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14122539 No.14122539 [Reply] [Original]

>he was right all along

>> No.14122542
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>> No.14122543
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>his ideology fails everytime its tried

>> No.14122572

>rejects human rights and "equality"
>doesn't believe in morality whatsoever
>shits on the welfare state and labour unions
>his ideal world only emerges when the oppressed organize into organic local communities which the individual is subordinate to
Was Marx a literal nazi or what?

>> No.14122632


>> No.14122651

It didn't fail. Success under Lenin. Success under Stalin. Success under Hoxha. The failure of socialism was not because of inherent ideology flaw, but a turning away from it, with market liberalization and decentralization and integration with the world economy. If Stalin would have sided with Hitler (reminder, Marx's scientific socialism theory fits in quite well with the development of fascism and critiques against [MUH ANTI FASCISM] are merely done so because it was a competing ideology appealing to the same crowd), then the world would be a very nice place today.

>> No.14122652
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No, he was LEFT


>> No.14122663
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Yes, yes he was.

>> No.14122673

Revisionist propaganda! How are they compatible in any way?

>> No.14122678

He's a Nazbol, it actually makes more sense than you think.

>> No.14122688

Marx never critiqued fascism and the entire theory of "muh capitlism in decay" referring to Fascism is retarded and goes against Marx's scientific inevitability. Fascism as it relates to capitalism is an improvement and a shift in the means of production, and if it would have been allowed to develop its full course, would have led to socialism and eventually, communism.
I am not.

>> No.14122751

>Marx's scientific inevitability.

>> No.14122837

cite articles

>> No.14122892

>Marx’s scientific inevitability
I think one of the greatest turning my points of my life is realising that communism is actually an ideology. As in it’s isnt a proposed system of governance that stands in opposition to another method, the way democracy is a counterpoint to monarchy, rather Communists LITERALLY, ACTUALLY believe in historical materialism. As in that history is not a series of random events but has some teleological conclusion and that literally ONE guy somehow figured it out in his book. Realising this and mentally treating every Marxist like you would a Scientologist is very helpful.

>> No.14123700

>Ideology can fail
Are you not speaking of economics?

>> No.14123707

Citation is the peak of pseudery.

>> No.14123766

who's that pokemon?

>> No.14123862


>> No.14123967

>misunderstanding theory and making general assumptions about anyone who BTFO's you is a good cope
Indeed it is.

>> No.14123992
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>> No.14124056
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Correct, my friend

>> No.14124070
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>> No.14124087


>> No.14124488
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>he warned us

>> No.14124528

Wow! Another EPIC /leftypol/ thread! Epic! It’s totally not easy to spot you faggots a mile away! XD! I love commie circlejerk threads made by trannies! OK, now this, this is epic! It will surely work this time, comrades! /lit/ is our epic front on the epic war on /pol/! We will turn all of the not epic alt-reich 4chan into epic Marxist comrades. I love reddit tourists! I love discord trannies! I love /leftypol/ refugees! I love niggers! I love AIDS!

>> No.14124544

Shit b8 here's your shitty (you)

>> No.14124562
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Prior to Gamergate and the emergence of InfinityChan, this board was full of Marxists. Every day there would be multiple threads about Marx and leftism more generally.

A lot of them emigrated to /leftypol/ afterwards. You should lurk more.

>> No.14124585

Sure, I recognise Marx' influence over enmancipatory movements all over the world, but that doesn't mean treating his writings as gospel or insisting they have to be the end all be all of enmancipatory politics is anything but deeply problematic. Most of the time, Marx is brought up by white cishet leftists who want to avoid a serious moral confrontation with their own whiteness who want to avoid engagement with marginalised voices.

>> No.14124593

It is the end of all emancipatory politics as long as capitalism exists.

>> No.14124596

This is an epic post! Did you read the same post on the Chapo sub that I did, comrade? It said that actually 4chan used to be epic and only ironically racist and they loved communism! Isn’t that epic! Then the le evil /pol/tards ruined our EPIC communist web site and then lied about it! That’s NOT epic!

>> No.14124614

Last time I checked the word epic was monopolised by guys like Nick Fuentes

>> No.14124623

gender and racial oppression predate and constituted capitalism from before it existed. I don't see why our revolution has to wait for yours. Discrimination is structural and unconscious and can only be combatted collectively and institutionally. Its a particularly adolescent tendency of white guys to see revolution as an outburst of apocalyptic violence, when really revolution is about caring, about admitting when you are wrong/privileged and about trying to become better as a person.

>> No.14124625


Obvious plebbitor calling other people redditors, the irony

>> No.14124629

EPIC reddit spacing, comrade! EPIC "no u", comrade!

>> No.14124639

Weak cope

>> No.14124643


You have to go back

>> No.14124661

N O W T H I S I S E P I C !
O W T H I S I S E P I C !
W T H I S I S E P I C !
T H I S I S E P I C !
H I S I S E P I C !
I S I S E P I C !
S I S E P I C !
I S E P I C !
S E P I C !
E P I C !
P I C !
I C !
C !

>> No.14124676

Why are you so autistic?

>> No.14124681

Where do you think we are?

>> No.14124686

>revolution is about admitting when you are wrong
commit revolution

>> No.14124707

ah yes once again: define fascism.

>> No.14124717


Interesting exchange, but both of you need to widen your focus.

Marx was right about capitalism but wrong about why it sucks, wrong that centralization manages better than the decentralization of a market, but right that a market by itself is not sufficient to manage a society.

When you abandon the incorrect (and frankly nonsensical) canon of capitalist economic theory, and get to the heart of what is really going on, you can see that the answer that gets us both the decentralization and the equity and preservation of diversity IS being mainly constrained by Capitalism.

Capitalism is not a market economy; it is a complicated exploitation scam that uses a pyramid scheme and a chain letter to rob what we all make together, and it has successfully perpetuated itself primarily because a rational alternative has not been presented.

tl;dr Marx was right about the problem, wrong about the solution, and is not the only choice.

>> No.14124722

anything commietrannies dont like in that moment

>> No.14124746

face it, the only way to end capitalism is to get woke and become a sjw. Communism means a world were everyone is a comitted and 100% sincere virtue signalling cuck sjw. If you aren't ready to accept this you might lack the moral courage to be on the left.

>> No.14124748

What the fuck can I even accomplish as an individual politically? As an autistic loner? I can’t even bring myself to learn more about politics because my individual contribution to whichever cause I chose in the end would be equal to zero

>> No.14124761

In Marx's defese, we can say that he was extremely loose on giving solutions, instead dedicating most of his time in understanding capitalism.

