up nigerian birth tourism and children were seen as a means to an end, not the end itself even whem the context shifted away from birth tourism it seemed so in on post a woman was talking about how her firstborn was a failed attempt at that, and that since then she had tried again. I couldn't imagine people thinking like that, it never even crossed my mind. maybe birth tourists dont really have much scruples but idk. it starts to make some sense when applied to some things. not that other don't do it, but it seems to be so, mostly. my 2 cents.

>> No.14123688

>ignoring the suicide rates
>ignoring the opioid epidemic
>ignoring the academic failure rate of men
>ignoring the divorce catastrophe
>ignoring the stagnation of wages
>ignoring the growing mental health crisis
dude, there are serious and growing issues with our society, the question in this thread seems to be whose fault is it and what should we do about it now

>> No.14123703

Get fucked boomer. If I throw some 3% bonds in a burning building will you run in for them?

>> No.14123717

it absolutely is

>> No.14123793

This. Blaming boomers makes sense.

>> No.14123805

No but if you ship some Mexicans up here he’ll hire them under the table on Saturday and scream Build the wall on Sunday

>> No.14123810
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>> No.14123816

t. Hegelian
you know where to go back to

>> No.14123817

>caring about generations
You are part of the problem.

>> No.14123831

if that what makes you happy lil incelbro

>> No.14123855

Reminder that unfunded infrastructure, liabilities, and excessive public debt are generational theft. 30 yr retirement on your children’s back.

>> No.14123886

But that’s paradoxical anon, read Marx.

>> No.14123921

Ok Boomer

>> No.14123929


Same shit as every generation since the dawn of time

>> No.14123948


>> No.14123961

There were communists prior to Marx's "scientific" socialism, and that's basically what we;re dealing with

>> No.14123973

I think he meant communist in its vernacular , "lmao let's overthrow capitalism"-instagram-post meaning, not in its pure theoretical sense. Don't forget OP and a lot of people on here are probably americans.

Probably the first part of Symbolic Exchange and Death. Some later Baudrillard maybe. An article, "Glamour and the end of irony" by Ferguson is also worth a read

>> No.14123977

it's a literal psyop, the first big scope CIA psy op ever too. We have tons of declassified documents talking about it too yet the masses are too dumb and are falling for the generational divisiveness psyop for a THIRD TIME. Just let them be brainwashed

death of the family is a cia psyop too, well, thought out by post ww2 cybernetists and funded by the cia

>> No.14123979
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Define ahistorical

>> No.14123983

Go back to r/thedonald

>> No.14123998

Yes, it's the boomers who all love trannies

>> No.14124003

Cringe. Zoomers barely go to parties and drink less than previous generations. Their degeneracy is more profound

>> No.14124006

>yes so you're probably some buddhist who practices asceticism right?
Not Buddhist but yeah

>> No.14124012

All of those affect boomers more than anyone else.

>> No.14124032

Tranny love wasn't born with the conception of the first zoomer. Their predecessors fostered an environment that embraced individuality and counterculture thought. The same people who encourage such ideals then reject them as they age. When confronted with this rejection, young people will obviously rebel. Thus we have decadence. It doesn't help that meme fields like psychology declare things like gender dysmorphia completely normal things that should be socially accepted.

>> No.14124041

The problem is zoomers dont even do those things, theyre internet addled incels

>> No.14124060

By that logic it's not the boomers fault either but the fault of the silent generation for corrupting them.

>> No.14124072

>implying zoomers are conscious of their own paradoxical existence

>> No.14124086

Please rec me some unclassified documents

>> No.14124110

>masses are too dumb and are falling for the generational divisiveness
sorry I'm dumb what does the CIA have to gain by this

>> No.14124300

Sounds fucking based

>> No.14124320

this is a blatant falsehood

>> No.14124373

"It's the kids!"
the oldest gen z's are literally like 22-23. The youngest are like 5. Are you serious.

>> No.14124394

You're thinking of millenials, most zoomers are redpilled and hate sjws, they also read more books than millenials

>> No.14124424

The real redpill is there is nothing traditional about the 1950s

It was full of vapid women browsing house appliance catalogs 24/7 and buying an appliance for every traiditional feminine duty, and men were fucking whores on the side and making endless money by just stepping out of the house.

>> No.14124430

Are millenials a bigger dud generation than Gen X?

>> No.14124438

unironically Submission, The Fourth Turning, and Ride the Tiger
are you over 18 OP?

>> No.14124564

>It was full of vapid women browsing house appliance catalogs 24/7 and buying an appliance for every traiditional feminine duty, and men were fucking whores on the side and making endless money by just stepping out of the house.
Unironically based life.

>> No.14124574


You're a zionist who wants to take over the world. Who's easier to control, a typical man from the 30s, or a typical man today?

