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/lit/ - Literature

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1412244 No.1412244 [Reply] [Original]

Authors who are challenging to read.
Pic related (and not just for Ulysses and Finnegans Wake)
Add your own

>> No.1412254
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>> No.1412255

Eric Carle

>> No.1412257

Fuck, I don't understand half the retarded southern speak he uses either.

>> No.1412258
File: 16 KB, 225x354, kafkaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Franz Kafka.

>> No.1412264

Fortunately his stories are rewarding and short (which allows for a lot of rereading). :-)

>> No.1412267

Hubert Selby Jr. His style can be distracting.

>> No.1412270


>> No.1412273

David Foster Wallace

by a mile.

Although that doesn't change the fact that his writing is AMAZING. Difficult doesn't mean bad, retards.

>> No.1412282

It depends.
Infinite Jest sure, but The Broom of The System, his essays and short stories on the other hand are rather easy to digest and rather worthit. Infinite Jest is the exact opposite. Digestion is harsh and it's a bland taste.

>> No.1412289

Lovecraft because he's so boring.

>> No.1413072
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>> No.1413079

Why is he so great? Could you explain it to me? I wanna see your point here.

>> No.1413082

Umberto muthafucking Eco.

Good though.

>> No.1413083

Ayn Rand

>> No.1413085

Charles Dickens

>> No.1413219
File: 6 KB, 208x242, hesse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hermann Hesse. The introduction to The Glass Bead Game is like reading a doctoral thesis.

>> No.1413221

Dr. Seuss

>> No.1413230
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Wow. I've never seen Hesse before. He looks like a black and white minstrel.

>> No.1413233

Joseph Conrad. Despite its length I gave up on Heart of Darkness. However I loved The Secret Agent.
I also gave up The Castle and The Trial. Loved Metamorphosis though.

>> No.1413245

I read 2666 and I have never had a harder time reading anything.

>> No.1413261

Goddamn Deleuze can give me a headache, but he's brilliant a lot of the time so it's worth it.

>> No.1413291
File: 613 KB, 2400x1599, Tongue For Turnips On Tobacco Road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my short list of accomplishments, I can only think of Joseph Campbell. Reading his work was quite thick throughout

>> No.1413370

Gertrude Stein