The point is this: gender (not so much racial oppression, because scientific racism as we know it today was a creation of the XVIII and XIX centuries) existed way before than capitalism. But when becoming the hegemonic mode of production, capitalism transformed society as a whole. In doing so, it threw away some social relations such as the feudal one. But it utilized many others that existed previously, giving them a second life with new characteristics. Read Silvia Federici. Withouth women generating domestic labor totally freely, capitalism wouldn't have been possible. On racism, it is undeniable that this is ideology in the pure marxian sense, generated by the ruling class (angloids in the XIX Century) as a mythical self perception that explained their success. Ending capitalism is ending the current forms of racism and gender oppression. Gender oppression doesnt exist anymore as it used to do during the greeks, thinking so Is merely an abstraction. Forgive my language

>> No.14124765
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>> No.14124768

Oh you were being sarcastic. Thought this was a real discusssion. Fuck off, you and the lame terms such as cuck

>> No.14124774
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>The failure of socialism was not because of inherent ideology flaw, but a turning away from it

*kills u for wearing glasses*

>> No.14124777
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>Teacher and student handwriting is the same

>> No.14124779

Gamergate is far more relevant to current year politics than Marx, the october revolution or mai 1968.

>> No.14124811

Leftists are cucks they are universally guilt ridden members of the cosmopolitan managerial classes, they lack the confidence to advance a bold vision of the future. so they look for this fetishised other who can do it for them, they first tried with the industrial proletariat, it didn't work out, 1991 happened and the factories moved to china, so the leftists, form the comfort of their ivory towers, are now happy to condemn the scattered remnants of their erstwhile pets as bigoted subhumans who fully deserve to overdose on heroin. Blacks are the new fashionable christ substitute and the leftists desperately try to buy indulgences by being blue hair queers who get fucked in the ass.

>> No.14124818

Totally epic, based and redpilled!!!!

>> No.14124819
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fuck off to reddit faggot

>> No.14124828

This is why any young white man with half a brain will choose fascism over leftism. On one hand you have the promise of regeneration through violence and a bright new future, on the other the degradation of life into a wasteland that combines the worst elements of crass capitalist consumerism, soviet totalitarianism and snivelling identity politics. sieg f*cking heil!

>> No.14124830

>le cancer
>le no u
>le phoneposting
Comrade… this is… an EPIC post!

>> No.14124997

>jews thrive under liberal capitalism
>but critiquing it is jewish

>> No.14125008

based and redpilled

here's a bump

>> No.14125019


Did he disintegrate? I can't tell where his body went.

>> No.14125023

He sploded all over.

>> No.14125226

>factories existing in 2019

>> No.14125542

>workplaces don't exist in 2019

>> No.14125568

>Success under Lenin
No it wasn't and Lenin even admitted as much, after only a couple of years he had to go back on many of the pure Marxist economic policies like a sailor plugging holes in a sinking ship.

Also you're setting the bar very very low for "success"

>> No.14125583

Yet socialism survives to the present day

>> No.14125592

That's because Fabian socialists rescued it, nothing else.

>> No.14125604

China was rescued by Fabians?

>> No.14125609

China is a mixed economy hellhole.

>> No.14125643

You're ironically closer to the truth than half the faggot 'socialists' that infest this shitty board. China is a 'mixed' economy with political and economic dominance ceded to the (socialised) commanding heights, twinned with an utterly subordinate market sector. The 'primary stage of socialism' as they call it.
Yeah sure I'd rather live in India with its outdoor toilets too, filthy fucking poos. Maybe if they'd had some balls they'd have gone socialist. Guess they were happy to live in shit.

>> No.14125669

>linking to a post

>> No.14125695

Found everything wrong with capitalism, couldn't find a solution to it.

>> No.14125707

>China is a 'mixed' economy with political and economic dominance ceded to the (socialised) commanding heights, twinned with an utterly subordinate market sector. The 'primary stage of socialism' as they call it.
I agree with this, in the sense that China is going to be the model for the rest of the world that becomes so much more open to Socialists ideals by the day. In the end the Fabians got it the way they wanted it, they will introduce China's experiment(way) and will do it disguised as democracy to the rest of the world.

>> No.14125710

All the commie spam is getting tedious. Go to >>>/his/ or something.

>> No.14125718

I guess everything looks 'Fabian' when you're a retard, take care.

>> No.14125724

>>rejects human rights and "equality"
>>doesn't believe in morality whatsoever
not really true. he didnt believe that communists should put forth moral imperatives as the entire rhetorical thrust of why proletarians should be communists, since those moral imperatives were a utopian socialist project. its not true that he didnt personally hold moral beliefs or that moral stances can't be inferred from his writings.
>>shits on the welfare state and labour unions
yeah welfare states suck ass, he didnt really shit on unions though, at least not altogether
>>his ideal world only emerges when the oppressed organize into organic local communities which the individual is subordinate to
what the fuck does that mean
>Was Marx a literal nazi or what?

>> No.14125739

Every modern country in the world features a mixed economy. Typically, the less mixed, one way or another, the less developed a country is.
At a certain point in a country's political maturity, it figures out that the optimal economic system is capitalism with government regulation and a mostly state owned company/industry here or there.

>> No.14125749
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China is just an experiment dude. They aren't a police State because they have higher "IQs".

>> No.14125764

Who said anything about IQ. If China can do socialism I know MY people can do it, and a thousand times better than those mongrel fucks. You give too much credit to your imaginary Fabian world-conspiracy. They're a moderately influential British left-wing thinktank. Nothing more or less.

>> No.14125766

Capitalism is epiphenomenal. Marx diagnosed the symptoms, not the cause of those symptoms.

>> No.14125772

What's the primary cause of capitalism then? This better not be idealist hogwash

>> No.14125790

Human nature.

>> No.14125802
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>> No.14125814

Human nature is a useless and vulgar abstraction when talked about in this sense

>> No.14125820

Well first we have to de-reify capitalism and refer to a broader "liberal-democratic-capitalist" phenomenon. Very briefly, the ills that we identify with this phenomenon are the product of a disconnect between perceived and formal power centres, permitting/forcing these power centres to engage in underhanded means of centralising.

>> No.14125857


Enjoy your Communist dystopia when it comes, Retard.

>> No.14125864

>Who said anything about IQ. If China can do socialism I know MY people can do it, and a thousand times better than those mongrel fucks.

>> No.14125877

>the less mixed, one way or another, the less developed a country is.
What do you mean by that?

>> No.14125878

>wah wah police opening a door
Is this supposed to bother me in any way you sad autist. Enjoy your country getting swamped with niggers.

>> No.14125885
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Man you are stupid as fuck.