>> No.14124797

Everyone on /lit/ would be a materialistic hedonist if they could, prove me wrong.

>> No.14124846

We just haven't taken the reins yet. Boomers were layabouts for the '60s and '70s before coming to institutional power in the '80s.

>> No.14125047

Read "A Generation of Sociopaths" by Bruce Gibney for the real scoop on boomers.

>> No.14125157

Except it isn't boomer males are the highest risk of suicide

>> No.14125167

Not me

>> No.14125197

Younger generations are stupid by default. Older generations are repressive by default. These are the stakes in the game.

The younger, empowered by ignorance, presumes the older is either too lazy, too out of touch, or too ignorant to fulfill their desires, and so seeks out their passion in spite of the elder and, often, at the cost of the elder. The younger is blind and presumes his failings are the product of the elder while his successes are products only of himself.

The elder, having grown somewhat more wise in their years, sees the younger as he never saw himself - a dangerously stupid ape driven by sex and stimulus. Keeping the youth contained is first a reflex out of fear and gradually becomes a necessity out of spite. The elder is incredulous that the youth could be so ill-informed, so idiotic, so flippant at the riches and wealth he never had or indeed could ever dream of in his own misbegotten youth.

The elders grow too old to control the young; the young grow old enough to realize their failures belong to them, which kills their sense of innocence finally and completely and marks their aborning adulthood, and the next generation rises to spite the new establishment.

It is a cycle of resentment, arrogance, and an ever-awaiting descent into depression and reality. God help this generation above all, whose members prize self-satisfaction beyond any sort of cultural or even local community. Self-destruction is inevitable in the development of human beings, and this generation is woefully unprepared. The boomers can no longer be blamed, as they too are suffering the economic and social hardships wrought by the privileged of their own times. It's up to the pink-hairs now, God help us all.

>> No.14125287

a typical man from the 30s

>> No.14125307

ok boomer

>> No.14125315

That sounds more like Millennials, Zoomers are all retarded because of the internet and don't take anything seriously.

>> No.14125323

I thought zoomers were all goosestepping stormtroopers? Lol

>> No.14125354

Is right. They're just retards without strong political convictions, people say they're left because they don't care about gay marriage, others say they're right because they're pro free speech.

>> No.14125376

Zoomers are just more extreme versions of millenials

>> No.14125453

They dont take anything seriously because they're still 20, no generation is serious at that age. If you look at the trend from gen x to millennials you could extrapolate to zoomers by saying they're gong to be even more polarized.

>> No.14125478

The fate of Empires by Sir John Glubb.

It's only 26 pages long and written over 100 years ago but it's probably the most succinct and insightful 26pgs I've ever read. You can find it easily enough online

>> No.14125499
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fuck off

>> No.14125500

That's a meme pushed to justify even more left wing propaganda. They'll always be "someone" who justifies more dollaroos to be funnelled to some fund to push their own agenda.

>> No.14125536

>but will be if they let their children grow up to be the same.
That's not how intergenerational culture works.

>> No.14126009

Shut up tankie cunt

>> No.14126049

>zoomers fault
>not the millenials who are the largest group in materialism, socialism, and "individualism"
>not the Boomers who fed Jewish lies to their kids
>not Gen X which just took everything their Boomer parents said to heart

yes, we zoomers who are intensely the most conservative and frugal gen since the greatest generation, are the problem. nigger

>> No.14126076
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>yes, we zoomers who are intensely the most conservative and frugal gen since the greatest generation
Levels of cope previously hitherto unwitnessed by man.

>> No.14126099

Culture of Narcissism by Latsch

>> No.14126116

Fuck off you boomer faggot, we read more than any generation. Our childhood novels are both the best and worst, and the books we read as teenagers/adults are Plato and Spengler, you can't control me dad.

>> No.14126136

Whether it's their fault or not, the fact of the matter is, they're still retarded fags. Do you think I'm gonna give them a pass for that, just because it's "not their fault"?

>> No.14126145

>It's the Zoomers fault!!!
Okay, remind me who raised the Zoomers again?

>> No.14126154

>Blaming the boomers, and not the Greatest generation that fought a brutal war against purity and traditionalism, and then raised their children to be secular, liberal, materialistic, golem.

>> No.14126165

this is a very lukeworm rhetoric and im getting tired of people spouting this everywhere ver batim

>> No.14126191

Can someone explain the american's obsession with generations. As someone that never set foot on the states, sounds retarded to me.

>> No.14126512



>> No.14126607

its not just rhetorical, it is true. cope more.

>> No.14126630

that is what I am saying, the negatives are effecting the younger generations, but the causes are due to the boomers

>> No.14126648

Peak subversion. Way to prove OP right. We may not regain le 1776 freedoms, but even Xi jinpinism is preferable to boom zoom social democracy.

