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/lit/ - Literature

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14121815 No.14121815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw no /lit/ bf that can help me get into literature/philosophy and who I can hold in my arms when he reads

>> No.14121818

Reading is for nerds

>> No.14121821

op where are u from

>> No.14121824

i'm dutch

>> No.14121830

ah i am from canada so :/

>> No.14121848

How the fuck is he gonna read and hold your arms, he needs his hands to steady the book and turn the pages

>> No.14121875

only if you're trans

>> No.14121880

Post feet and I’ll talk philosophy with you

>> No.14121884

i want to hold HIM in MY arms fag learn to read

>> No.14121959

>tfw /lit/ whores not posting their nipples photoshopped out, so as to not insult jesus
You shall not pass. Not enough pretty princess points.

>> No.14121981

trying to stay pure for my future boyfriend sorry anon

>> No.14122088


>> No.14122111

stuur foto

>> No.14122114

stuur voeten

>> No.14122147

a /lit/ gf would be awesome but I don't think I'd like having to explain everything to her

>> No.14122205

blogpost here I don't know where to fucking go. broke up with s.o. of 8 months a few days ago. I feel like shit and am trying to figure out what's wrong with me

>2 weeks ago get call from s.o. about a really bad day at work
>comes to my house and unload on me
>I listen and give relevant advice, sez they feel better at end of night because of me. Asks how I feel and I admit it's frustrating seeing them struggle so much
>next night talk more about
>tells me those nights could happen from time to time, can you deal with it
>I say that I don't know
>inside me i know one feeling is starting to grow
>I don't want to deal with other peoples shit

this feeling persisted since then and built to a point where one night when we were together I was cold and quiet most of the time. When finally asked what was wrong I explained my feelings, that after I was trusted with a very vulnerable part of another person I turned away emotionally. It made me just want to be alone.

When we said goodbye there was alot of hugging and crying. Right now I'm very confused. I really liked this person. Why did this one thing shut me down? Am I never going to be available to someone that trusts me with their emotions?

That's is how I see it. I was given an important gift that any relationship needs in order to grow. But when I saw that trust it made me not want the relationship.

>> No.14122366

Kys fag

>> No.14122369

Prove you're a woman

>> No.14122380

are you a chick?

>> No.14122647


>> No.14123916

just go on tinder and ask all the men who you match with what they read its not that hard

>> No.14123956

you said it yourself. I know how you feel, a little bit. but intimate relationships involve vulnerability, there's no way around it that isn't neurotic or damaged

>> No.14124769

I'm German. That's not that far away. If you're a girl we can give this a try.
But we won't because that's just how my life is.

>> No.14124851


>> No.14124858
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as long as there's no sodomy I'll hold your hand and read Ovid to you