>> No.14125887

t. mutt

>> No.14125890

India did go socialist, right after leaving the British empire.

>> No.14125897

A nazi defending china, this is priceless pure Gold.

>> No.14125901

I'm not NS, nor am I American you faggot

No, it didn't.

>> No.14125906

Jesus you reddit cunts are narrow

>> No.14125913

>i-im not a N-NS
You are a delusional socialist retard who got brainwashed.

>> No.14125917

Just go back to your shithole /pol/. Go defend cry you want socialism there.

>> No.14125918

One that is quickly becoming a dynamic innovator and surpassing the US economically and regionally

>> No.14125923
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>dynamic innovator

>> No.14125932

>social credit score isn't real

>> No.14125938

Boo hoo I said nigger fuck off you tourist faggot. I'm ML. kys

I don't speak ESL.

>couldn't even read the opening paragraph of the article

>> No.14125943

They're not having enough kids and they won't let immigrants in. In the long term, they're fucked.

>> No.14125953
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Beyond retarded, got it.

>> No.14125966


>> No.14125976

Yeah nice response retards I'm so scared of your reddit snark faggotry

>> No.14125982

Keep your denial, white nationalist socialist xd.

>> No.14125984 [DELETED] 

The "Economic freedom" doesn't exactly correspond to what is commonly understood as free market capitalism though. There's a lot more that goes into that metric, that metric, like judicial independence, that makes private enterprise more reliable but often exists beside large administrative states.
For example, Hong Kong tops the list, but it's a complex economy where almost all the private property in the city state isn't entirely private but on lease from HK's government, which gives it a great deal of leverage in urban planning.

>> No.14126000

But the think tank's "Economic freedom" index doesn't exactly correspond to what is commonly understood as free market capitalism though. There's a lot more that goes into that metric, like judicial independence, that makes private enterprise more reliable but often exists beside an expansive administrative state and even state owned enterprises.
For example, Hong Kong tops the list, but it's a complex economy, the MTR is a public-private partnership, and almost all the private property in the city state isn't entirely private but on lease from the HKSAR government, which gives the state a great deal of leverage in urban planning even though it is a market economy.

>> No.14126008

Linking wikipedia and you expect anything you say to interest me in the slightest. It's in the FIRST paragraph you subhuman:

>> No.14126057

Just curious, where are you even from?

>> No.14126131
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Keep fighting the good fight, comrades!

>> No.14126410

The rebbiter is vulnerable against all insults: one may call him a faggot, tourist, nigger, tranny, it all wounds him like a dilator in a tranny’s neo-vagina. But call him a rebbiter and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how uncomfortable he is, how he suddenly flees the thread: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.14126576


>> No.14126614

lmao, this is like the leftist equivalent of that old lady from the_Donald going on /pol/

>> No.14126709

not an argument

>> No.14127199

Fascism is Capitalism. Thus it will undeniably use immigration as a tool to lower wages. The more comical thing is that we might even have a fascist government in the west in the 2020s, but it'll be a fascist government with still serious immigration. So for me, a joke indeed. It's like Trump, supposedly, the guy was anti-immigration, wanting to stop all immigration. Did immigration stop in the US since 2016? No. Fascism with Capitalism, thus with mass immigration, is a totally useless scam.
Give me a true fascist, with a true 0% immigration, and then i'll respect you. But this won't ever happen in late state Capitalism. Thus you are clowns.

>> No.14127209

>. I don't see why our revolution has to wait for yours.
Because wage labor and alienation are much more serious problems than gender and racial "oppression". In any case, women and blacks are alienated by the wage labor based society as much as white men.
Alienation is literally giving away your life.

>> No.14127216

>It’s totally not easy to spot you faggots a mile away
>op is a picture of karl marx
nice one velma

>> No.14127221

Marxist are to economics as what anti-vaxxers are to immunology.
Also, you could support a credit union, workers collectives or could go live in a commune, but you wont (Cause you're useless and need capitalists to support you with welfare :) )

>> No.14127224

Maybe clarify what you mean by fascism real quick, because so far you argued that fascism is capitalism because Trump is a fascist but he's a capitalist and he didn't stop immigration, and fascism doesn't exclude immigration, although excluding immigration would make it "true" fascism. What a shitty post.

>> No.14127274

He was an alcoholic with temper and anger managment issues that didnt work a day in his life and belonged to the higher class and had a child with his fucking maid while being married and didnt want to have contact with him

>> No.14127309

Women and PoC get paid less for doing the same job. You are not "oppressed" because you have to get up to work every monday.

>> No.14127313

>Women and PoC get paid less for doing the same job.
Not only is this untrue, the government made up a shitload of easy well paying meme jobs for these groups, paid for by tax dollars of course.

>> No.14127317


>> No.14127327

Do you think that when robots will literally take care of everything we'll live in the perfect communist society?

I mean: one of the huge problems of Communism is how it's relying on a huge bureaucracy made of humans, imagine an AI optimizing all production as needed, producing just what's needed for each humans, taking care of everyone on an individual level.

>> No.14127343

I'm thinking Marx is a based commie and you are a cringe liberal.

>> No.14127366

Trump is not a fascist, but he undeniably has far right sensibilities. Yet he did absolutely nothing against mass immigration. Same will happen if a fascist governement appear in western europa in the 2020s. The fascist leader will talk like a fascist, galvanize tradition, family, say that authority is here again, yet he will do nothing against mass immigration. Because he really can't. So that's the limit of a fascist. Acting tough, but being powerless against mass immigration. Mass immigration is not a political problem, but an economical one. Western countries economies are on a drip of mass immigration. They couldn't even function without it without pretty serious consequence, consequences which the majority of people, including perhaps most fascists, won't accept.

>> No.14127379

>You are not "oppressed" because you have to get up to work every monday.
Yeah like if you really had choice, you wouldn't do something else.
People who wake up at 6:30AM because they love their work are either lying to themselves, or are a tiny minority of people who have a really cool job.

>> No.14127387

>had a child with his fucking maid while being married and didnt want to have contact with him
From what i know Engels adopted the child. So the child might have end up pretty ok.

>> No.14127394

>Do you think that when robots will literally take care of everything we'll live in the perfect communist society?
That's what Marx envisioned in the fragment of machines. I don't think it'll be perfect, but certainly better than today wage slave based society. At least you'll have time to do whatever you want. Whether it'll be playing vidya in VR all day, or getting jacked in order to fuck all the women, it'll be your choice.

>> No.14127396

>imagine an AI optimizing all production as needed, producing just what's needed for each humans, taking care of everyone on an individual level
That would be the spoopiest economic system ever.