>> No.14126651

Its boomers fault

>> No.14126658

Zoomers don't go to parties. They have significantly fewer sex partners than boomer and genx degenerates.
They are at a later stage of decadence, where apathy and societal destructuration is so strong you don't even feel like going out to fuck some thot.

>> No.14126662

Or every generation was right about that and every next generation actually was worse. If I look at the bugmen and thots with their phone addictions, they might have been right. I don't think we've ever been this pathetic as a people in history.

>> No.14126669

It's clearly the fault of the generation that raised the generation that raised the zoomers

>> No.14126672

It's because porn and video games ruin young men's brains

>> No.14126838
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>it's another "MUH DEGENERACY" thread
Stop it. Go out. Enjoy the nature. Idiots who occupied themselves with trivial and attention-grabbing shit have always existed, only the shit itself has changed and evolved with the times. 2000 years ago it was bread and circuses, nowdays it's coca cola and fortnight. Throughout the entirety of mankind there have always been the people who occupied all their time with trivial shit, the people who thought critically and were eager to learn, the stupid and cruel people. Just because knowledge nowdays is more accesible than ever doesn't change a thing, with every new generation come the many that don't give a shit about studying or learning or being better, and the less amount of people who genuinely care and are interested in knowledge. Cruel, hedonistic and actually degenarate people have also existed in every age, it's not some late creation of a global marxist /jewish scheme or capitalism. But what happens is that they adopt with every zeitgeist to further their degeneracy, capitalism gives them brand new trivial shit. Look at Nero 2000 years ago, and that mother who divorced her husband tries to turn her son into a girl now. Both are products of their cruel character that they were born with and probably bad upbringing. The fact that gays are allowed to marry in the US has nothing to do with their toxic personality itself, but the zeitgeist itself gave to that specific an alternative and fantastic new way to be cruel and stupid. And that's how it has always been.

>tfw Zoomers that are all materialist, unknowledgable, and occupy themselves with trivial shit that doesn't require thought have always existed and have always been the majority of humanity

>> No.14127128

That's not what I'm saying retard

>> No.14127186

fuck off Plato

>> No.14127201
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>implying boomers are any better

>> No.14127202

>tfw zoomer born in the wrong generation

>> No.14127206

>My boomer parents worked way harder for way less
Objectively wrong. Boomers got to live the biggest economic growth period in fucking history.

>> No.14127211

>OP asks for literate written in collapsing civilizations

Gets faggot responses like this

According to this thread no civilization has ever fallen, and to imply such a thing is possible is madness.


>> No.14127219

It's all Generation X's fault?

>> No.14127223

Who raised gen X? It's everyone's fault and pointing fingers at each other wont fix anything.

>> No.14127228

So it was the Silent Generation's fault?

>> No.14127236

Stop trying to find a scapegoat and blame yourself, retard.

>> No.14127243
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Generational Theory is PSEUD BULLSHIT

The whole model is sustained by hack sociologists, wanting to crank out a quick study/paper for accreditation and gutter journalists who paraphrase those hacks for easy clickbait.
If you take any of this seriously then YOU ARE A RETARD

>> No.14127251

No, of course not; they are still retarded, though and they should be blamed for choosing to be it

>> No.14127336

Nope. The regarded mud people shitlibs had to import to even get as far towards legalising outright child murder as they e come don’t break even in terms of tax revenue to services consumed now, and it’s only going to get worse.

You sold your chance for American SocDem when you chose to inject shit into the nation’s veins. California realises this when they tried to pass a universal healthcare project—everyone else is going to run into the same problem.

Thanks for playing and losing, retard. Immigration was basically one big Right to Work scam and it completely BTFO’d you all.

>> No.14128042

stop projecting coomer

>> No.14128700

>"all of those affect boomers more than anyone else"
that is a lie
>"except it isn't boomer males are the highest risk of suicide"
right, it's millennials and zoomers most effected
>"that's not what I'm sating retard"
what the fuck are you trying to say you absolute nincompoop

>> No.14128733

Stick a comma after isn't dipstick

>> No.14128772

Wow if only the troglodyte who actually composed the first comment knew how punctuation worked he might be able to accurately communicate what the hell he was trying to say. The 15 - 24 and 25 - 34 age ranges have had the largest increase in suicide rates relative to the other age groups in the past 10 years

>> No.14128778

What he was saying was pretty clear if you weren't massively retarded.

>> No.14128830

>The 15 - 24 and 25 - 34 age ranges have had the largest increase in suicide rates relative to the other age groups in the past 10 years
Not true, boomers have the highest rates of suicide.

>> No.14128863

again, the biggest INCREASE of suicide is in the younger age group

>> No.14128872

>t. young person

>> No.14128875

>again, the biggest INCREASE of suicide is in the younger age group
Nope that's in boomers too.

>> No.14128889

Not really. A child with basic reading comprehension could have parsed that.