>> No.14127418

That would not be an economic system at all, just machines producing what's needed, no trade needed, one world united under a master-AI.

>> No.14127421

I don't think you're that well informed about what European "fascists" think. Trump's palingenetic slogan MAGA is most of all an economic conviction - makes sense, him being a liberal billionaire. Non-American "fascists" (I'll just go with the "palingenetic nationalism" definition to justify my use of the word when describing politicians that have no connection with historical fascism or NS) are not usually liberals, in Germany at least socialist tendencies are growing much stronger on the right, and are more concerned with freeing their countries from foreign (American) influences and isolating national cultures and economies.

>> No.14127452

>just machines producing what's needed
Yes, that´s an economic system. And it´s spoopy as fuck.

>> No.14127457

> and are more concerned with freeing their countries from foreign (American) influences and isolating national cultures and economies.
Yes i know about it, i was one. That's not how the world works. The world currently is guided by profit, not much else. Isolating national cutlures and economies could be good for the people, because of less diversity, so more social harmony, but it will undeniably comes with an economical price most won't accept. What's more, it won't happen, because it won't increase profit. So it will never happen. In short, since we are in a Marxist thread, the rate of profit is constantly diminishing (TRPF), and companies are desperately trying whatever they can in order to keep or gain the slighest profit prossible. That's why mass immigration. With cheaper labor, more profit. Also that's why relocation of factories.
I myself envisioned an ethno-state, but realistically, it can't even happen into a Capitalist economy, because some whites will always be tempted to hire foreign workforce in order to make profit. It could work in a communist mode of production thought, but then people would have to accept a very frugal life. No more iphones or cars.

>> No.14127501

What does it even mean that the world is guided by profit? The world doesn't care. People care, and most would prefer to keep their luxuries, that's true. But the opinion of the majority of people isn't all that important with the right people in power. And the rest is well-known and explicitly said by the people trying to gain power, so far pretty successfully. The American narrative is: America first! More money for us! The European narrative is: Capitalism away, we don't want your cheap workers here! Let's get ready to suffer!

>> No.14127538

>What does it even mean that the world is guided by profit?
It means that if the profit is not optimal, the company goes bankrupt.

>> No.14127569

what about slavery and the unpaid emotional and domestic labour women have engaged in for milllenia? you have to recognizethat in any terms you owe them something, you have a responsibility and the vulgar marxism is just a way to escape that.

>> No.14127588

What do I owe them then? And why, aren't those women my ancestresses as well? The work of women and men of the lower classes was not that different for millennia, only with the onset of industrialization did that change. Except of course if you're thinking of the "slavery" of upper class wives, or the "slavery" of getting pregnant and raising kids.

>> No.14127590

Class warfare = Divide et impera

>> No.14127600

>At least you'll have time to do whatever you want.
I simply don't believe that. Take the US alone, for example. Hundreds of millions people out of work left up to their own devices...? There is a reason Marxism always involves staunch repression tactics.

>> No.14127615

you benefit from privileges based on unconscious structures and you have a moral duty to combat those structures. even if you don't think you are racist, sexist or homophobic you are benefiting from the suffering and oppression of your female PoC and queer comrades.

>> No.14127621
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>> No.14127624

> you have a moral duty to combat those structures
Make me you fucking faggot

>> No.14127650

>ou benefit from privileges based on unconscious structures
Yes this is called to normal people a societal framework.

>you have a moral duty to combat those structures
We have a "moral duty" to destroy the things that kept us together? This sounds like total suicide not to mention illogical.

>you are benefiting from etc etc etc
And if your "comrades" take power then won't the same exact scenario play out again and again and again and again?

>> No.14127664

So your entire notion of what constitutes as a "just" society is one that is constantly revolting against itself? From what I draw from your perspections all members of soceities must be constantly deconstructing themselves and any and every opportunity to continue to allow out-groups a place at the table and it is expected all out-groups, in due course, will behave in the same fashion. Everyone will constantly engage in self-critique and revolution against every and any manifested "structure" they create. How do you seriously expect this concept to last in the real world for longer than a few weeks?

>> No.14127666
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>he thinks that only burger mystery meat and natsoc hate niggs

>> No.14127690

You might be caught in a hierarchic, capitalist, patriarchal, white supremacist, christian, heteronormative etc. mindset and lack the moral courage to transcend it. In the end, we are merely talking about empathy and following the golden rule.

>> No.14127712

What great crimes have been committed in the name of "empathy"?

>hierarchic, capitalist, patriarchal, white supremacist, etc etc etc
If your "comrades" took power it is rather expected that they will dish out punishment on everyone that falls into categories they deem undesirable, yes? This already happens so there is no point in denying it. Would that not then negate your concepts of empathy? You would have to destroy human life to maintain your authority and most certainly you would have to destroy a great amount of life in order to take power.

I am also incredibly doubtful you would tolerate your "undesirables" for there is no evidence to suggest you do already. When your in-group takes power it will subsequently purge the undesirables as all in-group structures do. This is okay, it is perfectly logical to do so. How else could you maintain ideological authority if you allowed rampant particularisms to spring up unchecked?

>lack the moral courage
Using morality as a placeholder for a lack of integrity is a considerably weak argument. While it may work to young teenagers who are unprepared to deal with higher topics and virtues it is simply impossible to successfully use on people who are well traveled, read, etc.

>following the golden rule
And when Christians attempted to bring to light the golden rule of Christ, you would say it was done entirely peacefully? For one of Christ's mantra's was essentially the "golden rule".

>> No.14127730

Complete bullshit. Guess you are one of those LGBT leftist who haven't really read Marx, or just the wikipedia page and perhaps the manifesto. Engels was in favor of the Gens. Extended family, which weren't patriarchal at all. But he wasn't for the strong independent women, which draws "power" from wage labor. He was for a classless society. LGBT struggle is not for a classless society. It's for their little identity and privileges. Not for the liberation of each human being from wage labor.
About slavery, it concerned white man as much as black man. Do i have to remind you that it was black who enslaved black, then proceeded to sell them to whites? Same for the Ottoman slavery. Again not the white man.
>unpaid emotional and domestic labour women have engaged in for milllenia?
This was civilization doing. Not really "man" doing. It's like blaming the owner of the means of production, and not Capitalism. It's pretty immature and you can hang all the owners of the means of production, and all the man because you are obssess with them, it won't change a thing. It's the system which must change, not the physical entity which incarnate it, like the owners of the means of production or the men. Patriarchy is the result of the emergence of the necessity of heredity throught males lines in order for the children to inherit from the father, and not from the mother line or the uncles, like it was in primitive tribe or Barbary. This was because in civilization, it was often the male who was in charge of "business", like the first owners of cattle, etc..., were often males. Thus they wanted that their son inherit the fruit of their labor, probably because their sons were already helping them in the task from a young age, instead of their nephews, like in the primitive Gens. It's not because they were "bad", it's because some materialistic condition made it so.

>> No.14127745

>Marxism always involves staunch repression tactics.
? Quote from Marx please?

>> No.14127749

I don't she's even presenting herself as a marxist though

>> No.14127756

you don't have the obligation to read anything to be a leftist, to say otherwise is ableist gatekeepting and a white supremacist fetishisation of eurocentric literate culture. Why should we privilege Marx over the experiences of indigenous people, wh after all should know way more about creating a non capitalist non hierarchical society outside of western norms?

>> No.14127762

Marxism is a deconstructionist ideology which means the dissolution of the pre-existing ideology. Marxism itself is nothing more than this, however, what I referred too were the cases in which Marxist deconstructionism was applied. In the wake of these applications the end result was consistently staunch repression tactics. Marx was most likely aware of this himself but spent most of his academic writings devoted solely to deconstruction (which is of course in itself already a form of violence).

>> No.14127772

Engels work was about the indigenous people. You should know that if you had read him.
In any case, you can call yourself a leftist, whatever that means, the left of the Capital, as opposed to the right of the Capital perhaps? But please don't call yourself a Marxist if you haven't read at least Das Kapital. It's not even to judge you or anything, it just it doesn't make any sense.

>> No.14127773

This is some top tier bait.

>Why should we privilege Marx over the experiences of indigenous people
Watch your language, implying that Marx wasn´t indigenous to Germany is antisemitism.

>> No.14127775

>When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror

Made me chuckle, 7/10

>> No.14127776

>unpaid emotional and domestic labour women
Who the fuck do you expect to pay you to take care of your own house and family LOL

>> No.14127780

Because the indigenous peoples of the world are almost entirely composed of speciist human supremacists killing animals for food and out of lust when they have all the means to take up farming and living a vegan lifestyle, plus they are also really sexist and racist.

>> No.14127784

>white supremacist fetishisation of eurocentric literate culture
So what do you call, say, Cherokee mythological stories that they present among themselves? Cherocentric fetishisation? This is just appalling cringey to continue to read. Please present something solid rather than simply trying to deconstruct any and every established facet of human interaction. It doesn't take a great amount of skill to do that, most are aware they live in a "construction" but continue to do so anyway because it is an irrelevant point to make.

Knocking down a house without providing alternative shelter just leaves you homeless.

>> No.14127785

>Marx was most likely aware of this himself but spent most of his academic writings devoted solely to deconstruction (which is of course in itself already a form of violence).
He wanted to finish the job, but he died before.

>> No.14127801

>When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror
That's not the bolshevik politics buro who is speaking, but the voice of the working class. I'm fine with this. Think about the 23 yellow vest who recently lost their eye from flashball shots in France.

>> No.14127804

It is highly likely, but I also think he lacked the physicality to carry this out and I think he was also aware of this. Also, he wasn't a very successful person in his own private life so I doubt any personal influence from character would have aided him any. What he did, however, was pen deconstructionism and used this to facilitate the attempted annihilation of human community. It failed but it appears there are still many who buy into this naive and wasteful idea.

>> No.14127808

>What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. … Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man—and turns them into commodities. … The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange. … The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.

>It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes who had joined Moses’ exodus from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother on the paternal side had not interbred with a n—–. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product.

>Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the lazy Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?

these are all real quotes by Karl Marx. its understandable many marginalised people might be distrustful of Marxism and of privileged outsiders wanting to reduce all their problems to marxist ideology

>> No.14127813

>used this to facilitate the attempted annihilation of human community.
>It failed
You are talking about Capitalism i guess? I do not agree, Capitalism is not failing at annihilation humanity, it is succeeding.

>> No.14127824

Well that is partly correct but your blatant aversion to admitting the numerous eradication committed under the early Bolshevik and later interactions of the Soviet model system simply betray an obvious and glaring bias that leaves you without any credibility. I will have to research just how many human cultures the Soviet Union is responsible for exterminating. The most glaring is of course the Lemko's.

>> No.14127825

I didn't pass any judgement on the line, I simply quoted it to the anon who thought repression isn't part of Marxism. I'm not interested in your pithy attempts to divorce Marx from the Soviets.

>> No.14127829

and Cossacks, I forgot to add them. But many Eurasian peoples were wiped out as well. There were also some attempts to wipe out other peoples like the Kashubians in Poland, and they did do a lot to displace populations if they didn't outright annihilate them.

>> No.14127839

I am not altogether sure "Capitalism" exists anymore either. This term that was made up to define the system itself had many problems and didn't quite fit the full story.

>> No.14127845

like Freud's Marx' ideas can be explained as a mere product of jewish neuroticism. Marx was incredibly insecure about being a jew and being locked out of european culture and tradition and hence identified with this abstract idea of the industrial proletariat while having little sympathy for actual poor people. You can imagine him cringing at those backwards and oriental orthodox jews.

>> No.14127851
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>> No.14127866

The problem is their ideology is so terribly terse and low brow that they simply are not taken seriously and easily overcome in dialogue when put up with someone who isn't the usual young, insecure teenager entering college for the first time they feed on. Our universities have simply failed.

>> No.14127878

I think you're confusing the reason why no one is responding to you.

>> No.14127958

> they lack the confidence to advance a bold vision of the future
What is Lenin, Stalin, Mao?
> ...they first tried with the industrial proletariat, it didn't work out
What is the entire 20th century European history? Literally all of continental Europe is social-democratic because of the pressure from the working class.

The rest of your post complains about the establishment Democrats in America who have nothing in common with Marxism or even European social-democracy.

>> No.14127960

>success under Hoxha
so successful that Albanians were prevented from leaving the country and when his regime fell fled to Greece and Italy en masse

>> No.14128013

worst thing about Marx is you now have inarticulate dullards always trying explain the labor theory of value and how toothbrushes don't count as property, as if it matters, and then inevitably you get retards writing tl;dr responses trying to debunk them via austrian economics

simple facts:

poorfags will always hate their bosses
bosses are always gonna be dicks
this conflict will always exist
and so marx will always be mentioned, that's fine, but you don't have to read his books to understand the appeal of knocking over the apple cart and getting revenge on rich people

>> No.14128078

but its not comparable to the institutional oppresion marginalised groups face, even if all ownership was transfered to the public sector, we would still need to create a comprehensive intersectional culture and combat the unconscious structures of white supremacy heteronormativity and patriarchy.

>> No.14128139

why? also, what does even "all ownership was transfered to the public sector" even mean?

>> No.14128144

you are really committed to this bait

>> No.14128149

its about more than economics, even if we nationalised all enterprises, discrimination would still be a thing, the emphasis should be on foregrounding a race conscious and gender conscious perspective on all aspects of culture and daily life. If anything capitalism is a direct product of colonialism and white supremacy not the other way around. True liberation means decolonization. 'seizing the mens of production' still exists within the framework of eurocentric separation between humans and nature, it would be way more radical to advocate for the full restitution of native sovereignty over all stolen land.

>> No.14128153

>your blatant aversion to admitting the numerous eradication committed under the early Bolshevik
Why do i have to admit something State Capitalism was responsible of? Easy: bolsheviks never abolished wage labor, or the State. Thus it wasn't communism. For Marx, the State is only supposed to survive during a brief time between Capitalism and communism. Bolshevism lasted 7 decades, with a State and wage labor.

>> No.14128160
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>he was right all along

>> No.14128164

Marx died in 1883. October revolution: 1917. Is it that hard to understand?

>> No.14128167

>poorfags will always hate their bosses
>bosses are always gonna be dicks
>this conflict will always exist
Based truthposter

>> No.14128168

Wage labor, private property of the means of production = Capitalism. It's pretty clear and easy to understand.

>> No.14128170

>the full restitution of native sovereignty over all stolen land.
All land on earth is stolen lol. There was blood spilled for all of it.

>> No.14128176

>poorfags will always hate their bosses
>bosses are always gonna be dicks
>this conflict will always exist
Strange because this didn't exist at all before the neolitic revolution.

>> No.14128185

>If anything capitalism is a direct product of colonialism and white supremacy
Capitalism first appeared in the 13th century, and really took off in the 16th century. It would have taken off without any colonialism. Of course colonialism fed Capitalism, but Capitalism can and would have existed without colonialism, and it can of course exist without whites: see current China.

>> No.14128190

I'm assuming you're all the same person. Socialism (.e. lower communism) is a transition. Social formations will contain multiple modes at once, the question is which exercises dominance. Besides, the USSR did (in large part) abolish wage labour in my opinion. Most workers received their quantum of labour back from the state, albeit in different forms, as Marx understood was necessary in the Gotha Programme. Also the fact he died before 1917 doesn't mean you can divorce Marx from the Soviets dude. They were working directly in his tradition and theory.

>> No.14128191

is this post ironic

>> No.14128192
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>he thinks human groups didn't have hierarchies back then
American education?

>> No.14128200

>see current China.
t. ultraleftist infant/ agent of imperialism.

let me guess, you must be a white middle class first worlder what do you think gives you a right to speak over the millions of workers, peasants and marginalised peoples ?

>> No.14128210
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>white middle class first worlder what do you think gives you a right to speak over the millions of workers, peasants and marginalised peoples
Unironically yes.

>> No.14128225

Man, Marxist weaklings would perish in the Paleolithic, be honest with yourself.

>> No.14128247

>They were working directly in his tradition and theory.
Like Georges W. Bush and the US army using bible quotes in the 2003 Irak war were working directly in Jesus Christ tradition in theory.

>> No.14128264

>what do you think gives you a right to speak over the millions of workers, peasants and marginalised peoples ?
Being white and middle class seems sufficient to pass judgement on the rabble and subhumans.

>> No.14128276

Nope they didn't. You are seriously uneducated.
This is the short version, but you can read Pierre Clastres for more information, since we are on /lit.
If you bend the knee, and accept private property of the means of production, accepting it like it's perfectly normal thing, you are the weakling, bitch. Fucking uneducated moron piece of shit who think there was private property of the means of production and exploitation before the neolithic revolution 12000 years ago, as well in the current primitive tribes.
I'm shouldn't even be angry, because this fact will be common knowledge in a few decades. Only your kind of piece of shit undeducated moron incapable of reading a wikipedia article resist this fact. Possible cognitive dissonance also.

>> No.14128281

Marxism is not a part of the scientific tradition but more related to hermetic mysticism and millenarianism.It's not a rational scientific theory, but a highly emotional response to human mortality and separatedness.

>> No.14128289


> 3. Do not suppose for a moment that these
>statements are empty words: think carefully of >the successes we arranged for Darwinism,
>Marxism, Nietzsche-ism. To us Jews, at any >rate, it should be plain to see what a
>disintegrating importance these directives have
>had upon the minds of the GOYIM.


>> No.14128292

>he actually thinks hunter-gatherers were egalitarian
LOL go live with the bushmen

>> No.14128296

I still haven't deduced from your posts what any of that would accomplish or why it would be desirable. Plus if "nationalizing all enterprises" is your understanding of communism, I am not surprised you can't think outside of the categories of liberalism.

>> No.14128298

Unironically yes they were acting in the 'Christian tradition'. Not 'Jesus Christ tradition' you equivocating nonce.

>> No.14128308

But he never said there were no hierarchies...

Oh wait, he did.

>> No.14128313

communism, capitalism and liberalism are all western categories, we should reject the totalising claims of the western tradition for a politics of militant alterity

>> No.14128332

>Conolizing other countries is bad, therefore Europeans must abandon all European categories of thought

>> No.14128342

that's how it works. Muslims should abandon Islam for example because they colonized many regions

>> No.14128346

western thought's reliance on binary thinking like the dichotomies between good and evil, nature and culture, man and woman, white and non white, communism and capitalism are what lead western white civilisation on the road to imperialism and disturbed the balance of nature known to native people.

>> No.14128350

Have you even watched a BBC documentary, since you seem incompetent to read anthropologists articles or books about primitive tribes?
You seem to literrally talk out of your ass, like you have knowledge from some videogame or the flintstones TVshow.
Or maybe i'm schizophrenic, and like 99% of the material i read about primitive tribes, from university articles, to books, say they are communist and don't have hierarchy or private property of the means of production, because my fucked up brain reinterpret the reading material, and say they are, when in fact they aren't.
But no, since i'm pretty okay, i think you are an ignorant cunt. Idiot.
This level of ignorance really makes me angry. Because there isn't even a debate when your "opponent" is ignorant. It's just subjective shit he talks out of his ass. Videogames and movie knowledge.

>> No.14128362

>don't have hierarchy or private property of the means of production,
nigger they are walking around with bows and loincloths, they dont have any property at all. There are like 100 of them of so the hierarchy is just larger men being dominant and women being raped all the time

>> No.14128383

Kind of like the binary of canceled/woke that leads the school of resentment to destroy works with ambivalent morality or politics? It’s funny how much the woke scolds rely on the stupidest strains of western thought (Protestant polemics) to justify themselves

>> No.14128389

Marxism is like Scientology. Threads like this prove that.

>> No.14128424

its about prioritizng the actual existence of living marginalised people over questionable and biased notions like the white supremacist worship of the written word. If a book is sexist or racist,one is completely justified in refusing to read or respect it, regardless of whether it is a 'classic'. If the cannon is not representative, we are completely justified in calling it out and demanding it be made more inclusive. And I say this as a white person who actually enjoys reading but will draw clear moral lines and priorities. I would burn all the western cannon if it meant putting an end to white supremacy.

>> No.14128437

What else would you do to end white supremacy?

>> No.14128439

>I would gladly burn the philosophical basis of my arguments to achieve material aims based in that philosophy
Seek help

>> No.14128440

>as a white person
I can only applaud you. And this board is meant to be more 'intelligent' lmao

>> No.14128442

Also, what do you say to the accusation that you yourself cannot think outside of the clean/dirty dichotomy?

>> No.14128452

You make a good point. I was pretty morally ambivalent when I was made aware that finishing Heart of Darkness requires a random Congolese person be put to death immediately.

Honestly, for people like you, it’s better that the syllabi stay white. You can skip the required reading and derail conversations with political marginalia instead of having to finish the book to discuss it as an adult. If we only assigned Toni Morrison and Zadie Smith, you’d have to find a reason why you silenced a WOC by going to a party instead of finishing the novel

>> No.14128548

Yes but if you havent noticed, the prefered habitat is them being a socialist in a capitalist country. Having all the excesses of both.

>> No.14128790

Santa Claus?

>> No.14129279

>women being raped all the time
Like i said, knowledge from primitive tribe watching the flintstone TVshow. You are truly pathetic and ignorant you know that? This level of ignorance you have must result of a total lack of curiosity, pure intellectual laziness, or just sheer stupidity.

>> No.14129296

What's with your problem with whites anyway, self hate?
You are truly fucked in the head if you think that identity politics are more important than class struggle.

>> No.14129364

This. In the modern world he world be considered Right Wing

>> No.14129516


>> No.14129535

I hope this is bait but it scares me that there are really "people" like this out there. They’ve unironically been brainwashed into extreme self-hatred and they want to take the rest of us down with them.

>> No.14129839

What pill is this?

>> No.14130187

Total synthesis of everything pill.

>> No.14130705
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>> No.14130959

He was right about everything except metaphysics. Reminder that the revolution will never happen until classical marxists grow out of their crude scientism and stop thinking that materialism and idealism are the only ontological positions.

>> No.14131193

Humans would never sick to a communist economic model... Capitalism will pop up every time something needs to be done well

>> No.14131294

Here comes the lackey...
Done well at what price? The price to enjoy our life?

>> No.14131323

reality doesn't care about you 'enjoying your life' lmao. Capitalism being inhuman has precisely nothing to do with whether it's going to stick around. The fact that communism appeals to people so much is actually a fairly good indication that it's a pipe dream, nothing that nice ever happens

>> No.14131410

>Capitalism being inhuman has precisely nothing to do with whether it's going to stick around.
You are so ignorant. Yet you have the nerve to talk. No really, you should be ashamed. I wouldn't have the balls to do this kind of shit in all honesty.

>> No.14131427

you dont have the balls to do anything but meekly repeat opinions you think are fashionable, this isn't news to anyone

>> No.14131431

I failed you marx ;__;

>> No.14131441


The OP who I am not has made an EXTREMELY clever use of greentext, which is commonly understood to refer to an ironic or subversive statement, which lots of anons have reflexively chosen to ignore, taking the post at "face value", but for the all-important presence of the greater-than symbol. Despite its tired subject matter in a space where the subject is commonly discussed, this is one of the better trolls I've ever seen on 4chan. 10/10

>> No.14131487

wow, really dismantled marxism with this image. great work!

>> No.14131497

yeah...cool man..

>> No.14131503

no need to dismantle something that has produced zero results ever, may as well dismantle the doctrine of divine providence

>> No.14131519

stop confusing leftism with identity politics

>> No.14131524

REading Das Kapital isn't fashionable you retard. It takes way more effort than buying an iphone. But you will never know, since you will never have the will to read it. You are too much lazy. Just admit if for fuck sake.

>> No.14131531

(...) You are weak.

>> No.14131533

>dynamic innovator


>> No.14131537

>Capitalism will pop up every time something needs to be done well
You mean like during a war, when fate of nations is decided? Oh no, that´s when states have the biggest tendency towards centralizing power and coordinating industry. Or during a famine, right? Coomies, hungry, memes? Too bad maintaining free market during a famine, instead of rationing and directing resources towards the hungry is considered an atrocity. Or maybe for breakthrough discoveries? Nope again, those happen in university funded from public money.

>> No.14131539

Pick one, yankee pig.

>> No.14131556

again, really great post. very good job-- smart, even!

>> No.14131567

oh 5g? the
>dynamic innovation
thats weakened by rainfall?
tai hao le!

>> No.14131579

Being a communist today is nothing but a fashion statement for kids who are edgy but terrified of doing anything that might have actual consequences. 90% of the genetic rejects I see walking around with hammer and sickle badges have clearly never read a page of marx

Besides which it was clear from your post that all you care about is how you're viewed socially, the entire content of your post was 'i sure wouldnt do what you're doing, that would embarass me', you're an oversocialized little bitch

>> No.14131582

Don't laugh,signal bad with all the big yankee tear falling down

>> No.14131629


>> No.14131687

Kosher sandwich, Jews always stand at both ends of a discussion so they can control it.

>> No.14131939

>shits on labour unions
Source on this?

>> No.14131957

the only people who give a shit about communism are
a) right wing internet pseuds like yourself
b) edgy teenagers who self identify as communists but never actually read marx

most people on lit who talk about marx do NOT give a shit about communist revolution and are INSTEAD interested in his analysis of capital and the ways in which his thought relates to topics such as technology, modernity and traditions

>> No.14132719

Yeah I'm sure war time models are sustainable. And the part about universities is laughably incorrect.

>> No.14132763

Massive cope. You are wrong.
I never talk to people about my Marxist views.
>rejects I see walking around with hammer and sickle badges have clearly never read a page of marx.
You are so 2012 boomer. There are more and more actual Marxist with Karl Marx's knowledge.

>> No.14132769

youre a repulsive sack of shit

>> No.14132802
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>they did it wrong but i can do it properly!
communists in a nutshell

>> No.14132831

Das Kapital is literally the only thing you need to read by Marx. Everything else is just political rambling.

>> No.14132849

No, it's a highly sophisticated memetic parasite that uses humans as fertile soil for its roots. We'll see if it can farm humans or if it'll lose to other hosts.

>> No.14132856

Jews have been torturing their babies for three millenia. Sometimes the inhumane can still stick around.

>> No.14132866

I'm repulsive for you, yet YOU are the one in favor of Capitalism, a mode of production which rely on the exploitation of workers through wage labor, stealing their life away. Never forget this, people. 4channer cannot complain about wage slave constantly, then say Capitalism is okay. They'll have to make a choice. Cognitive dissonance is not good for mental health.

>> No.14132873

Do you think everyone on 4chan is a useless parasitic NEET? Also

Go back

>> No.14132893

Nice bait

>> No.14132897

>Do you think everyone on 4chan is a useless parasitic NEET?
No, but i see on many boards, constantly, complaints about being a wagie. 4channers cannot complain about the soul sucking experience of being a wagie forever, and yet support a mode of production which very essence is about wage labor. That doesn't make any sense.
Also, for you, is being an inheritard better than being a NEET?

>> No.14132932

Based Nazbol

>> No.14132943

Its unironically true though. The world would be a better place if Marxists and fascists joined sides to abolish the (((Bourgeoisie)))

>> No.14132948

Problem is that USSR had a major (((bourgeoisie))) portion in its establishment.

>> No.14132953

It would have made ww2 exceedingly more interesting if the USSR was part of the axis. Too much autism on both sides though, anglo liberals proved to be the most practical as usual

>> No.14132961

Very true, they were international bolsheviks. and hitler was funded by the Rothschilds, and killed Strasser. who was one of the few genuine National Socialists in the party

>> No.14133032

I’ll give this a 5/10

>> No.14133040
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>> No.14133288


>> No.14133315

No, he wasn't lmao

>> No.14133512

I doubt owning your labor or whatever platitude marxists love will mean anything in the age of technological work, its inherently alienating I doubt any economic model will remove this. The best is it will make you work LESS which is what they promise but doubt it will actually work out that way.

>> No.14133862

I read most of you posts here but this is the better reply to respond to.

Most rational people recognize that minorities and women do experience more oppression than whites in the West. But here is the issue.
Under Capitalist regimes - ones where Corporations and the Wealthy have heavy influence over the Government and Society - that oppression is greatly exacerbated.
One can look at the work of for profit prisons and similar groups against laws and bills that would help minorities because they benefit from minorities being jailed. Or how minorities and whites have historically been played against each other during worker's rights movements. Both minorities, women, and whites experience this economic oppression, but only women experience the gender discrimination they are fighting against, or minorities the racism they are fighting against.
Essentially the oppression that comes from an economic direction is both wider reaching and harsher than any other kind of oppression in the West. And if one wants a change, then they have to understand that those in power are going to attempt to turn your movement against itself. If say Amazon is able to make its white and black workers start working against each other then nothing will be achieved, whereas them working together would allow them to achieve their goals very efficiently.
From a Utilitarian standpoint, more happiness will be generated from helping the poor in general than minorities or women in specific.

>> No.14133880

The guy was a Journalist. That is a legit career.
Regardless, if he was poor you'd be saying that he can't criticize Capitalism because he was just jealous of those with more than him. And being rich you say that he cannot be against Capitalism because it made him rich. Who exactly is allowed to criticize it? Only a certain subsection of the middle class or something?

>> No.14134360

For Far right, only Marx and the Bolsheviks are jews. Hitler wasn't a Tavistock institute experiment (MK ultra ancestor). And he wasn't Rothchild grandson (Jacob Hitler). Thinking otherwise would cause cognitive dissonance.

>> No.14134374

>The best is it will make you work LESS which is what they promise but doubt it will actually work out that way.
Why not? If there is no more profit as an obligation, like in Capitalism, working less would be possible (if there is not an other new pressure which replace profit).
People would probably not work more than 6 hours a day in a modern technology based communist mode of production.

>> No.14134383

Fax no printer

>> No.14134395

Feminism and anti-racism have only one goal for the Capital. Increase the offer of workforce on the labor market, thus decreasing labor price, thus making more profit. It's economy 101. It's not a jewish plot, even if jews jubilate from it. It's mostly economical reasons.

>> No.14134439

>Communists LITERALLY, ACTUALLY believe in historical materialism. As in that history is not a series of random events but has some teleological conclusion and that literally ONE guy somehow figured it out in his book.
That's not historical materialism you fake intellectual. Historical materialism states that institutions are the result of material production, aka production of goods, and human production, aka reproduction of the species. The more modern the production is, the less important family relationships are. Idealists thinks that it's institutions, politics, which determine the production, the way we work, how much, and the way we produce, when in fact Marx and Engels noticed that it's the opposite. For Marx and Engels, it is the necessity of production which make some ideology or some politic to emerge. If you think about it just a little, you'll notice they are right. E.G: feminism is not because western women became crazy, or because they were heavily influence by this Simone de Beauvoir bitch. But because production needed to put women to work in order to dump wages, thus making more profit. Thus marketing feminism. Same logic every time, and it makes sense.

>> No.14134722

Also there's Marxists that don't believe in historical materialism

>> No.14134744

That doesn't make any sense since Engels was explicitly an historical materialist. The definition of historical materialism in my previous post is from Engels the origin of family's introduction.

>> No.14134766

I don't care what you think makes sense
I don't agree with this stuff, but it exists.

>> No.14135122

it is the decision to KNOW that production is the cause of this that is religious, and it is your lack of acceptance of this that shows you are in the WATER and not thinking about the water

you cannot know the cocreationality of history.

you mid wit

>> No.14135366

>it is the decision to KNOW that production is the cause of this that is religious
You are projecting. Historical materialism isn't even intuitive at all. It's just looking a historical evolution and look if production has perhaps influence politics and if it fits.
Same example for mass immigration than feminism. Mass immigration is not because jews are natural enemmy of the white race, or because elites are natural traitor. It's because immigration creates more profit. More offer on the labor market, cheaper wages, more profit. I don't even want to believe in historical materialism, but it seems to fit. Way more than the jewish plot explanation or the satanist elite. The jew might be tricky people, and the elite satanist, but it's not what is the direct cause of mass immigration.

>> No.14136743

You say that, but feminism and anti-racism are also useful for anti-capitalist movements because they work to mobilize and strengthen movements that militarize the underclasses.
If one can utilize those movements to create a general solidarity then both are very useful.
Debated on whether or not to bump this, but why not?